The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 486 Part 251 Sword Light Palace Storm

Chapter 486 Part 251 Sword Light Palace Storm

After entering the Jianguang Palace, the capital of Shu found that there was no one guarding it. It is unreasonable to say that this is also a palace exclusively for guests.

"Naguba, stop."

"What's wrong?" Needle Feather landed silently.

"Maybe there is an enchantment?" Shu Du took out the Haotian Tower, "Haotian, check your surroundings."

The Haotian Tower flew into the air, shining with light, and after a while, an enchantment formation appeared in front of Shudu and Zhenyu.


If there is no foreign enemy attacking this formation, it will be invisible, and it will be too late when it is touched.

He raised his head and said to Haotian Tower, "Maybe it breaks?"

Haotian Tower replied, "It may take some time to make the person who set up the barrier unaware."

For this operation, he only brought the Haotian Tower. Bixi and Maoqiu are still monitoring the huge rock in the mine. According to Maoqiu, this stone is extremely strange, especially as the color is gradually deepening these days. It's getting greener.

It suspected that there would be movement, so it squatted on the mountain for several days, and Bixi naturally followed to cover it. Fortunately, Bixi was not there, otherwise he would not be wary of the enchantment if he used invisibility.

"It's okay, we shouldn't disturb too many people when we infiltrate this time."

Haotian Tower rotated its body and began to dismantle the formation.

Needle Feather was worried that if the time was too long, it would be too late to save Kunyao, so he said, "Let me go see if there is another way to get in?"

"You are stupid. You can set up this invisible barrier just to prevent the enemy from invading. How can there be another way for you to enter? Stay and wait. Don't underestimate Haotian. You have to break this barrier Can't beat it."

After about a stick of incense, Haotian successfully broke the barrier, and opened a hole in the barrier that one person can enter and exit.

"Shudu, it's fine."

Shu Du hurriedly passed through the barrier with Zhen Yu, and when they got through, the hole disappeared, and the barrier became invisible again as before.The two quickly approached the entrance of the main hall, and looked through the door frame. The lights inside were brightly lit, and there was a faint sound.

"Why do you have to embarrass yourself so much, my lord, my life is naturally important to me."

"Presumptuous, you villains, Kun Yao will never join forces with you."

When Shu Du heard about it, he licked his fingers and poked through the paper pasting the window, wanting to see how many enemies were inside.

Inside, Kun Yao fought against the crowd with one opponent, and it was Qing Yi who stood opposite him and talked to him.

A dozen or so people stood behind Qing Yi, all dressed in white and covering their faces, their faces could not be discerned.

"My lord, Lord Bai Yu is sincerely cooperating with you. If it becomes a great cause in the future, the roe deer and monster clan will definitely contribute the most. Doesn't your lord not want your own group to be superior to others?"

"Override? I'm afraid it will be the end of the rabbit."

Knowing that his time is short, Kun Yao may not be able to convince Kun Xin, who has always been a stickler, so he has to make a bad move. If he dies here today, this Baiyu tribe will definitely be involved.

Although this is the method of burning jade and stone together, it is also the most effective. If one's own life can save the people of the clan from fire and water, death is worth it.

Qing Yi didn't expect that he would find out about her poisoning so quickly. According to Bai Yu's plan, she first transferred the tiger away from the mountain, and transferred a few of the fierce beasts around Yu Mo away from her to suppress the huge threat she might have. Similarly, the wolf clan is the most combat-friendly group, and it must not be used by the dog demon king with too many people. Only in this way can the Dragon Palace's plan be completed.

The best way to deal with a powerful enemy is to disperse its strength and defeat them one by one.

In addition to adjusting Hu Lishan, this method also has another purpose to lure Yu Mo out. Whether it is Kun Yao's illness or Princess Mu Yun's poison, she will definitely not be able to sit still after knowing that he did it.

