The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 498 Part 263 Found a Helper

Chapter 498 Part 263 Found a Helper


Su Wu was stunned, she was already married, a married woman?What kind of woman did King Li want, but she actually fell in love with someone else's woman? It was unbelievable to her, and she even felt a sense of disgust. It is not a gentleman's behavior to take someone's wife.

She looked at Yu Mo, if she was beautiful, she was only delicate, and if she had a figure, she wasn't too enchanting.Oh, the mind is still quite clever, but it is not enough to make King Li treat each other so heartily and snatch the Hui people by force, right?

Or... this woman has something special that she can't see?
"It's true. I didn't lie to you. Not only do I have a husband, I even have a child."

Su Wu froze as if struck by lightning, her beautiful eyebrows squeezed into a line.

This Li Wang's taste really opened her eyes.

"Do you know that King Li belongs to the royal family, and no matter how expensive I am, I am only the daughter of a general, the woman who released the prince privately. If the incident happened, I would be guilty of a serious crime. Besides, you have no demon power, and the mountains are high and the water is far away. How can you Go back to your husband safely?"

The Night Falcon family is far away from the Fox Realm. If she has stronger monster power, she can take off and fly back, and it will take three days at least, and seven or eight days at most, and she can resist resistance on the way. Going to the Dragon Palace doesn't mean that you can walk there.

"No, you misunderstood. Since I beg you, I naturally have to consider your safety. The journey is far away, and I don't have the ability to go back by myself. I want to ask you to send the letter written by myself to Dragon Palace."

Dragon Palace?

Su Wu's slightly stretched eyebrows frowned again.

"Why Dragon Palace?" She had never heard of the Night Falcon Clan's relationship with Dragon Palace, but she was very familiar with the Dog Monster Clan.

"Because my husband is in Dragon Palace."

"Nonsense, the Dragon Palace is full of women, so where are the men? Could it be that your husband is a woman from the Dragon Palace?" Because most of the Dragon Palace is women, there are occasional incidents where a woman and a woman have a good relationship, which is similar to the love of a man, but she Thinking about it wrong, she already has children, and her husband can't be a woman. Thinking about it like this made her even more confused. She frowned and looked at Yu Mo, "What is your identity?"

She's probably not an ordinary Night Falcon clansman.

"I can't say this for now..."

Although she hoped that Su Wu could help her, but her own status is really special, if she refuses to help, if she leaks out, it is hard to guarantee that the fox monster clan will not trouble her, if King Li is already the king, there is no need to worry so much, Now that he is an unfavored prince, the Su family may turn against each other to help King Jing, and she can't take the risk.Having fought with Bai Yu so many times, she knows that she is Mei Luo's weakness, and if she becomes a hostage, Mei Luo will be restrained.

Su Wu smiled and said, "Since you can't tell the truth, why should I help you? I'm a member of the fox monster clan. If I can't judge the pros and cons, I will definitely not be able to help you."

"You can rest assured about this, I will definitely not harm the fox monster clan by asking you."

"There's nothing to say. Those treacherous people often say the same thing before harming others. I'm not a three-year-old child. If I can't judge by myself, I won't help you with this job." The root of the family is one's own responsibility, and one must not do things that should not be done out of sympathy. In this world, there are too many regrettable things caused by a single thought. How can there be no eggs under the overturned nest?She, Su Wu, doesn't want to be the eternal sinner of the fox demon clan.

"You see, I have no power to restrain a chicken, how can I harm you and your people? As a woman, you should understand the pain and suffering of being forced to leave your husband and children."

"If you want to use this to win my sympathy, excuse me, I don't accept this trick. If you can't be honest, don't mention this matter. Leave."

"Hey...don't go!" Yu Mo was in a hurry, she finally caught such a life-saving straw, she couldn't just throw it away, "Wait a minute, let me tell you, I'll tell you what I said, but it's just what I said Now, you may not believe it."

"As long as you are willing to tell, I will judge for myself." She withdrew her hand to push the door, turned around and walked to the chair she didn't want to leave the bed, and sat down, "Say it. But I remind you, it's not good to make up stories... ..."

Yumo sat up from the bed, thinking about what to say, fearing that she couldn't hide her identity, she felt a little flustered, but she was unwilling to let her give up just like that, she knew Li Wang's ability, if he wanted to If you can hide it from Mei Luo, you don't have to worry about the rest. The most worrying thing is that in order to get her, King Li simply came to cheat death, making Mei Luo mistakenly think that she was dead and pushed it all to the Night Falcon clan. Luo will definitely find Bai Yu's revenge for her. He loves her so deeply that he will lose his mind at that time.

"Miss Su Wu, before you speak, can you answer me a question."

"You said."

