The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 519 Part 286 An Ambush

Chapter 519 Part 286 An Ambush

Bixi left, the Night Falcon clan heaved a sigh of relief, and sent such a plague god away without wind or waves, and it was too late to repay the god's favor, but Bai Yu felt that this was strange, so he asked Black Wing to follow Bixi to watch it where?

"Dragon Palace? Are you sure?"

Black Wing nodded, "Your subordinate followed me all the way, so I'm sure I went to the Dragon Palace."

"The dog demon king obviously went to the fox demon clan, how could it go back to the Dragon Palace?" Sitting in front of the case, Bai Yu was a little puzzled, how could this fierce beast be a helper, and the king had sent news earlier Give it to him, and ask him to send some people to the fox monster clan to help him deal with King Li.

Such a sudden request for reinforcements shows that the situation in the Fox Monster Clan has threatened the king.

"My lord, do you want your subordinates to send people to Dragon Palace to investigate?"

"Well, I really want to." Without knowing how the Dog Demon King will act, it is necessary to insert a few secret whistles, "Also, let Qing Yi and Gray Wing leave for the Fox Demon Clan as soon as possible, I am worried that the Fox Demon Clan will There will be big movements in the near future.”

"My subordinate understands."

Black Wing took the lead and retreated.

Bai Yu was thinking in the room alone. Earlier, he concluded that Li Wang had taken Yu Mo away, and the body of the Dragon Palace was also stolen by Li Wang. In this case, Yu Mo must be in the Fox Monster Clan now, but he has already reached the Fox Monster Clan. Mei Luo hasn't had any quarrel with Li Wang so far, he thinks it's unreasonable, could it be that she hasn't found her yet?

If this is the case, how well is Li Wang hiding?

It doesn't matter if they don't find out, her existence is an opportunity to provoke, as long as the alliance between the dog demon king and the glass king is destroyed, half of the fox demon clan's issue will be resolved.

To be on the safe side, he decided to stir up the muddy water himself, but...he couldn't let He Ji go.

"My lord..." A green warbler's voice sounded outside the door.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yu withdrew her thoughts and opened the door.

The green warbler wears a night-dress, and if there is light through the door, she almost becomes one with the night.

"It's Feihuang..." She said anxiously, "I don't know why I started to have a fever, and it hasn't retreated yet. It's hard for the young lady to come to see the lord, and Qing Yi didn't come either, so the servants had to come secretly."

He Ji's boudoir is protected by the enchantment of the Eastern Emperor Bell, except for Bai Yu and a few cronies, no one can enter without permission. Although the people inside can come out, but Bai Yu told He Ji to stay in the boudoir. Do not show your face under any circumstances.

Donghuang Bell will lead people who are going to see her, or guests, to another space, where he has arranged a blindfold, and has deceived many people with this method, even He Ji's younger brother, Red Ibis. Been encouraged.

If He Ji wanted to find him, Qing Yi, who was in charge of protecting her, would pass on the message, but today Qing Yi and Hui Yi set off for the Fox Demon Clan, and they didn't have time to arrange manpower to meet him, so they had to entrust Lu Ying to venture out to find someone.

Startled, Bai Yu immediately said, "Let's go!"

The two arrived at He Ji's boudoir through the East Emperor Bell. Under the candlelight, He Ji was hugging Fei Huang who was crying because of a fever, but no matter how she tried to coax her, Fei Huang still kept crying.

"How come you have a fever, how long has it been?"

Bai Yu stepped forward and hugged Fei Huang into her hands, and stroked her forehead, it was already extremely hot.

Because he came, He Ji's heart was relieved by an inch, and she hurriedly replied, "It started in the morning, and somehow I vomited after eating breakfast. I thought it was because the food was unpalatable, but after a while he vomited." I cried so much that I had a fever in no time."

"Don't worry, let me see." He quickly took Feihuang's pulse, this child was his and her heart, but he didn't know until much later after it was burned like this, he felt a little irritable, and his face was a little ugly.

