The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 514 Part 279 Mei Luo Arrives

Chapter 514 Part 279 Mei Luo Arrives

In the Su mansion, Su Wufeng cleaned up the door without any trace, and it was done quietly. No one knew about it except the person concerned, and she would not tell Su Yaoguang about it for the time being.Su Yu is not trustworthy, but she can be used.Tan Ya was so eager to act, she must have been unable to sit still about the enthronement of King Jing, it would be best to have an eyeliner by her side.Of course Su Yu's eyeliner may not tell the truth, but if it's either the truth or a lie, you can judge after hearing it. The important thing is to have 'news' to listen to.

The next day, everything in the Su Mansion was peaceful, and people lived and rested as usual, and the loss of a kitchen girl would not cause any disturbances.

However, Prince Li's mansion is in a state of turmoil, and the culprit is that Dandan and King Li are fighting. As long as King Li dares to step into the small courtyard of the dormitory where Yumo lives, even if it is only at the gate of the small courtyard, he will be away from him. The sleeping hall is still 800 meters away, and the balls in the hall can detect it sensitively, and then emit a demonic aura, creating a golden barrier of 'you are not allowed to approach my mother', this barrier is different from the barriers of ordinary demons No, there was a nine-headed little dragon floating on the wall, swimming around along the barrier wall, like an electric eel in a fish tank. A few maids and servants with weak demon power didn't notice it, so they just stepped in and walked in. After being electrocuted, his face was scorched black, he raised his head, his body convulsively fell to the ground and spit out black smoke. Those who fell were not counted, and those who rescued their partners were even more unlucky. People will also be shocked, and then dance their hands and feet, and dance in various ways, and then their faces will be blackened, they will blow up, and they will fall to the ground and breathe out smoke.

It's really one pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

Soon the dormitory where Yumo stayed became a place that the whole government feared.

After Yumo got up, she waited for a long time, but she found it strange that the maid who brought water to wash and serve breakfast was not there.Since she came here, she has never been neglected like this. Li Wang is always close to her, and even gave an order that anyone who is not good at serving is fine, but she cannot be wronged.She enjoyed this set very much, and she didn't feel that she deserved it, so she developed a habit of eating when the time came.

Even if she doesn't eat, the coquettish ball in her arms still needs to eat.

Eggy ate her own finger, laying in her arms and refused to get up. There was an ethereal demonic aura around her body. There was a faint electric current flowing through the demonic aura. It was very small and intermittent. When the electric current passed by, Eggy giggled, and the more she laughed, the saliva overflowed.

"Eggy, we don't eat hands, they're dirty!" She pulled his little hand out of her mouth and wiped the drool that dripped out, "Are you hungry? Don't worry, mom will hurry up."

She got out of bed, dressed neatly, and went out of the palace gate. When she walked to the garden, she heard a wail. She looked away, and there was a crowd of people at the gate. Only King Li stood there. Seeing her coming, her purple eyes stared viciously. Staring at the testicles around her neck.

"What's the matter?" She looked puzzled at the scorched black man on the ground.

"Ask your son!" His hand was also shocked, but Qiang Yao's fingers were red, and it was not a serious problem, but it was the nine-headed dragon on the wall, which was not easy to deal with.

"Eggy?" Yu Mo looked at his son suspiciously, "What did you do?"

Eggy looked innocent and harmless, with big round eyes blinking, he still couldn't speak, and couldn't say anything even if he asked, so Yu Mo had to look for it by himself, and soon found the enchantment surrounding the entire dormitory, And that one...

Oops, the little dragon with nine heads.

The little dragon has nine heads and eighteen pairs of eyes looking at her. It looks like a snake even though it is still small. It has only one tail, which twists and turns.

It's also quite scary!
Yumo had seen the big dragons in the Dragon Palace, and she had the courage to practice, but she swallowed her saliva and looked at her son, "Eggy, you made this."

Eggy still had an innocent and harmless face, rubbing against Yu Mo's face vigorously, feeling like she was asking for praise.

Yumo raised his forehead, this is someone else's chassis, how could he do it blindly.

"After going to this enchantment, no one can get in. What do you eat, mom can't cook."

Eggy raised her chin, turned her head and glanced at Li Wang, then turned her head and shook her head, which means that this man is here, so he won't cancel.

Li Wang is angry, and has been against him since this little thing came out. He can't even touch Yumo's little hand. He stole her just to create some feelings. There is one more friend.


He finally became angry, activated his demon power, and collided with the barrier.

Eggy's eyes widened, and at the same time, she released her monster power, and instantly confronted him.

Immediately, the little dragon on the barrier opened its mouth and spit out electric current... The current on the barrier wall was connected into a line, just like the static magic ball that Yumo played in his hometown. king.

Li Wang sneered, "Small tricks!"

He waved his sleeves and released a crescent-shaped purple barrier to block those currents.

Yu Mo was afraid that King Li would hurt Eggy, so he said anxiously, "Don't make a move, he's still young!"

