The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 504 Part 269 The egg shell is broken

Chapter 504 Part 269 The egg shell is broken

Su Wu had just entered the garden of Prince Li's Mansion, and when she was about to look for Yu Mo, Yu Mo poked his head out from a bush of flowers and beckoned to her.

"Miss Su, here, here!" While waving, she checked to see if there was anyone around.

Su Wu frowned, "Why are you doing this?"

"There are too many people talking in the room. It's better to talk here. Come here quickly." That's why she finally pushed Ying'er away.

Su Wu went to the flowers and plants, Yu Mo signaled her to squat down, and Ah Zi behind her was not spared, the three of them squatted in the flowers and plants and had a small meeting, Su Wu had never experienced such a thing in her life, like doing Like a thief.

Ah Zi complained, "You don't know how to find a good place to talk, the flowers are full of bugs, what if they bite my lady?"

"Just your miss, Jingui, I'm quite Jingui too, okay?"

"How does your status compare with my young lady?" In Ah Zi's eyes, Yu Mo is just a servant girl, no matter how tall she is, she is just a concubine.

"Little girl, don't look down on others. In the future, when your young lady becomes queen, I will be equal to her." She is the queen of the dog monster clan. If she wants to have any political activities in the future, she will be equal to her.

Ah Zihui was mistaken, thinking that she thought that she was favored by King Li and could not be a queen, but she could be proud of being favored and honored more than the queen, and said angrily, "You are shameless!"

"Ah Zi!" Su Wu yelled, "When did you become so ignorant of the rules?"

"Miss is her... She obviously doesn't understand the rules."

Su Wu is no better than her. She has already guessed Yu Mo's identity. Now that she said this, the answer in her heart is clearer. It's just that she looks like a bird demon for some reason, so it's inconvenient to ask about it at this time. I'm afraid that Ah Zi Being ignorant offends people.

"Stand back, go to the side and look at some people."

"Miss, what are you doing to her so well, she won't think about your kindness in the future." She really couldn't understand why her lady would help her like this. If the queen is obliged to maintain the peace of the harem, But now the horoscope has not been written yet, it is still unknown how long Li Wang can pamper her, maybe he will get tired of it tomorrow, so it is against reason to flatter her.

Su Wu straightened her face, "Back off!"

AhZi stomped her feet, and got out of the flower bushes angrily.

"You girl is also loyal, so don't worry too much about it. I think she's pretty good." Yu Mo is kind-hearted, worried that Su Wu will be punished when she goes back.

"I also know that she is loyal, but she is not tactful, nor does she know how to understand people. If she is not strict, disasters will definitely happen in the future."

Yu Mo took a look at Su Wu, "You look extremely indifferent, but your mind is really exquisite, whoever marries you will be blessed. I think it would be a pity if you marry that stinky fox in the future. "

"If I'm destined to marry him, I won't resist. Anyway, I'm marrying someone. Why don't I marry someone with more status and power? I believe that the days to come will be much more peaceful."

"Ansheng? You think you are marrying the royal family Ansheng? Those rebellions, mutinies, and harem competitions, where is Ansheng?"

"Whether it is safe or not depends on how a person lives. You think it's noisy, but I don't think so. It's good if it can be balanced."

Yu Mo pursed her lips, "You are so generous!"

"Many people say that!" She took it as a compliment, "This is the end of the chat, where is your letter!"

"Oh, oh!" Yu Mo took out the letter from his sleeve pocket and handed it to her solemnly, "Please."

"May I read this letter?"

"Of course!"

"So trust me?"

"No need for suspects!" Yu Mo naturally knows that she is a cautious person and will never do anything that harms the ethnic group, so there is no need to hide it from her. Besides, she is required to deliver the letter, and she can steal it when she leaves. Look, there is something to hide and tuck, but there is one thing that needs to be instructed, "Letter, I will leave it to you, how you want to deliver it is your business, just make sure it is delivered safely, but the person who receives the letter must Do as I say."

"Say it!" Su Wu sent the letter into her storage enchantment.

