The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 493 Part 258 Drinking and Talking

Chapter 493 Part 258 Drinking and Talking

Li Wang returned to the mansion in the dark, and when he walked to the bedroom in his own courtyard, he saw water lilies floating in the blue pool water, the flower cups stretched to infinity, like a layer of lotus patterns embroidered on the white clouds, very Beautiful, I picked up a few branches by the way.

Yumo has been settled into the dormitory by several maids. This dormitory is quite large, divided into three rooms, the outermost is the study room, the middle is a room for playing chess and playing the piano or sleeping, and the innermost is the bedroom. Naturally, she will not It's stupid to go to the innermost part, but there is no couch in the study outside, it seems that the entertainment compartment is the best, at least there is a small couch to lie on.

However, the bedroom in the cubicle was too close, and she felt unsafe, so she finally rolled up a ball of quilt and dragged her to the study room, intending to make a floor bunk in the corner.

The maids wanted to stop her when they saw it, so she simply wrapped herself in a quilt, lay down in a corner, and held on to a corner of the table.

"Girl, it's cold at night, and you'll be sick."

The maids surrounded her earnestly, and it was a great thing to be favored by Li Wang, so why did she look disgusted.

"What's the cold? I'm sweating. Don't worry about me. I'll sleep here tonight. It's fine and transparent..." This place is good. If anything happens, she can escape by grabbing the door .

"But you are a guest..."

"Since it's a guest, of course it's according to the guest's wishes. You guys are leaving. I'm sleepy and going to sleep." She rolled around and rolled to a corner.

Li Wang walked in with a lotus flower, and what he saw was her silkworm baby appearance.

"what happened?"

After the words fell, the maids were so startled that they hurried over to bow down.

The leading maid was the oldest, her name was Ying'er, the two fox ears on top of her head trembled, and she replied respectfully: "Your Highness, the girl refuses to go to the inner hall to rest."

Li Wang glanced at Yu Mo, who had all kinds of wariness in his eyes when he came back, but there was no reaction on his face, but the penetrating vortex in his purple eyes came out again.

Yumo felt a chill down his spine, stood up under the quilt and said, "I don't think it's suitable to sleep in."

A man and a widow live in the same room, who knows what he will do, just as he said before, he will never touch her, but if it reaches Mei Luo one day, she still feels that she will not be able to explain it clearly.

Li Wang handed the lotus in his hand to Ying'er, "Find a transparent water basin to raise it."

"Yes!" After speaking, he glanced at Yu Mo and walked towards her.

Yu Mo shrank back subconsciously, leaning against the wall while shrinking, and was surrounded by him.

"You...don't get so close." She stretched out her hand to push him, and the quilt on her body lost its support and fell to the ground.

Li Wang bowed his head, and the faces of the two were very close, "Can we have dinner?"

She froze for a moment, she had already eaten, but she didn't feel like eating at all, she ate very little, and when she was about to finish eating, Ying'er, who was holding a lotus flower, said: "Your Highness, the girl only used a bowl of soup to eat Let us withdraw."

"Oh? There's only one bowl of soup. Your body looks so thin now. How can you not eat more?" He turned back and told Ying'er, "Go, let the kitchen make some more food. It happens that the king is also hungry."

Yu Mo asked in surprise, "Didn't you go and finish your meal with your own mother?"

When this mother and son meet, they must have a bunch of good food, and it's been a long time since they saw each other, and the mother still doesn't stuff him with something to eat.

"Same as you, I only used a bowl of soup." His eyes were cold, unable to see his thoughts, he took her hand and walked towards the table.

It was a big night, the dinner time was too early, and the supper was still a bit early, but after all, it was a royal family, with the standard system, and soon the table was filled with eight dishes, one soup and two desserts, which was extraordinarily rich.

Yu Mo was pushed into a chair by Li Wang, wondering what he was singing, when he suddenly saw the maid put on the flagon, guessed he was trying to get her drunk?

She patted her face vigilantly, and decided to see what he did, and she must not follow his way.

"Why not eat?" Li Wang poured himself a glass of wine.

"What to eat so late, I can't fall asleep after eating, and I don't have much appetite." She picked up the food brought by the maid in the bowl with her chopsticks. The food was very good, but she really didn't have the desire to eat, and looked up again Said, "It's you, why can't you still not have enough to eat after going to your mother's place? If it's for me, there is no need."

"If you don't want to eat, then have a glass of wine with me."

"No, I don't know how to drink." She really didn't know how to drink. When she was in the human world, two glasses of beer could make her blush.

He raised his head and took a sip, poured another glass, and said coldly, "Are all women so cruel?"

Yu Mo didn't understand the nonsense words. Seeing him pouring down the wine glass, he thought that he must have suffered some kind of anger from his mother. He shouldn't meddle in other people's business, but there is a saying that wine can mess up sex. She can guarantee that she won't be distracted by alcohol, but he can't guarantee it. What if a bully comes to him when he is drunk, what should he do, stop it quickly.

