The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 524 Part 291 Thrushcross Mountain Cave

Chapter 524 Part 291 Thrushcross Mountain Cave

He Ji was imprisoned for two days and suffered all kinds of tortures, ice water, lightning strikes, suffocation, non-stop day and night, which exhausted her energy, and now she has no strength to stand up, curled up in the pool and fell into a trap. coma.

Yun Chi will not let her go because of this, even if she faints, he still has a way to wake her up.

"stand up!"

Herbal medicine is a good thing. It can make poison and medicine. If you want to wake people up, just add more refreshing mint leaves.

He Ji was woken up by the pungent coolness, coughing continuously, the biting cold made her tremble all over, the skin on her body was scorched red by the lightning, and it had begun to fester because no medicine was used to reduce the inflammation. Under such torture, she developed a high fever , she was a little confused, facing Yun Chi, she was a little sluggish.

Yun Chi reached out and grabbed her hair, and dragged her up, "Don't think I'll let you off just by pretending to be pitiful."

He has no heart of pity and sympathy, and treats He Ji like an ant.

He Ji was in pain all over her body, she pursed her lips that were purple and peeling from the cold, "Ayu..."

She always believed that he would come.

Hearing Bai Yu's name, Yun Chi's face darkened, angrily pushed He Ji into the pool, and pressed her head into the water with his hand, "Don't call me that name again! He is a bastard, an evil, a villain. Three things."

He had a lot of hostility towards Bai Yu, and the strength in his hand was so strong that He Ji's forehead hit the rocks at the bottom of the pool.

Because He Ji couldn't breathe, she struggled instinctively. The cold and lack of oxygen caused her lungs to burn like they were about to explode. Her forehead was hit by a stone and was dripping with blood, with traces and circles of blood rippling in the water.

Even though she couldn't concentrate, she still felt the burning hatred from Yun Chi.

It's not like feeling filled with righteous indignation because the master was hurt, but a deeper hatred, and a little bit of jealousy...

Unable to bear it, He Ji fainted, her limbs stretched limply, and she floated on the pool like a floating corpse.

Yun Chi stopped, pulled her out of the water, and sprinkled some refreshing potion to force her to wake up again.

"Cough cough cough..."

After such a cycle of torture, He Ji's complexion was pale, her almond eyes were lifeless, and she couldn't find the focus at all. Because of the continuous coughing, she suddenly vomited.

Yun Chi was spat all over, the sour smell made him furious, and he punched and kicked her.

Violence is not enough to describe his anger, he is like a crazy beast.

He Ji threw herself into the water, she still knew how to resist, she grabbed the stone at the bottom of the pool and threw it at the person who beat her. Yun Chi was not hurt.

Yun Chi was annoyed and stepped on her face with his foot.

She couldn't move, she could only listen to his insults and what he said, but she couldn't hear clearly anymore.


She smiled wryly... I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for you...

At this time, Bai Yu and Hei Yi had entered the Thrushcross Mountain, and the miasma poison was expected to be severe. After entering the mountain, the vision was blocked, and the visibility was almost zero. After going around for a few times, Bai Yu found that he was always circling in one place, and did not enter the mountain at all. belly.

"My lord, this miasma poison is so powerful that it turned black when it came into contact with a little bit of skin." Hei Yi stroked his hand, which was already wearing gloves. In addition, he also opened the protective monster energy barrier and barely avoided it. Invasion of miasma.

"This miasma poison is very strange, it doesn't seem like it is born with nature." Such a powerful poison, if it comes from the mountains, it would be too scary, and the source is also an unknown mystery.

"My lord, it's been several hours, but the scenery is the same everywhere I go."

"Be safe and don't be impatient..." Bai Yu was very calm, he had anticipated the situation here before he came, he was curious about how the vegetation here could survive under such a severe miasma poisonous situation.

Anyone who is good at poison knows a rule, that is, no matter how poisonous something is, there must be a nemesis within seven steps, but there are many plants here, most of them are rare things, even he has never seen them before, so he can't judge them well. Is there any nemesis of miasma poison among them?

"My lord, be careful!" Hei Yi reached out and grabbed his cloak.

Bai Yu stopped urgently, only half a step away, he fell off the cliff.

The miasma poisonous fog is very thick. First, it can make the poisoned person lose their minds. Second, it blocks the line of sight so thickly that they cannot see the way ahead. There are many cliffs here, and if one is not paying attention, he will fall down.

Seeing that Hei Yi's lips were turning purple, Bai Yu knew that he had been poisoned by miasma, and the poisonous gas would slowly seep in even with the protection of the demon power barrier, but it was only a matter of time.

"Heiyi, you are poisoned, take your medicine quickly!" he ordered.

Startled, Hei Yi took out the kit in his sleeve pocket and swallowed a pill.

This was made by Bai Yu and Niang before coming here, and it may not be effective against miasma poison, but the poisons in the world are always changing, and prevention and suppression are also a way. It's not difficult, but I don't know how long it will last.

