The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 488 Part 253 Crane Princess and Yumo

Chapter 488 Part 253 Crane Princess and Yumo

In the nightfalcon clan's mansion, Qing Yi, who had returned from injury, knelt in front of Bai Yu. His whole body was covered with wounds, and his hair was messy and stained with blood. "Qing Yi is ashamed of your entrustment to the Lord!" The sword is about to wipe the neck.

Bai Yu flicked his fingers and released a monster power to hit his wrist holding the sword.

The sword fell in response.

"My lord!" Qing Yi's expression was heavy, and he blamed himself very much.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, what's the use of dying?"

Green Wing, Black Wing, and Gray Wing are the three generals under his command, like his right-hand man, but he failed to get the Kunlun Mirror after all the tricks. At the last moment, he fell short. of.

"As long as the Kunlun Mirror hasn't chosen its owner, we still have a chance..."

When Qingyi heard about it, she immediately asked for orders, "This subordinate is willing to pay off his merits and go to the Dragon Palace to take back the Kunlun Mirror."

The spies hiding in the roe deer monster clan did not come back with him and Xuanyuanjian, and the news that Shudu and others were going to the Dragon Palace just came back.

"It is not a good time to go to the Dragon Palace at this time. The Kunlun Mirror has fallen into the hands of the capital of Shu. With his ability, he will definitely guard against it. You, Hui Wing, and Black Wing may not be able to defeat him even if you take it. My Wanzi, who raised her demon power, would only hurt both sides. As for Dragon Palace, I am afraid that she has become suspicious of her now, and it is impossible to use her to make a surprise attack."

"It's all the fault of my subordinates, and I should have risked my life to get the Kunlun mirror back."

"It's not entirely your fault, it's that Kunyao is too ignorant of flattery." For this, he felt that he was also responsible, thinking that Kunyao was too simple, "Get up, go on to heal your injuries now, and wait for the injuries to heal." , let's take a long-term view, Lan Yumo is in my hands now, as long as she is here, the dog demon king and others will never dare to act rashly, but the roe demon clan, you should pay attention to them. Although they are weak, they have hidden weapons. Look, I'm afraid they will put all their eggs in one basket and come to a dead end with us."


Yu Mo in He Ji's Mansion is coaxing Fei Huang to take a nap in the boudoir, the feeling of the white and tender baby lying in her arms has already flooded her with maternal love, even if he has been skinny for an hour and still refuses to sleep, he is still patient coaxing.

He Ji had just drank the medicine, and her mouth was bitter, so she asked Luying to bring a candied fruit box and brought out some delicious plums.

"Miss Lan, give the baby to the nurse. You have been holding him for an hour."

"Hush, he's starting to get sleepy, he's squinting his eyes, and he'll fall asleep in a while."

Feihuang was actually struggling, but the little baby was no match for the sleepy bug, her half-closed eyes soon couldn't open, and fell into a deep sleep.

Yu Mo handed the child to the nurse, and felt a sore shoulder when he lightened his hands. He rubbed and sat down and said, "This child is really in good spirits, as if he had been injected with chicken blood."

"That's why you can put him to sleep." She poured a cup of tea and handed it to her, "Take a break and drink some tea."

"Oh, thank you."

He Ji sat across from her, took a sip of tea, secretly glanced at Yu Mo, hesitated to speak, and then winked at Luying.

Luying understood, took the nurse out, closed the door lightly, and stood outside, not letting anyone in.

"Just say what you want?"

She has been taking care of He Ji for the past few days. Although the two women may not have a deep friendship, they eat and sleep together, and there is always some affection.

"Have you thought about the conditions?"

The condition was naturally the one that Yu Mo forced Bai Yu to make when she was in a coma due to dystocia.

Yu Mo looked at the tea in the cup, "Are you worried that I will ask him to wipe his neck in front of me?"

Both women and wives, if you compare your heart to heart, it's not difficult to guess that kind of thought.

"Will the girl do it?"

"Think about it!"

He Ji's hand holding the cup was stiff, and she spilled some hot water.

"It's a pity... I'm soft-hearted, and I can't do it every time I look at Feihuang."

"Then..." He Ji didn't feel at ease because of this, because she knew that Bai Yu had taken her soul and she had to be trapped here. She must hate Bai Yu very much, "He Ji thanked the girl for her kindness, I know he has done a lot of evil."

Yumo snorted and said, "What he did was not only evil, he was obviously devoid of conscience. In order to kill Mei Luo and get the Shennong Ding, he killed all the Bai Ze. Also in order to get the seal of Kongtong, he slaughtered all of Kongtong. The hands of the Dong clan have already been stained with blood. Now they have taken my soul away for the sake of the Pangu axe, so that I cannot be reunited with my child’s husband. You will not hate it if you change places.”

"I know what you said, but he was not born like this, he was forced to be like this."