"Stop drinking, drinking in the middle of the night will hurt your health." She held down the jug.

"Just a few drinks..."

"A few cups are already half a jug, don't drink it, if you have any unpleasantness, tell me, I will untie you." He was really drunk, and he had to go hungry.

"Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" He seemed a little flattered.

She faltered, "Friend...friend..."

He bowed his head close to her face, his breath was mixed with the smell of wine, "You are obviously worried that this king will mess with you when he is drunk."

I have to say that the fox is very smart, but Yumo will not admit it if he is killed, "How could it be? You are such a gentleman, you will never have sex after drinking, I believe you. I think you will not sleep in the middle of the night. Meal, but only focus on drinking, didn't eat a single dish, clearly making excuses for drinking. If you are unhappy, don't hold it in your heart, just find someone to vomit your bitterness. Now I am brought back by you, and I can't escape. I have to rely on you to live, eat and drink what you have, and I can’t eat and drink for nothing, if you want, tell me and see if I can help you.”

She didn't want to be a good person, but now that the two of them were in the same room, the atmosphere would be weird if they didn't do anything.

Li Wang looked at her slender fingers resting on the lid of the wine pot coated with a layer of light blue enamel. Under the candlelight, her fingertips were shining brightly, and her eyes seemed to fall on her sleeves. , and then moved up slowly, although her rosy white face was much different from her original appearance, her eyes were the same. Looking at such eyes, she became her original appearance when seeing people.

As a noble prince of the fox demon clan, women are the most indispensable thing around him, but he never remembers their faces, and only Ning Yi can remember them. The other women always bend down to salute him, and he also I'm not interested in waiting for them to look up after raising their heads, but it was Yumo who made him remember deeply. Lin Haishi's stubbornness of not bowing his head made him recognize her immediately when he met her in the dog monster tribe. Her face It was always pink and peachy red, as red as a peach, but now that it was lit by candlelight, the feeling of pink and tender was even stronger.

He subconsciously wanted to caress, but Yu Mo immediately avoided and blocked his hand, and the exposed white arm pierced into his eyes shiningly, making his purple eyes darken slightly.

Yu Mo went through the personnel affairs and could tell the reason for the change in his eyes, so he hurriedly got up and walked away from him.

"You... If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed."

She can run faster than a rabbit, but no matter how fast she is, it's useless. She can't escape from King Li's palm, and she can be dragged back by locking her with some demon power.

"What are you running from?"

"No, I didn't escape. I'm just sleepy and want to sleep." She was sweating coldly on her forehead, and pushed his chest with all her strength.

"Don't move, if you move again, I really won't be able to hold it back." He admitted that he had lusted just now.

Yumo knew that a man is a creature that gets more excited the more he resists, so he really didn't dare to move.

"Sit down and talk to me." He pushed her back on the chair again.

"Then you're telling me..." He just drank and didn't speak, and kept staring at her, making her feel uneasy, so he started a conversation himself, "Did you get angry with your mother?"

It was fine before he went, but after going to his mother, he seemed to be a different person when he came back. She was sure that his appearance would have nothing to do with his mother.

"You're smart." He wanted to refill his glass of wine, but he knew that if he drank any more, he might really mess up his sex, so he called Ying'er to bring a pot of tea.

Yumo felt that there could be something serious between mother and child, and her anger passed, and she comforted, "Although I don't know what happened between your mother and child, she always gave birth to you and raised you. Always dear, if you say something unpleasant, it must be for your own good, the so-called mother-child bond, if you hurt one point, she will definitely hurt three points, and if you care about it all night, it will be over."

He heard that it didn't hurt or itch, and his brows furrowed even more.

Could it be... She has a hypothesis, "Is your mother your real mother?"

She is not very clear about the fox monster clan. If it is a stepmother, then the above words will not count, but there are also sayings that the stepmother is embarrassing.

Li Wang snorted, "When I was a child, I really thought that I was not born by her, but by a maid beside her. Unfortunately, this king looks too much like her. This assumption is not valid. This king was indeed born by her. "

"Since it's your own, why are you angry? The child is the mother's heart and soul. It must be something you did that made her unhappy."

"Unhappy? It would be fine if it really made her unhappy. But you know, since she was a child, she has never hugged me, let alone smiled at me. If I want to see her, she must be willing." Only when I see you can I see you. The time I can see you is only two or three festivals in a year. On weekdays, even if I kneel in front of her palace and want to see her, she won't bother you. If you get angry, you won't be bothered. Now, she has no heart for this king at all, and she is indifferent from beginning to end."

After finishing speaking, he stopped drinking tea and it was time to drink again.

