The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 489 Part 254 Escape in the dark at night

Chapter 489 Part 254 Fleeing Darkly at Night
Yumo watched the two of them face each other, and he became a light bulb, but he was afraid that Bai Yu would be suspicious, so he casually said that he was tired, and went back to the small building where he was resting.

The barrier set up by the Donghuang Bell is only to protect He Ji's boudoir, and when she comes out, she will pass through the barrier and return to the Clan Prime Minister's Mansion. Thinking about it, the Donghuang Bell is really useful.

In the small building, Li Niang greeted her, "Young lady is back, do you want some snacks?"

"Not hungry, go down and get busy, I'll go to bed and take a nap for a while."

She has been working as a nurse and a nanny these days, so she is really tired.

"Then why don't you ask someone to bring in some hot water, so that the girl can relieve her fatigue after washing?"

Li Niang is really a very caring girl, Xu knows that she is the one who was snatched back by Bai Yu, and she will be Bai Yu's concubine in the future, and she is assigned here as an errand. Maids can also have a good life.

This idea is very good, but Yu Mo is not Bai Yu's concubine at all, no matter how caring she is, her busy work will be in vain.

"No need, the weather here is so cold that I don't even want to take off my clothes. You go to work and call me in an hour."

There is a charcoal basin in the room, but it is useless. She is a human being, and her original body can withstand drinking Bai Ze's blood. Now that she is back before liberation, and ten charcoal basins are added, she is also shivering with cold. The problem can be solved by wearing more clothes, but He Ji's boudoir is as warm as spring because of the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Li Niang nodded, "Miss, take a good rest and call me if you need anything."


After Li Niang left, Yu Mo threw herself on the bed. The bed was covered with three quilts. She quickly got in and covered it tightly. She was a little tired, but not sleepy. It was easier when she calmed down. think about things.

I miss children, and I also miss Meiluo.I don’t know if he’s doing well now, I’m not afraid of anything else, but I’m afraid that he’ll be stunned and go crazy while hugging her body, but with Taotie around, it shouldn’t be a big problem, it’s amazing like the last time on Mount Sumeru, knock him unconscious, He dragged him to the time hut, and when he got back, she would definitely comfort him. I don't know if he ate and slept well.

The more she thought about it, the more distressed she became, and she sat up abruptly. Since He Ji was willing to help her escape, she should also make some preparations. She should prepare some food and drink. She didn't know what was going on outside the Night Falcon Clan. Do more. The more you prepare, the more insurance you have.

"Li Niang!"

"Girl, what's wrong?"

"I'm hungry, bring more food."

Li Niang thought that she didn't eat it before, but wanted to eat it after a while, and she was also a difficult master, but she had already prepared for it.

"Girl, the kitchen has made some snacks, do you want them?"

"Yes, yes, bring them all." She planned to eat a little and hide a little.

After a while, Li Niang came back with some snacks, Yu Mo looked at it and saw that there was only one plate, "Why are there so few?"

"In another hour, it's time for dinner. The girl has eaten too much, and I'm afraid I won't be able to eat dinner."

"It's okay, I'm hungry now, you can take some more, I'm very hungry." She rubbed her stomach, pretending to be so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, picked up a piece of pastry and swallowed it whole, "Yesterday wasn't it?" Do you still have a lot of steamed buns, bring them all, don't waste them."

Li Niang saw that she was holding hands, thought she was really hungry, and went to the kitchen again.

While she was away, Yumo took out a veil, poured all the pastries on it, tied it tightly and hid it, but she couldn't eat too much at once. During the time she was here, the amount of food and drink was very regular. A lot older, Bai Yu is so shrewd, maybe he will find something.

While eating and hiding, I was really full. When I was full, I felt sleepy. I lay back on the bed and fell asleep. It was late at night when I woke up. Thinking why Li Niang didn’t come to call her, I hurriedly got out of bed and prepared to go. Look at He Ji.

Her current activity area is two o'clock and one line. No one is watching, and there is an enchantment guarding it, so no one is watching, and she can't run. When she arrived at He Ji's boudoir, she saw that the lights inside were dim, she must have fallen asleep. He paced back to his residence again.

Just as the door was opened, a black shadow rushed over, startling her, and just about to shout, the black shadow covered her mouth with his hand.

"Miss Lan is me!"

Yu defaulted to the voice and blinked, "Green Warbler?"


"Why are you here? Isn't your lady asleep?"

"Miss left the adults overnight, and now I'm asleep, and it's when I'm asleep that I come to you."

Yu Mo immediately understood, "Did He Ji ask you to take me away?"

She didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Yes, Miss, do you have anything to bring, if you don't have anything, we're leaving." Lu Ying looked and looked outside the door. She saw Li Niang busy in the kitchen just now, so she went in quietly and knocked her out. I can't wake up in the morning.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll bring the burden." It was all the food she hid today, and by the way, she added two coats, dressed like a ball, and followed the green warbler out of the small building.