As long as she is willing to come out of the dog realm, go to the Dragon Palace, or go to the Roe Monster Clan, he will take her soul away.

It's just that he miscalculated one step, and he didn't expect that Kun Yao would choose to die together.

A white-clothed man closest to Qingyi whispered, "Lord Qingyi, the family has told us that you must not kill him."

"I know."

Bai Yu has warned him about this matter thousands of times, and he will never forget it, otherwise he wouldn't have talked so much nonsense with Kun Yao, but he just doesn't know what is the use of this old prince? "The matter of the prince being poisoned was also told by the wolf monster clan. How could the prince trust them?"

"Is it a human or a ghost? How can an old man not be able to tell the difference? Don't waste your time talking. Just die." He stabbed at him with a pipe in his hand.

Qing Yi concludes that the old prince came to die on purpose, and wanted to destroy Bai Yu's plan.

"Grab him, but don't hurt him." Qing Yi waved.

After saying that, a group of men in white rushed up, trying to capture him with bare hands without using weapons.

Kun Yao's force value is not great, and Qingyi can subdue him by himself, but he is very bad at controlling his demon power, and he is afraid that if he uses too much force, he will be killed by mistake, so he dare not do it himself.

Now that the old prince knows about his poisoning, the plan has to be changed. The ultimate purpose of this trip is not to form an alliance, but to himself. Since the matter has been exposed, then take him back and hand him over to Master Bai Yu himself .

Outside the window, Shu Du estimated the strength of the enemy and us.

"Zhenyu, after entering, you protect the old prince."


With a bang, Shu Du kicked open the door of the palace, and he and Zhen Yu rushed in. The two men's force values ​​were fully activated, and their demonic energy was released.

Qingyi was surprised to see it, and shot immediately.

Shu Du fought with him in an instant, while Zhen Yu went to rescue Kun Yao.

"Why are you here?" Kun Yao was surprised.

Needle Feather stabbed a man in white to death with a sword turned into demonic energy, and pulled Kun Yao behind him, "Of course I came to save the prince."

"The time of old age is numbered, why bother?"

"If the prince is dead, who else will agree to form an alliance with us?"

If he dies here, Bai Yu's people will indeed get no benefit, but there is no guarantee that the people of the Roe Monster Clan will form an alliance with the Dog and Wolf Clan, and maybe they will be beaten to death.

"Furthermore..." Needle Feather swung the sword body, changing into seven or eight swords, and attacked the man in white who was approaching him like rain, "You haven't delivered the weapon I want to make, how can you die? I paid the deposit."

Kun Yao was stunned for a moment, not expecting her to mention this.

"The girl is really..."

"Be careful!" Needle Feather turned around and stabbed the person behind him with the stabbing arrow to death.

After knocking down more than a dozen people, Zhenyu realized that something was wrong. These people turned into mist after death, but they would reappear after a while. They were obviously not real people, but puppets transformed by demon power.

"Shudu, these people will not die, we must find a way to leave quickly!"

If this continues, her and Shudu's physical strength will only be consumed endlessly.


Shudu and Qingyi fought alone, looking for a chance to escape.

Fighting with him, Qing Yi couldn't get any advantage, within two hundred moves, he was defeated.

Shu Du raised his sword and said, "Be obedient and catch him without a fight. If you tell Bai Yu's conspiracy, I can still leave your whole body."

Qingyi wiped away the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, without any fear in his eyes, "Wolf Demon King, don't underestimate our Night Falcon clan!"

"So what if you underestimate it?"

He despises these stinky birds even if they are roasted and eaten. He approached step by step and beat Qing Yi back again and again, "If you are so stubborn, be careful, I will stab you into a lotus pod."

Qingyi knew that he couldn't parry it, so he could only use his trump card, so he shouted, "Xuanyuan Sword!"

After the words fell, a space appeared in the hall. After the space was opened, the Xuanyuan Sword appeared, stabbing towards the capital of Shu with lightning speed.

