The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 518 Part 285 is special

Chapter 518 Part 285 is special

After only one night, Mei Luo couldn't help but want to see Yu Mo. Due to the strict defense of Prince Li's Mansion, he made Li Daitao stiff, and asked A Wu to pretend that he was lying on the bed, and Dada guarded him, declaring that It was a bit cold and needed to rest early, and no one came.

This is not a good idea, but Li Wang is a man who cares about face, he will never miss these words, and he will be ashamed, which gives Mei Luo an opportunity to take advantage of.

When the moon was dark and the wind was high, Mei Luo rushed out of Li Wang's Mansion and went straight to the other courtyard of Su Mansion. She was full of longing and joy when she saw other men in Yu Mo's room. She opened the door and went in to see her and Shu Du. Talking and laughing while chatting with melon seeds, his face completely sank.

The cool wind blowing in from outside the door made it a few degrees colder in an instant.

Yu Mo realized later, never thought that he would come so soon, no matter what, it was tomorrow's business, and with his back to the door, he was discussing with Shu Du how to save Zhen Yu, and turned his head when the spine felt a little chilly.

"Yeah, why are you here?"

Mei Luo pointed at the capital of Shu, "When did he come?"

"Yesterday!" She patted the crumbs of melon seeds on her hands, not feeling his displeasure at all, and stood up to meet him, "Won't the stinky fox find you out like this?"

Mei Luo didn't care about this, she held her shoulder and asked, "Why do you let men into the house casually?"

Sometimes it is King Li, and sometimes it belongs to Shudu. She always feels that if he is not by her side, she may be snatched away at any time.

"The capital of Shu is not an outsider!" Speaking of which, he is still a relative, his cousin.

"That's not okay. You are a woman, living outside and bringing a child with you. Isn't that inviting wolves into the house? Also, you said he came yesterday, so where did he live yesterday?"

"This..." Yumo poked his little finger, "He is the wolf demon king, with such a special identity, just like you, he can't just wander around outside in the middle of the night, so I just..."

Mei Luo's eyebrows were immediately huddled together, and she suddenly saw a laid floor mat in the corner, the quilt hadn't been folded... her face immediately twisted.

With a bang, he slammed the table, his face stinks like he just came out of a latrine.

"Mo Mo, do you have the self-consciousness of being a woman... Can you write the idiom leading a wolf into a house!?"

Seeing that he had looked badly at him since he came in, Shu Du saw that he had been holding his breath, and heard this idiom again... a pair of sword eyebrows were raised high, and he also slapped the table violently.

The table couldn't withstand the strength of the two of them, and a gap was cracked with a click, lingering...

"Do you know how to speak human words, what attracts wolves... Bah..." He couldn't refute this idiom, so he changed his words and said, "I came to see Momo, what's wrong, walk upright and sit upright, don't taint me with dirty thoughts." I, I am not familiar with this place of the Fox Monster Clan, if someone finds out that I am here, I will cause trouble, but I just occupy a corner to sleep, why are you jealous?"

He likes to be silent, but he doesn't do things that force women. He covered the quilt tightly all night, and didn't even glance at him blindly.

"I'm dirty? If you don't have that kind of thought, you should be looking for me instead of Momo!"

The city of Shu came here, he must have followed his own trail, he must have been to the Night Falcon Clan, and Bixi must have told him about coming to the Fox Monster Clan.

A wolf and a dog sparked a fight in a blink of an eye, staring at each other face to face, their noses almost touching each other.

Yu Mo hurriedly smoothed things over, rushed into the middle of the two, and stretched out his hands to separate them.

"Don't be noisy, just talk if you have something to say! Sit down, everyone sit down!" She took Mei Luo's hand and dragged him to the chair she was sitting on just now, "You came as soon as you came, why are you still so angry? Calm down, have a sip of tea, I happen to have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" He took the teacup without drinking it, and stared at her angrily.