"Ayu, how is it? Is there something wrong with Feihuang?" He Ji had lost a child, so whenever there was anything wrong with Feihuang, she would think the worst.

"No problem, it's just that he caught a cold and has some indigestion in his stomach. Don't worry, he's in good health, but the illness came on fiercely, and the outbreak was a little urgent. Just give him some medicine and rest." Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief after finishing his pulse.

"Really?" He Ji didn't dare to rest assured.

"How could I lie to you? I'll prescribe a prescription for Luying to make medicine. After feeding him, he will feel better. My child, there will always be some illnesses when I was young, and I grew up with illnesses, so don't worry. , don't make yourself sick." Compared with Feihuang, her complexion was not much better.

Hearing this, He Ji was finally relieved, and once she relaxed, she became a little unsteady, and Bai Yu immediately supported her, "What's the matter, is there something uncomfortable?"

With a pale face, she shook her head.

Lu Ying said anxiously at the side, "Miss hasn't eaten water rice for a day, and she has been holding Feihuang..."

"Green Warbler!" He Ji shouted, and said to Bai Yu, "She's talking nonsense, I just don't have an appetite."

When the child is sick, how can the mother have the appetite to eat.

Bai Yu didn't point her out, and ordered Lu Ying to let the kitchen make some porridge, and handed over the prescribed prescription to her for processing.

"He'er, go to bed and lie down for a while, I will take care of Feihuang."

"No, I'm fine!"

Without further ado, Bai Yu picked her up and put her on the bed, "Listen to me, if you don't take a good rest, then Feihuang will recover, but you will be sick, so you will have to make a fuss again."

Lu Ying came in with the porridge, Bai Yu took it and fed her personally, Fei Huang stopped crying after drinking the medicine, and slept peacefully beside her, she pressed her face against his soft face, feeling his tenderness. Warm, emotionally calm, then sleepy, and soon fell asleep.

Bai Yu sat on the bedside and stayed with her and the child all night.

When she woke up the next day, Feihuang's fever really subsided, and she even ate a bowl full of milk soup.

Knowing that he stayed with him all night, He Ji felt a little distressed, and stretched out her hand to caress his eyebrows, "You go back and rest, if something happens, I will let Lu Ying find you."

He held her hand and kissed her palm, "Yesterday, you must have been anxious because you couldn't find me."


"I know that you are not happy in such a life, but bear with it, it won't be long before you and I don't need to sneak around."

"Ayu, I'm not unhappy. As long as you are well and the child is well, that's enough. I know the current situation in the clan. You don't have to worry about me, I will take care of myself."

"I know, but even if the child is sick, you can't find me...I really..." He felt like a failure.

"Nothing, it's because I was too anxious and missed the time to find you, but you see, didn't the green warbler look for you the same way in the end. It won't happen in the future." She didn't want him to lose the big by making small mistakes.

"Let's not talk about this, if you take a good rest, your complexion will still be very ugly."

"Well!" Since the birth of Feihuang, her body has been completely empty. Although she has recovered a little with Yumo's meticulous care, she still needs a long-term recuperation, and the current environment is not suitable for her to recuperate. , because there are so many things to worry about.

After she fell asleep, Bai Yu secretly made a decision, he must truly control the Night Falcon Clan as soon as possible, and the last obstacle to reach this step is Yao Jia.

In the royal palace, Yao Jia was sitting on the brocade couch in the bedroom, resting her forehead with her hands to doze off, the bamboo curtain behind her was quietly rolled up, she knew someone was coming, but she didn't move.

"His Majesty……"

"She didn't open her eyes, she just raised her hand to signal him to get up, "How's it going? "

"The subordinates discovered that there are two barriers in the Crane Ji Mansion, one is the mansion's own, and the other is the East Emperor Bell's."

Hearing that, Yaojia opened her eyes, and a black shadow burst out of her pupils as if she understood something.

Donghuang Bell is Bai Yu's artifact, no one can use it.

