The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 515 Part 280 Meeting in the dark at night

Chapter 515 Part 280 Meeting in the dark at night

When night fell, Dada came back quietly, avoided the maid, and rushed into the room where Mei Luo was staying.

"How?" Mei Luo was still asleep, sitting on the couch waiting for him, with A Wu standing beside him.

"The people in Prince Li's mansion are very loyal. I have been eavesdropping for a long time, but I haven't heard any news about the queen. I accidentally heard someone outside say that King Li brought back a woman of a different race and died of illness not long after. .”

Mei Luo's heart twitched, fearing that it was Yu Mo, but if Yu Mo died, how could King Li remain silent.

"go on."

"Yes, according to the king's intentions, the minister also wandered around outside. It is true that the king's changes are true, especially in the past few days, his actions are ordinary, and he has close contacts with the mother and concubine's natal Jin's mansion. He has entered the mansion many times in the dark. There is something important to discuss."

"So, the abnormality is not a non-existent thing." Mei Luo rubbed her thumb and index finger unconsciously, "Is there anything else?"

"The minister also went to the Ning Mansion, which has close contacts with King Li, and there is no news of the queen there."

"Could it be that Momo is really not in the Fox Demon Clan? I made a wrong judgment?" He became worried. If he was wrong, then Mo Mo could only be in Bai Yu's hands. Bai Yuna suffered for a while.

Awu said, "King Li is so cunning, it's right that we can't find any news, and he will never hide the queen in a place we think is suspicious."

Dada said, "What did you find?"

"Me? According to Wang's wishes, I also wandered around the streets. I checked the recent events of the nobles of the fox demon clan. The fox demon clan is obviously divided into two factions, and the chaos is fierce. The Lisu mansion of the nobles is the key." It is said that it is not clear who he wants to follow. Li Wang went back to the Su Mansion in the morning, and he was probably trying to win over the Su Mansion. In the afternoon, I heard that the Su Mansion had distant relatives, and nothing else mattered. .”

Mei Luo judged the situation and found Li Wang's situation quite troublesome.

The Fox Demon King has not yet established a heir, and the two sons are fighting secretly in private. He probably doesn't know whether he is letting it go or is really stupid.

"King, since there is no news of the queen here, do you want to stay or not?"

"Staying for a few more days, I always feel that it's a bit too peaceful, and the foreign woman who died of illness, you go and investigate, the more detailed the better."

"Wang, this woman is dead, what else is there to investigate." Dada was sure that the woman was really dead.

"He likes to be silent. How could he bring a woman back inexplicably? If it's not because he likes it, or there is another reason. I need to know her details."

"Yes, that minister will go to Li Wang's mansion tomorrow to check."

"Be careful not to be discovered. After all, we are foreigners. Although we are guests, it is not good if we are discovered."

"I know, you must be careful."

Mei Luo was a little anxious, but he also knew that it would not be accurate to make a judgment based on these few hours of visits. He wanted to stay a few more days and see again. If Yu Mo was really not here, he decided to go back to the Night Falcon Clan.

He doesn't ask for anything else now, only that Yumo can still live well in deep trouble.

King Li knew that Meiluo would make some noise when he arrived at the Fox Monster Clan, so he guessed it. Fortunately, he ordered the servants in the mansion before he came, and he could not mention anything about Yumo at any time. Words, those who violated the order will be killed. As for the 'Yu Mo' who died before, you can say freely, everyone is dead, even if the dog demon king goes to investigate, it is really a corpse, there is nothing to be afraid of, 'she' No one knows whether the identity of the dog demon is a bird demon, and the dog demon king has never seen Yu Mo, who has changed her body. She can use her voice to create a fog of blindness. Will definitely look into it some time.

He made a good plan, but he also worried that after a long time, the real Yumo would not be able to hide, so he had to find a way to send the dog demon king away as soon as possible.

The fact that Mei Luo came is a secret, but there are too many eyeliners in the Fox Monster Clan, especially King Qu, who is deeply afraid that Queen Fei Tong's favor will affect his great career, so he and Jin Zhong have often met in the dark these days.

"Are you sure it's the dog demon king?"

Jin Zhong's appearance is very ordinary, but he has an extremely well-trimmed beard, which adds some charm. He looks harmless to humans and animals, but the brilliance in his eyes cannot be ignored.

"I'm sure. I have participated in the enthronement ceremony of this dog monster king, and I remember it very clearly. The spy drew a portrait and I recognized it."

When the King of the Monster Race ascended the throne, he naturally invited foreigners to watch the ceremony. One was to establish his identity and meet each other so that everyone could get to know each other. The second was to show off his military power. In the year Mei Luo ascended the throne, all the powerful Monster Races went. At that time, the Fox Demon King sent Jin Zhong to go.

The fox demon clan is a strong demon clan, so they naturally sit in the front, so they can see clearly.

A flash of anger burst into the eyes of King Li, "Damn King Li, he really wants to do something."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the demon dog king didn't bring anyone with him, at most he only had two guards. I suspect that he may have come to find out the truth."

