The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 497 Part 262 The Straw to Help

Chapter 497 Part 262 Life-saving Straw

Su Wu?

Yu Mo's eyes widened. Isn't this person the one who bullied him yesterday?Why are you here again?She suddenly felt sleepless, and her nerves tensed up.Now her whole body is covered with wounds, and it hurts even if she moves a little bit, because the wound was pulled, she took a painful breath.

"Fox, why is she here? Could it be that she felt that she didn't bully enough yesterday, so she came to see if I was dead?"

If Ning Bao hadn't arrived in time for the fight yesterday, she would definitely have died, and she was still holding back her resentment.

"With me here, she can't hurt you." Li Wang helped her to lie down and tucked the corner of the quilt for her.

Under such circumstances, how could Yu Mo lie down with peace of mind, this person has come to the door, lying down to meet people is too weak, no matter what this woman is here for, she must not lose her momentum.

"I'm much better now, she's here now, how can I lie down, don't stop me, let me get up."

Feng Xianyang felt that the girl's temper was quite twisted, and said, "She's here to make amends!"

"Fart, what apology, I knew why I went yesterday today, did I get caught in the door? The weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, and it has no good intentions." She didn't believe that this woman would come to make amends with good intentions. If she had good intentions, what about yesterday? He will kill people and beat people indiscriminately.

Feng Xianyang was bored, and glanced at Li Wang, "Let's see what she says later, don't get angry casually. The Su family's snobbery should not be ignored, if offended, it is hard to deal with it."

Su Wu is the jewel in Su Yaoguang's palm. She grew up holding it in the palm of her hand. She can hurt anyone, but she must not be hurt.

King Li nodded, knowing how to weigh.

"Miss Su, please go this way."

The maid at the door welcomed Su Wu and Ah Zi in. As soon as Su Wu entered the door, Su Wu felt that the bedroom was a bit cold, and her pair of beautiful eyes met Yu Mo's stare instantly. Face, she knew in her heart that she was hated, she smiled calmly, and bowed down to King Li and Feng Xianyang.

"Su Wu met His Royal Highness Li Wang and General Feng."

Ah Zi followed behind and saluted, she was a maid, her status was not as noble as Su Wu's, and she had to kneel down to salute.

"My servant, Ah Zi, has seen His Royal Highness King Li, and His Highness is well. I have seen General Feng, and General Feng is well."

After waiting for a long time, she didn't hear Li Wang saying that she was excused, so she could only continue to kneel in embarrassment.

Su Wu has already straightened up spontaneously after saluting, with a smile on her face, a dignified figure, a head of fine black long hair draped over her shoulders, a warm smile in her water-blue pupils, flashing a bright light, which complements She is warmer and softer than jade, not half the appearance of yesterday's wicked woman.

Yu Mo was dumbfounded, this face was exactly the same as the person who bullied her yesterday, but his temperament was quite different, but why did he look like a different person in one night?She recognized the face of the girl behind her that turned into ashes. She was the one who hurt herself all over with the demonic whip yesterday. She remembered that she had pulled out her hair, but why is it back to normal now? Can it all grow out?
She looked back and forth between Su Wu and Ah Zi in a daze.

That's right, it's these two people.

Seeing her doubts, Su Wu breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was confident when she came here, it could not be ruled out that King Li liked a woman with no brains. Now, she saved some things. She glanced at King Li secretly, and compared Zhi Yumo, there was no emotion on Li Wang's face.

That's right, there were so many witnesses when the incident happened yesterday, it wasn't just a few words that dispelled the doubts.

Ah Zi was still kneeling, and when she secretly raised her head to glance at Yu Mo, she felt annoyed when she thought that this woman caused her young lady to come to make amends, she stared at her, and happened to be caught by Yu Mo.

The stare was hard enough, but not half as vicious as yesterday.

She was puzzled, if it was a play, it was done too well.

"Are you really Su Wu?" She asked uncertainly.

Ah Zi yelled, "Bold, how could my young lady's name be called directly by a servant like you."

Li Wang shouted: "Presumptuous!"

Ah Zi was frightened and fell silent.

Su Wu used her eyes to signal Ah Zi not to speak again. They came here to make amends. If they can get started, they will offend others and make new enemies. She bowed calmly and said, "Your Highness, calm down, this girl is usually spoiled by me. It's not big or small, it's even blind, and I don't know His Highness's side concubine. I hope Your Highness will forgive me, and I will definitely punish you severely when I go back. Ah Zi..." She reprimanded her severely, "Quickly apologize to His Highness's side concubine. .”

Concubine! ?
Where did the side concubine come from?
Yu Mo was stunned when he heard this, but Li Wang was calm, but frowned.

Ah Zi knew that if she didn't make amends now, she would definitely suffer even more.

"A'Zi can't afford to apologize to the side concubine, please have a lot of side concubine, don't worry about it with AZi." She lowered her head, looking very sincere, but secretly made a face.

"No, I'm not side..."