He glanced at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand... There is only a dead end if this goes on, so he can only let go of his courage.

"Xuanyuan, may you use your sword energy to temporarily blow away the miasma poison?"

"Yes, but if you do this, the enemy you are looking for may immediately find your trace."

Xuanyuan Sword's sword energy can split the air, so miasma poison is naturally not a problem, but once the force is exerted, the spiritual energy will surge, unless the opponent is dull, it is impossible not to be discovered.

"Heiyi and I have been walking here for several hours. If we go on like this, the miasma poison will invade the lungs. If we can't find the antidote, we will only die. I have calculated that after walking for several hours, it is still the same place. , I’m afraid this place should be guarded by an enchantment. You don’t need to blow all the miasma poison away if you release your sword energy lightly. You can do it within a radius of three meters. As long as you don’t touch the cordon of the enchantment, there should be no traces. be found."

Xuanyuanjian understood what he meant, "Okay, I'll try. But you also know that my power is great, and I can't control it that finely."

"It's okay, just try it first, if someone finds out, I'll think of other ways."

Time waits for no one, it has been delayed for a long time, no matter how late, he was really worried that He Ji would not be able to survive.

Xuanyuan Sword raised its blade, drew half a circle, and released some sword energy slightly. It is a divine weapon. When the sword energy came out, dust rose up, and a gust of wind blew away the miasma poison. It was already very light Strength, but the movement is still great.

"Okay!" Bai Yu called to stop.

It stopped immediately, blowing the miasma poison three meters away, but this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, with the wind, the miasma poison will come back, but it is very useful for Bai Yu.

With the poison gas gone, his vision became clearer. He looked around and found a place that was different from the others.

"Black Wing, pull out that purple grass."

Hei Yi did as he ordered, the comfrey was about the length and thickness of an elbow, it was grown in a strange way, glistening with purple light, the leaves were very sticky when touched, a slight pull would make a strand.

"Sir, what is this?"

Bai Yu sniffed the smell of comfrey, it was a bit spicy, but after smelling it, the tip of his nose was much refreshed.

"This may be the nemesis of miasma poison."


"As you can see, the surrounding trees are all black, but this one is black and purple, with deep roots and long leaves. It is also the only living thing." The so-called living thing is that the thick juice is flowing, which means it It is growing all the time, unlike other plants, it looks tangible, but it will fly away after being lightly touched.

The most interesting thing is that its number is less than that of other plants, and it is hidden behind other plants. If the poisonous gas is not dispersed, it will not be found at all.

"There's nothing wrong with trying." He took off the blade of grass and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

Hei Yi screamed, "My lord, absolutely not, what if it's also a poison?" He snatched the blade of grass, "Let your subordinates try it, and if it's okay, your lord can use it again."

After speaking, he stuffed the blade of grass into his mouth and chewed.

The taste is indescribable, like rotten tofu, or rotten swill, after just one bite, Hei Yi wanted to vomit, but after the thick juice melted on his tongue, the uncomfortable taste gradually disappeared , slightly cool mint flavor.

After swallowing, Black Wing waited for the effect and prepared to be poisoned to death.

After a stick of incense, he felt a little lighter in his body, and his purple lips also improved.

"My lord, it's really useful." He said pleasantly, and handed the blade of grass in his hand to Bai Yu, "My lord, take it quickly."

Bai Yu ate the blade of grass, and she was in the same state as Black Wing, at first she felt sick, and then felt comfortable all over.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with this risky move.

"let's go!"

With this comfrey, there is no need to be afraid of miasma poison.

The two cautiously moved forward step by step. Although Xuanyuan Sword opened the way, the miasma poisonous mist was really powerful. If it blows away, they will come back soon. Because they are afraid of being discovered, they can only come this way for the time being, at least for now. He and Heiyi are safe, and no one knows they have entered the mountain. If Xuanyuan Sword is allowed to expand its range, he is worried that it will touch the defensive barrier, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

"My lord, we passed by here..." Hei Yi checked the sign, and he really came here.

"Change the direction. There are only eight directions. Try one by one. I don't believe I can't find the way."

If something happens, things come true, if coupled with outstanding brains, then even the most difficult puzzles will be solved. Two hours later, Bai Yu and Hei Yi finally found the right path, and they went all the way, finally entering the The mountainside of Huamei Mountain.

Most of the mountainsides are caves, and you can find eight or nine of them at a glance, but when you go in, they are all dead ends, and they are all small caves with nothing.

"My lord, why are there so many caves here?" Hei Yi was so dizzy looking.

"It's all a cover-up, just to avoid people's eyes and ears. There must be a base camp." Bai Yu found a high ground and overlooked the surrounding environment as much as possible. The poisonous gas in the mountainside is not as thick as the surrounding area, and it is much thinner. I believe this is also for convenience. Due to people coming and going and being stationed, after staying for a long time, I get used to the blurred vision, not to mention that he is a bird demon, and his eyesight is better than other monster races.