"The dog monster king, the dog monster family Huansifu Linglong, or the dog monster king's personal bodyguard, General Dada, only three people can accept this letter, and the others can't." She doesn't believe the others.

After Su Wu heard the words "King of Demon Dog", her eyes rolled around, "You are indeed the queen of Demon Dog King."

"Did you guess it?" Yu Mo had never revealed his real identity before, but only revealed it a little bit.

"From the time you asked me to help, I have been guessing your identity. When it comes to alliances, I went back and found someone to check. King Li has formed an alliance with the dog monster clan and wolf monster clan to deal with Bai Yu's night falcon together. Clan, this is a secret. If my father hadn't had many contacts in the army, he might not have known about it. Thinking about what you said, robbing you would run counter to the intention of forming an alliance, so I guessed that your status is extremely noble, and it must be Which king's wife, the wolf demon king has never been married, so only the dog demon king is left. The news from my family's eyeliner is that the dog demon king loves his wife deeply. It has been decided and cannot be shaken, so... I have the answer. The three people you are looking for are all related to the dog monster clan, which further confirms my guess."

"Then will you still help me?"

"Naturally, the Night Falcon family is a serious concern. We must not ruin this rare alliance because of the love of King Li's sons and daughters. Don't worry, I will send it to you. To be on the safe side, I think this letter should be sent to the dog monster. The king is the most appropriate."

Yu Mo was overjoyed, held her hand and thanked, "Su Wu, you are really a good person, if King Li bullies you in the future, I will support you."

"I'll write this down first, but please remember to promise Su Wu, Your Royal Highness. After this matter is over, I will not be able to pursue my fox monster clan. I must do my best to help King Li win the throne."

"Naturally. But..." She tilted her head and looked around Su Wu, "Why are you helping him like this?"

During that meeting, she could see that Li Wang was not interested in her, and she was also not interested in Li Wang, but it was just a monarch and minister.

"As a member of the fox demon clan, I naturally have to think about the society of the clan. From my point of view, King Qu is not a candidate for the king. If he succeeds as king, within 200 years, the fox demon clan will decline. Thought, I loathe him very much. To become husband and wife with him is the most unbearable thing for me, Su Wu, but he is a royal family after all, if he really wants to become a king, I can't resist a decree, or I will die... Either my father fought with him to protect me, but the result is obvious, my family will perish. I neither want to die nor my family to perish. The only way is to help King Li ascend the throne. His mother-in-law has a very good relationship, she doesn't like him, but she doesn't dislike him, if you want to be a husband and wife, it's okay. I only hope that when I become a queen in the future, life will be more peaceful."

When Yu Mo heard it, there was only one sentence, "Su Wu, let me say it again, your heart is really ridiculous. How can a husband and wife be together without love."

"The king and the latter never need the king's love, just respect. If you compare it with you, it is different, but that's just that the person you love happens to be the dog demon king, and it happens that he loves you deeply, that's all. "


Yu Mo had never thought about this, but not every queen in ancient times could be favored by the king. Serving others with color will sooner or later decline, and seeking others with wisdom will turn back when things pass. Only respect remains the same.

It's not that Su Wu is broad-minded, but that she can think clearly about everything. She already has the aptitude to be a queen, and with this transparency, it is not difficult to gain King Li's respect, but she is not without a plan at all. .

On the premise of respect, there is an additional condition, that is, she must give birth to a prince.

With a prince, no matter how much respect you have, you can secure the queen's position. If you can't give birth to a son, don't be anxious. There will always be one among the concubines who can give birth. It's enough to adopt one and raise it. The female god is destined, and it is useless to force, and she will not do anything to murder the heirs of the royal family, but she must ensure that she has one too.

Yu Mo said with feeling, "Now I really understand one thing, these men never know how to cherish the people around them, whether it's you or Needle Feather, don't leave such a good person alone, I have to grab someone else's pot. I don't know what crime I did. I was not very popular when I was in my hometown. I grew up so big, and I didn't see anyone come to confess my love. When I came to you, I was very popular. Don't worry, if you really become the queen of King Li in the future, as long as he dares to bully you, I will definitely teach him a lesson for you, and I will make you my friend."