"Before it was rumored that she had an epidemic, and she was quarantined in the mansion because she was contagious. I sent someone to visit... The wizard also invited a few people to check the pulse. It is indeed very serious. Can it be faked?"

"The subordinates venture to guess that the person who went there may have gone to another dimension, and the person who saw it is also a fake person."

What is the ability of Donghuang Bell, Yao Jia knows it without explaining.

But dummies...

Yes, there is another trick, she knows his ability, as long as he wants to do it, he will definitely be able to do it.

She snorted and sat up slowly, the black shadow in her eyes grew bigger and bigger, and seemed to be struggling, "Are you sure?"

"Your Majesty wants me to investigate because he knows that I will be able to find out something. I swear on my life, if there is any falsehood..."


Yaojia swept down the fruit plate and teapot on the table next to her, making a mess on the ground.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Calm down! Hahaha..." The shadows in her eyes completely spread out, thick as a black night splashed with ink, she couldn't see her pupils, she seemed to be in a daze, her beautiful face was distorted to hideously, "He really is protecting her , and used such methods to deceive everyone."

Of course, all of them include her.

Then what is she! ?

Where did he put her in! ?

She felt that her heart had been stabbed so hard that the scenery she looked at seemed to be stained with blood.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates have said long ago that Bai Yu cannot be kept. It is because you have a special liking for him and indulge him repeatedly."

"I thought he had a heart!"

She was so kind and affectionate to him, she thought he would understand and cherish him.

However... she was ultimately nothing more than a stepping stone for him to climb to a higher place.

What is loyalty, what is modest, what is unworthy, now it seems that they are all hypocrisy, what is his purpose, even if she can't figure it out, she knows half of it.

"You might enter the enchantment of the Eastern Emperor Bell to find out?"

"Subordinates can try, but they may not be successful. After all, the Donghuang Bell is an ancient artifact, which cannot be compared with ordinary magic weapons. But I am willing to give it a try." He is the secret guard of Yao Jia's queen family, and his abilities are naturally extraordinary. Back then, due to the fear of Shenghu, the Manchus were massacred. He was lucky to escape with a dozen of his clansmen and survived the catastrophe. Now it is a dream to be able to serve the master's family again, even at the cost of his life.

"Okay, you go ahead and do it. For this reason, I will also find a way to send Bai Yu away. As long as he is not around, you are less likely to be discovered. I received the news that he has sent two henchmen to go to the fox demon. Clan, now there should be only one Hei Yi and a trash Feng Chen, Feng Chen is useless, but Hei Yi needs to be careful."

"Your Majesty, do you want to get rid of Black Wing first?"

"No, if you touch him, Bai Yu will definitely be on guard. I mean, you can use him to enter the Donghuang Bell. Since the Donghuang Bell belongs to Bai Yu, people around him must be able to enter at will. There may be some secret door .If there is, Heiyi must know. You find a way to catch Heiyi and let him spit it out without a trace. Your father is best at forcing people to tell secrets, and you should have inherited this ability."

"The subordinate will do it immediately."

"Go!" She waved.

After the people left, Yaojia sat for a day until the night, and did not let the maid hold the lamp. In the dark, I couldn't see her expression, only a pair of eyes were faintly red in the dark, the redness was mysterious, and it was crazy .

Hei Yi returned to his room late at night and was about to take a rest. He smelled a fresh fragrance as soon as he took off his clothes. After inhaling it, his clear eyes immediately became cloudy, as if he was fascinated by something. fell down.

Just as he was about to hit the ground, the black shadow rushed in, caught him firmly, and helped him sit on the bed.

Hei Yi was like a puppet, expressionless, leaning against the bedpost like a wooden man. Hei Ying stretched out his hand and pressed his thumb to his temple. Just as he was about to release his demon power, there was a knock on the door.

"Black Wing, are you asleep? I'm Duck Girl, I want to ask you if you know where Gray Wing has gone, why haven't you come back at this time?"