"Jinyu was injured, it was Xuanyuanjian's injury, and she needed Shennongding's help. It happened that Ning Yi brought back the Shennongding demon refining pot that Ning Bao had sealed in the magic sealing box. It was also a coincidence that I returned it yesterday. I was thinking of asking you why the demon refining pot and the Shennong cauldron didn’t follow my body... Haha, just as I thought about it, someone sent them here. This Ning Yi is a good person. Remember, no matter how much you complain about the stinky fox in the future, you can’t blame her. Treat it as a favor for me. Now that Taotie is by my side and I have another helper, my safety is guaranteed, so I plan to go back to the Dragon Palace with Shudu."

When Mei Luo heard this, the teacup in her hand was about to be crushed, her breath was stuck in her throat, and the circles of her eyes were reddened ferociously.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be angry, isn't this a discussion with you?" She snatched the cup from his hand to save him from crushing and hurting his hands, and stroked his chest to let the air flow, " You listen to me, listen to me calmly, you need Dorje's spiritual power to save Zhenyu, and the two artifacts must assist each other to make medicine. You see that Dorji is in the Dragon Palace, and he can't leave now because he is protecting Zhenyu. Only I took the Shennong tripod back. Don’t worry, there is Shu on the way, and he will protect me. He is the wolf demon king, you can trust this ability. Shu and I calculated the distance just now, hurry up If it is seven or eight days, slow down by ten or so days, and it will not exceed half a month."

She didn't want to be separated from him either, but Needle Feather's injuries were serious. If she didn't go back, no one could save her. She originally wanted to go back with him, but Li Wang needed him to deal with him, and the group of fox monster clan also wanted to help her. It's hard to deal with, he will come and return later, it will definitely give them some ideas, what if they intercept and kill them halfway when they return?Besides, the stinky fox probably won't let her go. It's not good to break up with him now, and her whereabouts must be hidden tightly, so that Bai Yu can't find out. If the fox demon clan has her movement, then Bai Yu will definitely know .

Therefore, she thinks it is the best way to go back to Dragon Palace secretly with Shudu.

Seeing that she trusted him so much, Shu Du patted his chest and said, "Momo, don't worry, I will definitely bring you back to Dragon Palace safely."

After hearing this, Mei Luo roared out in one breath, and taught Yu Mo a lesson.

"You are crazy!"

"It's not crazy. It's well thought out. Don't you believe in the ability of the capital of Shu?"

"I believe in his ability, but I don't believe that he will not be wrong when he is alone with you. Isn't King Li a lesson from the past? It's only been a few days, and you have forgotten? How did you promise me before? You also forgot Is it? I want you to go alone with him, there is no way. What if he learns from King Li and takes you away after saving Needle Feather? No, I absolutely disagree!"

The Sky Wolf Realm is much more difficult than the Fox Monster Clan, and with his mother's old grievances, he would only let Shu have this chance unless he was stupid.

Yu Mo really hadn't thought about this question. It seems that he has a shadow over Li Wang's stealing her.

Shu Du already knew about the nasty thing Li Wang did during the chat just now, and he was very shameless in his heart, but now Mei Luo said that he was the same as Li Wang, and felt that his character had been belittled, and shouted: "You are a little boy. The heart of a man is against the belly of a gentleman, if I really had the mind of a stinky fox, I would have done something to Yu Mo a long time ago, and there is no need to wait until today to let her give birth to two sons for you!"

Mei Luo shot a cold knife and said, "How dare you say you haven't? Who took Silently away from the bedroom in the Dog Realm to Shu County?"

"Uh..." The rhetoric of the capital of Shu vanished in an instant.

His stains are not much less than Li Wang's.

"Mei Luo, I know what you are worried about, and I know that what the stinky fox did is really hateful, but you can't knock down a boat of people with one pole, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, let alone going to Penglai Island If there is no needle feather, I'm afraid I can't get there at all. This time, needle feather was injured because he wanted to help us win over the roe deer monster clan. Because of emotion and reason, we can't do nothing. You trust Shudu once, he Not that kind of person. If you wait for you to deal with the matter of the fox demon clan, I’m afraid that Zhenyu will die. Please, you just trust Shudu once, and with Taotie here, it’s easy for Shudu to do that.”

