Chapter 492 Part 257

The more Yu Mo thought about it, the more frightened she became, she pushed Li Wang away suddenly, and moved away from him a few feet away.

"You...don't act recklessly!" She folded her arms around her chest, already imagining many plots of the overlord's hard bow.

"If this king really wants to mess around, what can you do?" This house is the best small building in his mansion. It is big enough, but not so big that he can't catch her, and he brought her back to his arms after using the demon power. Here, he looked down at her, his eyes were already a ball of fire, very hot.

Yumo was bound by the evil spirit and couldn't move. Generally, in this kind of plot, most of the trapped women want to say the phrase "Even if you get my body, you can't get my heart", but Now it is very ironic to use it on her.

This body wasn't hers in the first place, even if he got it, it wouldn't be interesting, but for a woman, the psychological damage is far greater than the physical damage, and many women who have been raped are finally destroyed by psychological trauma.

So she decided not to say a word, and if she did, I'm afraid he would be even more inclined to attack the overlord.

", Li...Li Wang, look at my current appearance, which is too different from the original one. I'm thin and shriveled, aren't I? And I don't look good. Although it's me, I'm not Me. You got it just for one night, right? Since you said you like me, you naturally like everything about me, you can’t just like my soul, right?” After she finished speaking, she suddenly felt that this was wrong, what kind of spiritual beauty? It is the real beauty, isn't it a warning to men to pay attention to the connotation of a woman rather than the face and breasts? Now that she has resurrected her body, doesn't she fit this chicken soup saying-the connotation is still there, but the skin has changed Just change.

"I don't think there is any difference. You are you, and you are still you in a different form." He leaned over and lowered his head even lower, almost touching the tip of her nose.

She was so scared that goose bumps came out.

"You... just talk when you speak, don't get so close!" She leaned back vigorously to distance herself from him.

He smiled deeper, and his appearance became extremely evil because of this smile.

Seeing this evil spirit, she only felt chills in her eyes, and she was even more sensitive to his hot hands holding her small waist.

He didn't listen, and repeatedly bullied her. The more she leaned back, the more he came over, and in an instant, her upper body was almost lying flat. Because she was bound by the demon force, she didn't fall to the ground because of her unstable center of gravity. , He also moved his hand, firmly supporting the back of her head, lest she break her neck.

"Momo..." He stretched out his other hand suddenly, with beautiful and slender fingers, caressing her cheek inadvertently, obviously flirting, but doing it very coquettishly, "You have him in your heart, this king knows, but This king has the confidence to make you forget him. What he can give, this king can also give. When we first met, this king did bully you, but because of this, I have a deep love for you. It's just a step too late. "

Yumo really wants to tell him that it's not a matter of being late, it's that she really doesn't like him.

"Since ancient times, strong girls have been afraid of clinging to her husband. If the dog demon king hadn't put all his energy into clinging to you, how could you be tempted?" What he lacked was the opportunity to cling to her, and now this opportunity has finally come.

"What you said is wrong. If it's not for mutual affection, obsession is useless."

There is a saying that a man chases a woman separated by a mountain, and a woman chases a man with a layer of gauze, and we know that whether it is a mountain or a gauze, if the men and women being chased have no meaning, the mountain can be turned into a [-]-volt power grid in minutes, which is amazing. With the meaning of envy, the gauze is too thick, it is paper, and the paper can be broken with a little poke.

"Now you have him in your heart, and you call yourself his wife in everything. It's natural to say that. If this king brought you back to the fox monster clan when we first met you, and chased you with all our strength, I would not believe it." To your heart, even you and I are already married and have children."

Yumo knew where his crux was. To put it bluntly, he blamed her for not giving him a chance to pursue him.

"These are just your assumptions. Now it's done. Your assumptions are gone. What are you insisting on?"

"It's your boat and his, but as long as you are willing to change this boat, you can change it."

Yu Mo: "..."

I can't communicate.

"You... Listen to me, I'm a mother now, even if I can give up my husband, I definitely can't give up my child." She moved her with emotion and reason, and wanted to tell him what mother's love is.

But these are all excuses in Li Wang's heart.

"If you like children, I promise you that you can have as many children as you want in the future."

What the hell!

Yu Mo couldn't help but swear in his heart, this man didn't think about her feelings at all, he wanted to talk to him nicely, but now it's useless to say anything, so he threw his fist at him.

"Stinky fox, let me tell you, I will never fall in love with you in my life, you are just daydreaming."

He smashed it so violently that her hands were red, but he didn't even hear a snort.

Li Wang squinted and stared straight at her, making her hairy.

"You... what are you looking at!"

His eyes were sharp, and his eyes fell on her lips, "Your lips are bright red, which is quite lovely."

"Don't mess around!" She covered her mouth.