So caught off guard, and so close, he couldn't dodge it at all, even if he immediately released all the monster power to protect himself, he might not be able to block it.

At the very moment, a colorful figure rushed over and stood in front of him.

The sword pierced through the figure, blood splashing all over the place.

Shu Du's ice-blue eyes instantly turned scarlet, and he roared in horror, "Needle Feather!" He stepped forward to support her fallen body.

Needle Feather vomited a mouthful of blood, and desperately pushed him away, "Let's go!"

Xuanyuanjian was not something she and he could deal with.

Shu Du will never run for his life by himself, and he will take her with him when he leaves.

Xuanyuanjian was not controlled by Qingyi, but acted with his own thoughts. After pulling it out from Zhenyu's chest, he attacked Shudu again.

Shu Du was frightened by Zhen Yu's bleeding wound, and was desperately trying to stop her bleeding.

"Shudu, the wounded by the Xuanyuan sword cannot be cured... you should leave quickly."

"I can't go." His body was stained with her blood, and his green shirt became a redwood, "Haotian!"

The Haotian Tower appeared and released an enchantment, which could withstand the Xuanyuan Sword.

"Shudu, I can't stop it for too long." Haotian Tower tried its best.

"Jinyu, don't sleep, don't sleep, open your eyes."

After losing too much blood, Needle Feather began to lose consciousness.

"Shudu, if I die, you will always remember me..." She has been in love with him since she was a child, and her heart has never changed for hundreds of years, but she sighs that Yin and Yang will be separated today, "I can't bear you , I can't bear to..."

He hasn't promised to marry her yet, how can she die.

"Why are you so stupid, who told you to block it." He pressed her wound, but couldn't stop the bleeding, his hands were already scarlet and dazzling, "You won't die, Bu Jie will definitely save you. "

"Xuanyuanjian's injury cannot be cured..."

"No, Bu Jie can't be cured, there is Momo..."

Needle Feather smiled wryly, "I don't like you mentioning her, asking her to cure me, I'd rather die."

"Fool, are you still talking about this now?"

"Yes, I'm a fool. At this time, I should force you to agree to marry me." She thought about it, thought about using such a cruel trick, but her self-esteem didn't allow it. What she wanted was sincerity, and he wanted to marry her willingly. "Shudu...I'm...a bit cold."

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you away right away."

"Shudu, I can't stop it anymore." Haotian Tower roared with a broken voice.

Xuanyuan Sword's sword is powerful, and it can slash thousands of times in an instant. Its enchantment has already cracked, and it will be shattered if it goes down again.

"Xuanyuan, why do you want to help the evildoers?"

The artifacts can talk to each other, Haotian Tower couldn't help complaining.

"Aiding evildoers? Why do you say that you are a divine weapon? Since you have chosen the master, you will naturally obey the master's orders."

"You are talking nonsense, Bai Yu is not here at all, how can you act without the master?"

"Don't compare me with you guys, there has always been only one master of my Xuanyuan Sword."

Goddess, its mother.

"Do you want to destroy the entire mountain and sea world?"

"It doesn't matter if this world is destroyed, but if you keep going, your spiritual power will be exhausted, and without your spiritual power, you will become a broken stone."

Xuanyuanjian exerted strength again, and the barrier instantly shattered, turning into stardust.

The capital of Shu can only soar its demonic energy and turn it into its original form.

The black and white giant wolf carried a needle feather covered in blood on its back, and fought with Xuanyuanjian.

Seeing this scene, Kun Yao could only give it a go, and also turned into a roe deer, a roe deer covered in emerald green.

The two beasts joined forces to attack Xuanyuanjian.

"Little bastard, do you think you can win me?" Xuanyuanjian snorted coldly.

It's a pity that only Haotian Tower can hear such crazy words.The golden light of the Xuanyuan Sword flashed, and the blade became gigantic, like a sword wielding in the hands of a giant, swung down with the momentum of pulling mountains and rivers.

