The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 494 Part 259 The Favored Concubine

Chapter 494 Part 259 The Favored Concubine

That night, Yumo didn't fall asleep at all, and was always on guard against King Li, and when he woke up in the morning, he had two panda eyes.Li Wang probably had a drink, but he had a good night's sleep, and went out after Chen Shi.

Yumo waited for him to leave before daring to close her eyes. She fell asleep until noon, woke up hungry, and ate two bowls of rice in one go. Because she was a foreigner, her activity area was limited to Li Palace, and she couldn't go out. She wanted to go to Strolling around the mansion, followed by a string of maids, she had absolutely no thought of running away.

Sitting by the lotus pond, she was bored playing with a few lotus plants. While lamenting and sighing, she couldn't help but think of Mei Luo and her son. She is not a delicate person, but thinking about it, she became a little angry and began to complain about Mei Luo. Here, if he can come to the Night Falcon Clan earlier than King Li, she won't have to sit here in a different place and miss him.

"Alas..." She had a sad face, her whole face was extremely gloomy.

While she was mourning, there was commotion on the side of the garden.

"Go away, I'm something you can stop."

"Miss Su Wu, His Highness has ordered that no one can enter."

Several guard maids and guards are desperately blocking a beauty in white who wants to break into the garden.

Hearing the movement, Yu Mo glanced here and asked, "Ying'er, who is that?"

Ying'er's fox ears were trembling violently, and she hurriedly helped her up, "Girl, don't worry about it, hurry back to the bedroom with me." After speaking, she pushed Yumo to leave.

"Don't push, I will go by myself."

Suddenly a white light flashed, blocking the way.

After the white light dissipated, the beauty in white appeared. Yu Mo didn't notice it for a while, and almost bumped into him. Just as he was about to back up, the beauty in white grabbed her arm.

"Are you the woman brought back by King Li?" Her tone was cold, and her blue eyes showed a murderous aura that wished to smash Yu Mo's corpse into thousands of pieces.

Yu Mo only felt that the girl was very beautiful, with long black hair that reached her waist, fluttering in the wind, faintly scented, and a hairpin flower in her hair, small and exquisite, her figure was also very good, and she had a fluttering posture, her face was so beautiful. Not to mention, naturally born very good-looking.

"You are……"

"Tell me, are you the woman brought back by King Li!"

While talking, she pulled and hurt Yu Mo, and Yu Mo grinned in pain, "You... let go!" No one asked such a question, it was clearly to quarrel.

"Presumptuous, how dare you, a foreign woman, be so rude to my lady, you should be beaten!"

Behind the beauty in white was a little beauty in purple. Looking at the maid who should be the beauty in white, she raised her hand as a gesture.

Ying'er hurriedly knelt down, "Miss Su Wu, this girl is a guest brought back by His Highness, if I offend you, Ying'er is willing to suffer."

Su Wu's blue eyes raised slightly, and she said contemptuously, "What? How dare you stop me?"

"The slaves dare not, but His Highness has ordered that no one should bully the girl."

"Really?" She raised the corners of her mouth, but the sparkle in her blue eyes was so cold that she condensed, "I want to bully her. Ah Zi, help me teach her a lesson. How dare you confuse the prince, you don't know how to behave."

"Ah?" Yumo's face was dazed from the beginning to the end. She didn't know these two women at all, so she had to teach her a lesson. She won't take it, "Which onion are you, why do you teach me, let go, you hurt me."

"Bold, dare to resist."

Ah Zi raised her hand and slapped her, but it wasn't Yu Mo who hit her, but Ying'er who was protecting Yu Mo, half of her face turned red instantly, and the corners of her mouth were oozing blood.

Yumo said in surprise, "Why do you hit people casually?" She pulled Ying'er behind her, and shouted, "Look at you guys, how can you strike so hard? Is there any law for you? Killed your parents, or robbed your money?"

She rolled up her sleeves, looking like she was in a fight. She had dealt with both Yin Ji and the dog monster clan back then, and she was afraid of these two female dolls.

