The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 523 Part 290 Competing For Favor Between Father And Son

Chapter 523 Part 290 Competing for favor between father and son

The most childish hatred in this world is the rivalry between father and son. After Dameiluo landed on Penglai Island, Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff united the front. They really answered a sentence, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Since the two boys opened their eyes in the morning, they couldn't get used to their own father in various ways. They insisted on driving him away from Yu Mo's side, not allowing him to approach for a meter.

Outside the bamboo building, Mei Luo was carrying two fruits picked from the island. Naturally, these fruits were for Yu Mo to enjoy, but seeing that they were about to be smashed to pieces by his sons, he couldn’t enter the bamboo building. Unleash the demon power and hang the two sons to beat them.

The cooperation between Dragon Mastiff and Dragon Soul is quite tacit, two are equal to one, but they are still small, and the battlefield experience is not as rich as Mei Luo, and if they can't beat them, they will show their true colors.

The original form can release more monster power, but the barking of the two little milk dogs is funny enough, Mei Luo doesn't want to let it go, so she also turns into the original form, throwing the two puppies in her mouth and throwing them away.

The picture of three dogs fighting, that is really...

Yumo closed the window and decided to come out of sight. She was tired of seeing such scenes in the past few days.

"Sister, don't you want to stop it?" Duoji was surprised by her indifference.

"It's nothing, it's just fighting for favor. If I put my heart into it, they will be more motivated. Don't worry about them, it's important to take care of Needle Feather." She raised her head and asked Shen Nong Ding, "Brother Ding, how is the medicine practice?"

"Spiritual power is slightly insufficient, and it is estimated that it will take another two days."

Although the Kunlun Mirror chose Yumo as its master, it has been silent for three days. Its inactivity means that time cannot go backwards, and it cannot return to the state before Dorje used the rebirth formation. Therefore, the part that needs to be refined must come from Dorje Fortunately, Mao Qiu's spiritual power can make up for it. Temporarily refining medicine is not a problem, but the effect of the medicine may not be as effective as when Dorje's spiritual power is sufficient.

Needle Feather's fever had subsided, and she was no longer confused, and she slept peacefully.

Yumo took the pulse, "Well, the pulse condition is very stable. You should be able to wake up after taking the refined medicine. Let's think of other ways to heal the wound. Maybe the Kunlun Mirror will talk to me tomorrow. Then you can It can release spiritual power to refine better medicine."

Needle Feather's life was saved, and he could take his time recuperating.

"Fortunately, my sister arrived in time that day, otherwise there would be no way to recover."

Duoji was afraid when he thought about it, if Yumo came an hour later that day, Zhenyu would definitely die.

"It's also her life that deserves to die. Good people get rewarded. By the way, Duoji, go and see if the medicinal soup in the kitchen is ready. If it's ready, let it cool down quickly so that the needle feather can be used to scrub the wound."

"Okay, I'll go right away. I asked Ah Zhu just now, and there should be more time for a stick of incense."

There are not many people on Penglai Island. Jinji and Jifu have to help take care of the dragon soul and dragon mastiff. They are tossed to death by these two little dolls every day. The fact of boiling soup and medicine is not helpful, Yumo So I entrusted it to Zhulong.

Zhulong looked carefree, but he was very careful, and he could do well what he was told to do.

Taking advantage of the herbal soup, Yu Mo left the bamboo building to look for Mei Luo and her sons.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu were waiting outside, and when they saw her, they saluted respectfully, "Queen, well!"

"No, what about them?"

"The king and the prince are going over there." Jin Ji pointed to a forest in the distance.

In the woods, the green leaves are flying, and there is the sound of trees breaking and collapsing from time to time.

It's still on...

Yu Mo raised his eyebrows in annoyance, called Tao Tie, and after Tao Tie came out, he flew over on it.

In the forest, Mei Luo's dog claws danced around, grabbing one by one, grabbing the dragon soul and dragon mastiff and pressing them into the muddy puddle.

The two puppies flopped in the dirty water and immediately turned into mud dogs. In their original form, the dragon soul and dragon mastiff were as big as an adult Samoyed, with thick fur and fleshy paws , It looks like a lion's paw, very cute, but no matter how cute it is, it can't resist the dirt of muddy water, especially when it falls in the mud, covered in mud, it's extraordinarily embarrassing.

It's rare for a father to bully his son so much in his life.

Yu Mo was so angry that her eyebrows trembled, and just as she was about to step forward to stop her, the two fat puppies began to shake their bodies, trying to throw the muddy water on Mei Luo.

Mei Luo was protected by the evil spirit, so she was not afraid at all, but Yu Mo was thrown all over her body with mud spots, and a piece of mud the size of a palm flew directly onto her face, making her smeared.

Now...she was furious.

The father and son are now in the state of dogs. Seeing that she was angry, they all raised their tails and ran towards her, and began to wag their tails after getting close.

Three big tails, the battle to shake is really spectacular.

"Mo Mo, I'll wipe it for you." Mei Luo's huge paws slapped her face.

