The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 517 Part 284 As long as you don't give up

Chapter 517 Part 284 As long as you don't give up

Seeing Yu Mo, Shu Du was overjoyed: "Mo Mo, it's really you!" After speaking, he rushed forward.

Seeing a man grabbing his mother, Long Po let out a howl and knocked Shudu into the air.

Shu Du didn't notice it for a while, and fell to the ground, looking at Long Po, a little stupid.

Where did the child come from! ?

The fur ball jumped into Yu Mo's arms, rubbing joyfully, "Mom, mom..."

When Long Po bared his teeth at Shudu, he saw Maoqiu calling his mother-in-law Mom, and shifted his target, waving his small fist to drive away Maoqiu, but seeing that it was an animal, he froze for a moment, didn't lose his temper, and frowned. I twitched my eyebrows, pinched the fur of Fuqiu with my hands, it was very soft, and I was so happy that I kicked my legs and planned to ride on it.

"Eggy, come down!" Yu Mo supported his climbing calf, the child wanted to ride no matter what he saw.

The hairball couldn't react, and stared at the Dragon Soul that reached out to grab it in shock, "Mom, this is..."

"Oh, my little son, his name is Long Po..." She bowed her head and said to Long Po again, "Eggy, this is a fur ball, not a toy, you are not allowed to bully others."

Long Po doesn't care about these things, he is the master who is not even afraid of gluttony.

"Yiyi..." Xiaopang grabbed the fur ball vigorously with his hands.

Except for Yumo, the fur ball doesn't like to be touched, but it doesn't reject it when it is grabbed by this kid. It leans close to him, sniffs it, and smells Yumo, it doesn't resist, and lets him grab it.

When Shudu was in the Dragon Palace, he already knew that Yumo had given birth to a child. He also saw the older one, and the younger one was born as an egg, and disappeared with her body. Now hearing Yumo say that this is his son, it is unavoidable. Feeling a bit apprehensive, "This little one is just like the boss, with a bad temper and brute force."

Hearing this, Yu Mo said, "Have you been to Dragon Palace and seen Dragon Mastiff?"

"Dragon Mastiff? Who?"

"My eldest son, Mei Luo took the name, the older one is called Dragon Mastiff, and the younger one is called Longpo. How is he? What does he look like? Is he similar to Longpo?" She didn't see the eldest son at a glance, so I miss you so much.

As for Mei Luo's father, he also failed at being a father. When he was asked to describe his son well, he spoke in very general terms, which shows that he hadn't really looked at his son well at all.

"The question you asked really poked my heart. Why did I watch you and the son of the smelly dog ​​so carefully? Anyway, he has two eyes and one nose, and he doesn't have any missing arms or legs." Shu Du was jealous when he answered. The smell is so strong that the exhaled breath feels sour, she glanced at her with her hips on her hips and said, "It's you, why are you here?"

She's fine, of course she's fine, but she can't figure out when she came here, isn't her soul and body stolen by Bai Yu?And why is this soul returning to its place again?

Yu Mo stretched out his hand and pulled the dragon soul off the fur ball's back, and restrained him firmly, "It's hard to say, it's all that stinky fox."

"King Li?"

"Yes, it's him."

She originally wanted to tell Shudu about the kidnapping of her by King Li, but she thought that Dushudu's temper was not very good. If he found out, he would probably kill him and go directly to Prince Li's mansion, which would only cause bad things, so it was better not to say anything. .

She changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, why are you here?"

Shu Du moved a chair over, sat down and said, "I came with Smelly Dog. After your body was stolen, I hurriedly took the fur ball to the Night Falcon tribe, thinking that Smelly Dog was there, Who knew he left with King Li, I was also puzzled, so I followed, wanting to see what's going on. By the way, since your soul is back, the Shennong cauldron is here with you?"

Yu Mo nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Great. That needle feather will be saved. It's like this. We met Xuanyuan sword when we were in the roe deer monster clan. Needle feather was cut by Xuanyuan sword in order to save me. Dorje's spiritual power is limited, and there is no way to cure her. Only the medicine refined from the Shennong Ding can cure it."

Yumo asked anxiously, "Is it serious? Aren't you with her, why did you hurt her?"

"It's hard to explain this matter. I'll tell you in detail later. Saving people is like putting out a fire. Let Shen Nong Ding think of a way. After the needle feather was injured, he never woke up. His whole body was hot and he couldn't get rid of the fever. The wound even disappeared. it is good."

"Brother Ding!" Yu Mo called out the Shennong Ding.

Shennong Ding naturally heard it all.

"For Xuanyuan Sword's sword wound, the ancient medicinal herbs in my cauldron can deal with it, but medicinal herbs alone are useless, and the spiritual power of the Nuwa Stone is also needed to be refined together. The time will be relatively longer than ordinary refining medicine, but Duoji is not here, so he can't make medicine right away, and it's useless to be anxious."

Haotian Tower relayed the words of Shennong Ding to Shudu, and he was very irritable when he heard it, "How can it be so troublesome to make medicine!"

