The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 526 Part 293 Ling Late Dignity

Chapter 526 Part 293

"Master!" Yun Chi was surprised by Yaojia's appearance, and ran to her regardless of her injuries, "Master, why are you here? Go back quickly, this place is dangerous."

Now that they have broken up with Bai Yu, the two can no longer live in peace as before, and He Ji has been tortured extremely miserably, Bai Yu will definitely not let her go.

Yaojia held her head high and held her chest high, looking like a queen, but the love in her eyes dimmed the pride she should have as a queen. When she heard that Bai Yu sneaked into Huamei Mountain regardless of danger, the anger and pain in her heart soared to the highest level. point.

She still had a glimmer of hope from beginning to end, hoping that he would have feelings for her, but when he looked up at her, she could only see ruthless coldness, and hatred and dislike for her.

There was a trace of bitterness between the lips and teeth, it was hundreds of times more bitter than swallowing Huanglian.

If he doesn't have any feelings for her, what is the lingering love in the same bed in the past, what is he and her son Luanxiang?
By the way... Son, she and he also have a son.

The son is his flesh and blood, he will not ignore it...

The feelings that should have been burnt to ashes by anger sparked again... The hands hanging by her sides were clenched quietly, and she shouted: "Bai Yu, do you know what you are doing?" Bai Yu sneered, "Ask knowingly!"

doing what?
Can't she understand?
If she hadn't moved He Ji, he wouldn't have taken her life, at most he would have taken her power and kept her in the palace forever, but now there is no such possibility.

"My lord, Miss He Ji has been rescued!" Hei Yi appeared with the unconscious He Ji on his back.

He Ji had injuries all over her body, and there was not a single intact place. The traces of lightning burns had turned black, and because of being soaked in water, her skin and flesh began to fester. The scariest thing was the wound on her face, which was caused by a severe beating. Her eyelids were swollen like walnuts stuffed, if Hei Yi hadn't said she was He Ji, Bai Yu wouldn't have dared to recognize her.


She is his most beloved person, with his current appearance, he is completely insane, trembling with anger, his clear gray eyes are clouded into black.

Hei Yi didn't dare to go to Bai Yu's side easily because Yun Chi and Yao Jia were in the middle, and while protecting He Ji, he fought with the Yun family members who were chasing him.

"Xuanyuan, protect He'er!"

Xuanyuanjian flew over, opened the barrier, and wrapped Hei Yi and He Ji.

"I'm here, you don't need to worry, but that Yun Chi is hard to deal with, so be careful."

Seeing that he didn't see her at all, only He Ji, Yaojia was burning with anger, and raised her hand to let the guards from outside the cave rush in, and surrounded them.

"I am the queen of the Night Falcon family, and the whole family obeys my orders, Bai Yu, if you are smart, you should know what is going on right now?"

Yun Chi also opened the barrier to protect Yao Jia, bit his finger, drew a spell on his palm with blood, and instantly transformed into clones, all of which looked like him, there were as many as ten of them.

Xuanyuanjian reminded: "Bai Yu, this is the forbidden technique 'Thousand Body'. It is a clone made by mixing Yuandan and Lifespan. Each has its own ability, so be careful."

"I know..." Bai Yu sneered, "Thousands of bodies? That is to say, if you kill one, he will lose one lifespan."

Avatars are not difficult spells for monsters. Strong monsters usually know how to do them. However, avatars transformed from monster aura are empty, just a shape. They are usually used to deceive the enemy and confuse their sight. One percent of the body is just a trick to lure the enemy.But Yun Chi's avatars are real, each one is himself, and the ability is completely copied, ten avatars are ten Yun Chi.

The reason why it is said to be an access control technique is because it is very cruel for him to learn it.

The premise is that it is necessary to kill people, kill people who are blood related to the cultivator, kill them, take away their Yuan Dan, and then fuse with the cultivator's Yuan Dan. Because of the blood relationship, the fusion of the Yuan Dan is not easy to produce rejection, and then The skins, bones and blood of these killed people will be made into puppet pills, and the puppet will be swallowed into the stomach alone during cultivation.When the avatar is needed, the puppet is filled with the power of Yuandan and its own lifespan, just like inflating a balloon. After filling, the avatar is completed, and it has the appearance and form of a cultivator.

Yun Chi has ten clones, which is equivalent to killing ten people who are related to him by blood. It is extremely cruel, but his power has increased tenfold.
However, this spell has a fatal flaw. The avatar has the lifespan of the main body, and if it dies, the lifespan will also disappear.And the way to make up for this shortcoming is to have as many clones as possible, because it is divided equally, ten is one-tenth, and one hundred is one-hundredth. But the strength is a hundredfold.

Therefore, the best way to practice this clone technique is to kill as many people as possible who are connected with your blood, the more the better.

Its name is Qianshen, which means that it can train up to a thousand clones. There was once a person who killed all his clansmen in order to practice this technique.

It is so cruel and bloody that it is unreasonable not to list it as a forbidden technique.