"What do you think of the King?" She must first make sure that the Su family has no possibility of helping the King.

"As a courtier, how can you talk about the prince indiscriminately? I can't answer this question."

Although she didn't say it clearly, there was a trace of contempt on her face, which showed that she didn't have a good impression of King Jing.

"Let me ask you another way, will you marry her?"

"What does this have to do with what you want to say? Why do you care so much about my marriage?" She also asked before if she would marry Li Wang, and now she is asking Li Wang, so that she can decide whether she will survive or not. What is your mind.

"Naturally it has something to do with it. I need to make sure that you won't side with King Jing in the future."

King Qu and Bai Yu are in the same group, if he knows that she is in the fox demon clan, everything will be over.

"You just said that you want me to be honest with each other, and now I also need your honesty."

Su Wu thought about it for a while and said, "You asked me sideways if I would stand with King Jing, which made me have some doubts. Could it be that you are touching the bottom of my Su family for King Li? Are you lying to me?" Her eyes flickered, and there was a hint of hostility.

"No, you misunderstood me. I don't have that kind of relationship with King Li. I don't like him, not at all. It's his wishful thinking. I just want to leave here and go back to my husband. It has something to do with it."

The relationship of alliance is not a little relationship.

"I can't understand your words even more. How can your husband have anything to do with His Highness?"

"This has something to do with my identity, so I want to know if you will stand with King Jing, because I want to ensure that my people will be safe."

"Your clan? Night Falcon clan?"

"No, I have nothing to do with the stinky bird demon clan who do all kinds of evil." Xu Shi talked a lot, and he was a little thirsty, poured a glass of water to drink, and continued, "Bai Yu and King Jing are now in the same group. You must know something, right?"

Su Wu nodded, although she seldom goes out and doesn't interact with others, but her father is considered a powerful minister, and she often talked about the family affairs with her, so she knew it by ear.

"My clan and Bai Yu are mortal enemies, and I have also been persecuted by him a lot, so my husband has an alliance with King Li."

"Are you telling me that His Royal Highness Li Wang not only took away his wife, but also took away his brother's woman."

Now that they have formed an alliance, the two are naturally no different from brothers.

"Yeah, it's very annoying, he is simply despicable and shameless." Yu Mo couldn't help but cursed.

Su Wu shouted, "Presumptuous!"

No matter how you say it, King Li is still the prince of the fox demon clan, as a citizen, how can he be insulted by others.

"What I said are all facts, not malicious rumors, and that's why I ask for your help. If you are going to marry him in the future, then he is your future husband. The husband made a mistake. You wife Shouldn't it be fixed?"

"How do you know that I will definitely marry King Li?" The queen's position is not what she longs for.

"You are the eldest lady of the Su family, right? Your father loves you very much. Feng Xianyang told Li Wang many things about you when he came here yesterday. Of course, I overheard it, although I don't know exactly what your family is. What kind of identity, but you can guess one or two, it must be extremely honorable, I also heard that Li Wang's mother, that is, the queen, is very fond of you. Judging by your character and appearance, you are also the best candidate for the queen, Li Wang If you become the king in the future, the chances of you becoming the queen are too high."

"You think highly of me!"

Su Wu sat on the chair like a painting of beauties, noble and dignified, no matter how you look at it, such a woman would be a queen.

Yu Mo said again: "I know that your curiosity about my identity is for the sake of your clansmen, but I also have to think about my clansman. From which level do you look at things, and from which level do I , so, do you understand?"

She still didn't dare to reveal her identity, so she could only speak vaguely.

After all, Su Wu is a smart person, she immediately understood, the sparkles in her eyes, after a few thoughts, gradually faded away, "Okay, I will help you."

"Really!?" Yu Mo brightened her eyes with joy.

She nodded, "But before that, I need the girl to promise me one thing."


"You are sure that you can appease your husband's anger."

"Huh?" Yu Mo was startled.

She smiled and said, "The matter of forming an alliance is very important. If the alliance breaks because of your affairs, the loss outweighs the gain. Why not send this letter."

The hatred of taking a wife is a problem that affects a man's self-esteem.

"Oh, this one, don't worry, he listens to me very much."

"Even if you have been in the fox demon clan for many days and your innocence has been ruined, he won't be annoyed?"

Yu Mo sprayed tea and said, "Li Wang didn't do anything to me."

Su Wu expressed doubts, "Oh, no? But your husband may not think so."

People have been taken away, and it is against common sense not to sleep right away, even if it is true, but there are a few men who think this way, more or less there will be some grudges.

Although the demon does not have the concept of being consistent, it is always a disgraceful thing for his wife to be slept by someone, and it is not good to spread it, after all, he is wearing a cuckold hat.

"Don't worry, my husband will believe me 100%, as long as I say no, it means no."

