Chapter 516 Part 283
Speaking of which, Yu Mo still likes Ning Yi quite a lot, and thinks that she is loyal and righteous enough. Knowing that she came to speak for Li Wang, she is not easy to show her face, so she called a maid to take care of Long Po, Talk to her in the pavilion not far away.

Ning Yi was a little nervous, afraid that she would lose her temper suddenly, but she was also a little surprised to see that she was calm and not angry at all.

"Miss, are you not angry?"

"Angry!" She rolled her eyes, "So what can I do if I am angry, the enemies of the dog monster clan and the fox monster clan are both Bai Yu, and the king is from Bai Yu's side, if I get angry, I will chop that stinky fox , King Qin is about to ascend the throne, and by then he will have added an enemy for nothing."

"Miss is sensible, it is true, but His Highness is indeed wrong about this matter, I hope Miss will take care of it, Ning Yi kowtows to you here to make amends." She pretended to kneel down.

"Hey, don't kneel, I don't blame you for this matter, if you can come, you are on my side. I know you are loyal, and I also know that you are afraid that if I get angry, I will kill the stinky fox if I get upset, or Having a rift with him will ruin the alliance." She stretched out her hand to support Ning Yi, "I really thought about it at first, thinking that he was shameless, how could he do such treacherous things, but after a long time, I will I just thought about it, and now I’m fine, so it’s a slap in the face, and his past is not too big, besides, I am the queen of the dog monster clan, even if I get angry again, I have to think about the clan, don’t worry, I don’t It's going to be crazy."

Ning Yi was grateful, and then knelt down and kowtowed to her, "Miss is so considerate of the overall situation, Ning Yi is very grateful."

"Hey, why are you kneeling again? I don't like this. Get up quickly. Speaking of which, you also helped me. It was you who traveled all the way to the wolf demon clan to tell me about the poisoning of Meiluo. I haven't thanked you properly. This matter should be sold to your face, and it will be written off."

"It's so good!" Ning Yi didn't expect her to be so generous, she was overjoyed, and quickly took out the magic sealing box and returned it to the original owner.

Yumo didn't know that there was a Taotie sealed inside, and asked, "What is this?"

After saying those words, the magic sealing box vibrated even more violently, jumping up and down on the stone table.

"Why is it still moving?" Yu Mo jumped off the table in fright.

"This is Su Mansion's magic sealing box. Bao'er took it with her when she went to Dragon Palace to steal Missy's body, and used it to lock Taotie, Shennong Ding, and Demon Refining Pot."

"Ah?" Yu Mo was startled, and his eyes widened, "You said that there is Taotie sealed in this box."


Yu Mo was overjoyed, "How to release it?" She was thinking of asking for help before, but now she has come.

"Since Taotie was sealed in the box, it has been using its own strength to fight against the magic box. It is an ancient beast. It can be trapped for a while, but it can't be trapped for a lifetime. It must have been very angry these days. Miss is its owner. Master, you should be able to restrain its temper, if you want to let it out, you need to stabilize it first, and when it is quiet, I will teach the young lady the formula to open the magic box."

"I talk to the box, can it hear me?"

"Yes. This magic box is an extremely stubborn magic weapon. If it cannot be opened with formulas and is broken by Taotie, it will probably be destroyed by itself."

"So powerful?" Yumo knew the seriousness, and quickly held up the box to comfort him, "Taotie, I am Momo, I am right outside the box, please calm down, don't lose your temper with this box, be careful that it will perish with you. "

The box vibrated violently, and I don't know if I heard it, but spit out a mouthful of evil spirit from the gap.

Yu Mo waved his hand, "Taotie, if you want to hear it, you should be quiet, and I can only open the box when you are quiet."

After a while, the box was quiet and there was no more movement.

Ning Yi breathed a sigh of relief, just now she was really worried that she would become so gluttonous that she would not listen to the master's orders, after all, it is an ancient beast, even if it recognizes its master, its temperament is also self-respecting.

Yumo shook the box to make sure that Taotie was quiet, and looked up at Ning Yi, "Okay, you can teach me how to read."

Ning Yi nodded, stretched out her hand and made a gesture.

Yu Mo followed suit, and then followed her to read the formula to open the box.

The magic sealing box made movement again. After shaking it a few times, a white aura flashed out. When the aura surrounded the entire wooden box, the lid of the box opened a seam. As soon as the seam was closed, Taotie leaped ferociously from inside. It flew out, and then the Demon Refining Pot and the Shennong Ding also flew out.

Yumo was overjoyed.

Taotie's face was full of anger, and he howled, "Where's that stinky boy Ning Bao, tell him to come out, I'm going to kill him!"

During the days when it was trapped in the box, it couldn’t move, but it could hear the sound outside, so it knew that it was Ning Bao who was trapped inside. After being bound for a few days, it released its demonic power to fight against the magic box , the more he struggled, the more angry he became, and now he finally came out, vowing to kill Ning Bao, the instigator.

"Gao Tie, calm down, you are out now, Ning Bao is not here, we will settle his account later." Yu Mo continued to comfort it.

"What's the matter later, I'm going to chop off his head!"

