The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 525 Part 292 Forbidden Technique VS Forbidden Technique

Chapter 525 Part 292 Forbidden Technique VS Forbidden Technique
The souls on the Ghost Knot kept howling, fighting fiercely with Bai Yu and Hei Yi, but unfortunately this kind of enchantment has a huge hostility, even a strong monster like Bai Yu cannot easily break it, Xuanyuan Sword's sword is surrounded by hostility, it is If it can be cut off, the soul above it will be reborn immediately, just like a zombie, it can't be killed completely, and it can't be cut to death.

Yun Chi flew over, saw Bai Yu through the knot of ghosts, sneered, and swung the red blade. Strange to say, neither Bai Yu nor Xuanyuan Sword could break through the knot of ghosts, but Yun Chi swung it. But sword energy can, and can be integrated with the soul to form an offensive that can be used for both offense and defense.

Yun Chi was clothed in black and covered his face, so he couldn't see his face, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and when those eyes paired with Bai Yu, they were filled with a fierce anger like fire.

Xuanyuan Sword couldn't break the knot of ghosts and demons, so it couldn't attack Yun Chi. Such a confrontation was obviously not good for Bai Yu.

Xuanyuan Jiandao: "Bai Yu, this person is not simple, I suggest to retreat first."

"No, at this point, we must rescue He'er." Bai Yu released the monster energy and turned it into a defensive barrier to resist Yun Chi's attack.

Yun Chi's attack was fast and ruthless, and he seemed extremely excited. He slashed several times through the ghost knot, leaving no room for it.

"Bai Yu, today is the day of your death!" The violent aura exuding from his body is more fierce than the knot of ghosts and demons, and his moves are deadly.

Although he knew that members of the Yun family were still alive, Bai Yu didn't know who it was.

The Yun family was massacred back then, and the bodies of the patriarch and his wife were found, but the whereabouts of their son was unknown.The purpose of that massacre was to wipe out the members of the Yun family from the Night Falcon family, so anyone related to the Yun family was massacred, and at the end they set fire to the family. It was once said that the young master of the Yun family had died in the sea of ​​fire. Wucun, he has never appeared after the massacre of the clan, so speculation has become a fact.But the human demon in front of him is also extremely powerful, and his whereabouts are so secretive, Bai Yu has long suspected that he is the young master of the Yun family.

Yun Chi frenziedly slashed vigorously, his strong saber energy was surrounded by monster energy, it was extremely sharp, after colliding with Bai Yu's defensive barrier, sparks flashed, and with a click, a crack appeared in the barrier.

"My lord!" Hei Yi shook off the soul that was entangled with him and ran over, "My lord, let's retreat! We can only defend but not attack, we are already at a disadvantage, and it's useless to carry on like this."

"Even if I die, I can't go. The crane is in his hand." Bai Yu gritted his teeth to support the barrier. Once the barrier is broken, he may not be able to block the blood-red blade.

"Hahaha... With your ability, it is absolutely impossible to untie this ghost knot. This is my Yun family's secret technique."

Yun Chi spoke extremely proudly, but Bai Yu scoffed.

"What kind of secret technique? It's nothing more than heresy. Your Yun family is notorious, and everyone will be punished if you get it. Haven't you heard a nursery rhyme?"

"Shut up!" Yun Chi said angrily, "My Yun family has studied secret skills for generations to protect the ethnic group, but you ignorant people are full of hypocrisy and hypocrisy, saying that everything is against the way of heaven, it is all the benevolence of women. As long as you can Powerful, what is the pity of sacrificing some lives?"

"Even the baby's life?"

"Naturally." Yun Chi was not ashamed, "Strength is everything in this world, and those who were sacrificed can blame themselves for being too weak."

The purpose of the Yun family is to be 'strong'. For this purpose, he doesn't care what method is used. He has been educated in this way since he was born, and he has never felt that there is anything wrong. The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest are eternal truths. To rise above others, to make them fear themselves, to fear themselves, is the right mode of existence.

However, the members of the Ye Falcon Clan didn't understand these things, and thought that the Yun family was acting against the sky, and they were evildoers and evils, so they slaughtered the whole family of the Yun family.

As soon as he thought about what happened back then, his whole body felt like it was on fire, and every inch of his skin seemed to be scalded by a branding iron. He subconsciously touched his face covered by the black cloth, and his eyes became more ruthless.

Back then, he was still young, so he couldn't remember too many things. He only knew that all members of the Yun family were poisoned, and the poison could make people lose their strength. He was hidden in the well by his parents. He heard the howls of his clansmen being massacred, but he couldn’t do anything. When everything around him was quiet, the smell of blood was always around him. There were many corpses hanging from the mouth of the well, all of whom he was familiar with. The drops of blood meandered and fell onto his face.

He hated and was angry, but because of the deep poisoning, he was unable to act until the queen... He shook his head and hid his sad and angry thoughts in his heart again. He will protect the little master all his life.

