The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 521 Part 288 Yao Jia's Cruelty

Chapter 521 Part 288 Yao Jia's Cruelty

He Ji woke up in a icy pool. She is a demon, and the Night Falcon family is located in a cold zone. She is not afraid of the cold, but her weakness and old illness have greatly reduced her demon power. Weakened.

The surroundings are dark, the sight is blocked, and if she loses her vision, her body will be very sensitive. She doesn't know where she is now, only that someone has captured her.

who is it?

She was flustered and wanted to shout, but her body trembled uncontrollably, and she couldn't even utter a single syllable. She moved her frozen body with difficulty, and rubbed her cold hands. In a dangerous situation, the more calm you have to be, otherwise she will not even know how she died.

Fortunately, Fei Huang was not taken away with her, which made her feel at ease, but she didn't know if it was temporary, or if the other party didn't have time to take her away together, she planned to do things at a different time?
Thinking of this, she immediately became anxious. The boudoir is protected by the Donghuang Bell, like a copper wall and iron wall. No one can break in except Bai Yu and Hei Yi. How did the other party break in?
Or rather... her heart twitched.

"Ayu..." She said the name, worried that something happened to him.

"At this time, you still have the heart to think of your lover's name, are you more open-minded?"

An unfamiliar voice came from a corner, and He Ji shivered.

"Who, who is talking. Come out!"

The man was hidden in the darkness and did not show his real body, because he couldn't see, He Ji could only look for his direction in the darkness.

"Hehe..." His laughter was colder than the pool in which He Ji was soaked.

"Who the hell are you? Who asked you to arrest me, and what is the purpose?" Trapped deep in the trap, He Ji was very sensitive, and even with just a burst of laughter, she could feel the strong hostility from the other party.

It's hatred, it's anger, it's the killing intent to crush her to ashes.

The voice was very strange, never in her memory. She didn't remember that she had provoked such a person, but she could not hate many people, but they were all killed by Bai Yu.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that once you enter here, you will never even think about getting out in this life. I will pay you back thousands of times for the pain you inflicted on my master. I will make your life worse Die. While you can still talk, you might as well take a few more breaths of air. Otherwise, in the days to come, you're afraid that even breathing will hurt."

"Your master?" He Ji found the center of the problem, "Who is your master, and have I ever hurt you?"

It's not that she hasn't hurt people, but those who hurt are the enemies who killed her family, and the group of beasts who insulted her, besides the enemies who are opposite to her own group, she asked herself, the people who had blood on their hands All deserve death.

"Your existence is the greatest harm to my master. You shouldn't live!"

He Ji said angrily, "I shouldn't live? Hahaha, why do I need others to control my life and death? If you really think that I shouldn't live, you villain hiding in the dark, why don't you let your master meet me? I want to know, why can't I live?"

The most urgent thing is to know who the so-called master is?

Only when she knew, could she think about escaping.

According to what this person said, the kidnapping of her should not be caused by something wrong with Bai Yu, but a personal grievance. Bai Yu went to the border to deal with the avalanche disaster. Before leaving, he told her that he would return within seven days and wait for him Come back... No, she is missing. Lu Ying will definitely go to find Hei Yi when she finds out. Hei Yi knows her importance and will immediately find a way to notify Bai Yu. Once Bai Yu knows that she is gone, she will come back immediately. She believes that His ability, at most two days, will definitely come to save her.

She only needs to survive these two days...

She is not afraid of death, nor is she afraid of suffering. It is God's grace that this dilapidated body can live. Now that Feihuang was born safely, she has nothing to worry about. Even if she is asked to die immediately, she will not say no.

It's just that love is hard to bear, and she can't bear Bai Yu, so even if she has to live in pain every day for the rest of her life, she still wants to accompany him to the end.

"You dare to talk nonsense when you are about to die. Well, since you are so stubborn, let me let you taste what life is worse than death. Don't say I didn't warn you, after all, I never know what is measured. "

He Ji stood up unsteadily from the pool, the water was not deep, only up to her knees, after staying in the dark for a long time, although she still couldn't see clearly, she could clearly understand the general outline of the surrounding environment. She felt that it was very high here, and she couldn't estimate how high it was.

When I wanted to get close to the other party, I suddenly found that my feet were handcuffed by chains. The reason why there was no sound before was that the chains were made of a special material and no sound could be made in the water.

"What exactly do you want?"

"You can't ask for death, and you can't ask for life."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of machinery, which gradually grew louder, and then came with a loud bang, followed by the sound of water.

He Ji felt that the water level in her knees was rising, getting higher and colder.

"The water will rise very slowly, but no matter how slow it is, it can drown you in an hour. You should think about what you have done in the water. Don't worry, I won't let you die. When you can't breathe, you will be exhausted. After the taste of being bound by water, I will lower the water level and let you take a few breaths. By the way, it’s not just about water...hehe..." He sneered and made a fool of himself.

He Ji calmly listened to the sounds around her.