It was only then that Yu Mo realized that the side concubine they were talking about was herself. Just as she was about to correct her, King Li interrupted her, "What is your intention here?"

"Of course I'm here to make amends!" She unleashed her demon power and took out the condolence gifts she had prepared from her storage barrier.

Yu Mo was full of questions, and kept staring at Su Wu. No matter the tone of the woman's speech or the way she responded, it was different from yesterday's, especially when she met her eyes, her eyes were full of smiles, as gentle as jade, It doesn't look like it's fake.

"You haven't answered me yet, are you really Su Wu?"

"It's a fake one!" Su Wu smiled lightly, with dimples looming on her cheeks.

"Do you have a twin sister?" She thought of this possibility.

"There is indeed a younger sister in the family, but she is not born to the same mother. She is about fifty years younger than me."

"Like you?"

"Since they are sisters, they are naturally similar, but if they are exactly the same, they are not. Why does the side concubine ask such a question?"

"Eh? Side concubine...I'm not a side concubine..." This title was really uncomfortable in her ears.

"No?" Su Wu subconsciously looked at King Li.

Of course she knew that Yu Mo could not be the side concubine, but seeing that Li Wang cared about her so much, she believed that she had some status in her heart, and she estimated that she would be taken into the room sooner or later. It would be impolite to call her concubine Ji He used the name of the side concubine. When he called it just now, Li Wang didn't correct him. I believe he already had the idea of ​​accepting her as the side concubine. In fact, she could have guessed it because he was so precious.

The problem is that this girl does not admit that she is a side concubine, which is a bit strange. A foreign woman, unless she is a royal family or a famous nobleman, can be a side concubine, but judging by her appearance... I have no demon power. Nobles and royal families don't seem to be compatible, and she is not qualified to be the side concubine of King Li. She would call her that, and she wanted to ease the atmosphere and make her happy.

She couldn't be sure if this woman had a reputation of self-knowledge, or... Could it be that others have misunderstood that she is not Li Wang's woman?Keli Wang's concern for her does not seem to be fake.

"Be silent, lie down."

"What are you lying on, I haven't asked clearly yet." Yu Mo looked at Su Wu, "Miss Su, to be honest, you are different from the person who bullied me yesterday."

Although it is possible to pretend, the clarity in her eyes can be seen to the end at a glance, without any turbidity, and she is extremely calm when talking to her, without the slightest wavering in her eyes, the eyes are the windows of the soul, look at the eyes You can know a person.The most important thing is that the person who bullied her yesterday obviously had feelings for Li Wang, and the reason for bullying her was probably jealousy, but she hadn't looked at Li Wang very much since she came in, and she only glanced at Li Wang when she was saluting and talking, absolutely He didn't look sideways, without any hint of admiration.

"Su Wu is really happy that the side concubine can say that." She looked at King Li with a light smile, "His Royal Highness, Su Wu is here to explain what happened yesterday to you!"

"It's not the side..."

Li Wang was the first to speak, "Momo, lie down, your injury is still not healed." He took the opportunity to lean into her ear and said, "The identity of this side concubine is just right for you now, so as not to be bullied again, and let her Shouting like that, it’s not true anyway, what are you afraid of?”

"But..." She sounded harsh.

"No but... lie down and be careful of the wound opening." He turned to look at Su Wu, "You want to say that someone used your identity to do what happened yesterday." In fact, he is the same as Yu Mo, seeing She also had doubts later.

"Exactly! Although I said so, there was no evidence. I thought that the misunderstanding would not deepen, so I came here in person."

"Have you ever had a grudge with someone?" Since it was based on her appearance, she must be blamed, either there is a grudge or a grudge.

"Maybe! But it's also very likely that you want to kill two birds with one stone."

Li Wang frowned, "What do you mean?"

"The person who bullies the side concubine is also very likely to be someone who admires His Highness, because of this jealous hand. Su Wu has more or less contact with His Highness. If that person is jealous of me, it is also okay to act in my identity." Being able to pour dirty water on me is killing two birds with one stone."

Feng Xianyang said, "That's right, that's the reason. Miss Su Wu is indeed a transparent person as the rumors say."

"I don't dare to be honest, it's just that the person who did the trick used my name after all, and I'm one of the parties involved. You can't let people splash dirty water casually, can you? Your Highness..." She bowed respectfully again, "Since His Highness also believes that Su Wu did not do it, can you be tolerant and let my ignorant maid get up, she has been kneeling for a long time."

AhZi was indeed still kneeling, her knees hurt a little.

"Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness." AhZi's legs were numb from kneeling, and she almost fell when she got up.

Feng Xianyang asked, "Does Miss Su Wu have any clues?"

She shook her head, "The incident happened suddenly, and there are no clues available yet, but I believe this person is very good at the art of transformation, otherwise everyone would not mistakenly think that I did it, and it can last for such a long time. a connoisseur."

Li Wang nodded, "Indeed, in this way, some people can be excluded. The transformation technique requires at least three tails or more people to cast the spell. In addition to this bullying behavior, women are more likely."