Luying brought Yumo back to He Ji's place. The guards in He Ji's mansion were all Bai Yu's cronies, and they all knew her, and it was easy to talk to her.

On the way, Yu Mo asked worriedly, "If I leave like this, your lady will be fine?"

"Miss, don't worry, adults will never hurt Miss." There were two guards in front, Luying rolled her eyes, and said back, "Miss, I will be wronged later and get into this basket."


It was dark just now, and Yumo was in a hurry to pack up his bags, but he didn't see it, but now under the moonlight, he could see it clearly. Luying was holding a basket in his hand, and it looked as big as it could fit a person.

"Yes, get in, and I can take you out."

"Drilling is fine, but the question is can you lift it?"

Green Warbler was very slender, even thinner than her, and her slender arms and legs seemed weak no matter how she looked.

"Of course, I look thin, but I have great strength. Don't worry, I will never fall you."

Yumo was still a little worried before going in, but thinking that she was a demon and couldn't judge her strength with her figure, she went in with peace of mind. After she got in, Lu Ying put a cloth on her forehead again.

"Girl, you just need to remember not to make any noise later."

"I see."

After Lu Ying finished packing, she walked over. The two guards recognized her and asked politely, "Miss Lu Ying, where are you going?"

"Oh, and buy some delicious preserves for the lady!"

"What time?" It's late at night now.

"Isn't it because the young lady has a tricky mouth and the medicine prescribed by Miss Lan is bitter, so I have to eat the candied fruit of Meiqing from Laozi. You know that the nearby Meiqing is closed and closed. I have to buy it elsewhere. The nearest one is away from our capital. One day, leave early and arrive early, and if it’s fast, I’ll be back tomorrow evening. Look, just because it’s far away, I’ve brought a big basket with me, so I’ll buy more and prepare it. That’s right. I won’t have to run again next time. Brother Several families also have daughters-in-law, do you want to bring some too?"

"Okay, okay, Meiqing's candied fruit is my daughter-in-law's favorite."

"Well, give me the money, I don't want to keep it, so as not to be unclear." Luying spread her hands and begged for money.

The guard fumbled in his pocket, probably because his wife was strict, and after wiping for a long time, he found a few beads, and smiled silly, "Look, I didn't bring enough money."

"Forget it, forget it, you have worked hard these few days, so I will try to help you, but I will definitely give it when I come back."

"Sure, sure!"

Lu Ying stretched out her hand and took the few Ke beads into her arms, "I'll take these as tea money."

"Okay, Xiaoqian!"

The two guards were mainly talking about candied fruit, and they didn't realize that there was someone in the basket at all, and Luying carried the basket with no effort at all, as if it was weightless, and Luying was not in a hurry to leave, and chatted with the two of them a lot. It was time for the incense sticks to leave.

After finding a secluded place on the street, she put down the basket, "Girl, you can come out now."

Yu Mo huddled in the basket, she was so numb that she couldn't even get out, so she asked her to bring it up.

"Green Warbler, you talk a lot." It's just a chatterbox.

"The more you don't rush to leave, the harder it is to be discovered, which will make the girl suffer."

"It's okay, it's okay." Yu Mo stretched her muscles and bones. The snow on the street made her shiver from the cold, "Where shall we go next?"

"Go to the city gate, go out of the city gate, and go east. If you keep walking, you will see a pine needle forest. There are some small animals in it, such as rabbits and squirrels. There is no danger. The girl needs to hide there for a few minutes. In a few days, the lady will send someone to pick up the lady and send the lady back to the dog monster clan."

"It turned out that they didn't send me out directly."

"Send the young lady out directly. I'm afraid the adults will send someone to chase after they find out, and they can stop the young lady on the way. But if this is the case, the adults will chase after they find out. They will never be able to catch up with anyone. When they can't be chased, the girl will go away." It's the safest."

"It makes sense, it's a good way to hide the eyes." She was sure that He Ji had come up with it, and she couldn't help raising her thumb, "Your lady is really smart."

"My lady is naturally smart, but it also comes from her understanding of adults."

Yu Mo nodded, thinking that he was going to stay in the forest for a few days, and looked at his baggage, wondering if the food was enough, he should have started stocking up a few days ago.

"Green Warbler, is there any fruit to eat in the forest?"

"The winter of the Night Falcon family is long and cold, so the forest probably doesn't exist."

"This is too bad, I don't have enough food." She pointed to her little baggage.

"Don't worry, girl. The forest is the place where Miss used to go when she was young. She stayed there for several days. There are always some ingredients. The lady asked me to go there secretly to add some fresh food a few days ago. The girl is not afraid these days." There is no food or drink. The girl is kind to the young lady's mother and child, if she is not fully prepared, the young lady will not ask the girl to leave."

It can be seen that He Ji is also a cautious person.

Having said that, Yu Mo felt relieved, and said with a smile, "It seems that I don't have to worry about this burden. But I'm only vegetarian."