"I don't like to hear what you say. Harming others is harming others. There is no need to force or not to force. Some people will not harm others no matter how bad their living environment is. It is clearly because of their nature. You don't have to say it for them. Good words, I know you love him, otherwise you wouldn't risk your life to bear a child for him. But I don't understand... He Ji, how could you love such a man? I heard from Li Niang that he and Your queen also had a leg... and gave birth to a son."

She has a bad impression of Bai Yu, but after getting along with He Ji these few days, she feels that He Ji is very nice, beautiful, and kind-hearted. How could such a beautiful woman fall in love with Bai Yu, a bastard? He was extremely nervous, just like Mei Luo treated her, but if he was so affectionate, how could there be another woman in his heart? She was sure that Bai Yu and the queen had affection for her to make herself superior, so she hugged the queen's thigh, He also shamelessly tempted the queen to have a physical relationship with himself. The most important thing is that the queen is still his sister. It feels disgusting to think about it.

"No, you misunderstood him."

"Where is the misunderstanding? Hasn't this matter spread among your clan? I heard from Li Niang that the queen is trying to choose a good day and auspicious day to marry him and give him the position of husband-in-law." Sit still... don't you know?"

He Ji smiled wryly, "Of course I know."

"Knowing that you are still indifferent?" She really wanted to pry open her head to see if it was filled with paste, "He Ji, it's not unusual for a woman to meet a few scumbags in her life, but don't keep being scumbags, just in time." Get out, or you will suffer forever."

This chicken soup for the soul was very good, but He Ji didn't understand what scumbag meant. This term was invented by the human world in the 21st century.

"The girl always says something that I don't understand." Although I don't understand, I can guess the general meaning, "I have a relationship with him since we were young."

"Huh? Childhood sweetheart?"

She nodded.

Yu Mo became even angrier, and patted the table again, "That's even more hateful, even more hateful than Chen Shimei."

According to the principle of first come, first served, how can she be the original wife, the first wife, the queen is the later one, she is the concubine, but now the queen is going to marry Bai Yu and become the first wife, the wife becomes the concubine... No, the concubine is not as good as her Still living in his own mansion, this is the secret passage of the song, it is an affair, the name is not right, if someone finds out, she will be a slut, and I don’t know if there is a saying about being immersed in a pig cage in Shanhaijie.

In short, it is a abuse!

"Who is this?"

"It's the scumbag of scumbags! Don't worry about so many, I just ask you, don't you think about leaving him?" She really felt that such a good woman was ruined by Bai Yu.

She shook her head with a firm face, "No, I won't leave him, as long as I live, I won't leave him."

Yumo raised his forehead, "Aren't you pushing yourself into the fire pit?"

This reminded her of those women who were abused at home. They were beaten all over their bodies and shed tears all day long, but they were unwilling to divorce and leave their brutal husbands.

"You are afraid that if you leave him, you will not be able to raise your children alone." Domestic violence women who do not want to divorce usually have no financial resources to support their lives. "If you are worried about this, you don't have to. You can follow me, and I will take care You and the child. You don't have to worry about being discriminated against by the dog monster clan, I have my own way to take care of you, how do you think?"

She racked her brains to let He Ji leave Bai Yu, so that the lovely Fei Huang would not follow her father's example.

"Thank you for your kindness, girl. I was born as a member of the Night Falcon clan, and I will die as the soul of the Night Falcon clan. I will never leave the clan and leave, let alone..." Her purple eyes flickered several times, with thoughts Yu Mo couldn't understand .

"Not to mention what..."

"It's nothing, it's better for girls to not know about some things."

Yu Mo only felt that it was a pity, and wanted to persuade her to go with him.

"Have you thought about it? If you miss this village, there will be no store."

She smiled, still showing determination on her pale face, "Girl, you only need to think about your own affairs, and don't worry about He Ji. In fact, today I want to tell you that if you want to leave, I can find a way to let you go." .”


"Of course, your condition is still valid, and you can use this condition to make Ayu let you go, but I know his temperament, he can let you go, and he can catch you back again. If you want her to never catch you in her life You, he also has a way to let other people catch you. Speaking of playing word games, I have never defeated him since I was a child, and I am afraid you can't either. If the girl is angry because of this and asks him to kill himself, I won't blame you. But please, girl, can you hold your hands high and let me die for him."

These words made Yu Mo's heart drop to the bottom. She delayed for so long and didn't say the conditions, because she was afraid that Bai Yu would have a way to solve them. As He Ji said, the so-called conditions are just a word game. Legal loopholes are no different.

If it is said that the safest way is to let Bai Yu kill herself, but this kind of thinking can't be done now, He Ji in front of her has become an obstacle, she really can't see such a good woman suffering for a scumbag.

After all, she is stupid. If she knew it would happen, she would have let her and the child die from the very beginning. If they haven't met, they can't talk about feelings. If they don't have feelings, their hearts can be colder.

"Why are you bothering, for such a..."

"Just like the girl loves the dog demon king, wouldn't the girl stop loving him because the dog demon king has done so many evils? I believe that no matter how the world changes, he will still be the most beloved person in your heart, girl."