"I can rest assured that."

After talking for a while, Li Wang came to urge people. Yu Mo hadn't had time to write the letter yet, and he had to consider how to write it so that Mei Luo would not get angry, so the letter had to be slowed down. send away.

After she left, Li Wang entered the bedroom, his eyes full of inquiry.

"What do you look at, can't I make friends?"

"What did you talk to her about? You look so good after the chat."

Yu Mo suffocated, "It's nothing, just chatting about some family matters. By the way, I asked her to meet next time, won't you let her come? Let me tell you, your mansion is suffocating, I Sooner or later you will get sick."

He suddenly leaned over and pressed her on the bed, with a warning look on his face, "You can see me as soon as you want, but it's best not to do something that makes me unhappy."

"Talk, read a book, what are you so upset about? Go away, you're pressing my hair." She didn't have any curly hair, and when he pressed over, his palm just pressed a strand of hair, making her want to say goodbye My scalp hurts when I cross my face.

Li Wang let go of her, sat on the edge of the bed, and asked, "There are so many maids in the mansion, and you are not interested in talking to them, why is Su Wu so attractive to you?"

"Beautiful!" She got into the bed and shrank to the corner of the wall. "You are not attracted to such a beautiful woman by your side. Is there something wrong with your eyes?"

"Not as good as you!"

Yumo coughed, this should be regarded as a love story.

"Why didn't you speak?"

"You've said that, what else can I say. You are a typical beauties in the eye of the beholder."

"Who is Shih Tzu?"

"..." It's better for Mei Luo, who has been to the human world and knows what he should know, "I won't tell you. I drank the medicine and fell asleep."

After King Li left the dormitory, Feng Xianyang, who was standing outside the door, came up to him.

"Your Highness is very lucky. These two have become friends. It seems that the wives and concubines will be harmonious in the future."

"Where is the wife and concubine!" All he wanted was this woman in the room.

Feng Xianyang straightened his face and said, "Don't you really think that this girl can be your queen?"

"Why not?"

"She is the woman of the Demon Dog King. Now that you have formed an alliance with the Demon Dog King, aren't you afraid that he will turn against you?"

"If he didn't know, how could he turn against him?"

"Paper can't cover fire." The fake Su Wu knew that he brought back a woman, which shows that this is no secret in the clan. The common people may not know it, but the nobles must know it. Don't cover it up well, now that it's all over and everyone knows about it, how are you going to hide it?"

"That's also known in the clan, and it can't be passed on to the outside world. When her real body comes and her soul returns to her place, the current body will be useless. At that time, it will be announced that she died of illness and a funeral will be held, and it will be revealed. "

He is a prince, and there are too many eyeliners around him. Some things cannot be hidden no matter how hard they are. Fortunately, the dog demon king does not know Yumo's current appearance, so it will be easy to solve.

"Are you really going to let Bao'er go to the Dragon Palace to steal her body? Although you have the transfiguration technique, who can you turn into without arousing suspicion?"

"Awu and Dada are the best candidates. They are the confidants and close bodyguards of the Dog Demon King. If they go to the Night Falcon Clan, these two will definitely follow. Bao'er only needs to become one of them and go to Dragon Palace, tell Princess Muyun that she has found her soul and needs the main body to respond, so naturally her body can be stolen safely."

"So you've already planned it?" This step by step was obviously carefully planned.

"Of course, since I've identified her, I won't let this matter go wrong. It's just that there is a more difficult place right now."



"The fierce beast Taotie? Oh, I remembered, Bao'er said, this girl did not know what kind of luck she had, so that Taotie recognized her as the master. In this way, it is true, not his nonsense."

Li Wang nodded, "Taotie is extremely loyal to her, if Bao'er wants to steal her body, Taotie will definitely go with her."

"Wouldn't that be great, Taotie is a ferocious beast, and it has great combat power, if it can be used by us..."

Li Wang interrupted, "If she is allowed to reunite with Taotie, she may use Kaishen to destroy my Li Palace to vent her hatred. If so, even if you and I join forces, we may not be able to get cheap."

"Is it really that powerful? Isn't she human?"

For Feng Xianyang, King Li trusted him extremely, so he did not hide some things from him.

"This is what makes her so special." His purple eyes warmed up, softening his cold face, "It always surprises and convinces people at the same time."

Seeing his face, Feng Xianyang knew that he was deeply rooted in love, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried. Too much love is not a good thing for a king, "Do you know that twisted melons are not sweet."

"It's not like you were obsessed with Yi'er back then. I can't remember how many years you have been obsessed with. If you can, why can't I."

"I'm different from Yier, Yier always has me in her heart, but she..."

"I don't like to hear that. If you don't have it, you can change it."

He will never give up on her no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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