The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 490 Part 255 Glass King's Selfishness

Chapter 490 Part 255 Glass King's Selfishness

"Your Highness, please wait a moment, Bao'er will light a fire and roast the rabbit to eat." Ning Bao skillfully skinned the rabbit with his paws.

"No need, just eat it raw. I can't believe your cooking skills, and nine times out of ten it will be burnt." Ning Yi is good at cooking, but this younger brother is a person who doesn't know how to cook.

This time, Ning Yi of the Night Falcon Clan actually came along too, but it was inconvenient to move because of the crowd. He and Ning Bao managed to get in. The Fox Monster Clan is born with the ability to transform. As for the other animals, the night falcon family is a bird monster, so they are not too defensive against ordinary birds. After trying to hide their monster power, they turned into sparrows and barely passed the first barrier, but the transformation time is not too long. There are only two sticks of incense at most, and it will change back after passing.

He often traveled outside when he was young, and Ning Bao followed him all the time, so he became good at transforming, and he was very proficient. Ning Yi is from his daughter's family, although she also followed, but not as many as Ning Bao. If it is worse, it will fail immediately after transforming, and it will not even last for a cup of tea. It will be difficult to come in, and if she is afraid that she will reveal her identity, let her stay outside, and then respond when there is danger.

"How can we do that? Although we are not afraid of the cold, it snows all day long in this place. Only some hot food can satisfy our stomachs. Your Highness, don't worry, I will be careful when I bake."

Ning Bao was trying to find a place with no wind to set up a bonfire, but unexpectedly, the wind and snow were as big as he said, and snow was mixed in, which made him unable to open his eyes.

"Your Highness, the snowstorm is getting bigger..." With such a big snowstorm, the fire will definitely not start.

"It's getting dark too. Go ahead and see if you can find a cave. Let's stay overnight."

"it is good!"

Ning Bao put the skinned rabbit in his mouth and ran forward.

Li Wang squatted on the spot, looking at the wind and snow in thought.

After passing through the first barrier of the Night Falcon Clan, this is the forest. Because the forest is too big, he and Ning Bao did not go out after a day of transfer. There is a fear that there will be people from the Night Falcon Clan in the forest. It will cause unnecessary troubles, so it has been acting in the original form of a fox.If he wanted to enter the city, he would definitely encounter the second barrier. For safety reasons, even ordinary birds and beasts could not pass through the barrier of the second barrier. He hadn't thought of a way to break it, and he didn't know what happened to that girl.

"Your Highness, there is a cave ahead." Ning Bao happily danced his five fox tails.

It is still young, when it first came to the dog monster clan, it was still a three-tailed fox, and its ability is already very strong among the fox monsters. During the days when the dog monster clan was wandering around, he was not idle, studying hard every day , Fang rose to five tails a month ago, and his demon power has more than doubled.

Ning Yi is stronger, a fox with seven tails, but neither of them can match the power of King Li's nine tails.

Whether a fox demon is strong or weak depends on the number of tails.

Nine tails are the highest!
Among the fox demon clan, there is only one fox demon with nine tails, King Li, and there can be no more than ten in the royal family for ten thousand years. The completed Nine-Tails is Nine-Tails from the mother's womb, it is really hard to see, it is unspeakably expensive, if it is not for the presence of a mother who always looks sad and enjoys her lonely self-admiration, with his honor of Nine-Tails, he would have become the crown prince long ago, Is there still a need to compete with King Jing for the throne?

Of course, one of the reasons why the old fox king loves the concubine of the king's mother so much is also one of the reasons.

"Why is there a fence blocking this cave?" Li Wang braved the wind and snow and walked to the entrance of the cave.

"Maybe it was left by the hunter. It's okay. Please wait a moment, Your Highness. I'll go in and have a look."

Li Wang reminded, "Take your tail!"

Ordinary foxes don't have five tails, so he also retracted his own tails and made himself smaller.

"Oh, I see!"

