The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 505 Part 270 The King of Qin Appears

Chapter 505 Part 270 The King of Qin Appears

Yumo woke up and was soaked in a puddle of water. Not only was her body heavy, but she was still wet. It was really uncomfortable. If it wasn't for a chubby and warm baby in her arms, she might have to stay there for a while.

The little thing in her bosom rubbed against her chest desperately, sucking it with her mouth, apparently hungry, and sucking desperately, regardless of whether it was clothing material or not.

" are..." She held up the little baby's face.

This really like Mei Luo, but her eyes and nose are like hers, she is extremely beautiful, like a golden boy.


By the way, it is an egg!

Looking at where she is now, this pool of water is probably the pool of Yulongchi.

What a Li Wang, he was so determined to get her that he even stole his body from the Dragon Palace. She was really mad at her, but he did a good deed.

This child... is her and Mei Luo's child.

Thinking of this, she was excited, and the feelings of being a mother welled up all of a sudden, and she hugged the child tightly.

"My son, you are my son."

"Wow..." The little baby was not in such a mood as she was, she was anxious to feed and was still sucking.

"Stop sucking, mother has no milk." She also wanted to have it, but could she feel it? Obviously, her granary was empty, and she didn't even have milk dregs.

How can this be good?

Because he was very hungry, he sucked for a long time and had nothing to eat. The little baby was in a hurry and howled.

This voice was earth-shattering, and with enough strength, it also released the hidden monster power, and instantly turned into a shock wave with a wide range, shaking the whole room down, and Ning Bao and Su Wu who rushed over almost He was turned into a disabled person by this evil spirit, but fortunately he released the evil power in time and turned it into a protective barrier to stand properly.

When Ning Bao saw the doll was born in the egg, his mouth was startled, "Is this your child?"

Su Wei is still calm, thinking of what Yu Mo said before she fainted, and seeing her like this, she knows what she said is true, this is her real appearance, as for how to turn into a bird demon, she thinks that there is no way to get to the bottom of it. significance.

"Are you the queen of the dog demon king?" Although I figured it out, I still had to confirm it.

"Su Wu, you came just in time, do you have milk?"

"Ah?" Su Wu blushed and said, "How can I have this thing." She is still a big girl who has not left the court, where did she get the milk.

"Then what to do, my son is very hungry." She was calm as a mother, her son destroyed the whole house without saying a word, and the first thing he wanted was milk.

"Wow wow wow..." The little baby was so hungry, he howled vigorously, and at the moment of howling, he gathered another wave of monster power, and it seemed that he was about to wreak havoc again.

Ning Bao immediately asked the cook, "Quick, get some milk!"

The cook was frightened by the movement just now, she stood still and did not dare to move.

"Don't go soon!"

"Yes, yes!" She was pushed hard, she reacted, and ran to the kitchen to get ready.

But there is no milk in the kitchen, but after all, you are old and know what the baby wants to eat. I thought that rice cereal should be fine, so I quickly found someone to add firewood to make it.

The little baby was making a lot of fuss, kicking his fat legs like crazy, Yu Mo couldn't even catch him.

"Okay, darling, there will be food soon, don't make trouble, this is not our base, your own father is not here, if you annoy others, our mother and I will suffer."

He obviously couldn't understand the words, and he was still clamoring for food and drink.

Yumo hugged him to coax him, but seeing it was useless, she sang a lullaby, which was nondescript, but it helped a little, and he became quiet.

"This kid's future is limitless." He could destroy a house just after he came out, and wouldn't it be even wilder when he grows up, "He is the prince of the dog monster clan, why does he have a pair of dragon horns on his forehead?"

This mention also attracted Yumo's attention. He was so moved just now that he didn't care about it at all. He reached out and touched it. It was really a dragon horn, a pair of extremely beautiful golden dragon horns.

Shouldn't it be a dog? It does have a dog's tail, but something is wrong with the dragon's horn.

Could it be a genetic mutation! ?

She couldn't figure it out, but it was born by herself after all, no matter how wrong it was, she wouldn't mind, but she remembered that she should name the child, it would be convenient to call her, but her naming skills are really not that good.

"Can I call you Dan Sheng?"

Su Wu was stunned, "You want to call him Dansheng?"

"He came out of the egg, isn't that just the right name?"

"After all, he is the prince of the dog monster clan. It would be embarrassing for others to call him such a vulgar name in the future."

"My name is very casual, I can't think of something dignified and elegant, but you are right, the name is a sign, the queen is often called by people, I chose this, it is a baby name, wait for his father to get a big name." She lifted her son up and shook her, "Son, if you're not on our territory, just bear with it and call you Dansheng. , okay?"

A certain Dandan immediately put on a dirty face, obviously contemptuous of this name.

"Okay, it's just a name, don't worry about it, mom loves you!" She kissed his plump little cheek, "Look at how good-looking my balls are, like your own father and like your mother, just This tail..." She glanced at his fat and round buttocks, that big tail was very fluffy and black in color, she wondered again, Mei Luo was a big white dog, how could he have a black hairy tail.