"He has formed an alliance with Li Wang, so he must help him, so what else is there to find out?" He took a sip of his wine sullenly.

After drinking for him, Jin Zhong continued, "The alliance was also decided between King Li and him. It may not be firm. It depends on the size of the benefits. How does Your Highness know that the benefits you give will be smaller than King Li?"

"You mean you want me to meet him and ask for friendship?" He thought for a while, but he didn't think it would work. "He and Bai Yu are mortal enemies. I have already formed an alliance with Bai Yu. If I form an alliance with him, it will not be pleasing to both sides. .If they fight, wouldn't it be a case of rebellion?"

"Your Highness, Bai Yu has not helped you in the past few years. He also failed in the assassination of King Li. The old minister feels that this person is too scheming and ambitious. I always feel that forming an alliance with him is leading the wolf into the house."

"I understand what you said, but he is the only one who is willing to help me. In terms of benefits, it is also reciprocal. The Night Falcon clan is so far away from the Fox Monster Clan. Even if you give him a few cities, he won't take it. Every day is difficult, we need our help."

Jin Fu thinks that this nephew is ambitious and ambitious, which is a good one, but his mind is not clear enough. Alliances can be big or small. It all depends on the strength of the other party and what kind of benefits they want. The Night Falcon family seems to be not too strong and is tending to decline, but Bai Yu is too scary. A Xuanyuan Sword is enough to threaten people. If the target's strength is higher than his own, it is a hidden worry.

He also heard that Bai Yu had obtained the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Kongtong Seal again, allowing the divine weapon to choose a master at the same time. How terrifying this person's ability must be, he was always a little uneasy, thinking that the king was being used. Find out Bai Yu's conspiracy, but there is no way to start.

"Grandfather, I know you eat more salt than I eat, but at a time like this, no matter how bad he is, I have to ask him for help, otherwise what can I do to deal with Li Wang. Fight alone? You should know, He is the first nine-tailed fox born in the ten thousand years of the fox demon clan. I can't beat him. Fengfu and Ningfu are on his side. Speaking of me, I am also angry. Playing with Feng Xianyang and Ning Bao, why did they just fall in love with Li Wang?" He drank the wine in his glass again with chest tightness, and took another glass with the jug, "What's so good about Li Wang? Is it worse than him?"

"Your Majesty, drink less. This is a matter of old rotten millet. It makes sense to mention it now. When you ascend the throne and become king, they will be like mud on the ground for you to rub."

"What my grandfather said is that by then, I need them to look good."

Jin Zhong stroked his beard, "This is for later, the most urgent thing is to win over the Su family."

"Then Su Yaoguang is also not enlightened."

"His precious daughter, you should be cautious. His Highness only needs to do his own thing, and Tan Ya's side concubine will take care of the rest. Don't worry about not being able to get the beauty."

"Well, the concubine mother can indeed help me in this matter, but I'm afraid that King Li will move his mind?"

"I know that I don't want your highness to fight recklessly. Let me think about it again. The woman's matter can be put aside for the time being. Just focus on the dog demon king's matter first. If your highness doesn't want to see him, I'll go and see him. I had some friendship with Feng Mo, the old man of Feng Mansion, when he was young, but we had different masters, so we had less contact with each other. His 1800th birthday will be two days later, so maybe we can take this opportunity to have a look. "

"Grandfather can figure it out. I'm at ease with you."

"Okay then, I'll go get ready now."

Su Mansion Bieyuan.

"Are you really sure that the guest staying in Fengfu is the dog demon king?"

Ah Zi nodded her head, "Miss put so much eyeliner in Fengfu, Ningfu, and Jinfu, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. There is no news about Fengfu and Ningfu, but Jinfu... So I went to find that old man Jin Zhong. The spies heard the truth."

"The dog demon king is here, so have you received that letter?"

"It should be, but Qianji hasn't come back yet."

Su Wu counted the time, "No, the night falcon clan came here far away, I'm afraid I missed it, the dog demon king should have already left when I sent Qianji to deliver the letter. Ah Zi, send Qianliu to Find Qianji and see where she is."


Both Qianliu and Qianji are Su Wu's secret guards, they are very appropriate people.

At this point, Su Wu can also understand the reason why Li Wang sent Yu Mo to her.

The husband of the robbed woman came to the door, this scene is really beautiful.

She was hesitant to tell Yu Mo, this is different from sending a letter, if it didn't happen in the Fox Monster Clan, it wouldn't be her fault, but if she said it now, it would happen right under her nose, no matter how hard she concealed it, she would get it If she said something about her, then the girl must meet. If King Li knew that she had leaked the news, it would be difficult for her to behave with King Li in the future.

But it is very unreasonable for couples who have been separated for a long time to be unable to meet each other in close proximity.

"Miss, what are you thinking?"

"I'm trying to get rid of my suspicions and tell that girl about it."

"Miss, you are so generous, aren't you afraid that King Li will blame you?"

"It's because I'm afraid that he will blame me that I'm so troubled."