If it wasn't for making himself stronger, he has been dormant on Huamei Mountain practicing kung fu and not going out all day, and he wouldn't let the little master be deceived by Bai Yu, a despicable villain, but it's not too late now, as long as Bai Yu is killed, he My little master... will definitely change his mind.

Before Yaojia asked him if he was sure to stop Baiyu from saving Heji, he assured him that it was because of this ghostly knot that no one could break it except him. The hardships are self-evident, but I think it is worth it.

Naturally, he wouldn't let Bai Yu rescue He Ji, but he didn't tell Yao Jia that he would use Soul Eater Yuxiang because he left a clue, with only one attract Bai Yu and kill him.

Only when he died, could she truly rest easy.

"Bai Yu, stop talking nonsense, the woman who wants to save you has to see if you have the ability!"

He raised his hand suddenly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

Bai Yu didn't know what his intention was, but it was definitely not a good thing, so he was vigilant about his surroundings.

Suddenly, the cave wall vibrated, dust was flying, and a row of hidden weapons appeared.

Hei Yi was startled, and quickly used his body to protect Bai Yu.

Thousands of arrows were fired, and they were hidden weapons mixed with evil aura, hitting like a torrential rain.

Xuanyuanjian opened the barrier to protect Black Wing and White Feather.

The arrows seemed to be inexhaustible, whistling one after another, hitting the barrier with a clanging sound, and they were so powerful that Bai Yu and Hei Yi were forced to retreat again and again.

"He wants to play fatigue tactics. We can't hurt him, so he can attack without any scruples. It's too passive."

Due to the hostility of the Ghost Knot, Xuanyuan Sword could not exert its strength, and because the previous attack at the price of life by Cangwu and Wisteria in the Dog Realm had already damaged half of its spiritual power, and it has not yet fully recovered.

What the artifact is most afraid of is the loss of spiritual power, because it takes a long time to recover, and Duoji is the best example.

If this continues, let alone saving He Ji, they will soon die here.

"Haha, let's see how long you can last. My ten thousand arrows pierce the heart array, but the ancient gods used the array to deal with the demons. This is the first wave. If you can't stand it, then it's too stupid That's right. By the way, there's a second wave..." He bit his thumb, and when the blood came out, he sprinkled it on the Ghost Knot.

The smell of blood caused the soul to stir abnormally, and the face became more ferocious, and more blood passed through the barrier and merged with the ten thousand arrows.

After being stained with blood, those arrows turned into snakes. Countless snakes faltered and frightened.

"Hahaha, even the ancient demon king can't stand this trick, let's see how long you can last."

Yun Chi was very proud, and at the same time, his exposed eyes also changed, a figure 8-shaped blood red appeared in the black eyes.

Xuanyuanjian shouted, "This formation is at the price of life, he is not afraid of losing his life."

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. If this inexhaustible and inexhaustible sword formation is transformed with demonic power, even a strong demon cannot last for a stick of incense, but he can keep attacking , obviously what is used is not demon power, but other things, such as life, such as one's own soul.

Among them, the forbidden technique that uses life as the price is the most terrifying. Some of them not only have to use their own lives, but also take the lives of others.The more lives, or the more souls, the greater the effect.

Bai Yu knew what Xuanyuan Sword meant, but even so, he would not retreat.

"Xuanyuan, he is not the only one who knows forbidden techniques in this world!"

He and Yun Chidao are different and do not conspire with each other, but they are very similar in some places, that is, they can use any means to achieve their goals.

"Don't act recklessly, the divine weapon strategy has already caused you to lose a lot of vitality, now only the Pangu ax is missing, I'm still waiting for you to find it..."

"I will definitely help you find the Pangu axe, but now I want to save He'er, she is the most important thing." Bai Yu's eyes shone with determination. If there is anything that can make him happy in this life, it is The safety of He Ji and Fei Huang.

From the moment he embarked on the bloody road of revenge, he has put life and death aside, even if his soul is struck by lightning for eternity and never reborn, he will rescue He Ji safely.

The strands of hair flew up in an instant, dancing in the air like a red-hot fire.

Yun Chi felt an unprecedented pressure, and when he opened his eyes, Bai Yu began to reveal his true form.

No... this is not a normal metamorphosis.


"Bai Yu, when did you learn..." He widened his eyes in horror.

At this time, Bai Yu was no longer Bai Yu, but a demonized beast, shaped like a huge chicken, singing like a phoenix, with red stripes, a white beak, four legs, and a skull-like head on its raised tail. When the wings were raised, the falling feathers fell into the ground like a sharp knife, and the howling sound came, like a gust of hurricane, making people unable to open their eyes.

It is getting bigger and bigger. It has a head at the head and tail, a bird head, and a skeleton. The round eyes are set in circles, and when they reach a certain size, they complete the formal body.

This is... the Chongming Bird, one of the ancient fierce beasts!

Legend has it that the Chongming Bird has no reason at all, only knows how to kill, it is as cruel as Tian Xie, because it loves blood, although it is not as greedy as Taotie, it is a fierce beast that takes pleasure in killing living things. In addition to killing, it is killing, born to be a creature that tramples its life under its feet.