Ning Bao leaped over the fence and landed lightly. It was a fox now, and it looked like a young fox that had not been born for long. When it landed, it was like a feather falling, without a sound.

"Your Highness, there is water and a lot of food in it. Hey, why are they all vegetarian?" Ning Bao fiddled with the hoarded food in the corner.

Yumo was in a deep sleep, and was in the innermost place again, with a stone blocking her body. Ning Bao didn't pay attention, and she didn't notice, but the sound finally woke her up. She rubbed her eyes, surprised to see someone Some animal wagged its tail and ran around, startled. The first reaction was that the foraging beast came to steal food, and it picked up its shoes and tried to blow it away.

"Huh? Fox?"

When Ning Bao saw her, he was also startled, his tail stood up, and his hair exploded instantly.

King Li jumped in immediately when he heard the noise, and when he saw Yu Mo, he naturally didn't recognize him. He looked like he thought it was a member of the Night Falcon clan, and gave Ning Bao a wink, telling him not to speak.

Yu Mo didn't expect that there was another one behind, but this one was a bit bigger, wondering if they are mother and son?The snow was blowing outside, and the snow was so heavy that it was hard to see clearly. These two foxes must have rushed in because they wanted to avoid the wind and snow and couldn't find food.

She has always had a bad impression of foxes, and when she met Queen Li, she fell to the bottom, especially this big fox, whose appearance was somewhat similar to King Li's original shape, both of which were wide-eared foxes.

"Go, go, go, this is not the place for you to stay, get out quickly." She chased them away with her shoes.

Li Wang and Ning Bao were forced to retreat again and again, thinking about whether to make a move. When they reached the fence, a gust of wind and snow blew in, making Yu Mo shivering. Killed them.

She is a person who likes animals, no matter how much she hates them, she can't do anything to hurt them, after thinking about it, it's okay.

"It's snowing so hard, what are you doing out here? You're not afraid of freezing to death. Forget it, forget it, let you stay overnight. You have to leave at dawn, you know?" She tentatively stretched out her hand and ticked, "Tsk Tsk tsk, come here."

The two foxes didn't show their teeth or attack when they saw her, and they didn't look fierce, so she thought of teasing her.

Speaking of which, this fox looks pretty good, especially the fur that makes it look warm.

How could King Li and Ning Bao pay attention to her, they squinted at her.This woman doesn't seem to have any demonic power...but she has the smell of being a demon on her body, which is very weird.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, do you want to eat radishes..." She only eats vegetarian food and has no meat, so she can only take out a radish to attract them.

Ning Bao only thought that this woman was an idiot, and she couldn't help snorting for teasing the fox with carrots.

This hum is a syllable from the nose, full of contempt.

Yu Mo didn't hear it, but felt that the little guy was getting more and more cute, so small, no matter how fierce it was, it couldn't hurt anyone, so she walked over and grabbed it.

Ning Bao was annoyed and wanted to do something, he stretched out his claws, Li Wang didn't allow him to do it, at this juncture, if there is one thing less, then there is nothing more.

"It doesn't take long for you to be born like this. This hair feels so smooth..." She looked at Li Wang who was standing still, "Are you its mother?"

I heard that King Li almost spit out his saliva. Fortunately, he has been suppressed by a lot of experience. Since he is a small beast, he naturally cannot understand human words. She wants to treat him as Ning Bao's mother. At this time, in order to protect the child, he Naturally grinned.

"Hey, don't be angry, I won't hurt your child, I'll just hug her." She quickly put Ning Bao down.

Ning Bao ran back behind Li Wang, looked at Li Wang and said, "Your Highness, there is no one here, so kill her and you'll be done."

"She may have some companions here. Before you find out, don't do it."

"Then what if she kills us as prey?"

"If so, let's do it again."

Seeing the two foxes looking at each other, Yumo couldn't help but think of the fox's cunning, maybe she wanted to deal with her, so she hurriedly took protective measures, took a step back, stepped on something, looked down and saw it was a stripped fox The skinned hare, dripping with blood, is scary to look at.