In addition to the sound of splashing water, she also heard the sound of something swimming in the water.

The water was so cold that it hurt her from the back to the soles of her feet. When she was washed by the water, the cold air hit her like needles on her bones.

Suddenly, there was a sticky, snake-like touch around her ankle. She couldn't see what it was, but felt horrified.All of a sudden, the thing wrapped tightly around her skin, and she frowned in pain. Before she could breathe out the pain, there was a burst of lightning.

"Wow..." She screamed, her whole body was struck by lightning and convulsed, and the lightning caused sparks in the water, scorching her skin.

"Hahaha, how about it, it tastes good, just take it slowly, the more you suffer, the happier my master will be, you owe her this."

He Ji only felt that her body was in pain as if it was shattered, and the high cold water irritated her skin like a needle prick. How could the skin scorched by lightning and lightning bear it? It was no different from sprinkling salt on the wound.

Pain, endless pain, and cold... I am afraid that life is worse than death, and this kind of suffering cannot be described.

She didn't allow herself to bow her head.

She is Sheng Yu's daughter, no matter what the situation is, she must live with integrity, even if she is about to die, she must die with dignity, and will never compromise with the enemy.

Immediately afterwards, the pain in the skin and flesh was nothing, because the water overflowed the top of her head, she couldn't breathe, and the reflexive struggle was futile. Without breathing, her lungs hurt like fire, and even her brain seemed to explode opened.

She didn't know how long she could endure, so she could only keep telling herself... Bai Yu would come to save her.

He will come.

Through the dark eyes on the wall, Yaojia could see clearly, what He Ji saw was darkness, but from her side, there was light in the water, and she could clearly see the expression on He Ji's face.

The pain, howling, and vulnerability are nothing compared to the occasional flashes of trust on her face, and she has no hint of despair.

As He Ji struggled and flung about, Yaojia's eyes became more ruthless, she tightly pinched the bead chains on her skirt, crushing them into powder one by one.

"Yun Chi!" she yelled.

Yun Chi, the man in black, immediately appeared in front of her respectfully.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Bai Yu should know the news of her disappearance. I want you to guarantee that he will never find her." She will never let He Ji return to him in her life, she will torture her to her heart's content until she is satisfied.

"Master, don't worry, this place is protected by the most secret formation of the Yun family. If you are not a member of the family, you will never find out."

"Very good!" Yao Jia raised her head proudly, and glanced at He Ji who was suffering in pain, "Don't let her die, I'm not happy yet."


As soon as Bai Yu heard that He Ji was gone, he immediately dropped everything and ran back. In order not to make Yao Jia suspicious, he still delayed some time, but he still rushed back quickly from the border in a day.

Hei Yi had already learned everything from Hei Yi, but even if he wanted to break his head, he didn't know who broke into the barrier of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Donghuang Bell couldn't answer this question either, because the other party didn't trespass, but came in according to the rules, which made Bai Yu think that there might be spies around him, but he trusted Hei Yi and the others so much that he didn't think spies would be out of them.

"Where is Feihuang now?" The first thing he protected was the child, and he must not let another accident happen to him.

"According to the order of the adults, it has been strictly protected. When Miss He Ji disappeared, Lu Ying happened to be playing with the child in the garden, so it may have escaped the catastrophe." Black Wing followed into the boudoir.

As soon as Luying heard the voices of the two, she ran downstairs holding Feihuang.

"My lord, it's the servant's fault. The servant did not protect the young lady. Please punish me." It was half an hour later when she returned to the boudoir to find out that Heji was gone.

Half an hour... is enough to kill a person.

"Get up, self-blaming won't help at this time, I want you to think about it, what happened around me when I left?"

Luying shook her head, "It's no different from the past. Miss improved a lot yesterday. When she disappeared, she didn't let me accompany her because she had to take a nap. Others...there's really nothing else."

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Bai Yu asked Hei Yi again.

"What about you?"

Hei Yi couldn't think of anything unusual, so he scratched his head, "This subordinate was extremely tired the day before yesterday. He fell asleep after returning home, and lay on the ground when he woke up. Does this... count?"

Bai Yu frowned.

"grown ups!"

It was Niang Niang, who entered the boudoir with the medicines she had gathered, and these medicines were all for Heji's health.

She still didn't know about He Ji's disappearance, because Hui Wing went to the Fox Monster Clan and didn't know when she would be back, so she went on to ask about it in the name of delivering medicine.

Seeing her playful smile, Hei Yi hurriedly pulled her aside for fear of offending Bai Yu, "What are you doing here?"

Because Heiyi pushed her at the door of the room the day before yesterday, she was still a little unhappy, and said with a sullen face, "I want you to take care of it, go away, I have something to ask my lord."

"Miss He Ji is gone, my lord is in a bad mood, don't make trouble for nothing!"

"Hey? Miss is gone, why did she disappear?" Bai Yu is her master, so is He Ji naturally, she immediately changed her face, "Isn't it protected by the Eastern Emperor Bell, why did she disappear?"