"Girl, absolutely not, this Miss Su Wu is the most beloved daughter of General Yaoguang, she must not be offended."

"I don't care whose daughter she is, even the Heavenly King and I can't do it. Don't stop me, this is a breed with parents but no mother."

Ying'er's face twitched, this is really true, Su Wu has no mother, her mother died when she was born.

When Su Wu heard this, her face immediately changed.

"How dare you insult my young lady, I think you are tired of work." Ah Zi unleashed her demonic power, and a wave of energy from her palm hit Yu Mo.

Naturally, Yu Mo was no match for her, and she was thrown into the lotus pond at the back. Fortunately, the pond was not deep, and she could swim, so there was no danger of her life. She poked her head out of the water, her black hair drenched, The forehead hair was wetly attached to the cheeks, and there was a cold smell, and the corners of the eyes were raised, and they rushed over directly.

"I fought with you!"

The resentment she had held back for a long time was aroused at this time, and she didn't care if she could beat her or not, she beat her first, but her mind was still very clear, remembering what Ying'er said just now, this beauty in white Su Wu couldn't move , I will be deflated if I move, and then I will attack the woman named A Zi, and the speed when I rush over is very fast, and I will pull A Zi's long hair in an instant, and the shrew mode is activated, so he will pull it out as hard as he can. .

"Hey, you shrew!" This is the first time Ah Zi saw such a shrewd woman. Before that, she just wanted to show her off and bully her. No matter what the status of this woman is, no matter how humble she is, she is still a member of Prince Li's mansion. , To kill her, she dare not, but she followed her own lady to vent her anger.

The two rolled into a ball, Yu Mo is the kind of person who can't control his rationality when he explodes, Ah Zi used his demon power and turned into a whip to beat her, she didn't seem to feel the pain, just pulled out her dick desperately. hair.

A lot of hair was clutched in her hands and fell down, and Ah Zi's forehead was immediately bald.

Su Wu was stunned, it was the first time she had seen such a big, fierce and desperate woman.

"Quickly, pull them away." She didn't want to make a big deal, and came here only after knowing that King Li was not there.

Ying'er's face was swollen, she stuttered and said, "Girl, girl, stop."

Yumo was whipped several times, and was so painful that he couldn't breathe, but at this time, he must not lose his momentum, he opened his mouth and bit Ah Zi's ear again.

"Let go, let go quickly." Ah Zi felt that her ears were about to fall off.

Seeing that Ah Zi's ears were bleeding, Su Wu was terrified, and hurriedly yelled, "Why are you still standing there, hurry up and pull them away."

The whole garden was in a mess. After Yu Mo was pulled away, his mouth was full of blood, and he stretched out his foot to kick Ah Zi when he was pulled away.

AhZi cried until she was in tears, covered her ears and yelled.

Su Wu felt sorry for her, and was so angry that she even used her demon power. She is not an ordinary fox demon, but a three-tailed fox demon, which is several times stronger than Ah Zi's demon power. will die.

"Damn you!"

With a wave of her hand, a fox claw suddenly appeared in the air and attacked Yu Mo.

Ying'er stepped forward to block Yu Mo, and at the very moment, a stronger demon force blocked the fox's claws, causing Su Wu to take three steps back, and even vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Miss!" Ah Zi supported her, glaring at the person who came, "Ning Bao, you... you actually hurt my young lady."

"Obviously it was your young lady who hurt people first, I was just resisting, she is not good at learning, it has nothing to do with me, who asked you to come, this is Prince Li's mansion, not Su's mansion, get out!"

"My lady is..."

"But what, can it be that my Ning Mansion is not as good as your Su Mansion? If you think it's not enough, add my brother-in-law's house, is it enough?"

Among the nobles of the Fox Monster Clan, Ning Mansion, Su Mansion, and Feng Mansion are the highest, but the husband Ning Yi married is the current head of Feng Mansion.