The capital of Shu could barely resist the next attack, but if it happened again, it would definitely be smashed to pieces.

"Brother Shu, quickly take Miss Needle Feather away, I will block you here." Kun Yao hit Xuanyuan Sword with the antlers on his head.

"Then I can go."

Xuanyuanjian obviously wouldn't let him go.

In addition to the smoking pipe he often uses, Kun Yao also has many hidden weapons, but he has almost used them in the fight with the man in white just now. Even Shu can't block the second move of Xuanyuan Sword. He is just a weak demon who wants to break his back No way.

"Old prince, this palace has been enchanted, no matter how loud we are, no one will come to rescue us, but Uncle Lei is outside, you take this opportunity to run out to find him and ask him to send reinforcements."

At this time, we can only rely on numbers to overwhelm the enemy.

"it is good!"

Kun Yao tried to rush out, but was blocked by Qing Yi.

"Old prince, you should follow me obediently."

"You bastards."

Kun Yao released the only hidden weapon left in his sleeve. The pear blossom needle was smeared with poison. As long as he was hit by a needle, he would immediately fall down. When Qingyi resisted, he jumped out.

"Uncle Lei!" he hissed.

Uncle Lei heard the sound and knew that something was wrong, so he set off fireworks for warning. This is something that the roe deer and monster clan members often use. Because they are weak, they are more united and use these things to attract companions.

As soon as they saw the fireworks, the entire roe deer monster clan was alarmed. Duoji and Bu Jie, who were waiting at the Prince Regent's Mansion, also saw the fireworks. Their hearts trembled, knowing that something had happened, and they rushed to Jianguang Palace.

The barrier set by Qingyi is not so easy to break, the roe deer monsters can only use the trapped monster stone to slowly absorb it, and Uncle Lei is in a hurry.

But Bu Jie directly turned the demonic energy into a knife and chopped it into pieces. It doesn't make any sense whether the master will find out if he enters and exits this barrier at this time, it would be easier to break it directly.

Kun Xin knew the general outline of the matter from Uncle Lei's retelling, but he was still half-believing when he heard it, and seeing the scene in the palace, he believed it no matter what.

"Brother Wang!"

Kun Yao has been caught by Qing Yi, and he shouted, "Putting the monster array!"

Kun Xin made a decisive decision and let the elite soldiers come together.

Duoji saw the seriously injured Zhenyu in the crowd, and his eyes immediately turned red, "Sister Zhenyu!"

He rushed over regardless, Xuanyuanjian was wrestling with Shudu at this time, when he came over, he happened to aim at Xuanyuanjian, Xuanyuanjian only had Shudu in his eyes, no matter who blocked him, he stabbed straight at him.

Yan Ming of Shu Du quickly pushed him away, "Don't make trouble, brat, help me take care of Needle Feather."

Dorje caught the needle feather and saw that she was seriously injured and her breath was weak. Even though she knew that she couldn't do anything now, she still released her spiritual power to enclose her wound. The pure white spiritual power was very small, like Firefly, but Nuwa Stone's healing power is unparalleled, even if it is small, it will definitely be useful, and he is an artifact, the only one who can heal the wound of Xuanyuan Sword.

"Sister, hold on...!" Dorji was already sweating profusely after releasing his only strength.

Bu Jie joined the melee and had no chance to come to save people. Compared with the roe deer monster, his combat effectiveness is obviously stronger.

The sleepy demon formation is something that all monsters will guard against, but now that the enemy and the enemy are in chaos, how to arrange this formation becomes a problem. If it involves one of your own people, it will be useless.

Qingyi thinks that if the delay continues, there will be changes, so she has to take Kun Yao away quickly.

"Catch the prince!"


The remaining people immediately rushed towards Kun Yao.