Ning Yi didn't dare to get close to Tao Tie, and looked at Yu Mo winkingly, she was here to make amends, but she couldn't risk her brother's life just to make amends.

The Shennong Cauldron and the Demon Refining Pot were also angry, but Ning Yi couldn't hear their voices, but Yu Mo's mind was full of their curses.

"Okay, you all be quiet, I've been quarreling with you so much that my brain hurts." She rubbed her temples. Recently, she has to serve Mei Luo and take care of her children. She didn't sleep well enough, and now she has to be beaten They quarreled for a while, and their hearts became angry, "I have the final say on this matter. If you want to make trouble again, you just don't give me face and don't treat me as the master."

"Girl, these stinky foxes bully you like this. I can't bear this tone."

"So what if you can't bear it, why did you go so long ago, aren't you known as an ancient beast, and you can't even recognize Ning Bao's transformation technique..."

This knife was stabbed hard enough, Taotie had nothing to say.

It had nothing to say, and the Demon Refining Pot and Shennong Cauldron were also quiet.

Skills are not as good as people, and if you talk too much, you will cry.

"Girl, I didn't see through this matter, but how could I have thought that the fox would do this?"

"I've done everything. What else do you have to say? I'm fine now. Speaking of which, if Ning Bao hadn't stolen my body, I wouldn't have recovered so quickly. It's still true."

"You are so generous..." Taotie snorted, but seeing that she was fine, its anger subsided a little, but it still said something cruel to Ning Yi, "Go back and tell your fox brother, don't let Ben Jun sees him again, or I will beat his ass to pieces."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xie Taotie let the past go, I will definitely warn him when I go back." Ning Yi wiped off her sweat, and said to Yumo, "Now that the artifacts and the gluttonous things are returned to their original owners, I will forget my burden. Well, I'm going back."

Yu Mo nodded, "Sister Ning Yi can go."

After wandering around for a while, Shennong Ding was the first to discover Longpo, and was surprised for a while, "Girl, is this child the one in the egg?"

"Well, it's him, called Longpo."

The little dragon soul prince was venting his anger at the grass before, but after Taotie came out of the box and howled, the maid who took care of him fainted from fright. He followed the sound and saw Taotie, but he was not afraid. The legs crawled over and circled around Taotie
Taotie found out that he was afraid that he would step on him, so he moved some distance away, "Why does this kid always look at me?"

Yu Mo also found it strange that other monsters would always be afraid of Taotie for a while when they saw Taotie, but he was not afraid at all, his eyes were shining like seeing a toy.

The dragon soul stopped crawling, and sat cross-legged on the ground, howling towards Taotie.

"What is he going to do?"

Yu Mo didn't understand either, so he hugged him, "Dandan, this is Taotie, aren't you afraid?"

Long Po giggled, stretched out his hand to grab the pine hairs on Taotie's chest, one at a time.

"Let go, let go, brat, you're hurting me." It was the first time Taotie encountered such an overbearing little thing.

Using both hands and feet, Longpo leaped over and rode onto its neck nimbly, so fast that Yu Mo couldn't catch him, his chubby legs clamped tightly around Taotie's neck, grabbing the ears on its forehead, Laughing happily, spitting bubbles, and pulling the reins.

Seeing his action, Yu Mo immediately understood, "Gaotie, he might... want to ride you!"

Taotie was stunned, "..."

Riding a ferocious beast... No monster in this world would dare to do this.

But the dragon soul didn't care, seeing that it wouldn't leave, it even kicked its face, quite fierce.

Taotie's face darkened.

Dragon Soul's face also turned black, and he bowed his head to bite its ear.

"Oh, brat..." Taotie yelled in pain.

"Yiyi..." He had already stuffed Taotie's ears into his mouth, and the hair was covered with sticky snot, dripping down.

Taotie's face turned black for a while, then turned blue for a while, considering that he was still a baby who couldn't make a move, so he could only stand still stupidly.

It was the first time Yumo encountered this kind of thing, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He wanted to coax his son down, but the little thing didn't respond at all, and he was still trying to ride by his ears.

This courage is really not ordinary.

"Gao Tie, he is still young, why don't you walk around twice..." Yu Mo cupped his hands and begged.

Taotie had a stinky face, naturally he didn't want to, but Longpo's patience was not very good, he clenched his small fist and beat it on the head.

"Hey, this brat is still in a good mood."

"Eggy, no!" Yumo shouted.

Long Po didn't listen at all, and beat vigorously.

Taotie was so tormented that he had no choice but to run.

"Hehehe..." Long Po stopped beating, was extremely excited, raised his hands happily, and laughed wildly against the wind.

After running around the garden for several laps, Long Po finally stopped, nodded and began to doze off, and stretched out his hand towards Yu Mo.

Yumo hugged him back into his arms. Compared with his satisfaction, Taotie's head was not good-looking, and his hair was scratched and bald. She wanted to laugh, but didn't dare, so she had to hold back, and quickly put the child back in the cradle. Lest gluttony get angry.

The Demon Refining Pot said, "This kid is as virtuous as the boss in the Dragon Palace and is not afraid of you." It was talking about Dragon Mastiff.