"You ask me, who do I ask, you go down first, let me and adults think about this matter!"

"Can you think with this brain?"

"What do you mean?" On weekdays, the two of them had a very good relationship, and there were often teasing words. He didn't take it to heart, but this time the teasing was over.

"What's the point? I went to look for you the night before yesterday, how did you treat me, and you forgot so quickly? You wait, when Hui Wing comes back, I will definitely sue." She touched her collarbone, "I won't be sympathetic at all. , pushed me so green. You deserve to be a bachelor for the rest of your life."

Hei Yi was dumbfounded when he heard this, "When did I see you the day before yesterday?"

"Yo, you're lying, the night before yesterday, I went to you to ask where Gray Wing went, but you refused to let me in the house. Just tell me, did you hide some woman? If you really need someone, Dafang brought it out to meet people, what are you doing hiding?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I hide someone!" He didn't remember this at all.

"What are you doing so loudly? I'm not talking nonsense. At that time, I really smelled the incense in your room. It smelled like the kind used by women."

"Don't talk nonsense, I... how could I..." Hei Yi's eyes widened, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"What's wrong!?" Bai Yu noticed the movement of the two of them, and squinted over.

Niang Niang hurriedly said, "It's not Hei Yi, he obviously has a lover but keeps him from being seen. My lord, do you think he has a ghost in his heart?"

This remark made Bai Yu's eyes darken, and his sharp eyes stabbed at Hei Yi.

Hei Yi hurriedly knelt down, "My lord, this subordinate has no good friends, let alone hiding anyone, it was all conjectured by Niang Niang, the day before yesterday... the day before yesterday I was so tired that I went back to my room and went to sleep, and when I woke up, it was dawn, and I didn't I remember meeting her, let alone pushing her."

His memory of this period is completely blank. If he didn't know what kind of person Wu Niang is, he really thought she was trying to frame him.

A turmoil flashed in Bai Yu's mind, and he grabbed Niang Niang and asked, "Tell me what's going on?"

Wu Niang seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly recounted what happened that night.

"My lord, I really smelled a scent of incense, it's very special, sweet and greasy, with a little medicinal fragrance, like..." She frowned, trying to recall.

Bai Yu didn't bother her, let her think quietly, Wu Niang is good at medicine, her ability is extremely strong, she can't forget the herbs she smelled, as long as she can recall it.

There is always a clue in the mist that has been forgotten somewhere, and it will appear again, it can be regarded as not missing, Niang Niang remembered.

"It's an enchanting herb. It's extremely rare. I encountered it when I was young. It's called... called..." She tapped her head, "Ah, yes, Soul Devouring Beads."

Bai Yu knew what was going on when he heard the name, and stared at Hei Yi with his eyes so dark that he couldn't see a trace of clarity.

Hei Yi's forehead immediately seemed to be firmly pinched by something, "My lord... my lord... my subordinate..."

Bai Yu knew that he couldn't be blamed, the person who could use the Soul-devouring Orb must be an expert, and someone whose whereabouts were extremely secretive, it was not impossible for Heiyi to be able to use the Soul-devouring Orb, but as far as he knew, the person who could use the Soul-devouring Orb had long since The clan was exterminated, and the clan had been exterminated before Shenghu died, so how could it still exist.

Do not……

Maybe there is...

How did the blackbird die...

At this moment, his body trembled heavily. He might have missed one thing and one person.

A person who feels that he will not be a threat to himself from the beginning to the end.

Under the moonlight and stars, Penglai Island floated silently on the sea. After a day and a night of rescue, Yumo finally rescued Zhenyu, but it was only temporarily not life-threatening, and the injury caused by Xuanyuan Sword took a lot of time and spiritual healing.

After fighting for a day and a night, she didn't close her eyes, and she was very tired. After knowing that there was no danger for Needle Feather, she fell headfirst on the couch and fell asleep.

"Girl, are you alright, girl!" Zhulong shouted anxiously.

Shennong Ding replied, "Don't howl, she is tired, let her have a good rest."

Of course, Zhulong couldn't hear these words, so Duoji had to relay them.

Knowing that Yu Mo was fine, Zhulong was relieved and covered her with a quilt.

Duoji is also very tired, but he is an artifact, and he is better than Yu Mo in terms of physical strength.

Shennong Ding said, "Little Shitou, go and rest too, I will watch over here, it's fine."

"Well!" Duoji also knew the limit, walked to Yu Mo, wanted to find a place to lie down, moved his hand, and the Kunlun mirror in his sleeve fell out, and it happened to fall into Yu Mo's arms. He didn't notice, He leaned against the couch pillow and fell asleep with his head tilted.

The Kunlun Mirror is a broken stone at this time, and it can only vaguely see the appearance of the mirror, but when it touches Yu Mo, it trembles...

The surface of the stone surface cracked inch by inch...

(End of this chapter)

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