The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 522 Part 289 The Kunlun Mirror Chooses the Lord

Chapter 522 Part 289 The Kunlun Mirror Chooses the Lord

Yumo fell into chaos again. She has encountered this situation several times, and it is not surprising that there are too many.

The question is how did she get in, did her soul go out of her body again?

She couldn't help cursing, touching her body...

The body is still there, so it's not the soul out of the body. She looked around... Where is this?

The fog was so thick that she couldn't see clearly, but she could faintly smell the fragrance of flowers, gently brushing the tip of her nose. She stood up and walked a few steps. The clouds and mists were cleared away, and a sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of her eyes, the mountains were full of flowers , all colors are available, too beautiful to behold.

Could it be a dream! ?
She stopped and walked, walking along the sea of ​​flowers, but couldn't find a way out. It seemed that they were all flowers, and she got tired of it after a long time. She stopped and thought about how to escape from this seemingly fairyland, like In a dream, but it may also be a place of illusion, suddenly a burst of crying was heard in the ear.

"Little master... are you going to die?"

It was a man's voice, very clear, nearby.

Yumo found the right direction and looked for it. After a while, a scene appeared in front of him. A beautiful girl was lying on a bed made of flowers and plants. She looked extremely fragile, her skin was as white as transparent, and her figure was very petite. A puff of white smoke surrounds the whole body, like in a fog, making people uncertain whether it really exists.

Surrounding the flower bed are a mirror, a guqin, and a piece of white jade.

This white jade looks familiar.

The mirror stood upright, floating beside the flower bed, and the sound came from it.

Yu Mo tilted her head, she was not surprised, she had seen so many artifacts, and it was no longer a magical thing to talk, so she immediately focused on the piece of white jade.

Should this be Nuwa Stone?

Dorje! ?
She was overjoyed and wanted to rush up, but was hit on the nose by an invisible barrier.

"Ouch!" She squatted on the ground, her nose flattened.

Inside the barrier, the girl's breath was very weak, and she raised her hand to caress the mirror.

"Kunlun, don't cry, the time has come, it's not something you and I can change."

"No, little master, it's ok, as long as I work harder and turn back time..."

The girl shook her head, "Don't waste your energy, even if time can go backwards, my illness won't be cured, it's just an illusion, always doing this will only make mother and father sad, I have lived long enough, and I have also implicated many people , it’s better to leave earlier.”

With a bang, the guqin under the flower bed plucked the strings, and the restlessness was filled with extreme sadness, which sounded extraordinarily noisy.

"Fuxi, don't be sad. You have to listen to Kunlun. Don't be self-willed. The rabbits in the sea of ​​flowers have been made like big tigers by your voice. The day before yesterday, they were killed by their own kind, and many were injured. In order to save them, the little stones all Too tired to speak."

The little stone is the Nuwa Stone, lying quietly under the flower bed, not speechless, but wasting all of its energy in crying, the white jade-like stone is filled with clear water vapor, dripping It doesn't stop.

"Little master, we are incompetent and can't cure you." Kunlun was heartbroken, and water rippled from the mirror.

"Fate is like this. I don't blame anyone. It's not in vain to meet and get to know you. It's just that there are still some regrets. There are still many things I haven't done."

"Little master, tell me...Kunlun will help you fulfill your last wish."

"I know you're safe, so I wanted to tell you." The girl was already angry, perhaps her life was dying, so the flower bed began to wither, and the petals fell off one by one, "I am the daughter of Nuwa, Destiny has the ability to heal, but I am not born with enough power to benefit the public. After my death, I will divide my soul into three pieces and give one piece to Dragon Palace to repay the Queen of Dragon Palace for extending her life. The promise of the Nine Dragon Soul, the birth of Lin'er from the royal family guarding the Dragon Palace for generations, is the continuation of my life. The second film, I will entrust it to the roe deer monster clan, Kunlun, remember, after I die, I must go to the roe deer monster clan, 300 years later, the queen of the roe deer monster clan is the reincarnation of Huarui. When she was young, she gave up the chance to be reincarnated as an adult and has always been with me. I must repay this kindness. You will protect her on my behalf until she dies. You don’t have to be afraid of finding it. When you see her, you will recognize her when you meet." She said a lot of words, her breath was a little short, but she insisted on finishing her words, "The last piece is my private wish. I read the ancient book of the ancient emperor of heaven when I was sick. , I know that there is Xuanyuan Realm outside the Mountain and Sea Realm, which is a different world. It is said that there are no monsters or gods in this world, and they are all mortals. I often wonder what kind of place it is, and I really want to go and see it... ..."

have a look……

When she finished speaking, she was out of breath.

Because dead.

Her body turned into thousands of petals, and with the wind blowing, three blue souls appeared in the petals, flying in three directions.

Yu Mo stared at this scene in shock. Suddenly, one of the three souls flew the highest, but turned back and rushed towards her. She was startled, and it crashed into her body in an instant. .

Her whole body was knocked high and rolled in the air.