"You are young, but your monster power is great. When he grows a few years older, I am afraid that my mansion will be demolished." If he does not teach him a lesson today, he will not be able to swallow this breath. On the enchantment wall, a piece was broken.

Eggy froze, her face suddenly turned red.

The next moment, the nine-headed little dragon was grabbed by the tail of Li Wang, and fell to the ground fiercely. It was void, and it was no match for it, so it disappeared.

Eggy's face turned blue.

Yumo saw that his son was a bit stubborn, and that if he went on like this, he might cause internal injuries, so he hurriedly said: "Eggy, Eggy, I heard from my mother that although this uncle is not a good person and covets his mother, we are going to kill him The underlings depend on him for food, drink and shelter. My mother is stupid. If she leaves here, she won’t be able to support you. Let’s not be arrogant, we have to judge the situation. Wait until your father comes, and then kill him.”

This was said in a low voice, but Li Wang's ears were sharp, and when he heard it, his face was so dark that he couldn't even read it.

Eggy snorted, and began to babble.

Yumo didn't understand, and continued to coax: "Hey, you are my mother's heart, and my mother's heart hurts after being hurt. Let's bear with it and remember this account first, okay?"

Eggy put on an old-fashioned look, lost in thought...

After all, he is young, and with such a large demon power, the battery life can't be too long, even if it takes an hour, it won't work. I glanced at Li Wang, and he saw that his battery life is super long, and a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

He frowned and tapped his small fist.

The enchantment is scattered.

Li Wang rushed in, raised his eyebrows and wanted to beat him up.

Yumo protected Eggy and said, "Is it shameful to bully a child?"

"What if he bullies the king?"

"How can you be bullied all over your body, isn't it good?"

"A loving mother loses so much!"

Yu Mo disagreed, "He has a strict father who can teach him to respect his elders, but you insist on snatching me here, who is to blame, not you."

It means that this is his own guilt.

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'll chat with this king. I haven't spoken to you in the past two days." He was about to take a step closer when Eggy burst into tears, howling heartbrokenly as if he had been wronged by the sky. .

Yu Mo took a step back, "Look, you scared Eggy."

Eggy snotted and burst into tears, the demon power was released, and she had no physical strength, so she could only sloppy.

The veins on Li Wang's forehead were bulging, but there was nothing he could do about this baby, "You tell him not to cry, he's almost deaf."

"He's hungry! He hasn't eaten since he got up early in the morning. Quickly ask your people to deliver something. Even if you are angry, you can't starve our mother and child. Be careful and I will sue you for abuse." She patted her egg Dandan's little butt coaxed, "Dandan, don't cry, with your mother here, the bad guys dare not bully you. Let's wait for dinner. Huh?"

King Li asked a maid to come over, "Go, prepare breakfast, this king will also use it here."

Eggy howled again, kicking her legs and howling.

Li Wang's ears were deafened and he covered his ears.

Yumo said, "Look, he just doesn't like you approaching. Go quickly and go to your own place to have breakfast. Don't bother our mother and son. If he cries out his throat, I'll never end with you."

Li Wang is angry, I understand that if this kid has a headache, not to mention cultivating feelings, Yu Mo will definitely hate him, so he has to compromise and go back to his bedroom. At this moment Ning Bao hurried over, bringing with him a letter from Feng Xianyang.

When he saw it, it was covered by dark clouds, and his complexion was even blacker than the black ink marble on the ground.

"How did he come?"

"It is said that it is to help His Highness clean up the door."

Li Wang slapped the table, shaking the pots and pans.

"Your Highness, it's useless to be angry at this time. Why don't you think about how to hide that girl. If she's still in the mansion, the dog demon king will definitely find out, then..." Then the world will be in chaos.

"You don't need to tell me, this king knows it too. Where do you want to hide it?"

This is a big problem.

The dog demon king did not follow the normal process of visiting between clans, so he must keep his identity a secret, and the king is also in the clan, let alone let him reveal his identity.But he is in an alliance with the dog demon king, and others don't know his identity, so he also wants to be a guest of honor.In order to conceal his identity, there is a high chance that his identity will be discovered when he lives in the Li Palace. The Ning Mansion and Feng Mansion are the best choices, but it does not mean that he cannot come to the Li Palace to hang out.

In this way, Yu Mo couldn't hide anymore.

Even if he didn't find out, if Yumo finds out, she's afraid she'll start a fuss. If she's the only one, it's okay to deal with it. The whole house is not allowed to reveal the truth, and it doesn't matter if the dog demon king comes. It's also a good way to stun her.

But... that little milk baby is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He doesn't know whether father and son will be connected, but he can't take the risk.

After thinking about it, he had an idea.

"Send her to the Su residence for a temporary stay."

"Ah? Su Manor? Why is your Highness?" Ning Bao felt that it would be better to send him to Yanhuo Cave and lock him up.

"In other places, the king is worried about safety. She is also smart. If she is sent away and locked up suddenly, she must be suspicious. In the past few days, she and Su Wu have a very good relationship, and they have become friends. Sending her to a friend's place to play is considered For this reason, she must be happy, and maybe she will not want to leave. Although your home Hefeng Mansion is also a good place, but there is no reason for her to go. She is not familiar with your family and will feel uncomfortable. It is better to Su Mansion .”