"" AhZi supported Su Wu, her face turned purple just like her name.

"Ah Zi, let's... let's go!" Su Wu knew that Ning Bao was not easy to mess with, and if she stayed any longer, she wouldn't be able to get anything cheap.

Ah Zi had no choice but to support her to leave.

After the two left, Ning Bao walked up to Yu Mo and said angrily, "Your temper really hasn't changed at all, you have to see if you have the ability to be stubborn, look at yourself, and you won't be afraid of dying .”

"They came to provoke me, what are you blaming me for. Oh, ouch, it hurts, it hurts!" In this fight, she really didn't ask for any advantage, completely forgetting that this is not the dog monster clan, not the Queen Qiluo The rules are in place, just now I lost my sanity and didn't feel pain during the fight, but now that the fight is over, the pain in the flesh is deep, and the whole body is burning with pain.

Ning Bao knew what kind of status she was in King Li's heart, and seeing that she was seriously injured, he hurriedly called someone to find the wizard.

Yu Mo was carried into the dormitory, his whole body was injured, and he had to toss a lot.

On the other end, Su Wu came out of the Li Palace, and spit out another mouthful of blood, which made Ah Zi's face turn pale, "Miss, you can hold on, Ah Zi will take you back to the mansion immediately."

"You can't go back to the mansion, and you can't let dad know. Tan Ya's side concubine..."

Ning Bao flew to Fengfu, and went straight to the back garden.Li Wang and Feng Xianyang were playing chess, he ran over bluffing, seeing the two playing chess, he knew their temperaments, and he didn't like to be disturbed when they played chess, so he had to wait until they finished the game, but the two Everyone was evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner. He spun around several times in a hurry.

"Bao'er, what's wrong with you?" King Li noticed him distractedly.

Ning Bao hurriedly ran to him and talked in his ear. When he heard that Yu Mo was injured, Li Wang Luozi's hand froze, and after he placed it casually, he disappeared.

Feng Xianyang watched the chess players disappear, then looked at the chessboard, and landed his black stones, "It's rare, I actually won the next game of His Highness."

Seeing that Li Wang was gone, Ning Bao was about to give chase, but was stopped by him as soon as he raised his foot.

"What happened to the palace? I have never seen His Highness panic like just now."

Ning Bao took a step back, facing this brother-in-law like a rabbit seeing a tiger, "Brother-in-law, don't ask."

About Yu Mo's visit to the Fox Monster Clan, King Li said that he was not allowed to tell others.

"Oh, can't you say it? Then let me ask you in another way. Where's your sister?"

"Ah? Sister... Sister, she..." He considered how to say it so that he would not be suspicious, "Of course I went to work for His Highness..."

"When will you be back?"

"This..." He was not very good at lying since he was a child, especially when facing this brother-in-law, he simply passed him and ran away.

Feng Xianyang is such a transparent person, and he is also the general of the royal family's guards. Naturally, his demon power is much higher than that of Ning Bao. Ning Bao was overtaken within a few steps.

"Brother-in-law, don't ask, I won't tell."

Hearing this, Feng Xianyang knew that he had guessed right, there really was some secret.

"Bao'er, you should know how difficult His Highness's situation is now. You are still young and don't understand the advantages and disadvantages. He only brought you back this time but not your sister. He must have kept something from your sister. Tell me quickly. , don’t hide it anymore.”

It is obvious that he is on Li Wang's side. Apart from his childhood friendship, he thinks that Li Wang has a noble character and is more suitable to be a king.

"It's really nothing, but I just came back to get some things. As you can see, I went to the Yanhuo Cave early this morning, fought with the Yanhuo Beast, and got the flower stamen that can improve the transformation skill, so I came back to get it It's stamens."

There was a smile on Feng Xianyang's handsome face, but it was a superficial smile, which made Ning Bao's back feel chills. You must know that his brother-in-law is notoriously unsmiling, except for smiling at his wife and daughter, the other side I'm afraid that even if he dies, he won't be able to see his smile. If he smiles inexplicably, it means that his Qiankun knife is going to be bloody.