"If you don't help, it will be done."

"I have delivered the letter, why not help?" The result is to let the two meet, and let the girl know that she has concealed this matter in the future, I am afraid that meeting in the future will be ugly.

She really needs to think about it.

After thinking about it for an hour, she decided to tell the truth.

"What did you say!?" Just after coaxing his son to sleep, Yu Mo was surprised when he heard Su Wu say that Mei Luo had come to the Fox Monster Clan. He rushed out the door immediately, "I'm going to find him!"

Meiluo is here to save her.

When she reached the door, she was stopped by Ah Zi.

"Why don't you use your brain? My lady kindly told you, but you want to harm her. You are a wolf-hearted thing."

Yu Mo froze, turning her head to look at Su Wu.

Yes, if she went to Feng Mansion to meet Mei Luo now, King Li would definitely know that Su Wu was the one who tipped off the news, but she couldn't bear it anymore, it's been a long time since she saw her, she was thinking hard, and blamed him, She had scolded him, and had thought about how to teach him a lesson when they met, but when she was really close at hand, she only thought of him.

He must be impatient after she has been away for so long.

However, no matter how impatient and eager she is, she can't harm Su Wu.

"He came here because of the letter you sent?" When she calmed down, she felt that this matter was a bit strange. If Mei Luo already knew that she was in the Fox Monster Clan, and Li Wang hid her again, he must be killing her , it is impossible to be safe.

"I'm afraid I missed it with him. Therefore, he should not know that you are in the fox demon clan."

"Then how come?"

"I don't know about that either. He came in a very secretive way, not many people in the clan know about it, and those who know are only from the Li Wang faction and the Qin King faction."

When Yu Mo heard the word "Qing Wang", he wondered, "How many people did he bring?"

"Two guards named Dada and Awu, and a few followers, not many, only ten."

"Ten people! Ten people and he came." Yu Mo's heart became more entangled, "Isn't this here to seek death, the King's people will definitely attack him."

"King Jing is not an idiot, but even if he wants to make a move, the people in Jin's mansion will not let him make a move. They should stop with silence."

Hearing that, Yu Mo patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. But he doesn't know I'm here, and I can't go to him rashly and harm you. What should I do?"

"There are ways to meet each other, but we must also meet in secret, without showing off."

Yu Mo's eyes lit up, "Do you have a solution?"

"Two days later, it will be the 1800th birthday of the old man of Fengfu. My father and I will go. I think I can send a message. You can send me a note. I will send it secretly and ask him to meet you, but you have to make sure , he knows that you will not start a massacre in the future, you will not attack King Li, and you will not be so angry that you will be at odds with our fox monster clan."

"I know, I know! As long as he can come, I will be able to persuade him." After finishing speaking, she was in trouble again. Mei Luo was in front of her, and she was sure to stop her, but what if he found out about her in Fengfu? It's hard to say whether Li Wang will go crazy on the spot if he is caught by Li Wang.

She has to think about what to write on the note?

This can't trouble her, after writing clearly about her being captured by King Li, he wrote a few more words in red ink, why dare everyone get angry in front of her, and never allow her to go to bed, etc., he must have seen it endure.

Su Wu glanced at the note, and coughed at her blushing.

"Are you sure this can stop him?"

"You don't understand those things between husband and wife, this trick works!" She hugged Eggy and shook her hand at her, "Eggy, thank you auntie, she is a big magpie for mom and dad."

It's the kind of magpie that builds bridges.

Eggy didn't understand, but she smiled obediently.

Su Wu and Su Yaoguang went to Fengfu to attend the birthday banquet.

With Mei Luo's status, she can't participate in the birthday banquet. She can only hide in the most remote courtyard. There are a few people from the Fengfu guarding the door. He is not angry at such an arrangement. A king is here. There are not many people brought by foreigners, if something happens, it must be a fierce fight, bloodshed in vain is not good.

He asked Dada and Awu Duo to investigate in the past two days, but there was no news about Yu Mo, but he checked all the open and secret fights of the Fox Monster Clan.

While toasting and drinking, there was movement outside, several people from Fengfu were yelling outside, it turned out that a girl from some family had gone the wrong way to the hut, and wanted to break in because she was urgent to urinate. People are driving people.

Mei Luo didn't take this to heart, thinking it was a bit noisy, when he wanted to close the window, a silver light hit, and he hurriedly avoided it.

When it was quiet, a paper ball wrapped in oil paper floated in the vegetable soup with wine.

He was taken aback, looked outside, there was no one, closed the window, and took it out, because the greased paper was stained with soup, a note was hidden behind it.

When he opened it, he was pleasantly surprised.

This is a silent word, and he will not admit it wrong, because such an ugly word can only be written by her.

She is indeed here.

After reading the message on the paper, he was full of anger, raised his sword and wanted to kill Li Wang, but the following line made him hold back, and only waited for the middle of the night, when he quietly ran out of Fengfu, and went straight to the letter to write The place.

Facing the wind, I couldn't help but shed tears of joy...

(End of this chapter)

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