"If you don't want this king to mess around, then don't say these words that make this king angry, otherwise this king doesn't mind being hungry for a while, you are on the left and right, there is no big difference. Whether you are beautiful or not, it is you who say , this king is not picky. In terms of beauty, there are many women in the fox clan who are ten times more beautiful than you, but they are not you. This king is not interested. The king is not interested in forcing you, but I just want you to have time to understand the king. If you don’t know how you can conclude that the king is not suitable? Silently, to be fair, you gave the dog demon king so many opportunities, why? You can’t give me a chance. Is it just because I bullied you?”

What he said was extremely gentlemanly, it can be seen that he is not a person with no background, but he was also driven by her shameless behavior.

" really won't force me?"

Although I am very open-minded in terms of chastity, I definitely don't have the sentiment that starving to death is a small matter and injustice is a major matter, and I will not go to a dark corner to cry and cry because I was raped, shouting that I am not worthy of the person I love At most, it was uncomfortable, crying a few times, and racking my brains to find a way to severely punish the bastard who raped me, but I was still afraid after all, and even more afraid that Mei Luo would go mad again with anger.

I heard that Li Wang seemed to be quite injured, a vortex rolled out of his purple eyes, and he looked at Ji Zhiren, "Could it be that this king is such a dirty and despicable villain in your heart?"

"Not dirty, not despicable, how could you bring me back."

She spoke in a very low voice, intending to complain, but she forgot how sensitive the fox's ears are.

"What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing!" She thought it better not to provoke him.

"If you really think this king is dirty and despicable, then I don't mind..."

"Okay, okay, okay, I believe you, you are a gentleman. Let me give you a chance..." She was really afraid of him, and she was the head of the people who had to live under the eaves, which belonged to the Fox clan. On the chassis, not only have to bow their heads, but also have to compromise.

"It's so good..." He was satisfied, his piercing eyes dissipated, and even the penetrating vortex disappeared, "It's time for dinner, my king asked the maid to serve you, if you want to eat, Just tell them."

She blinked, it seemed that he didn't intend to eat with her, she was relieved.

"Aren't you a little quick to relax?" He teased.

She groaned and said in embarrassment, "You know I'm a vegetarian, only vegetarian. Meat is not allowed on the table. If there is meat, you will lose your appetite. I'm afraid you won't be used to it."

Li Wang didn't expose her, if she is so shameless, how can the dog demon king accompany her to eat every day.Forget it, he is not in a hurry, since she has come to the Fox Monster Clan, she will have plenty of opportunities to get along with her.

"The king has just returned to the family, and today he will have dinner with the queen mother. You have been exhausted in the past few days, so go to bed early after eating..." He walked around the small building, not only the ground was messy, but the bed was also not much better. , how to sleep here?Turning his long and narrow fox eyes, he had an idea, "I won't be able to sleep in this building tonight, so I can only squeeze you and this king together."

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "No need, really no need, just clean it."

"There are not many maids in my mansion..."

"I can clean it myself." Isn't it just doing housework, she can do it.

"How can this be done? You are a guest, and there is absolutely no reason for the guest to clean up by themselves. You don't have to be embarrassed, I promise I won't do anything to you."

"That's not the point!" Her eyes were red with anxiety.

"It's up to you. Don't be picky. After all, you are responsible for the mess all over the floor."

Yumo's chest is tight, isn't that the reason, and he shot himself in the foot with a stone.

In the evening, Li Wang went to Lianhuo Palace to meet his mother.

Li Luo waited early at the gate of the palace, and when she saw him coming, she happily went up to greet him.

"Your Highness is here, the Queen has been waiting for a long time."

Li Wang smiled, this is the time for the queen mother to eat, it is neither too early nor too late, and she herself said that he would come for dinner, so why did she wait so long, I am afraid that Li Luo waited so long by herself up.

"My aunt is in good health recently."

"Take your highness's clothes, it's all right. Your highness, don't stand at the gate of the palace and talk, go in quickly."

He nodded and followed Li Luo into the palace gate.

In the palace, the maids were quietly serving meals, and the silence was depressing. Fei Tong sat at the table with an indifferent face. She had no enthusiasm for her son, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and she didn't even call out. .

"Mother's queen." Li Wang bowed respectfully.

She hummed, didn't say whether she would sit down, picked up the chopsticks, and was ready to eat. The maid at the side hurried over to serve her food, but Liluo, the head maid, was more like his mother, enthusiastically Tell him to sit down quickly, ask about his health, and personally bring a bowl of hot soup that has been simmering for a long time.

"Your Highness, drink it while it's hot. The queen woke up from a nap and found out that His Highness went to the kitchen to cook it after she came back. It has been stewing for more than three hours. It's just the time for the entrance. Your Highness is always running outside, so it's time to make up for it."

Li Wang held the soup in his hands, the soup was rich in aroma, which blinded his eyes, his hands were warm while holding it, but his heart couldn't be warmed up.