"Wow... what's going on!?"

She rolled several times, and finally stopped, and then seemed to have grown wings, flew rapidly in the air, rushed into the sea of ​​clouds, swooped down again, and passed the sea, like a fighter jet flying, completely out of control.

"Help!" she screamed, closing her eyes in fright.

When she opened her eyes, she was dumbfounded again.

Looking down from the sky, she saw a place where the crowd was surging. They were wearing ancient costumes, and the dynasty should be the Qin Dynasty... No, it seems to be a long time ago.

There is such a dynasty in the mountains and seas?

She fluttered in the air and found that she could control her body. If she pressed her body down, she could fly down, but the people below couldn't see her, and even if she touched her, they wouldn't respond.

There was commotion ahead, and a group of people rushed over.

"The Lan family has a free clinic, hurry up and line up, you won't meet the living Bodhisattva if you're late!"

I don't know who roared, and the commotion in the crowd became even more violent, and they all rushed to a building.

Yu Mo followed because of curiosity, and when he pushed through the crowd and saw the person at the front, he was shocked again.

In front of you is a free clinic stand, which looks traditional in ancient times, simple and simple, but it can be seen that the people who provide free clinics are definitely experts.

"Doctor Lan, I beg you to save my son. He has been poisoned by a snake. The doctors all said that there is no cure. They want us to prepare for the funeral..." An old woman cried and knelt, refusing to get up.

Yu Mo felt that there was nothing wrong with snake venom, but considering that this was ancient times, it might be a bit difficult.

The man named Doctor Lan raised his head, and she was stunned when she saw it.


The middle-aged man with a beard in front of her, she would definitely not be mistaken, he really looked like her own father, but... But why is her father here, still wearing ancient clothes.

She was stunned.

Dr. Lan took the pulse of the child who had been poisoned by the snake, and then inquired and prescribed the medicine, all in one go, the child who was said to be hopeless suddenly cried, very loudly.

Everyone clapped and applauded, and Qi Qi called him the reincarnated Hua Tuo Bian Que.

The people who saw the doctor came one after another, and until the evening, the queue was so long that there was no end in sight.

Someone in the team chatted: "Doctor Lan is really a good person, what a pity, a good person has a bad life, I heard that he has no children yet."

"Really? Why?"

This topic attracted many people, and they all gathered around.

"It is said that Madam's health is not good, one pregnancy miscarriage, and a few days ago I heard that she was pregnant again, but the fetal image is not good, maybe it will be gone again."

"How can Dr. Lan's medical skills be so good that he can't cure his wife?"

"What's wrong with your health? I heard that it's a curse. It's not a disease at all. Dr. Lan often donates medicine for free consultations, and he also saved the empress dowager. Some unscrupulous doctors can't stand it. However, his medical skills are not as good as him. I trust him very much, but when I wanted to frame him, someone exposed the conspiracy. I heard that when the villain was executed, he swore a poisonous oath with his life, cursing the Lan family from then on.”

"Huh? So bad!?"

"No, it's just crazy."

Hearing these words, Yu Mo smiled, she was already sure that Dr. Lan must be her ancestor, who said her family is dead, her family is doing well, it's okay to practice medicine for generations.

Just as she was thinking, her body became uncontrollable again, and she flew up. After screaming, she entered a mansion.

Looking at the high gate compound, but very simple.

Where is this again?
"Ma'am, oh, Ma'am is bleeding! Come on, hurry up and find the master!"

There were screams in the garden, footsteps were chaotic, and Yu Mo walked over looking for the sound.

A woman was bending over to caress her belly, her face was pale, and blood was oozing from between her legs... Her belly was as big as a drum, obviously she had a miscarriage!
Yumo is in a hurry, but he can't help, he yells at his servants to save people, there are people, but none of them are useful, when the woman is about to die, a blue water appears in Yumo's body of gloss.

She was startled, this luster seemed to be the one that crashed into her body in the sea of ​​flowers, why did it come out again?She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing when it came out, and she wanted to catch it back, but it flew around like a firefly and entered the woman's body.

The woman was carried into the room. Dr. Lan came back and rushed to check his wife's pulse. Through the door, Yu Mo couldn't hear the voice inside. He wanted to go in but couldn't, so he could only be in a hurry. After a while, the room burst into tears of joy. howling.

"Keep it, keep it, the Lan family will definitely have a successor this time!"

Hearing that, Yu Mo was also extremely happy, just as she was about to take a look inside, she flew high again and jumped into the air. This time it was useless for her to shout for help, and she kept rolling in the clouds.

"Help... I'm dizzy, I'm really going to faint..." She almost rolled her eyes.

However, scenes flashed before her eyes, which were the changes of the times, Qin, Jin, Five Kingdoms and Ten Dynasties, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, the Republic of China, the founding of New China... the Lilan family in each era she saw Standing still, he has practiced medicine for generations and saved countless lives.