"Stop can see that your face is blushing." She boldly grabbed the flagon and hid it.

"Do you know why?"

She shook her head, how could she know such a thing.

"This king is not the child of her and the person she loves. She was forced to marry her father. It was her family who threatened her. If she didn't marry, she would kill her sweetheart. She had to do this to protect her sweetheart." The same is true for the queen, since the birth of this queen, she no longer serves the bed, and moved the bedroom to the most remote place in the harem, and has lived in seclusion since then, the entire fox monster clan may have forgotten that there is such a queen." Speaking of this, he snorted again, "She is happy, but she has suffered for this king. You know that since I was young, this king has had to fight for everything by himself, even if it is born by the concubine, it is better than the king who is not born by the concubine." To be favored by the father and king."

In just a few words, he spoke in a very bitter way, which shows that life is really not going well, but Yu Mo feels very strange, "Isn't your mother's mother's natal family also a respectable person?"

A family that can make a daughter a queen must be among the nobles.


"That's weird. Forcing your daughter to be the queen is to consolidate power. After giving birth to your son, if your mother doesn't help, your grandfather and grandmother will help you too."

"Do you know who the mother of the king is?"

She blinked, those Gongdou dramas are not for nothing, "Could it be stronger than your grandfather's family, or... is also your grandfather's daughter?"

King Li nodded, "Her name is Tanya, she is my mother's half-sister, and now she is a favorite concubine, no one in the harem can be more favored than her."

Yumo said contemptuously: "Your grandfather is really wrong. It is not enough to give away one daughter, and he has to give another one. It seems that he has a lot of influence. I understand, he must be hoping that the son born to his daughter can become a king." , now the two daughters are both sons, it doesn't matter whoever becomes the king, your mother's temperament is indifferent to your father, he must think that you have no hope, so he went to support the king."

"You're right!"

Yu Mo's family is clear, no wonder he wants to form an alliance with Mei Luo, there is no one in this clan who can help him.

Poor, really pitiful, but it doesn't mean she will sympathize, and another question arises, "Why didn't your grandfather just give that Tanya to your father to be the queen?"

One daughter disdains to be a queen because she has a sweetheart, but the other daughter can become a favorite concubine. It can be seen that the daughter who can become a favorite concubine is very happy with this marriage, and it can help her mother's family to consolidate power. Why take the happiness of another daughter's life.

"Could it be...your royal father likes your queen mother very much?" Thinking about it, this is the only possibility.


Sure enough... she was married by force.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Li Wang, and wanted to say to him, look, the twisted melon is not sweet, your mother is a lesson learned from the past, and it must be the same when she is on her, but she is a little confused about her indifference to children .

Children are always innocent. If you really don't like it, why do you have them? Isn't this a disaster?If you want to be a smarter woman, knowing that there is no way to turn around, you should be happy after giving birth to a son. Not only can you consolidate the status of the harem, but you should also work hard to grab the throne for your son. You are angry with the king who forced you to marry me. Very good.

After becoming the queen mother, who else in the family can honor her more than her, and can secretly continue the relationship with her sweetheart, how wonderful!Of course, the premise is that he still loves her in his heart.

"What are you thinking, why don't you speak?"

"Oh, I think your grandfather is very dishonest. I hate this kind of people who sell their daughters for glory. As for you, don't be angry. Your mother is not good to you, but you are also very Do you live up to it?" If he doesn't live up to it, I'm afraid that the king of the fox will have already taken the position of the fox demon king, and she continued: "Mother and son have no overnight hatred, your mother just can't figure it out now, but there will always be people who want to understand it. It will be a day. It will be bad for you if you get into the horns of a dead end, relax, eat what you want, drink what you want, and work hard to grab the throne, then you will be the king, and if you want to see her, who can stop you. "

"Your way of comforting people is a bit interesting. You want the king to take the throne, but you are reminding the king that if you want to take the throne, you must not lose the help of the dog monster clan?"

She laughed, "You see, you are very clear, that's what I mean."

He must be sure to win the throne, remind him from time to time, lest he go crazy and bully her one day.

Li Wang narrowed his eyes, but the light in his eyes was full of anger.

"It's late, go to sleep!"


She wanted to go back to the original corner to play on the floor, but was hugged by Li Wang.

"You...what are you doing?"

"It's cold outside!"

"I don't feel cold!"

He carried her to the inner hall anyway.

"Since I said I won't touch you, I definitely won't, and you don't have to wrong yourself. This bed is big enough, and you can't take up much space." He began to undress calmly.

"I don't like sleeping with strangers."

"How can you say that this king and you are strangers? Go to sleep. Or do you want this king to trap you to sleep with demon power."

She had to compromise, but she was determined not to sleep in it.

"I like to sleep outside." When she fell asleep, she would make the floor by herself.

"Don't be stubborn, there's no need to discuss this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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