"Yi Yi..." Long Po and Long Mastiff couldn't speak yet, so they could only use their bodies to rub against each other.

Acting like a baby...

The more she masturbated, the dirtier she was, and the more she rubbed, the dirtier she got, and she got dog hair all over her mouth.

She vomited, pushed them away, and wiped them with her own hands. Because her face was dirty, she couldn't see how ugly her face was, but her almond eyes were full of fire and stared at them.

The three dogs hung their heads and squatted in front of her.

She began to scold them, and because of her anger, she kept talking about a cup of tea.

Taotie was lying on the side, digging his ears to watch her complain, his expression was very calm, this kind of scene happened every day in the past few days, he was used to it.

Long Mastiff felt that he was not wrong, so he refuted a few words, and Yu Mo immediately picked him up and put him on his lap for spanking.Long Po covered his mouth with his claws and sniggered. He was rampant for a while, laughed, and was also dragged by Yu Mo to his lap and spanked his ass.

After the lesson, the two pups felt wronged and vented their grievances on Mei Luo, jumping on him and biting him.

Mei Luo was afraid that Yu Mo would be even more angry, so he let the two puppies bite him. He was very big, although he was shrunk a little to accommodate Yu Mo, but he was still bigger than a full-grown lion. His time was hung on him. Although these two puppies were young, they had sharp teeth, but he bared his lips and endured it.

Yu Mo pulled the Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff off Mei Luo and threw them to Tao Tie, "Take them back and let Jin Ji and Ji Fu bathe them!"

Taotie got up and flew back with the two pups.

After the little trouble was gone, Mei Luo began to rub against Yu Mo, rubbing back and forth, just like a lion's skin itching, rubbing against a big tree.

Yu Mo was so rubbed that he couldn't stand still, he raised his eyebrows and said, "How come you still don't change your human form?"

"You're angry. I think this will make your anger go away faster." She likes dogs, and the appearance of dogs can definitely soften her heart.

She hummed.

"Don't be angry, I promise I won't dare to do it next time, but you also know that those two boys will make a fuss when they see me."

"You can't let it go! You are their father!"

"I gave in, but do you think I'm a father?" He said, suddenly arching her on his back.

She hurriedly hugged his neck and sat still.

"Let's be alone for a while while the boy is gone." He jumped into the air and looked around for a place where he could be alone.

"Don't make trouble, I'm still waiting to go back and scrub the wound of Needle Feather."

"Duoji can do it without you." He found a place and flew over.

The land where it fell was on the edge of the sea cliff of Penglai Island, and Bixi was docked on the long sea. When the sun sets, the sea will be dyed with a layer of kumquat color. It is red at first glance, which is not beautiful. , but wins in the unique scenery.

The sea breeze was blowing, and it was extremely cool. Yu Mo took a deep breath, and the anger almost disappeared.

"When do you plan to return to the Fox Monster Clan?"

He escaped secretly, three days is the limit, King Jiuli will definitely find out.

"With Shu all in the way, there will be no problem for the time being."

Shu Du is now in Prince Li's Mansion, pretending to be him and lying on the bed, declaring to the outside world that he has a cold, and being guarded by Dada and Awu.

"The capital of Shu actually listened to you and stayed in the Li Palace? It's incredible."

"He is in a hurry to save Needle Feather. As long as you can cure him, you can tell him to do anything. But you, I thought about it. Penglai Island is safer than the Fox Demon Clan. You should stay on the island."

"No, if I stay on the island, it will be difficult for Su Wu to explain." During the few days on the island, she asked Mei Luo to send a message to Su Wu.

Su Wu knew that she was going to save someone and didn't stop her, but if she disappeared, how would Su Wu explain to King Li.

"If there is anything difficult to explain, tell the truth. Let Li Wang die as soon as possible. It's on your mind. By the way, this account should be settled." He endured it for a long time.

"Didn't you listen to the news that Awu reported yesterday? King Qin has asked Bai Yu for help. I believe that Bai Yu's people will join him in the next few days."

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own opinion."

"You won't be so angry that you want to help the king, don't you be confused!" She held up his dog's head, "Mei Luo, our goal is to eradicate Bai Yu, and we can completely eradicate this stinky fox, Li Wang. Bully Bai Yu again after we get rid of him."

"Of course I know. I'm worried about you. When the fox monster tribe is in turmoil, I won't take care of you. If you're on Penglai Island, the barrier of the underworld can protect you well. Even if Bai Yu comes to catch you personally, it won't be easy. .”

"I agree with this point. But I don't want to make things difficult for Su Wu. If I want to have a showdown with King Li, I will say it face to face. How about this, after the showdown, I will go back to Penglai Island. This way you can let go and do big things, I'll wait for you on the island, and if you want a backup, you can ask Bixi to notify me."

She scratched the fur on Mei Luo's chin, and he narrowed his eyes comfortably.

"I don't know much about war, but I believe you must have a perfect plan, but Li Wang is a cunning fox, you remember to be on guard against him, don't believe everything, if you really want to fight, he is the one who fights first , you can just help out in the back."