Wu Niang is the cook in Bai Yu's mansion. She was born in Shanyao Village in the extreme north of the Ye Falcon tribe. She is a family that is good at distinguishing medicinal materials. Bai Yu once went there to ask for medicine and saved her father. The strong men in Yao village were dead and maimed, the whole village was ruined, only the old and weak, women and children were left, and when the plague hit again, all the people in the village died, only the mother duck escaped, so she went all the way south to find him , he took her in to be a cook and a servant of the pharmacy in the mansion. She and Hui Yi fell in love with each other and became a pair of happy friends.

She waited for a long time for him not to come to have dinner together, and she felt worried, so she came to Heiyi to ask.

Hei Ying quickly tapped Hei Yi's eyebrows, injecting a wave of demon power. Hei Yi froze, his expression was still dull, but he could move.

"Go, let him go!" Black Shadow ordered.

Hei Yi nodded, walked to the door with a stiff body, and opened it.

Seeing him, Wu Niang hurriedly said: "You are here, I thought you had gone out too. Tell me quickly, where did Hui Wing go?"

" demon clan..." Heiyi's tone didn't fluctuate.

"Sent by the adults?"


Niang's face is broken, her birthday will be in a few days, and she still wants to spend it with Hui Yi, it seems that there is no hope, her expression is unspeakably disappointed, but there is no way, Bai Yu's order is everything, Hui Yi I dare not disobey.

Just when she was about to leave, she smelled a fragrance. She is very good at herbal medicine, so she couldn't help saying, "When did you like to light incense?"


"No? Then how can I smell a sweet fragrance. Could it be..." Niang Niang felt that this smell should be liked by women, so she smiled narrowly, "Could it be that there is a beautiful woman hidden in your room? Let me go in and take a look ..."

The relationship between Black Wing and Gray Wing is very good, so the relationship between Wu Niang and Black Wing is also very happy, like brother and sister.

After hearing this, Heiying knew that she was unusual. If she was allowed to come in, he might be able to see the clues. He immediately waved his fingers to release the demonic power. A thread of black-winged demonic power appeared indistinctly under the light and shadow, thinner than a strand of hair. , if you don't look carefully, it's hard to find.

This thin thread of demon power was connected to the back of Hei Yi's head.

As soon as he exerted his strength, Hei Yi moved his hand and pushed Niang Niang out.

Niang Niang almost fell and staggered a few steps, "What are you doing!"

"Go!" He looked expressionless, but his voice was loud, as if he was angry.

"Look at you, it's just a joke, why are you angry?"

"Go!" he shouted again.

"Okay, let's go." Niang Niang knew she was getting bored, she touched her nose and left.

The black shadow pulled Heiyi back through the demon line, the door was closed, and no one knew what happened in the dark room. Until dawn, Heiyi opened his eyes and found that he had been lying on the ground all night, his mind was heavy. , but couldn't remember how he came back last night, and how he slept on the ground.

He only thought that he was tired and didn't take it seriously, but the sweet smell in the room had long since dissipated, and he couldn't find any clues.

Because of Feihuang's recovery these few days, He Ji felt a lot more happy, her heart was relieved, her rest and diet were guaranteed, her complexion improved, and Bai Yu was sent by Yaojia to the surrounding villages to deal with the avalanche incident. She left yesterday, and she needs to rest a lot when she goes.

After Feihuang recovered from his illness, he became mischievous again, crawling on the ground, or flying around in the form of a little phoenix. The green warbler was tossed around by him, and she would chase him in sweat every day.

He Ji was relieved that Feihuang would be taken care of by Luying. Following Bai Yu's instructions, she decided to take a nap. Even if she couldn't sleep, she would lie down.

"Green Warbler, don't let Feihuang fly too far, watch it!"

"Got it, Miss, I'm watching." Lu Ying raised her skirt and caught up with Fei Huang.

He Ji went upstairs and was about to lie down when she suddenly felt a chill down her spine and turned around immediately, but it was too late, there was no time to resist and she passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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