"My lord, would you like some water?"

Along the way, he couldn't tell the difference between day and night, and he didn't know how long it had been. Bai Yu had never eaten or eaten since he came here.

"I'm not thirsty." He was eager to find He Ji, and he didn't care about other things.

He carefully inspected the surrounding environment. If someone often escapes, the ground will definitely be different from other places. Footprints, collapsed vegetation, traces of mechanism friction, he does not believe that the people of the Yun family can hide flawlessly.

After searching several times, he finally found a place.

"Black Wing, ahead!"

Hei Yi had just drank the water, and when he drank it, he was startled and spit it out, before he had time to wipe his mouth and asked, "Where is it!?"

Bai Yu flew over, it was a cave, but there was another hole in the cave, but it was covered by vegetation, he would find that the direction of the vegetation fell too neatly when he observed it just now.

"Go in and have a look!" After arriving, he was the first to push through the grass and walk in.

"My lord, please be careful, it's better for me to be in the front." Hei Yi is extremely loyal, and this kind of death is rushed.

Bai Yu was worried that there would be an enchantment protection, so he walked slowly. For safety's sake, he used Xuanyuan Sword to open the way.

Xuanyuanjian moved forward all the way, and before reaching the end, he had already keenly discovered the barrier of the enchantment.

"Bai Yu, there is an enchantment in front of it, and it's very weird."

"Weird!?" The sight in the cave was very dark, and he couldn't see the end.

"It's not an ordinary enchantment, and it's not made by demon power."

Bai Yu frowned, "It's not demon power, what is that?"

"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen it, and even if I'm an artifact, I can still feel its deterrent power."

"You can't break it?"

"Hard to say."

What Xuanyuanjian said was not unreasonable, when Bai Yu went in and saw it, his face changed drastically.

What is this enchantment? It is clearly a knot of ghosts and ghosts. It is an enchantment cast by the soul of Yuan Dan. Even with the naked eye, you can see the countless souls on the blocked barrier, crawling around like ghosts and ghosts. Going, like a spider web, covered with spiders, the scene is horrific, rarely seen in the world.

This barrier alone may have cost tens of thousands of lives, or even more.

The knot of ghosts and ghosts is one of the forbidden techniques in the mountain and sea world. It is an enchantment created by life, which is unbreakable except for the caster himself.

Xuanyuanjian was also very surprised that someone could learn this kind of forbidden technique, and he learned it so superbly. This enchantment condensed too much hostility, even if it slashed through it, it would be backlashed.

"My lord, how could there be such a terrifying barrier?"

It is like a huge net that binds souls and prevents them from being free. They can only crawl around, like struggling in a blood pool in hell. Because they have no freedom, they can only howl. Can they feel the outside world? I don't know, but when someone approaches, you can clearly feel that they all 'looked' over. In fact, they have all become puppets, dark dead wood, shriveled limbs and bodies, and their expressions are ferocious when they howl. There are no eyeballs at all, but...'looking' came over.

Whether to rush in or retreat has become a difficult problem in Bai Yu's mind.

If he broke through, he couldn't predict what the consequences would be if the barrier was touched, but he could be sure that He Ji was behind the barrier, as long as he entered, he would be able to find her.

"My lord..." Hei Yi had never been afraid before, but now he felt timid in front of such an enchantment made with his life.

Bai Yu closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

There is nothing in this world that can compare with He Ji, she is his life.

"Xuanyuan, have you ever remembered the oath I made with you?"

"Remember." That's why it stayed by his side.

"Just remember! Then, no matter what the situation is today, you must put He Ji's safety first."

"What about you, if you die..."

"No, I won't die, you just need to protect He Ji." He was ready to put all his eggs in one basket.

After the words fell, he flew over and went straight to the knot of ghosts and ghosts.

Because of his touch, the thousands of souls on the ghost knot howled, which sounded extremely terrifying, a hundred times more miserable than the howling of ghosts and wolves in Shura's hell. They danced their limbs and wanted to pull the enemy over and tear them apart.

"My lord, these things are too difficult to deal with!" Heiyi didn't expect that the result of being alarmed would be to face so many enemies.

"Be careful, don't get too close, that enchantment also has the power to suck people's soul..."

Speaking of sucking souls...

Bai Yu's heart brightened, and he took out the Kongtong seal, "Kongtong, can you absorb their souls?"

"These are the souls that have been bound by ghosts. They are like lonely ghosts. It's useless to suck them. They will escape, but I should be able to suppress them."

The hollow seal played a role, and the knot with ghosts and ghosts was carried to death.

In the cave, Yun Chi already knew that someone had broken into the barrier, and the clansman described the appearance of the enemy, and he knew it was Bai Yu as soon as he heard it.

"Okay, the bastard Bai Yu is here, and I'm worried that I won't have a chance to kill him." He drew out a blood-red sword and rushed out.

In the pool, He Ji twitched her mouth when she heard Bai Yu's name.

Here he last.

Then... She has to hold on a little longer, a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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