He thought that if he found the Shennongding Ding and brought back a bunch of pills, the needle feather would be saved, but he didn't expect that he would have to take Dorje with him for refining the medicine. Now the Shennongding Ding is in the Fox Demon Clan, and Dorji is in the Dragon Palace. The two are far away. It takes a lot of time again.

The Shennong Ding is also Yu Mo's artifact. To use the Shen Nong Ding, Yu Mo must go back to the Dragon Palace with him, or bring Duoji to the Fox Monster Clan.

Yumo felt uneasy when he thought of Zhenyu's injury, "Shudu, it's not too late, I'll go back to the Dragon Palace with you, we'll talk about it after saving Zhenyu."

Needle Feather had helped her, so she naturally couldn't just leave her alone, but thinking that Mei Luo didn't know about it, she couldn't just walk away, she had to tell him anyway, so that he wouldn't worry, but according to the current situation, Mei Luo knew In the end, I am afraid that she will not agree with her and Shudu to go back to the Dragon Palace to rescue Zhenyu.

Thinking of this, she patted the bed angrily, "It would be great if there was the Eastern Emperor Bell, so coming and going is just a matter of opening the door."

The most irritating thing is that these artifacts can only be used when the owner is around. This setting is really troublesome, but Xuanyuanjian seems to be a strange thing. Every time Bai Yu is not there, it can display its abilities without any obstacles.

She once asked Shen Nong Ding, Shen Nong Ding meant that Xuanyuan Sword probably did not regard Bai Yu as its master, although the divine weapon must choose a master before its own abilities can be released, but the divine weapon has self-consciousness, and choosing a master is just to restrict the divine weapon The ability to prevent them from becoming evil like beasts because of their powerful abilities.

This is also a shackle set by the ancient gods when they made artifacts, and no one can violate them. As for whether the masters of the artifacts are good or bad, they are not in the scope of consideration of these gods, so Yumo always feels that these gods have something in their heads Nothing.

Based on this premise, Xuanyuanjian can act on its own, so there is only one possibility——Bai Yu and Xuanyuanjian must have used some method to achieve a restriction that is different from the traditional relationship between the artifact and the master, but what is it, no one It is clear, so rather than saying that Bai Yu is the master of Xuanyuan Sword, it is better to say that they are a kind of cooperation.

I believe that this kind of cooperation that violates the rules must cost something to complete, otherwise, if anyone can do it, the rules of the gods will be in vain.

After thinking about it, Yu Mo still decided that saving people is the most important thing.

"Shudu, you temporarily hide with me and wait for two days. When Meiluo comes, I will tell him."

"Still waiting!? I'm afraid that Zhenyu won't be able to hold on anymore. Tell me where he is, and I'll go find him." After finally finding Shennong Ding, he just wanted to heal Zhenyu's injury as soon as possible, so as not to worry about it. It's like being blocked by a rock, and I can't do anything.

How dare Yu Mo ask him to go to Li Wang's mansion to find Mei Luo? Both of them have violent tempers, and they will definitely not speak calmly. They fight small, but they disturb Wang Jing and the party is big, maybe Bai Yu will make up for it from behind. With a knife, the whole fox monster clan doesn't know what kind of chaos it will be.

"You can't rush this matter even if you are in a hurry. Since Duoji is guarding the needle feather, I believe that the needle feather will be fine for the time being. Listen to me, this fox monster clan is very chaotic. Meiluo is here, so you come too Well, if the King of Qin knows about it, there will definitely be some movement. Your wolf monster clan and King Li have also formed an alliance. You can't make trouble for him at this time, right? We just want to fight, and there are only a few of us, so there is no chance of winning. Listen to me Yes, wait for another two days, when Mei Luo comes, we can discuss and discuss, and we can always find a satisfactory solution."

Shu listened to these words. If he was alone, it would be fine if he walked alone. Seeing Yu Mo was there, and there was a baby boy. If there was a real fight, the sword would have no eyes. No, he nodded, "Okay, just wait for two days." After a while, he asked again: "Where do I live these two days?"

This problem is a headache.

This place belongs to the Su Mansion, if you want to live with one more person, you have to inform the owner, but the status of the capital of Shu is extremely special, Yu Mo is worried that Su Wu will have any thoughts after knowing it, and feels that one more thing is better than one less thing.

"Under the bed..." In just two days, it was a squeeze.

Shudu: "..."

Li Wangfu.

Mei Luo moved into King Li's mansion under the escort of Feng Xianyang. Because of Yu Mo's incident, he naturally wouldn't give Li Wang any good looks, but he couldn't put it on the bright side. When we meet each other, the atmosphere is always somewhat inexplicably condensed.

Li Wang didn't know that Mei Luo had already met Yu Mo, so in private, he strictly guarded against death. Since he was an alliance friend, there must be delicious food and drink. Well, I couldn't eat with his face, so I said I was tired, so I went back to the place where I stayed and rested.

Li Wang didn't take it seriously, and followed him, as long as he lived in peace in Li Wang's mansion, but his status was special after all, and it had already caused a surging undercurrent in the fox monster clan.

It is for this reason that Feng Xianyang will follow.