Hearing that Yumo called his name, Taotie was about to climb out of the closet and pat his chest to reassure him, but was killed by Mei Luo's words.

"When Ning Bao stole your body, Taotie was there, but it was sealed in that box?"

Taotie froze, and silently crawled back.

This stain... I'm afraid I won't be able to wash it off in this lifetime.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, so what do you say?" She simply threw the question to him.

Mei Luo had already thought about it, he would never let Yu Mo leave his side.

"Let Bixi and Zhulong return to the Dragon Palace, and bring Duoji and Needle Feather here... Bixi is guarding the Night Falcon Clan, and it is closer to the Dragon Palace. Its speed is faster than both you and Shu, so please hurry up." You can come in six days, which saves time and trouble. Besides..." He cupped Yumo's face and ordered: "When Bixi comes, you can live in Penglai Island, so that I won't worry all day if I can't see you , I can also use Bixi’s Yuanshen to talk to you, and I will feel more at ease with the enchantment of Penglai Island guarding you, lest there will always be dubious men coveting you.”

Shu Du was furious when he heard the last sentence, especially Mei Luo was looking at him when he said it, no different from naming names.

"Smelly dog, can you speak!"

"If you're not that thoughtful, don't go to Penglai Island, dare you?"

"Zhiyu is going to heal Bixi's wounds, why can't I go up there?" Zhenyu is saving his injuries, so of course he has to wait on him.

"The healers are Momo and Duoji, and the tool is Shennong Ding. Do you want to intervene?"

Shu Du rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight.

Yumo hurriedly pulled Meiluo behind to block Shudu, "Okay, Shudu, what Meiluo said is right, you see that Zhenyu's injury can be cured, and my safety is guaranteed, so you don't have to run back and forth You are taking care of me, right? He is in a bad mood today, so he must be angry with the stinky fox, so don't worry about it. Isn't the matter settled satisfactorily? It's getting late, everyone, go to bed." She continued Turning to Mei Luo and training, "You too, let me say a word, he is also trying to save Zhen Yu."

Mei Luo glanced at the quilt in the corner, thinking that Shu Du slept there last night, her heart ached again, and she said through her teeth, "Where do you plan to let him sleep?"

"Huh?" Yumo blinked.

Mei Luo had already thought about it for her, rolled up her blanket and threw it on Shu Du, "Go well, I won't send you off!"

Shu Du twitched his jaw, looked at the bedding, then at Yumo...

Yumo said that there was nothing she could do to help...

His face darkened, he picked up the bedding and walked away angrily.

Bi Xi followed Mei Luo's words and left the Night Falcon Clan, and went to Dragon Palace to pick up Needle Feather and Duoji. Although its speed on land is not very fast, there is a sea route to Dragon Palace, and its world is in the water, and its speed can be increased to The point where people and gods are indignant.

Princess Muyun knew that Yumo was fine, and her depressed and sick body finally looked better. Knowing that Bixi was here to pick up the needle feather, she immediately arranged for people to send the needle feather to Penglai Island that Bixi was carrying.

In addition, Dragon Mastiff, Jin Ji, and Ji Fu also followed.

Regarding Yulongchi, Meiluo also communicated with Princess Muyun through Bixi, and was surprised to learn that after Yumo and Longpo left, Yulongchi lost its demonic power and became a pool of stagnant water.

Yumo felt very guilty when she found out about it. You must know that Yulongchi is the sacred place for the royal family of the Dragon Palace to give birth. Without it, the childbirth of the dragon women will be long in the future and they will suffer a lot.Suddenly thinking of the black egg that Dragon Soul was born in, he asked Mu Yun, would this egg retain the spiritual power of Nine Dragon Soul?

Because after the egg was broken, there was a spiritual energy lingering all the time, a little bit of gold and silver, lingering, never flickering.

Mu Yun didn't see the eggshell, so it's hard to answer. To be on the safe side, she asked Yumo to keep the eggshell away. After solving the fox demon clan's incident, she brought the eggshell back to Dragon Palace to see if she could save Yulongchi.

Yu Mo readily agreed.