The genetic mutation is a bit powerful.

It doesn't matter, what was born by oneself, no matter how mutated it is, it is also its own treasure.

The cook rushed over with the cooked rice cereal, "General, there is no milk in the kitchen, only rice cereal."

"That's okay, it's better than him making a fuss."

Ning Bao took it and handed it to Yu Mo, "Let's just eat it. I'll go out and find some milk later. You can take care of him and don't let him lose his temper." He seemed very wary Egg.

"For you to be sensible, tell me, did King Li ask you to steal my body?"

"You guessed it all and asked."

"Despicable, do such dirty things."

"Don't even think about it, if we didn't steal it, how could you recover so quickly."

This was unexpected. When he went to the Dragon Palace to steal his body, he used an excuse that the body and the soul could resonate because they were close together. Naturally, it was nonsense.

Yu Mo didn't think so, without the Kongtong seal, it was impossible for her to come back. If there was such a disadvantage, Bai Yu would probably destroy her body.It is still a mystery that she can come back this time.

Ying'er walked in with the eggshells in her hands, "General, these eggshells are so shiny, I wonder if they are still useful?"


When Yu Mo saw it, those eggshells were really shiny golden. It was very strange that she, a human being, gave birth to an egg. There must be some reason for it, and there must be some secret in the eggshell.

"Give it to me quickly, don't drop a single piece."

When Ying'er saw her, she was very strange. She didn't know who she was, so she looked at Ning Bao again.

"Give it to her, give it to her, who cares?"

Ying'er held the eggshell and gave it to Yu Mo, who took it and put it away carefully, then thought of her temporary body, "Ying'er, how is my body?"

"Ah?" Ying'er wondered how she knew her name.

Su Wu said, "Since your soul has returned to its place, that body will naturally lose its life, let's find a place to bury it." She probed it when she came, there was no breath, it was just a corpse.

"Really?" She touched her body. Although it is good to return to her body, she has lived in that body for a while, and she doesn't know if there is any problem with her current state. "For safety's sake, that body Let’s take care of it first, in case something goes wrong when I come back temporarily, the body can still be used again.”

Ning Bao said, "I'll go and put that body in the Yanhuo Cave. The Yanhuo Cave of the Fox Monster Clan has the effect of preserving the body, which can keep it from decaying for thousands of years."

"Then you go quickly."

Eggy in his arms was so hungry that he couldn't cry anymore, he twisted his body hoping that his mother's attention would be on him.

"Okay, okay, I'll feed you now, and you'll just make do with it. Let's eat rice cereal for now. After a while, Mom will find milk for you."

The rice paste is bland and tasteless, and Eggy is not interested at all, but he is so hungry that he can eat anything, and he swallows his stomach in small bites. A comfortable position, close your eyes, and fell asleep.

Hugging him as he fell asleep, Yu Mo's heart was so soft that he could pinch water out. It really was a mother-child connection, even if it wasn't born by herself, this emotion couldn't be erased. She rubbed her face against his little face, feeling extremely satisfied. up.

"You're so wet, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, so you should change your clothes first." Su Wu reminded.

"you're right!"

Yu Mo quickly climbed out of the box, and followed Ying Er to change clothes.

After King Li begged to see his mother in the palace, he waited for a long time as usual and saw no one. return.

After returning to the mansion, he went to the dormitory where Yu Mo stayed.

Yumo had already changed into dry clothes, and was lying in bed to take care of his son. His smile was so sweet that it could dazzle King Li's eyes, but it also stinked his face.

"This is the son of you and the dog demon king?"

"Don't come here!" Her eyes were full of wariness, it's fine for her to be tied here, but now that her son has come, there is another constraint.

"Will I harm him, but take a look."

"What are you looking at, if you have the ability to give birth to one yourself, this is my son, not yours."

Li Wang knew that she had the mentality of a hen, and it was best not to provoke her if she could not be provoked. He stood some distance away, glanced at Su Wu, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I went to the mansion to find a girl to talk about the old days. I happened to encounter this incident. Out of curiosity, I stayed and took a look."

To put it lightly, Keli Wang knew that she must have known a lot of things.

The two looked at each other, unspeakably nervous, oh, no, it was Li Wang who was nervous, Su Wu was always indifferent.

Li Wang estimated how much she knew, and whether knowing would affect his future plans.

"Your Highness Li, don't worry, Su Wu is naturally on your side, even if you know, it won't destroy His Highness' plan."

Su Wu knew that he had hidden worries in his heart now, so she decided to open the skylight and tell him what was on her mind as soon as possible, so that he would not make a mistake in the future and attack the Su family.

Li Wang raised his eyebrows, "Is this what your father meant?"

"What I mean is this. As for father, I'm afraid His Royal Highness Prince Li will ask about it in person."

If you really ask, you have to mention their marriage.

Li Wang's face darkened, he could guess what Su Yaoguang's conditions were for helping him.