"The Jin Mansion has already mobilized its people. King Qu and Jin Zhong's two sons have been in close contact these past few days. I'm afraid they are ready to deal with you with all their strength."

It was an accident that Mei Luo would come, but now that he has come, no matter how much he conceals it, it is impossible not to reveal a little bit of information, fortunately he did not bring a large number of people, otherwise the king will definitely be impatient.

King Li knew that King Jing had Bai Yu as his backing, so he didn't take himself seriously. He kept calm and didn't worry about what troubles he would cause, but he never thought that he would form an alliance with dogs and wolves and become a capable The situation against him made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles during the trip of the Dog Demon King. He always wondered whether he and the Dog Demon King had any hidden plans.

This move is a bit big, but he has already mastered half of the military power of the Fox Monster Clan, dispatched a few teams, their father and king will not have any suspicions, but he himself, let the Dog Monster King live in his mansion However, if his father finds out, it will be a little troublesome for him to explain, and he is even more worried that King Qin will use this excuse to read a book in front of his father.

This is what Feng Xianyang is most worried about right now.

"You have to think about it. If the king asks about the dog demon king, how should you answer?" Since this matter cannot be hidden from King Jin and Jin Zhong, then the people in the palace must not be able to hide it, and there is nothing good for others. I'm worried, because I'm afraid that the Fox Demon King will have an idea.

Faced with the delicacies, King Li had a good time eating, "How about a close friend coming to visit?"

"I'm afraid no one will believe this reason..."

Li Wang smiled and said: "So what if you don't believe me? As for the evidence, there is evidence that I seized the throne. The Dog Demon King accompanied only a dozen people, and I really intend to seize the throne. I have always liked to wander around since I was an adult, and it is not a secret in the clan, so it is not surprising that I have made a few friends from the royal family."

He was not liked by the Fox Demon King since he was a child. When he was young, he just thought that he was not doing well enough. When he grew up, he realized that there is a saying in this world called Aiwujiwu. After he understood it, he knew that no matter how much he fought, it would be futile. , it would be better to be a happy prince who travels around. Of course, playing is not just playing around, but it has made him gain a lot of knowledge. With knowledge, his mind will become different. It is a blessing in disguise.

If King Jing was not aggressive, he would not compete with him for the throne. Besides, the existence of the Jin Mansion is a scourge of the Fox Monster Clan. Such things happen.

"You know Jin Zhong's mouth, and you can say that white is black."

"No, he didn't dare to say it. If he said it, it would be tantamount to breaking the face between me and the king. He is not a fool. He should know that the father has no plans to abdicate. As long as I do not act secretly, the father will not I will definitely believe him. On the contrary, my father will think that he has ulterior motives."

Feng Xianyang still felt a little worried, and said: "But the movements of King Qin are real, don't tell me the king won't read it?"

Emperors have always had a problem in ancient times, that is, they feel that someone is always thinking about their position. As long as they have not sat down enough, no one is allowed to grab it, even the appointed heir to the throne.

Li Wang raised his head and drank a glass of wine, "Of course I will watch it, but it's him, not me. In my father's heart, his throne will be in danger only if both sons are moved. Maybe he will see it tomorrow." Ask me to go into the palace with King Jing to talk about the family life, and to find out about it yourself."

"I know that you are cautious, but I always feel that the king is full of thoughts this time, and I am afraid that he will not stop and take advantage of this opportunity to take our Fengfu Ningfu and you together, because this This kind of opportunity will not come from time to time, if you miss it, there may not be a next time."

"I was also worried, but the Su family's snobbery, he will not want it, as long as the Su family does not express its position for a day, he should not move. What he wants to inherit is the current powerful fox monster clan. If he inherits At that time, half of the nobles were lost, and the stable ethnic group was lost, so can he live in peace as a king?"

The Su Mansion is a first-class nobleman, and the several noblemen connected to it are all extremely important mansions of the Fox Demon Clan's mansions. With the ones that King Qin has now, there is no comparison at all. If he becomes a queen, there will be no one who can support the appearance The nobleman appeased the ethnic group for him, healed the people's livelihood and military needs after the war, what use could a throne alone be, and he was afraid that he would be suppressed by Bai Yu in an instant.

I believe that the king of Qin still has this ability to discern, otherwise he would become a king and become a bandit in a blink of an eye. Didn't he dig a hole and bury himself?
"Okay, since you've thought about it, I'm relieved. However, I think it's better to solve the matter of the dog demon king as soon as possible. Whether he is the god of plague or the god of good fortune is up to you."

Feng Xianyang obviously wanted him to send Yumo back to others, but Li Wang was stuck on this key point.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I will solve it myself."

"I'm kindly persuading you, I'm afraid you'll make a big mistake if you're too stubborn!"

Li Wang smiled, he has long been obsessed with obsession, is there any need to be afraid?

The person who is on top of his heart, keep it and hide it, even if it will become thousands of reasons against him, he still can't convince himself to let go.

Under the moonlit night, he held the wine glass, the liquid was cold, but he could always convince him that he had a chance, as long as he didn't give up, there would always be a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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