"Li Wang Yingming, my father also searched from this direction. It seems that Su Wu's trip was not in vain. Now that it makes sense, I feel at ease. It's getting late, I should go back." The business is done. , She should go back to read.

When she was about to leave, Yu Mo stopped her, "Miss Su Wu, please stop, I have something to ask you?"

"My concubine, may I ask, Su Wu is all ears."

Yu Mo glanced at Li Wang, "Go out with Feng Xianyang, I want to talk to her alone."

"Alone?" King Li narrowed his eyes.

"You are so suspicious of what I am doing. I think it is not easy for her to take the risk to come and explain. I hit it off with her. I want to make friends with her, can't I? You won't even give me this little freedom, will you? .”

"Why do you need to be alone to make friends?"

"Because I'm uncomfortable with you here!" She has been so angry since she came to the Fox Monster Clan. In short, she hates Li Wang staying by her side.

Li Wang is not someone who can't figure it out, "You are so courageous, you can be persuaded by her in a few words, in case she is faking it, when we meet alone, she will slash you, and I will not be able to save you in time."

"Don't you believe it too? If she is really the one who bullies me, it would be too abrupt to come here today. You can see how gentle her parents are, and she looks like a good person. She can explain it to me so boldly. It means that you are an upright person, you don’t have to be a chicken belly. I have tolerated you for a long time, you can’t get out, if you don’t get out, I will go out.” She made a gesture to get out of bed.

Li Wang has nothing to do with her, although he is suspicious of her purpose, but it is not good to disobey her wishes at this time, if he refuses to take medicine because of the trouble, it will be him who will feel distressed.

"Okay, I'm going out, but only for a moment."

Su Wu was surprised by Yu Mo's attitude towards Li Wang, and there were some subtle waves in her blue eyes.

After King Li left, Yu Mo said, "Miss Su Wu, can you girl leave too?"


Ah Zi was startled, "Miss, this woman is weird, Ah Zi is worried..."

"Go out, this is Prince Li's mansion, who can hurt me?"

Ah Zi was pushed out by her.

After closing the door, Su Wu smiled lightly, "Girl, do you have something to ask of me?" Her brows were still calm, but the elegance inside made Yu Mo think of Queen Qi Luo.

Sure enough, she was right.

"Did you guess it?" Hearing that she stopped calling her side concubine, she knew she must have guessed it.

"Didn't you just show me the conversation you had with His Highness Li Wang?"

"You are indeed a smart person. I do have something to ask for!"

"How can you be sure that Su Wu will help you?"

"I'm just a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If you don't help and tell the secret, at most it will make him treat me more strictly. It's not much different from the current situation, but if you agree, I will A life-saving straw has been found."

"Girl, please tell." Su Wu decided to listen first before making a judgment.

"Do you have a marriage contract with King Li?"

Su Wu was stunned, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"you answer me first!"

"If you say yes, you can count it. If you say no, you really don't have it. It's just mentioned occasionally among the elders."

"Is that so?" Yu Mo frowned, "Then do you want to marry King Li?"

"Marriage matters have always been decided by parents, so Su Wu naturally listens to her parents' arrangements."

"Your answer is equivalent to no answer. I want a definite answer. Why don't I ask you in a different way. With your status and status, I am afraid that you are qualified to be a queen. Do you want to be a queen?"

Yumo knew that it was a bit abrupt to ask such a question, but she knew from Feng Xianyang's mouth that the power of the Su family should not be underestimated. At this time, the power must be closely related to King Li's seizure of the throne. She didn't know what kind of background the Su family had. Clear, but she sees Su Wu very well, and believes that a family that can give birth to such a woman must be good.If in the battle for the throne, the Su family becomes the key, and the conditions that can make the Su family favor King Li, there will be a relationship with Su Wu in all likelihood.

As long as things are done, the daughter will be the queen, and she will definitely be included in the most important conditions of the negotiation, and the attitude of looking good is very clear.

Suddenly, Su Wu's breezy appearance disappeared, replaced by a condensed face, water-blue pupils as dark as if splashed with thick ink.

"It seems that Li Wang has really moved his true feelings for you, and he didn't even hide this royal power from you. Who are you? When you asked me earlier, I tested your demon power, and I didn't even have the slightest bit of power. I can't detect it, but your prototype is the bird demon of the Night Falcon clan." She had alertness in her eyes, and since she knew that her father intended to help King Li, she had already decided to stand by King Li as well. Marrying him is a different story, she has no intention of being a queen, she just wants to live a happy life, but since she has chosen to stand on Li Wang's side, it is natural to understand the people and things around him, so as not to be in danger. Leading to the destruction of the whole family.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not Bai Yu's person, on the contrary, I'm his victim, and I'm not in the same group as that king, Li Wang's brother Wang, and I'm not interested in doing undercover things, I just purely I want to beg you, help me go back to my husband."

 Su Wu and Needle Feather are not of the same type at all.

  Needle feathers are attachments.

  Su Wu...she is just lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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