Maoqiu is the ancient spirit beast Baize, who is well versed in the world. When Princess Muyun couldn't identify it, she did some research on the eggshell.

"Mom, I have read some things about this Nine Dragon Soul from the ancient books of the clan."

"Hey, really, what are you talking about?" Yu Mo was wrapping the eggshells piece by piece and putting them into the bag.

Mao Qiu narrated the part mentioned in the ancient book: "The Nine-Dragon Soul is the transformation of the ghost soul of the ancient mythical beast Nine-headed Dragon, and it is the soul of its death. The dragons that Taotie belongs to are different. Back then, the nine-headed dragon was playful and broke the Linglong lamp. Oh, this Linglong lamp is a magic weapon of the Emperor of Heaven. Because of this mistake, the Emperor of Heaven knocked it down in the demon world as a punishment. The place is the East China Sea. Therefore, it can be said that the Dragon Palace Clan is its descendant. It is a demon, but it is also considered a half god. After its death, it turned its own dragon soul into Yulongchi water, which has the ability to heal, and is also a member of the Dragon Clan. It is a holy place for cultivation. Ancient books also mentioned that in order to save her beloved little daughter, the ancient Empress Nuwa once asked the first queen of the Dragon Palace to borrow Yulongchi to see if she could cure her little daughter’s illness.”

"You mean the Nuwa Empress who created the Nuwa Stone?"

"Hmm. Didn't mom see it when Dorji activated the rebirth array?"

Yu Mo nodded, "Yes, but her daughter is still dead, right? Even if she used all her spiritual power to create the Nuwa stone, she couldn't save her."

"Yes, speaking of it, this Empress Nuwa's youngest daughter is a person with extremely high talent as a wizard, and she has the ability to be better than blue. Unfortunately, her congenital deficiency is not enough to practice well. It is a pity that she is not able to heal herself, if not I'm afraid that Shennong's family can't compare with her. I'm thinking, it is reasonable to say that Nine Dragon Soul only has the ability to heal and nourish, but it can shorten the delivery cycle of Dragon Palace women, but it is not due to its ability. When I first knew it , I find it strange."

Yumo handed the kit to the demon refining pot and asked it to be kept properly. After hearing this, he asked, "Maoqiu, don't you want to say that the effect of shortening the delivery cycle is caused by the youngest daughter of Empress Nuwa?" for?"

"It's not written in these ancient books, but I know that Empress Nuwa's youngest daughter is a very kind person. If others give her kindness, she will be very kind. Maybe she knows that Yulongchi is useless to her, but she is grateful for the kindness of the Queen of Dragon Palace. It is said that the Queen of the Dragon Palace was pregnant and worked extremely hard, but she took care of her without a single complaint. Maybe she developed some feelings, so afterwards, she was grateful for this kindness. It is very possible to transform this Yulongchi with ability. Speaking of which, it is after this that Yulongchi has the effect of shortening pregnancy."

Yu Mo praised, "If this is the case, this girl is really nice. Although I am not good, I hope others are good."

"But in the final analysis, it's all recorded in ancient books, so I don't know if it's true or not."

Taotie was interested, and asked, "This Yulongchi is supposed to be only effective for women in the Dragon Palace, why is it also effective for girls?"

If she was a demon, she could still have some relationship, but she is a human being, but she is more comfortable to use than the Dragon Palace girl. Not only did she lose her soul and give birth to a child safely, but also let the son suck the most essence away. "

In this regard, Fuqiu couldn't tell why.

"Maybe...I was just saying maybe...maybe there's something special about you, Mom..."

"Special?" Yu Mo blinked, "I'm a human, what's so special about me, if I didn't meet Mei Luo, I wouldn't be able to come to the Mountain Sea Realm?"

Taotie dug his ears, "It's hard to get to the bottom of this matter, I can't explain it clearly. Girl, I think you should put away the eggshell first. The Yulongchi is the treasure of the Dragon Palace. It depends on the egg if it can be restored." Is the shell useless?"


Yumo once again ordered the demon refining pot to be hidden tightly, the pot is inside the eggshell.

(End of this chapter)

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