"No, that's different, but I don't deny that you are right, that is, on the premise that I love him so much, he has done all kinds of bad things, and I'm afraid I can't do without him, but he only has me in his heart, as long as Will marry me. Before meeting me, he has never touched other women. After meeting me, he will definitely not be contaminated by those blooming flowers. If there is a woman before meeting me, then that’s fine. Yes, but if after falling in love with me, he has other women in his heart, and he has an affair with others without telling me, or one day plans to ask for a concubine to come back, then I'm sorry, I will leave him firmly, and try to get back to me Go to the original hometown."

Speaking of this, she secretly added something in her heart, before leaving, she would definitely let Taotie cut off his lifeblood.

In contrast, Bai Yu's private life is quite chaotic. With a girl as affectionate as He Ji, and with the Queen, who is still her own sister, it's just a common anger, okay?
"The girl is a hot temper."

"Of course, women can share everything with others, except for toothbrushes and men, and men. One infidelity will not be used a hundred times."

Thinking of this, she immediately missed Mei Luo, she really wanted, really wanted, she really wished that she could have the ability of Donghuang Bell, and she could throw herself back into his arms after opening a door.

He Ji couldn't understand what a toothbrush was, but she could understand the second half of the sentence.

"If it weren't for the night falcon clan and the dog monster clan are in the same situation now, the girl and I will definitely be a pair of close friends."

"It's fine now, as long as you..." She still wanted to convince her.

"No, I won't go. Regardless of the final result is that he rules the world, or there is no bones left, I will accompany him." She reached out to hold Yu Mo's hand, "Young lady has saved me and Feihuang. , He Ji will never forget it forever, but please understand what He Ji is thinking."

What's on her mind?
Isn't her mind hanging on a scumbag, and she doesn't want to get off in this life.

Yu Mo felt it was a pity, pitiful, and worthless.

Forget it, people have their own ambitions, some things, some words, if the person involved can't figure it out, it's useless to persuade anyone, but I can't stay here anymore.

"How are you going to help me go?"

He Ji was overjoyed, knowing that she would not use conditions to force Bai Yu to death.

"Girl, don't worry, I have my own way, but... your soul is now in this body, and if you want to return to your own body, only Kongtong Yin can do it..."

"Are you going to help me steal the Kongtong seal? But it's useless to steal it. The artifact only recognizes its owner, and no one else can order it."

"I also know about this. What I mean is, the girl should go back first, rely on this body to live first, give me a month for the return of the soul, and I will definitely find a way to let him use the Kongtong seal to return the soul safely. to the girl."

Yu Mo thought about it carefully, and felt that this method is the best for now, but she was worried that He Ji could really convince Bai Yu within a month, and what if she let him go and angered Bai Yu, Bai Yu What should I do if I kill her?
"He Ji, will you be in danger because of this?"

He Ji held her hand tightly, her eyes were full of warmth, "You can rest assured, in this world, he would rather betray the world than me!"

He could have failed her a long time ago. If he failed, he would not live in such pain.

Yu Mo was still a little uneasy, and just about to ask something more, the green warbler who was standing guard at the door knocked on the door, "Miss, your lord is here!"

When He Ji heard this, she straightened her clothes and said to Yu Mo, "He must have come to see me. You don't need to talk too much, just say you're tired and go back to your room to rest."

Yu Mo nodded, "I'm leaving, you must not be brave, if you can't, it's fine, if something happens to you, Feihuang will have no mother, motherless children are very pitiful."

"I know!"

After saying that, Bai Yu stepped into the door, "He'er..."

He Ji smiled and went up to meet her, "You're back."

When Bai Yu came in, seeing Yu Mo was there, her face was very cold, but when He Ji came to her, her face instantly softened a lot.

"Your face is still pale, have you taken the medicine?"

"I've eaten, and with Miss Lan taking care of me, I'm much better now."

Regarding this point, Bai Yu was also very surprised by Yu Mo's ability. The ability to take a child by caesarean section opened his eyes, and he was very surprised that there is such a way to save people. How could He Ji live after being cut open?But she used Achnatherum splendens to sew up the broken stomach, and she sewed up six layers. After that, the child was fine, and He Ji came back to life, but she lost a lot of blood.

She did her duty and took care of her all the time. He had also read the prescriptions she wrote, and they were very accurate in the right medicine. There were also many strange prescriptions, all of which used very rare medicinal herbs, which had long been lost in ancient books, but were read. She wrote them out one by one.

He believes that the ability of caesarean section is a human practice, and this ancient recipe is probably taught by Shennong Ding.

In order to take good care of He Ji's body, he left her here. This place is not as heavily guarded as the Clan Prime Minister's Mansion, but he has a lot of ways to prevent her from escaping. It was protected by the barrier of the Eastern Emperor Bell from the beginning.

Whoever comes will enter another space, which is exactly the same as this one, but it's just a cover-up he prepared in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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