This soup will never be cooked by the iceberg-like queen in front of me, because Li Luo has been the only one who has taken care of him since he was born, every time Li Luo cuts new clothes for him, or makes snacks, the soup will be like this Generally speaking.

It was made by the Queen herself... It's a pity that he can't believe a word of it.

"Thank you mother." It doesn't matter what he thinks in his heart, he still expresses his gratitude respectfully on the surface.

"Your Highness, this is your favorite dish, eat more."

Li Luo circled around him, pouring wine for a while, picking up vegetables for a while, compared to the indifferent queen chewing food alone, she seemed to be his real mother.

"Auntie, that's enough, I can't eat that much."

When he was a child, he really once thought that he was born by Li Luo, otherwise why his mother never cared about him, even if she was sick, she never took care of him, and always looked at him with indifferent eyes, obviously The crimson pupils were colder than ice.

It's a pity that his appearance is too similar to hers, and his features are too obvious. He was indeed born by her.

"How can there be too much, just eat slowly, your highness has lost weight." Li Luo said with a heartache.

"Auntie is the only one who can say that." He smiled wryly in his heart, and glanced at his biological mother who was sitting opposite. She hardly looked at him directly, as if he was air and didn't exist, and eating with him seemed to be a form, but It's just that he's back and hasn't seen her for a long time. As a mother, it's unreasonable not to have a meal with her son, and it's just for others to see.

It has been nearly 400 years since he was born, and he thought he was used to it, but he still tasted the cold and bitter taste under her indifference, no matter how delicious it was, it was like chewing wax.

The sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding rang out in the hall from time to time, and there was no communication between mother and child. This kind of meal was worse than those business travelers who were unfamiliar with each other gathered at a table in a tavern.

He suddenly lost his appetite, took a few mouthfuls of food and stopped eating. In the long silence, he just looked at the lady in front of him.

His mother, the number one beauty of the fox demon clan, even though she is 1000 or 600 years old, the years have not left any marks on her beautiful face. She even looks younger than Ning Yi, who is more than [-] years old. When they are together, they are not like mother and son, but more like siblings.

He really wanted to ask her, is she happy to live in such indifference?
If you are happy, why are you happy?If she was unhappy, why didn't she say it out, why didn't she vent to him, the only son, whether it was because he was still not the child of the person she loved in her heart, so she didn't care, it didn't matter so much that she abandoned him in her heart forever outside the door.

He still remembers listening to the old general's lectures with Ning Yi and Ning Bao in the Ning Mansion when he was a child. During the break, the old general's wife mentioned how lively and pretty she was when she was young, and how eerie and eccentric she was, not as she is now A pool of stagnant water.

At that time, he was very envious of Ning Yi and Ning Bao, who could teach them a lesson, chase after them with family law when they got into trouble, and would also tell them to go home early for dinner when they ran out to play. Mother.

And he, no matter what he did, his mother wouldn't say a word, didn't even make a look, it's funny to think about it, when he was young, in order to make her notice him, he made a lot of troubles, and his parents were so angry. Wang Du put him in the fire prison, but she was indifferent, and in the end, Old General Ning came forward to pick him up.Or she studied hard and practiced uninterruptedly every day, and she won against the king and the generals in the clan, and she never saw her smile.

Gradually, he came to know one thing, she didn't like him, if she didn't want to strengthen her natal family's position, she wouldn't even allow her to give birth to him.

Suddenly, he remembered what Yu Mo said before.

Husband may not have it, but children must not. Comparing her heart with her heart, how cold and ruthless her heart must be.

That's all, the meal has been eaten, the ceremony is over, and it's time to go back.

"Mother, there is still something to do in the mansion, and the minister will not disturb the mother's rest."

Just as she was about to bow and leave, she said, "I heard that you brought back a woman."

He thought he had heard wrong, and was stunned for a moment.

Fei Tong said coldly, "I won't care about you if you want to be romantic, but don't forget that your main concubine can only be Su Wu."

Su Wu...

He frowned, searching for a face that could match the name in his memory, but it was vague.

Ah, by the way, now that I think about it, Su Wu is the daughter of her beloved, she loves her very much, and will invite her into the palace every three days.

"When will the queen mother care about who the son will marry?" He sneered, and for the first time he felt rebellious, and then bowed respectfully, "What the mother likes may not be what the son likes, the queen doesn't need to worry, son Naturally, the king's father decides the matter of the minister's marriage. The son-in-law will retire first."

He walked away quickly, without giving Fei any time to react.

Just like every time before, he never turned his head to look at his mother when he left. If he could turn his head, he would be able to see the warmth breaking through the ice in the crimson pupils, and how reluctant she was .

"Li Luo, have you finished your soup?"

Li Luo wiped her tears and said, "It's finished, how could Your Highness not finish the soup made by the queen?"

"That's good, I'm tired, you go down."

After a deep sigh, the candles in the Lotus Fire Palace were extinguished, and in the silence, there was only the inaudible weeping.

(End of this chapter)

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