"Your Highness, Su Yaoguang loves girls like his life. If he knew that His Highness liked that girl, wouldn't he kill her?"

"With Su Wu here, you don't have to worry about it. The question is what will Su Wu say?"

So, he decided to go there himself.

When Su Wu heard this, her expression was a little dazed, but Ah Zi was furious.

Li Wang didn't say that it was because of the dog demon king that he wanted to hide her. He only said that today, the king of Qin had changed a lot, and for Yu Mo's safety, he needed to hide her.

It's too disrespectful to hide a concubine with an unmarried main wife, just when she was about to lose her temper, Su Wu spoke up.

"What name does His Highness plan to use to send it to me?"

It is not impossible to send people here, but there must be a name, otherwise outsiders will be curious when they know that someone has come to her house.

"Distant relatives. Your Su family has a relative in Yangliu City. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I checked. Your cousin just gave birth to a baby..."

"Your Highness is really omnipotent. She is very thoughtful. Visiting relatives is a good way. As long as she doesn't go out, no one will know if she is. I know. Since His Highness has entrusted you, I will help you." gone."

"Miss!" Ah Zi said anxiously, "What are you doing so generously?"

"There are no rules, when will you have the part to speak here."

Ah Zi stomped her feet angrily.

Su Wu said again: "I'm going to another courtyard to stay for a few days, let her go with me, there are a lot of people in the residence, but the other courtyard is clean, and the people serving are all my cronies, so it's safer. "

Li Wang didn't expect her to be so straightforward and easy, but he was worried instead.

"Do you really want to help the king?"

"Your Highness, if you come to me, you are at your wit's end and can't find any other way. If you don't believe me, then just pretend I didn't say these words."

"No, I want you to know that she is extremely important to me."

Su Wu nodded, "I know."

"Your father..." Ning Bao was right, if others don't guard against him, they have to guard against Su Yaoguang.

"Since Your Highness has spoken to me from the bottom of my heart, let me be honest with Your Highness. It's hard to say what will happen in the end about feelings. I can see that His Highness has her in her heart, but I can see that she doesn't have His Highness in her heart." , His Highness is twisting this melon, but he is afraid of hurting this melon. Whether the melon is sweet or not seems to be out of His Highness's consideration. Su Wu is very unfamiliar with emotional matters, but she has read a lot of dramas and paintings, so you should know In this case, the ending is not good.”

Li Wang's face darkened.

"Your Highness is angry?"

"You want me to let go?"

"Your Highness wants her to be happy for the rest of her life, or to live her life with a sad face?"

He snorted, "Life is lived, and this king is confident that she will live happily ever after." When he becomes king, he will never be like his father, hugging left and right, one of her is enough, He will treat her wholeheartedly and believe that he will always open her heart.

Su Wu glanced at him, men sometimes don't understand, maybe they won't die if they don't hit the wall.

She said calmly, "Well, since His Highness has such confidence, Su Wu can only wish His Highness success."

Even if the matter was settled, she had nothing to complain about, but Ah Zi was so angry that she couldn't eat anymore.

In the afternoon, Yu Mo was inexplicably sent to the other courtyard that Su Wu mentioned. She thought it was Eggy making a fuss, and Li Wang couldn't stand it anymore, so she thought it would be better to avoid him, but she didn't expect to be in Yaya's other courtyard. The courtyard met Su Wu.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm ordered by King Li to take care of you."

"Huh?" Yu Mo was stunned.

"There has been some movement in the clan recently. He was worried about your safety and thought of me. It's okay, it's quiet here. I believe you don't like living under Prince Li's nose."

Yu Mo nodded, just felt that this was a bit strange, but didn't think much about it.

"It's a pleasure to be with you." She pointed to Su Wu at Eggy, "Eggy, this auntie is a good person, don't mess around."

Eggy glanced at Su Wu, blinked her eyes, and obediently rubbed her face.

"Is this the child that came out of the egg?"

"Yes. Do you want a hug?"

"No, I don't know how to hug him, I'm afraid I'll fall him. Just stand there and take a look."

Ah Zi stared at Yu Mo from the beginning to the end, her chest was full of aggrieved anger for her master.

Yu Mo ignored her, thinking that this girl didn't show her a good face from the beginning, so there was no need to get angry with her.

At the same time, accompanied by Feng Xianyang and Ning Yi, Mei Luo sneaks into the Fox Demon Clan.

Feng Xianyang secretly took Mei Luo to his mansion, the inn was too unsafe, and his home was the safest, so he found an excuse to leave, changed back to himself, met King Li, and explained what happened on the way , Tell me in detail what you have said.

Li Wang listened carefully, and after listening for an hour, he went to see Mei Luo.

Mei Luo asked a few questions about what happened on the road, Li Wang answered fluently, and his identity was not revealed, but Mei Luo still did not let go of her doubts, and asked Dada to make an unannounced visit.

(End of this chapter)

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