She decided to include Su Wu in the circle of girlfriends.

Just imagine, when Shu is enlightened, and Zhenyu becomes the queen of the wolf monster clan, and Su Wu is the queen of the fox monster clan, the relationship between the three clans depends on the three women to maintain it well, and they will definitely be able to achieve success. Fanmei talk.

After thinking about it, Yumo smiled, thinking that this is really a good thing.

"After the matter is finished, I should go too. After a long time, Li Wang will definitely become suspicious."

"Yeah, you're right, I won't send you off, you go!"

Xu Shi squatted for a long time, his legs were a little numb, and both of them couldn't stand up.

Suddenly, Yumo felt a pain in his chest.

"Ouch!" she moaned, clutching her chest.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Wulina quickly supported her.

"It hurts!" She turned pale from the pain.

"Okay, why does my chest hurt."

"I don't know... It seems that something is about to come out..." She wailed and collapsed on the ground in an instant.

Su Wu's complexion changed, and she hurriedly called out, "Ah Zi, hurry up and call someone!"

When AhZi saw it, she was dumbfounded, she stood still and didn't dare to move.

"Hurry up, if something happens to her, it will be even more difficult to explain the bullying between me and you." This time there is no transformation, it is completely the deity.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away!"

As soon as she ran out, she ran into Ying'er who was looking for someone. Ying'er ran over when she saw the movement here, saw Yu Mo fell to the ground in pain, and saw Su Wu, the bullying incident that day surfaced.


Su Wu knew that she had misunderstood, but it seemed useless to explain at this moment.

On the other hand, Yumo said to Ying'er holding her breath, " wasn't her, it was me who suddenly..." Her chest was cramping and she began to twitch.

"Hurry up and call the wizard!!" Su Wu shouted.

"Yes Yes!"

Ying'er and Ah Zi hurried to call for someone.

"What old disease do you have?" Seeing her suffering, Su Wu released demon power and poured it into her body to help her relieve the pain.

"There is no old disease, but this body is not mine."

"It's not your body? Why?"

"It means returning the soul from a dead body..." She took a deep breath, "I feel my original body is nearby..."

"What are you talking about, I don't understand."

What is the resurrection of the dead, this is simply a fantasy.

"Su Wu, don't worry, as long as I have breath, I will definitely not let the stinky fox make things difficult for you."

"Don't talk yet, don't waste your energy, I think you're going to faint right away."

Yu Mo turned to a place to the south, "My body is over there..."

She really felt it, this feeling was like the soul leaving her body in Dragon Palace that day.


She shook her finger and pointed to one place, "There..."

The place he pointed to happened to be the place where Ning Bao came back. He wore the stars and wore the moon to bring Yu Mo's body back to the Fox Monster Clan. When the box was taken out, the lid on the top shook, and there was a lot of movement.

"What's going on?" He was startled, and quickly opened it.

Yu Mo's body didn't move, but the black egg shook violently.

"Oh my mother, what's the matter with you bastard?"

The black egg not only vibrated, but also swayed from side to side, like a tumbler. Ning Bao was worried that it would break, so he hurried to help it, but was bounced by its demonic force and hit the door, knocking the whole door apart. He also fell out.

"What is it, so powerful!" If he hadn't been protected with demon power just now, he would have been seriously injured.

Heidan's demonic chains attached to Yu Mo's body began to break, and it was free, jumped out of the box, and ran out bouncing around.

"You stop for me!"

Ning Bao hurried to catch up, this was the first time that he would run away by himself when he saw the egg, and he was not afraid of jumping around and breaking it.

The black egg jumped happily, at a faster speed, jumped up, jumped over the closed gate, and flew out.

The maids outside screamed in fright when they saw such a big egg.

"Egg, what a big egg."

It's really big, it's half the height of a person, and when it sees a woman, it leans up. It seems that it feels that the person is wrong, and it leaves to find the next target.

Ning Bao chased after him desperately, "Stop, you stinky bastard, where are you running!"

He flew over, trying to stop it, but it slithered past his crotch, he missed it, and when he bent down to look from his crotch, it had bounced to the side door.