"Where did this come from?"

Fearing that she would snatch his prey, Ning Bao flew up to hold it down with his paws, raised his head, and howled at her.

"So it's yours..." It's nothing unusual for a fox to eat a rabbit, but she didn't think about why the rabbit was even skinned. Well, I specially prepared some meat. Although she is a vegetarian, she can't keep it all because of her poor living conditions, so she had to eat it in the end. Maybe this fox made a mess when he came in. .”

After standing at the entrance of the cave for a long time, she felt more and more cold. She went to the campfire, put firewood and lit the fire.

With the fire together, it was much warmer. After sleeping for a long time, she was also hungry, and she was going to cook something to eat. The living conditions are difficult now, and she is not particular about it. She chopped vegetables, put them in a pot and cooked them together, made a hot soup, and it tasted delicious. It is good for digestion and better for warming up.

While cooking the soup, Li Wang and Ning Bao hid in a corner, and the two foxes were chatting about something.

After the water in the pot boiled, Yumo filled a bowl and put it not far from them, "Come on, vegetable soup, don't just eat meat, you animals should also pay attention to balanced nutrition."

There is no salt sprinkled in the hot pot, animals can eat it, but humans can't eat it, so she put some salt in her own bowl.

The taste is mediocre, but it’s enough to be full. There is still rice in the rice jar. She cooked some and put it in the soup to accompany it. bump.

"Why don't you eat?"

Ning Bao squinted, no fox would eat hot soup.

"It's not good to be picky eaters, picky eaters won't grow up."

Ning Bao: "..."

Li Wang felt that her behavior was familiar, a bit like Yu Mo, but she really didn't look like her.

Seeing that Yu Mo was eating deliciously, Ning Bao was also hungry. He glanced at the rabbit on the ground. He wanted to roast it, but now if he roasted it by the campfire, the woman would be so shocked that her eyeballs would fall out. He sighed Heaving a sigh of relief, he pulled off the rabbit's leg and handed it to King Li.

"Your Highness, let's eat."

"you eat first."

Li Wang approached Yu Mo, wanting to get a closer look.

Yumo was wary that he would attack her first, but seeing that he didn't move much, she thought that she must know that she would not bully them, so she passed a cabbage over, "Eat the cabbage!"

The round cabbage doesn't look very delicious, and it's cold weather, but he is a fox now, if he wants to show his favor, he has to eat what she feeds. He walked over and took a bite, and it was raw The smell of grass, he pouted his mouth and swallowed it with difficulty.

"You are obedient." She squatted on the ground and stroked its big head, "This fur is really nice."

Fox fur is naturally a very good thing, and it is commonly known as fur in the human world.

He squinted his fox eyes, and the woman's tone of voice was very similar to someone's.

"Little thing, do you know that you look very much like a person I hate, he also has big ears and a sharp mouth like you, but you are cuter than him, he is cunning, he bullied me when we first met , bullied me so badly, it’s a pity that I’m in prison now, otherwise I’ll take you back to raise him, and I’ll be mad at him, and I’ll give you a name, Li Wang, hahaha, mad at him to death!”

She smiled happily, but Li Wang was stunned.

Could it be...

His purple eyes flashed, and instantly became bigger, and the Nine Tails came out, scaring Yu Mo half to death.

"Li... King Li?" Yu Mo was stunned and fell backwards in shock.

She had heard from Mei Luo that the entire mountain and sea realm had only one nine-tailed fox like Li Wang.

"You really are Momo!" Li Wang immediately transformed into a human form, supported her fallen body, and turned into a human form as soon as possible, without putting on clothes, he dragged her into his arms.

Ning Bao, who was gnawing on the rabbit meat, heard that he choked on the rabbit meat and beat his chest desperately.

Yu Mo was still in shock, and when he was sure that he was Queen Li, he shouted, "It's really you, why are you here?"

"Of course I came to save you. Tell me why you became like this, and why are you here?" The sudden transformation before was like trying to see who she was. If it wasn't for Yu Mo, he would have killed her. her.