Kun Yao was watching Duoji treating the needle feather, and the faint white light made him more familiar.

This light...he seemed to have seen it before.

Because they are both artifacts, Xuanyuanjian quickly realized that Dorje was a Nuwa stone.

This kid will also be taken away.Haotian Tower heard this voice and looked at Duoji in horror, "Little Shitou, run away!"

"Huh?" Dorje was unable to move, and all of its spiritual power was given to Needle Feather.

Xuanyuan Sword broke through the air and came, Kun Yao was so frightened that he subconsciously rushed over.

"Brother Wang!"


The golden hilt saw blood again and stabbed Kun Yao.

His eyes trembled, and he looked slowly at his chest, bleeding profusely, and there seemed to be no sound in his ears, only gusts of wind, the memory sealed by reincarnation in this dying Unravel in a moment.

In 1000 years, he was a mirror that could go back in time. It was the Kunlun Realm. Thinking it was a beautiful vanity mirror, when it picked it up to shine on its face, it found that she looked very much like Nuwa's little daughter, who was also its little master, and released its spiritual power when it got excited. She was pregnant, frightened, and her fetus moved. In order to protect her, it distributed more than half of its spiritual power to her body. It never wanted to integrate into the fetus in her womb, and was reincarnated as Kun Yao.

After the artifact is reincarnated as a human, it will lose its original memory, and its ability as an artifact will also be hidden. The huge rock on the mountain is another part of its spiritual power, so it is hidden underground.

For 1000 years, he has been living as Kun Yao...

Emerald light surrounded his body in an instant, resisting Xuanyuan Sword's thrust.

On the mine, Maoqiu was startled to see the huge stone flashing emerald light, which was so bright that it rose up from the ground and flew towards the palace.

Bi Xi asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

"Go and see!" The fur ball flew into the air.

"Uncle..." Duoji burst into tears, and blood dripped from the punctured place on his back.

" are Nuwashi..."

He released his spiritual power again, wanting to heal his wounds, "Uncle, don't talk, save your strength, I will save you."

"That's right……"

"Huh?" He didn't understand.

"I, you, and it are all one." Kun Yao smiled wryly.


"Yes!" Kun Yao looked at Xuanyuanjian sharply, "One artifact can't deal with you, how about three?"

After the words fell, a strong wind blew up, and the boulder that originally stood high on the mine flew over. When it approached Kun Yao, it suddenly shrunk and became as big as a fist, and flew into Kun Yao's chest.

The Kunlun Realm appeared, reflecting everyone's surprised expressions through the mirror as clear as lake water.

With a breath, Kun Yao shouted, "Fuxi..."

In the Dragon Palace, the Qin box containing the Fuxiqin was opened, a faint jade light flashed, and the guqin flew out like the wind.

Nuwa stone is made by Nuwa's spiritual power.

Fuxiqin is made by Fuxi's spiritual power.

Nuwa and Fuxi are brothers and sisters, as well as husband and wife, so the Nuwa stone and Fuxiqin can be said to be one.

However...there is another artifact above the two, which was jointly created by Fuxi, Nuwa and Kunlun Stone.

It is the Kunlun Mirror.

It was a heaven-defying weapon created by Fuxi and Nuwa for their daughter, hoping that it could turn back time and return to the time when their daughter was healthy.

It's a pity that the Kunlun mirror cannot reverse the time of life, even if it is reversed, it can't change the result of death.

At that time, the three artifacts gathered together for Nuwa's youngest daughter, taking her as the master, calling them brothers and loving each other. It was a very happy time, but the little master died later.

They had to be separated according to their own destiny.

However, they have agreed that Kunlun, who is respected as the elder brother, can call them when they are in danger.

Since the three artifacts are not powerful offensive artifacts, in order to resist powerful enemies, they can form a formation called the Void Array, which can open a void road, and whoever is sucked will be trapped forever.

The same goes for artifacts.

(End of this chapter)

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