Yun Chi was inexplicably horrified, and didn't understand why Bai Yu's original state was Chongming Bird.

Because it is absolutely impossible!For example, Yumo and Taotie's method of opening the gods is also in the human form, but it has some characteristics of Taotie.

"This is... this is... actually know how to use the method of blood..."

The Yun family has many ancient books on forbidden techniques, so Yun Chi is no stranger to forbidden techniques.

Some ancestors of the Yun family wanted to capture ferocious beasts and transfer their abilities to themselves, but they never succeeded. For example, like Li Tiansi, they were imprisoned by the summoner's Qiankun bag in order to domesticate them, but they were all superficial methods. , it is impossible to really use the fierce beast for her own use. Yumo's opening of the gods was voluntary by Taotie, and it was the method with the least harm. closed the door.

Since it was impossible, a forbidden technique was derived - blood soul.

Blood is to use one's own soul and the blood of the heart as the price, to feed the soul of the beast, to feed the blood of the beast during life, and after death, the whole body, soul, and Yuan Dan will become the food of the beast. It is a very tragic method, but some In order to be strong, people don't care.

Every time the method of blood and soul activates the power of a ferocious beast, it will make people feel miserable, because the blood that feeds the heart is to feed the heart to the soul of the ferocious beast to eat. For living species, a damaged heart will not affect lifespan, but how many people can bear the pain of eating internal organs.

Every time he borrowed the shape of a ferocious beast, he would be gnawed once, until the heart was gnawed, and then the other internal organs were gnawed, which was not only tragic, but also vicious enough.

But the fierce beast is very fond of this method, because if it can use this method to gnaw the heart and soul, and then gnaw the Yuan Dan, if there are 1000 people, the mana used by the ancient emperor to seal the fierce beast will disappear, and then the fierce beast will be regarded as a demon. Freedom in the true sense.

Therefore, if someone is willing to use this method to exchange their abilities, the fierce beast is absolutely willing to do so, but how many people can endure such pain that is worse than death.

Yun Chi was sweating like rain, he didn't expect Bai Yu to be so ruthless for the sake of strength.

Bai Yu, who transformed into a Chongming bird, possessed the power of a Chongming bird. She lifted her hard claws and swung them, breaking the ghostly knot into a big hole.

Seeing this, Yun Chi was shocked and wanted to make amends, but the bird's claws were so powerful that a hurricane blew him away, hit the wall hole hard, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

He knelt down on one knee, clutching his chest, and glared at Bai Yu angrily.

It's hard to judge whether Bai Yu is rational or not at this time, but the lethality is huge, and the ghost knot can't resist him at all, and he is wiped out by the claws in two or three hits.

Once the barrier is broken, Xuanyuan Sword will no longer be hindered by hostility, and can unleash its spiritual power.

"My lord, change back quickly, your body won't be able to bear it after a long time." Black Wing shouted.

The Chongming Bird has three eyes, the ordinary pair is for seeing things, the large round eye in the middle of the forehead has the ability to see through, Bai Yu is using this eye to look for He Ji, after finding it, he changed back to human form, the light The naked body is full of bloodstains. This is the price of using the power of the beast. Like opening the gods, the physical load will be quite heavy. Yumo is suffering from flesh and blood at most, but he will also be parasitized by the beast in his body. The soul feasts on the flesh and blood of the heart.

The pain couldn't be described in words, his face turned pale from the pain, he clutched his chest, and even gasping was painful.

This gnawing was a big piece of painstaking flesh, and the corners of his lips overflowed with blood.

Hei Yi took off his cloak and wrapped it around him, "My lord, may you be able to stand up?"

" problem..." The blood dripping from the corner of his mouth became thicker, he couldn't stand up now, the pain in his chest made his face whiter than snow, he pointed at one place with shaking fingers, "Black Yi, He'er is right"

Black Wing nodded, and immediately galloped away.

Yun Chi drew his sword and slashed at him, but without the ghost knot, his defense had collapsed, and Xuanyuan Sword could deal with him.

Black Wing killed a group of people, rushed to the depths of the cave, and found the water prison where He Ji was held at the end.

"Miss!" He yelled into the prison, but he couldn't hear He Ji's movement. In a hurry, he cut off the lock, "Miss He Ji..."

He Ji was already angry, and when she heard the voice, she barely opened her eyes, "Ah Yu..."

"Miss, hold on tight, Black Wing will take you out immediately." He hugged He Ji.

All members of the Yun family came out to block his way, it was a struggle, but these people were not Yun Chi, Hei Yi could deal with it alone.

Bai Yu knelt on the ground on one knee, endured the pain in his heart, and stood up staggeringly after the pain subsided a bit. Yun Chi and Xuanyuan Sword were fighting fiercely. He didn't care about this, and walked towards He Ji with a sigh of relief. go.

Halfway through the walk, there was a gust of fragrant wind in front of me, and the smell was very familiar.

His eyes turned cold, he raised his head, and stared at the person coldly.

It was Yaojia who was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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