People have to fight with blood and flesh, and this monster must be more violent when fighting. If she can, she still wants to accompany him.

"This battle can't be fought for the time being. Judging from King Li's intentions, he has no intention of rebelling against his father. As for what the old fox king is thinking, I can't see it yet, but I always feel that the old fox king is not what we look at." So stupid."

"Not stupid? Although I don't like King Li, it's a hundred times better than King Li. But he only loves King Li, and he doesn't like King Li, and it's probably because of that favorite concubine... A wife's man is not a good thing."

She didn't know much about the fox demon clan before, and she didn't understand the relationship between the characters, but in recent days, Awu sent letters from time to time, and Mei Luo would go through the information at night, so she read a lot of it. The interpersonal relationship structure of the fox demon clan is also clear.In her evaluation, the Fox Demon King is a foolish king who is greedy for beauty and self-willed.

"Okay, whatever you say is right." Mei Luo rubbed her cheek, perhaps feeling that she had really lost her anger and returned to her human form.

The two sat on the edge of the sea cliff and chatted for a while, and then went back after the sun went down.

Night Falcon family.

Bai Yu tried his best to find the whereabouts of He Ji, but there was still no information, so he felt haggard. He didn't want to confront that person head-on, because He Ji was in her hands, as long as he didn't show any emotions, He Ji would be safe .

Yun chi...

It was a name he figured out.

The Yun family... has always been the secret guard of Yaojia's concubine's family. Before that, the Night Falcon family was not the holy swan, and the holy feather lineage was the royal family, but Yaojia's mother's family... the eagle feather family.

That is a long history.

Today's family history may have destroyed this history.

The Eagle Feather Clan is not a good clan, they like dark spells very much. In order to obtain eternal life, they once gathered all the babies of the clan to condense blood spells, which caused rebellion.

Many forbidden techniques have been sealed up in the world of mountains and seas. Since they are forbidden, it is natural to sacrifice some things when using them. The price is often terrible, and even inhumane.

In addition to pursuing the law of eternal life, the Eagle Feather Clan once created a spell that could destroy the world, but it is impossible to find out what it is. It is said that the spell was destroyed on the day the clan was exterminated. That's why the Eagle Feather Clan became a taboo of the Night Falcon Clan, no one dared to mention it, and no one remembered it after a long time.

But no one mentioned it, it doesn't mean they didn't exist, and there is still a bloodline left in this world.

That is Yaojia.

As long as he thought of He Ji falling into her hands, Bai Yu would feel restless.

What kind of show did he show to let Yao Ji do something to He Ji?
He shouldn't have ignored her. If he had gotten rid of her earlier, He Ji would not have been captured by her. He clenched his fists and told himself to calm down. If he rushed to confront Yaojia now, with her character There will be a jade and stone burn together.

He must find He Ji first, and protect this only weakness.

"My lord, Niang Niang has found the place where the Soul Eater's Fragrance may be cultivated." Hei Yi hurriedly reported.

Hearing this, Bai Yu immediately went to Wu Niang's residence.

Wu Niang is very good at medicinal herbs, not only can make medicine, but also has a lot of research on the growth environment of medicinal herbs.

The only clue is the soul-eating scorpion incense. This kind of plant is very precious, and it needs someone to take care of it all the time to grow, and the place where it grows is very particular. Since the Yun family needs to use this kind of herb, there must be a place to cultivate it. The place is likely to be their base.

Wu Niang studied for two days, checked a lot of ancient books and materials, and combined with what Bai Yu knew, she concluded that the base might be on Huamei Mountain.

Huamei Mountain has a nice name, but it is a dangerous place for the Night Falcons because it is surrounded by poisonous miasma all the year round. The mountain was closed.

Although it is not clear how credible Wu Niang's judgment is, Bai Yu believes that this trip must be made.

Sometimes danger is the best way to hide the eyes, the more impossible the more possible.

"My lord, let the subordinates go to investigate this trip first, and then go after you are confirmed. In this way, you should be prepared!" Hei Yi felt guilty about He Ji's disappearance, thinking about it every day How to make up for it.

"I have to go in person, and the sooner the better." He didn't fight uncertain battles, but this time was different from the past, He Ji's body was too weak, and it was too late, he was worried that her body would not be able to survive.

"My lord, this is too risky."

"You have to take risks." There are always one or two important people in your life that you can't let go of.Huamei Mountain cannot see the sun all year round due to the miasma of poisonous gas. Once you enter the mountain, it is gray. It is night or day.

After entering the mountain, there is a pungent sour smell. This is the smell of poisonous miasma. If you smell it lightly, you will get dizzy. If you smell it too much, it may be fatal. They may also be attacked when they pass by, and some of them will be deluded and lose their souls and go inside, no matter how they stop them, it will be useless.

If Bai Yu would have thought it was exaggerated in the past, it must have been exaggerated, but now he doesn't think so, if this is an excellent place to grow the soul-eating smoky fragrance, then there is a reason why this poisonous miasma can fascinate the mind.

(End of this chapter)

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