Ning Bao followed Ning Yi's ass since he was a child, and made troubles a lot. Every time he made troubles and Ning Yi couldn't control him, this brother-in-law would step out and make him cry. This is his smile all the time.

The memories of his youth were so tragic that his legs trembled when he saw this smile.

"Brother-in-law, I said, I said, don't be angry."

Meiling Palace.

"Your Majesty, Miss Su Wu please see me!"

Lying on the couch in the palace is a beautiful woman, not to mention her enchanting figure, her makeup is also exquisite and unique, and she is dressed in a luxurious dress, which is extremely expensive just by looking at the fabric. The maid stood up.

"Why did she come to see me?" Tan Ya felt very strange, this Su Wu is the daughter-in-law recognized by the queen, if she goes to the palace to meet people, she also goes to see the queen, how could she come to her side, she gestured with her eyes The confidant maid Luxiu went to see what was going on.

Luxiu nodded, and returned to her life after a while after going out.

"Your Majesty, it looks like you're hurt."

"Injured?" Tan Ya was even more puzzled, but it's always bad if people come and disappear, after all, she is the eldest lady of the Su family, "Let her in, you can find a suitable way to find a wizard, she is injured If you run towards me, you must not want people to know."


Su Wu was helped in by Ah Zi, just about to bow down, Tan Ya saw the clue.

"You are not Su sister!"

After saying that, Su Wu, who was kneeling on the ground, released her transformation spell, revealing her true face, and so did Ah Zi beside her, and the two masters and servants became other people in an instant.

Su Yu's complexion was pale, Ning Bao's counterattack was very powerful for her, she had reached her limit, and she passed out after the future answer.

Luxiu invited a wizard to come over, and after a diagnosis, a prescription was prescribed, and Su Yu woke up after passing out for a cup of tea.

Tanya asked, "The one you sang, what are you doing pretending to be your sister?"

There are two daughters in the Su family, Su Wu is the eldest daughter, Su Yu is the second daughter, they are not born of the same mother, Su Yu's mother is only a concubine Ji, who happens to be Tan Ya's younger sister, also a concubine.

"Auntie, don't you want to interfere with the marriage between Su Wu and King Li? Doesn't His Royal Highness King Li also like her? Now I pretend to be her and go to the palace to make trouble. When King Li finds out, she will definitely be angry with her and stop won't marry her."

"I don't understand these words. You have spent so much effort for this?" Tanya always felt that this niece was not in a good mind. "The marriage between Su Wu and King Li is only for the queen to talk about. The king has something to say." Decree? As long as the decree is not issued, the two of them will not be married couples, and with King Li's temperament, he may not even remember what Su Wu looks like, so I want you to mess around!"

"I just..." Su Yu covered her chest and coughed, "I want to help His Highness..."

"I know you like Xing'er, and you tried your best to help him, but why does Xing'er need your help? It's really messing up. I promised your mother a long time ago that although you are not in the position of the main concubine, the side concubine always Yes, what are you anxious about? Don't you have other thoughts?"

Tanya and the queen have the same pair of crimson eyes. Although they are the same red, the charm is only seven points of the queen's, slightly lighter. The two are sisters in appearance, so they are naturally alike, but only seven points.

"Auntie, I didn't..." Su Yu said in a panic, "I really just want to help His Highness."

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what's going on in your mind, and I advise you not to follow your mother's example and use inappropriate methods."

Concubine Su lowered her head. Facing this aunt, she always felt afraid, but she also admired it from the bottom of her heart. It was not easy for a concubine's daughter to be able to lower the concubine's daughter and win the crown of the harem. That's why she was willing. Be obedient and become the side concubine of the king.

So what about the side concubine, as long as she can hold the king's heart firmly in her hands, the queen is just a title.

What she wants to do most in this life is to trample Su Wu under her feet like this aunt did to the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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