"Fox, if you have something to do, go away quickly. My son is asleep, so be careful to wake him up." Now she is completely focused on her son, and no one can attract her attention.

"take a good rest."

Li Wang didn't stay long, and went out very quickly.

Su Wu saw that he was leaving, and she was about to leave too. Before leaving, she said to Yu Mo, "I'm afraid I need to add something to this letter, right?"

"No need, Mei Luo knows I'm here, she will definitely come to save me, and when she comes, she will know that her son is here too, not to mention my body has been stolen, it's impossible for him not to know."

"That's great, then I'll send someone to deliver the letter when I go back."

Yu Mo said again, "I was thinking that Ning Bao could steal my body from the Dragon Palace. I'm afraid that Mei Luo is no longer in the Dragon Palace. She should have gone to the Night Falcon Clan. If you want to send a letter, you should send it to the Night Falcon Clan. Well, he must be there."

"Understood, you just wait for the good news."


At this time, no one in the royal palace of the fox demon clan knew that the queen of the dog demon clan had really arrived, and all kinds of jealousy and hatred were still hidden. Tanya waited for a long time but did not see the fox demon king coming. She couldn't bear it anymore and got off bed, put on a formal attire, and planned to go to Lianhuo Palace to ask for someone in person.

Speaking of going to see the queen, she hasn't done this kind of thing for more than a hundred years. She has long ignored the usual greetings and salutes. She also endured the discarded ones, she just wanted to see what the queen's bedroom was like.

The person sent by Lvxiu happened to come back, bowed to her and said, "The king said that the queen is not feeling well, so she has to stay there to take care of her, and I will ask you to look after Master Ruan Qing first..."

"She's not feeling well either? How come she's not feeling well? She said she was not feeling well after being moistened by the rain and dew just now, but she took Joe."

"Isn't it? You really are shameless." Luxiu looked contemptuous.

"Since I'm not feeling well, I should go and see her, so as not to say I'm rude."

"But if I go to see you now, will it be too deliberate, will the king have doubts?"

Tan Ya stopped in her tracks, feeling that Lu Xiu's words made sense, but she couldn't hold back her breath, so she decided to go and have a look. When she reached the door, the maid said, "Your Majesty, Your Highness is back."

"You said Qin'er is back?" Tanya was overjoyed, and she couldn't remember the resentment in her heart, and hurriedly said, "Let him come in soon. After going to the border for a few days, I don't know if I slept well or ate well. Alright. Luxiu, let the kitchen make soup and prepare more dishes, remember to eat what His Highness likes."

"The slave is going here."

Lvxiu led a group of maids down to prepare, and then King Qu came.

It should be said that King Qu's appearance really followed his father Bai Beiming's. He only has a pair of crimson eyes like his mother. He looks very good, but he is not as handsome as King Li. He is a little rough. For example, it may be that she has been patrolling the border for several days, eating and sleeping in the open air, her face is a bit haggard, but she is high-spirited, and when she arrives in front of Tan Ya, she kneels down and says, "Concubine mother, my son greets you."

"Quick, quick, get up, and let the mother and concubine take a look." She held the face of the king, and said distressedly, "The wind and sand on the border is hard, but you have suffered a lot. Drink more soup for dinner later. Take good care of it."

"Mother and concubine don't have to worry, the son is healthy, but mother and concubine came back today and heard that the father went to the queen's palace..."

Upon hearing this, Tanya became angry, "Isn't it? I don't know what tricks I used!"

"The queen has not been at bedtime for a long time, and now she suddenly obeys the father, will it be..." He was worried that it was the ghost of King Li.

"Don't worry, your father has never liked King Li. I know this very well. You are the heir to the throne in his heart. When you come back today, you will meet your grandfather."

"I've seen it when I was outside the palace, the son that my grandfather came to pick up."

"It seems that my dear father is also in a hurry. The queen is sleeping, what's so strange." She said so, but she didn't think so in her heart, and she was a little uneasy.

Back then, if she hadn't looked like a queen, she wouldn't have been able to enter the harem. Now that she had entered and her son was born, she couldn't lose.

"Mother, my son is worried about King Li. I heard that he has returned. He has been fighting with his son in private. He has never disagreed publicly. Even with the father, he has a humble attitude. , but you know he's as sure of the throne as I am."

"Mother and concubine knows, but he can do this by himself. Your grandfather is such a snobbish family. If he can't get your grandfather's favor, he will lose his chance. You don't have to be afraid, there are people inside." Your grandfather, and your noble concubines and concubines have white feathers outside, and they are very powerful, but what is so great about him is Feng Mansion, Ning Mansion, and they can’t make a difference. You just need one more help... Su Manor, it's done!"

"But Su Wu, she is not so easy to control."

"It's just a woman. What you want is not to control her, but to steal her body and mind. The queen mother has arranged everything for you. You just wait to become the king."

She has worked every step of the way for so many years, and it is not completely useless. Her greatest wish in this life is to become the Queen Mother, and to trample on Fei Tong under her feet. When that day comes, she wants her to understand what is meant by real victory.

(End of this chapter)

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