"That's because I don't care about them."

"Yes, yes, you have a lot of adults, why bother with the baby, but I see that this kid is eyeing you, you should go back to the demon refining pot, look at the hair on your forehead, really It's really..."

"Huh?" Taotie rubbed his head and rolled his eyes.

The Demon Refining Pot was afraid that it would touch the bald spot, so it hurriedly said: "Come in, you stand outside with such a big face, you don't know how many maids and servants have been stunned, you can see that a bunch of them have fainted."

There are really a bunch of them, there are some in the garden, and there are also at the door, they all came in after hearing the noise, but they were frightened and fainted when they saw the Taotie.

"It's all useless! Well, I'm going back, you remember to take care of the girl and don't let her have any more accidents."

"Know, know!"

Taotie entered the demon refining pot, and the Shennong cauldron circled around Yumo.

"Girl, there's nothing unusual about your body, but to be on the safe side, you'd better take two pills."

While speaking, a few pills popped out of its tripod mouth.

"You really like to let me take medicine!"

"For your own good! It's very debilitating to have your soul leave your body. You're lucky if you're fine, but you can't ignore it. It's also good to take a few pills to replenish your energy."

"Okay, I'll take it!" She stuffed the pill into her mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. After eating, she asked, "Duoji and the others have any news before coming here?"

"I don't know, when Ning Bao stole your body, they haven't come back yet, and they don't know what's going on, but the dog boy came to the fox demon clan, do you know?"

She nodded, "I met him a long time ago, but because of the situation, it's not easy to put it on the bright side. It's good that you are here now, and I can help him." She didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. Previously depressed, he said again: "This is the fox monster clan. It is best not to let people know about your existence. I am afraid that if people know it, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Please feel wronged and stay in bed for now." head cabinet.

"Okay, it's better than being trapped in that magic sealing box."

"By the way, those maids and servants who fainted saw Taotie, what medicine do you have to make them forget about these things." She didn't want too many people to know about today's news.

"No problem, I'll sprinkle some forgetting medicine on them right away to make sure they won't remember what happened today."

"Prescribe the medicine lightly, but don't let them forget who they are."


Shennongding ran out to sprinkle the medicine.

After finishing the work, Yu Mo cleared out a bedside cabinet, spread a mat inside, put the demon refining pot and Shennong cauldron in it, and after dinner, she and Long Po went to sleep, and slept soundly Very stable.

In the middle of the night, everything was quiet, but there was an extra figure in the corner of Yanshan Mountain outside the fox demon clan, and the figure was stretched extremely long under the moonlight.

It was the capital of Shu who had rushed here.

"Haotian, can you untie this enchantment?"

Haotian Tower studied it for a while, "If you want people to go in without noticing, I'm afraid it will take some time."

Shu Du said: "I have no one to lead the way, and I have a special identity. It's definitely not good to break in and be found out. You'd better take it easy. I'll find a place to sleep for a while." He looked at the fur ball again, and it kept Staring at a certain part of the Fox Monster Clan, "What's wrong with you?"

"I smell my mother."

"Huh? Did you ask about the smell of silence?"

"It's not wrong. It's the smell of my mother. She drank my blood. If the distance is close, I can use the blood sense to sense it, and the dog demon king is also there."

Shu Du was puzzled, "Shouldn't Momo be caught by Bai Yu? How could he be in the Fox Monster Clan?"

"How do I know this? If I want to know, won't it be clear once I go in?" It has locked its position, there is no mistake, and its breath is very clear.

"Haotian, hurry up, find a way to untie the barrier, let us go in."

In the early hours of the morning, Haotian Tower finally broke out of a hole. Although it was a hole, Shu could get in. If he could get in, so could Fuqiu.

One person and one beast rushed into the fox demon clan. Because it was not yet dawn, there were no people on the main road of the clan. Under the leadership of Mao Qiu, the two avoided the patrolling guards and arrived at the other courtyard of Su Mansion.

"Are you sure you're here?"


Shudu looked around, "This place is very remote, and it is a good place for Tibetans, but if they are Tibetans, there are fewer guards."

It's not that he doesn't believe Mao Qiu's words, but that he doesn't understand how Yu Mo is in the Fox Monster Clan.

The fur ball raised its hooves and flew into the wall.

"Wait..." Shu Du also flew in.

Both of them are considered masters, it is very easy to avoid Su Wu's people, and they came to the small building where Yu Mo lived in a blink of an eye.

Fuqiu sniffed, his eyes showed excitement, he spread his hooves and jumped in from the window, Shu Du followed, "Don't run so fast..."

The room was dimly lit, and nothing could be seen, but Fuqiu quickly adapted to the light, and saw someone on the bed at a glance, and ran over excitedly, just as he opened the curtain, he met a fierce little face.

It startled.

The dragon soul released its monster power to attack it, waved its small hands, and released waves of attacks.

Shu Du stood next to him, "What is it?"

This call woke up Yumo.


At the same time, the demon refining pot in the cabinet also noticed the movement and called out Taotie. After Taotie came out, a group of people stared wide-eyed.

Well, here are two more helpers.

(End of this chapter)

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