"I know, all the fresh fruits and vegetables are added. Fortunately, the weather is cold these days, so it won't go bad after a few days."

"Your lady has a heart." This arrangement was very appropriate.

"Girl, let's go quickly. There is still a long way to go there. After you settle down, I have to buy candied fruit. It will take a lot of time to come and go."

Although the candied fruit is an excuse to send Yumo away, if he doesn't buy the candied fruit tomorrow, he will definitely have to wear it.

"Okay, let's go."

The two immediately quickened their pace and braved the light snowstorm to walk towards the pine needle forest.

The pine needle forest is a dense forest. Because the pine needle trees are green all the year round, there are no bare branches in the forest. If it is not for the white snow, it does not look like a big winter when you walk in. It takes about an hour to walk around several times. She took it into a cave.

The cave is surprisingly warm, and it has a small pool for storing water. The water dripping from the cave wall gathers in the pool, and the water looks very clean.

The quilt is spread deep inside, and it looks new. I believe that He Ji had prepared for Lu Ying to add all the necessary living things before.

"Girl, can you see what else is missing? If there is any, tell me now, and I will send you the candied fruit quietly after I finish shopping."

"No, it's only a few days anyway. It's good to have enough food, water to drink, and a thick quilt to cover."

"Well, it's almost dawn, you should take a rest, I should go too."

"Well, go ahead."

When the green warbler reached the entrance of the cave, she turned her head and said, "Girl, although there are no wild animals in this mountain, you'd better not run around curiously, otherwise it will be bad if you get lost."

"Well, I will stay in the cave these few days and I won't go anywhere. It's so cold outside that I dare not go out. Don't worry about it. Go buy candied fruit. I'm afraid I will be suspected if it is too late. .”

After the green warbler left, Yu Mo looked around the cave. It would be no problem to hide here for a month, not to mention a few days. The water source is sufficient, the ingredients are also placed in the corner, and there is a small campfire, which is the entrance of the cave... She thinks it's better to cover it up. Although they are small animals like rabbits and squirrels, sometimes small animals often do sneaky things. In such a cold weather, if there is food here, they will definitely find it. Stealing some things and going out are clues to find someone. It is best to avoid them too, so as to ensure that no one will find out that she is here.

She found some branches at the entrance of the hole, and built a fence at the entrance of the hole to ensure that small animals would not come in. After making the fence, she lit a fire. The hole was not too big, and it would be warmer with the fire. She took off Two jackets, got into bed, didn't sleep all night, felt a little tired, but fell asleep on the quilt after a while.

The heavy snow started to fall outside, and it was getting bigger and bigger. In the vast white forest, the wind and snow made the vision blurred, and there were a few shadows moving forward here, but Yu Mo was sleeping soundly, so he didn't notice it at all.

Crane Ji Mansion.

Bai Yu knew the news of Yumo's escape early in the morning. He didn't believe that she had the ability to escape by herself. Even if she really ran away by herself, but Kongtong was in his hands. Without it, her soul would not be able to return to the original place. Physically, he felt that there was something strange about this matter, so he had people interrogate everyone in the clan's residence.

When Li Niang was interrogated by Hei Yi, her face was blurred from crying, and she said that she was knocked out, so she checked her neck, and there were indeed traces of being beaten.

This means that someone helped Yu Mo.

"My lord, could it be that the dog demon king is here?"

"If he had come, he would not have taken her away in such a quiet manner. Without the seal of Kongtong, she would not be able to return to her own body."

"Then who knocked out Li Niang?"

Bai Yu's eyes flickered several times, "Don't worry about this matter, you go and check outside, the main road of the city gate, has anyone seen her?"


Fortunately, Yu Mo's identity is now the woman he snatched. Even if he wants to search all over the city, no one will ask anything. He will just think that the woman is unwilling to be his concubine. There won't be any problems here, at most, he would ask someone to ask him into the palace to make sure of the matter.Although his family mansion is not as airtight as an iron barrel, it is impossible for someone to come in without being discovered. How can there be no movement for a night, so only the people in the mansion can help her, but who? Dare to help her...

He was startled, no one would have such courage, but there was only one person who could really help her, and there was nothing he could do if he helped her.

With a bang, he smashed the teacup in his hand, frightening the maids to kneel on the ground. He took a deep breath, got up, and walked towards He Ji's boudoir.

In the pine needle forest, Ning Bao turned into his original form, turning into a little white-haired fox to explore the way in the forest. Because he looks like a fox, his sense of smell will be particularly sensitive, and he will immediately catch the breath of the prey. Caught a little rabbit.

"I'll eat you tonight, don't even think about running away, can you still escape the fox's claws?"

The rabbit was also unlucky, and its throat was broken in two or three strokes.

"Your Highness, I caught the rabbit."

Ning Bao turned his head happily, and there was a big fox behind him, with its nine tails spread out, and its white fur was like snow, like a lupine.

It is the king of glass.

(End of this chapter)

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