Yu Mo was about to explain, but when he saw his naked body, his face immediately burned, and he struggled, "Clothes, put on clothes first!"

Foxes are naturally charming, and they are already gorgeous, but this naked look is even more alluring. She doesn't want needle eyes.

Li Wang's face is not as thin as hers. When he was in the dog monster clan, he never saw her, and even if he saw her, he ignored her. He had never been so close as today, and the opportunity was so difficult. Won't let go, hold tighter.

"The clothes are not in a hurry. Tell me what's going on first?"

Yu Mo didn't dare to open his eyes, and couldn't get away from his embrace, so he said anxiously, "Let me go first."

"It's cold, hold warm."

"Wuan you big-headed ghost, you are a fox with fur."

"This king is in human form now, can you touch her hair?" He hugged her horizontally, seeing that there was a bed inside, he simply hugged her over, sat down by himself, and let her sit on his lap.

This posture was too ambiguous, and she struggled even harder.

"You let go!"

"I haven't said anything yet. Don't move around." He smiled radiantly, as if he had stolen some honey.

"Your Highness... Is she really that girl?" Ning Bao turned into a human form and put on clothes and ran over.

"Didn't she say that I look so much like the person she hates, and she wants to name me Li Wang. If it wasn't for her, who else would it be?" His complexion became ugly, "You said you held grudges, you really remembered it for a long time, and you still refuse to forgive me."

"Stop talking nonsense and let me go first." Sitting on a naked man asked her what to say.

"In your eyes, this king is nothing more than a fox. Why be shy, if you want to move again, this king can cast a spell. When you can't move, this king can do whatever he wants."

When Yu Mo heard this, he really didn't dare to move. He blushed and looked up at him, "This is someone else's body, don't mess around."

"Since your soul is in this body, this person must be dead, and there is nothing wrong with it." She didn't pay attention to it before, but now she pays special attention to it. Although she changed her body, her eyes sparkled Cai is no different from the deity, the eyes are still extraordinarily beautiful.

"Okay, I said, I said, you should definitely cast spells." She compromised.

Li Wang looked at Ning Bao, "Go, guard the entrance of the cave."

Ning Bao nodded, turned into a fox and squatted at the entrance of the cave.

Yumo told the story about the Night Falcon Clan.

"Bai Yu's woman let you go?"

"Well, in order to prevent Bai Yu from catching me, she asked me to wait here for a few days. Regarding the matter of the soul, she also agreed with me for a month."

"You believe her?"

"Naturally, she has no reason to harm me. After all, I am also her savior, and Bai Yu treats her very well. I believe this method will work."

However, Li Wang felt that Bai Yu was so shrewd that he might not be able to understand the matter of the person next to his pillow letting him go.

"Momo, we will leave here at dawn."

"But Lu Ying promised to come to meet me in a few days." If she left like this, she and He Ji would definitely be worried.

"It's dangerous if you don't leave the Night Falcon Clan for a day. Since this king is here and met you again, I will naturally take you away, the sooner the better." If it wasn't for the heavy snowstorm outside, she wouldn't be able to bear it, He would have taken it away long ago.

"What you said is also reasonable, so let's do it, I'll write a note and leave it here. If the green warbler sees it, don't worry."


"Then you still don't let me go." She continued to struggle, not letting go of how she wrote the note.

This time Li Wang let her go, so she hurriedly moved a few meters away from him, looking for something that could write, and after writing, put it in a conspicuous place and pressed it with a stone.

At night, King Li didn't come to provoke her and let her sleep peacefully.

At dawn, she left with King Li.

"Are we going back to Dragon Palace?"


She didn't know that the route she could take was not to the Dragon Palace, and the note that said she was leaving had already been destroyed by Li Wang.

Ning Bao asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, what are we going to..."

Li Wang hissed, forbidding him to speak too much, his purple eyes were burning with flames, and Yu Mo, who was stuck in front of him, never let go.

"Back to the fox monster clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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