Immediately afterwards came the spring day when the sky was full of flowers. She saw the familiar era, that is, the era she was born in. She didn’t know where it was, but only knew that it was a room. Give her a bath.

She kicked her legs and cried loudly, she was obviously in good health, and then through the glass, Yumo saw her father again, this time it was right, he had no beard, no bun, and he was wearing a white coat.

Papa Lan was leaning against the glass and peering hard, with an excited expression on his face.

"Brother, don't look at it, let's go and see my sister-in-law, and the child will be brought back later."

It was her third uncle who spoke out for Yu Mo, so... the baby in the bath is... She opened her mouth and looked at the little baby.

Isn't that herself?

She floated to the side of the baby, looking at her chubby, pink and tender body, it felt really weird, she wanted to touch it, but her hand passed through the baby's body, she didn't understand what was going on... Just trying to find out When a clue comes out.

The little baby's body was faintly shining with aqua blue luster...

She was startled, how could the luster be in her body again, before she could think about it, she flew up again, tumbling into the air, tumbling non-stop until she fainted, fell off the couch, I fell and ate shit.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she returned to the small bamboo building, feeling a little demented.


She moved, heard the voice, looked at the person coming, and was stunned, "Mei Luo? Why are you here? Where is this? I..."

Mei Luo protected her in her arms, "Really, are you stupid for sleeping? You're still too tired, and you can't sleep well, and you fell. Fortunately, I hugged her in time. Does the fall hurt?"

Yumo touched her hands and face, feeling so unreal. Just now she clearly...suddenly felt a chilly touch on her legs. She looked down and saw that it was a mirror, blue jasper, gorgeous and bright, but the mirror surface was wet. Drops of clear water drops fell.

"Hey, what is this!?" She picked it up.

In an instant, the Kunlun Mirror shone brightly, and the name was engraved on the place she touched.

The Mirror of Lan Yumo.

Duoji shouted happily, "Sister, that's great, big brother really chose you as the host!"

"Ah!?" Yu Mo was still confused.

Zhulong also patted his thigh and laughed loudly, "Girl, your luck is really beyond the reach of ordinary people, and you have obtained another magical weapon, try its power quickly, what about going back in time, I want to see, I want to see!"

Yu Mo blinked, completely unaware of what they were talking about?
This is the Kunlun mirror! ?

Has she become the owner of the Kunlun Mirror?do you mean this?

That's what I mean!
The Lan family... are the real descendants of Nuwa. After Nuwa's youngest daughter passed away, she used her thoughts to become a soul and crossed the mountain and sea realms and landed in the Xuanyuan realm. She planted a fate, but no one knew about this secret. It was Empress Nuwa who didn't know that her youngest daughter had achieved this wonderful fate because of a momentary curiosity.

The power of Nuwa, who is deeply rooted in the flesh and blood, has allowed the Lan family to practice medicine for generations. Because of the accumulated virtues, generations have no suffering and poverty, and because of kindness, elites have emerged in large numbers. Perhaps this is Nuwa's youngest daughter. , still be kind and merciful, regardless of gains and losses, the accumulated blessings and luck.

There will be sweetness after bitterness...

At this time, Yumo also knew that this tiny Nuwa's power would be the key to her getting the Pangu axe.

"Why doesn't this mirror react at all?" Yumo looked at the Kunlun mirror in his hand. It has been three days since he became its owner, but he has never spoken to it. It's different, "Duoji, is your elder brother a boring gourd?"

She already knew about the marriage of the divine weapon from Dorji, thinking that since the two of them are good brothers, why not let him ask, what does he mean by being a big brother?
Choose yourself to be the master, but you don't speak, are you playing with her?

Dorji was also very puzzled, "Brother doesn't talk to me either, I just yelled a few times, but he didn't answer me either."

"Did it regret it?"

"How could it be!? Elder sister is so good. Eldest brother will definitely not regret it. He must be very happy. Perhaps elder brother was poisoned, ill, and lacking in self-cultivation. Now that he has regained his new life, he may have to take it easy. Elder sister, Don't worry, maybe big brother will talk to you tomorrow!"

"Really?" Yu Mo fiddled with the mirror. Speaking of which, the mirror is really beautiful, like carved out of a whole piece of ice jade. If it is brought to the auction market, it is estimated to be worth more than tens of millions.

"Well, sister, you don't have to worry."

"Okay!" Yu Mo decided not to care so much. Anyway, this mirror is his own. It doesn't matter whether he takes care of it or not, as long as he doesn't get it by Bai Yu, "Let's go and see the needle feather, and take a look at the medicine of Shennongding by the way." How are you doing?"

Dorje nodded, and the two went to Needle Feather's room.

Needle Feather was still lethargic, but she had recovered her human form, and her complexion had improved.

Just as Yu Mo wanted to feel her pulse, there was a loud noise outside the bamboo building, which shook the bamboo building. She stroked her forehead and glanced out the window.

Sure enough... Mei Luo and her two sons are fighting again.

Two-on-one, the thunder of the sky ignited the formation of the fire on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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