"Stop it for me!!!" Ning Bao shouted.

"General Ning, what is that?"

"Don't worry about it, stop it first, and if it breaks, wait for the whole family to be buried with you." Ning Bao remembered that Tao Tie had said that there was Yu Mo's soul in that egg.

"Yes Yes!"

"Is this to be fried or boiled?" The cooks in the kitchen also came out when they heard the movement. "

"Eat your heads, this thing can't be eaten, this thing can only be offered." Ning Bao flew up, chasing Heidan all over the yard.

Heidan is very flexible, no one can catch it, and it goes straight to the place where Su Wu and Yu Mo are.

In the garden, Yu Mo fell to the ground and felt all kinds of discomfort, not to mention chest pain, but also abdominal pain, as painful as when she was about to give birth.

What a joke, this body is not hers, and besides, she has given birth to a child a long time ago, so why would she still feel the pain of giving birth.

The wizard has not arrived yet, Su Wu can only rely on demon power to maintain Yu Mo's life signs, she faintly feels that the soul in her body is leaving her body, this is not a good sign.

"Hold on, the wizard is coming soon."



"I saw an egg..." Yu Mo's vision was blurred by the pain, and as he looked away, a black shadow emerged from a corner of the garden. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an egg, a big black egg.

Su Wu looked towards where she could see, and it really was an egg, jumping happily towards it.

"Where is this monster?" She thought it was some kind of monster, released her monster power, and pushed out a palm.

Heidan caught it alive, and he was unharmed, still jumping happily.

"It actually absorbed my demon power!"

Ning Bao didn't know that this Su Wu was not the same Su Wu from last time, seeing Yu Mo lying on the ground, he thought that she was bullying again, so he immediately made a move.

"You woman came to bully people again."

"General Ning, stop talking nonsense, now is not the time for me to fight with you."

Ning Bao only knew that Yu Mo was Li Wang's confidant, and that nothing happened and he couldn't control anything else.

After all, Su Wu is not Su Yu, she is a real seven-tailed fox demon, not something he, a five-tailed fox demon, can control.


With a drink, Su Wu waved her fox claws.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ning Bao immediately swung his paw away, but he missed it, but hit the black egg.

This move is unusual, it used [-]% of the monster power, it is extremely powerful.

Heidan was hit by the trick and froze, and with a click, the eggshell cracked.

Ning Bao said anxiously, "Oh no!!!"

The cracks on the eggshell continued to extend, from the bottom to the head, there was a constant cracking sound, and finally it was completely broken. Suddenly, a fluffy dog ​​tail came out first, shook it, twisted it, and then came the round body. He was desperately trying to get out.

But after a while, a pink face with dragon horns also squeezed out from the eggshell.

Seeing Yumo, a smile bloomed.

"Wow..." He crawled over and threw himself into Yumo's arms.

At the same moment, Yu Mo fainted, his soul came out of his body, stayed for a while, and flew towards his original body.

The little doll that came out of the eggshell flew up into the air with the soul.

Yu Mo's soul returned to her place, waking up from a long waking up with a baby boy in her arms who kept rubbing against her breasts for milk.

 The fever has subsided a little. I sweated profusely last night. Finally, the fever subsided from 40 degrees to 38. Congratulations. After four days of fever, I feel that my brain is empty. I went to hang salt water this morning, my dear. I delivered it, and when I parked in the hospital parking lot, my brain twitched. I was obviously sitting in the co-pilot and tried to turn the steering wheel, but I was hit by the car's buttocks.

  Because I am very sleepy, I always fall asleep, wake up, and have nothing to do, so I just hold the computer to code. You can imagine, a hard-working Ergou brother with a ice sticker on his head and a thermometer in his mouth. There is no need to praise, what should be done, this book has never been updated, and it can be regarded as a bit of diligence.

  Speaking of dreaming back last night, I finally thought of the name of the heroine of "The First Lady". The name of the heroine really worries me.

  Yuchi Yechen, what do you think?Yuchi read YUCHI.

  Yechen, there is one person at night, and another person during the day.

  The heroine is Ye Enchanting.Well it fits well.

(End of this chapter)

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