Yun Chi now has ten clones, which means that each clone has one-tenth of Yun Chi's lifespan, and if one of them dies, one-tenth of his lifespan will be gone.

His age is estimated to be eight or nine hundred years old, if one-tenth of it is close to a hundred years old, killing a person's lifespan will drop by one hundred, and if converted into damage value, it is quite large.

Generally speaking, in order to make up for the shortcomings, the avatars are placed on the largest number. Ten may not seem like many, but I believe they are all of Yun Chi's avatars.

Bai Yu killed decisively, and had identified the target of attack.

"Bai Yu, don't be stubborn, it's too late to stop now." Yao Jia was protected by Yun Chi, Bai Yu couldn't hurt her yet, but seeing him mercilessly killing the guards made her feel chilled, but even so, She still hoped that there would be some room for maneuver between her and him.

She is a woman, and her heart is always soft when facing the man she loves, she doesn't need to care about the love between him and He Ji, as long as she breaks off with He Ji from now on, she is willing to let the past go.

"Master, do you still want to keep him?" Yun Chi felt that the most stubborn person was not Bai Yu, but her.

"Shut up! I haven't asked you why you want to deal with Bai Yu without authorization." She only wanted him to torture He Ji and not let Bai Yu rescue her, but he dared to lure Bai Yu here to kill him secretly.

"I am also for the master! If the master wants to be the queen safely, Bai Yu cannot stay."

"That's my business!"

"Master!" Yun Chi said heartbrokenly, "How long will you be obsessed with it? Look at those guards...they are all your own soldiers. If he has any affection for you, why would he kill them?"

Bai Yu's eyes were red with murder, and half of Yaojia's personal soldiers were wiped out in an instant.

The meandering blood stained Yaojia's eyes red...

mutual affection……


She is married to him and has a son.

They are husband and wife, and he is her husband. The wedding is already under preparation, and it is just a matter of picking an auspicious day.

"Master, you are a queen, what kind of man do you want? Listen to Yun Chi and kill Bai Yu. In the future, Yun Chi will find a better one for you."

"Shut up, shut up!"

Yao Jia didn't want to hear these words, but Bai Yu was no longer the person she knew, he only saw killing in his eyes, and when he occasionally glanced at her, there was only killing intent and hatred!
Why did he kill her?And why hate her?
She's the one to hate.

It was him...he lied to her, stole her heart, and also took her body. She was so kind to him and gave him everything, but he was so ruthless.

Although protected by the Xuanyuan Sword, He Ji was tortured for several days and her body was already broken. Hei Yi couldn't take care of her because she had to deal with the members of the Yun family. Afterwards, I was very nervous and rushed over urgently.


This sound was like a loud slap in the face, hitting Yaojia hard on the face.

He only has this woman in his eyes, only her!
Yaojia's eyes were red, jealousy, anger, and hatred were combined together, making her eyes look extremely crazy.

What's so good about her...she is a princess, she is a queen, can't she compare to this broken shoe who has been bullied by more than a dozen men?

He clearly once said that her skin is as creamy as fat, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her appearance is very beautiful.But in the blink of an eye, she became mud in his eyes.


If she had known this would happen, she shouldn't have spared her life just to see her miserable situation. It would be nice to kill her.


"Yun Chi..." She darkened her eyes and her voice was hoarse and cold.


"Kill that woman, I want you to kill that woman!"

Yun Chi took the lead, and the three clones left the team protecting Yaojia and went to He Ji.

"Xuanyuan, protect the crane!" Bai Yu also wanted to rush over after seeing it, but there were too many people surrounding him, and he couldn't get out of the battle immediately unless he used the Chongming Bird.

The previous use of the Chongming Bird had already bitten his heart, and he might not be able to bear it again.

"Bai Yu, the more you like her, the more I won't let her live. I want her to die in front of you today!" Yao Jia waved her cloak off and joined the battle herself.

As a royal family, she is naturally a strong monster. She looked dull in the past, but she is very talented, and she has never forgotten to practice in secret. Since she was a child, she knew that she would be the queen and the king of the clan. Her mother and queen urged her to get back to the family every day. After rebelling against her mother, she was pissed off, but she didn't regret it.

But now when asked if she really has no regrets, she couldn't answer.

She loved him so much, with all her heart.

"Bai Yu, do you really think you can beat me?"

Due to the past of the Eagle Feather Clan, in order to reduce her father's suspicion, she pretended to be stupid and self-willed, and hid in the dark, but she should have followed her example and never fell behind. After the death of her father, she should have returned to her true colors and recovered. The Eagle Feather Clan, to be a real queen, but because of Bai Yu, in order to be with him, she continued to pretend, not wanting him to be suspicious of her like her father, and helping him eliminate the blackbird's wings, anyway, the blackbird's people , she also needs to get rid of it.She is willing to give him rights, as long as he is sincere to her.

But what's the use of sacrificing so much, it can't be exchanged for his sincerity.

Since there is no sincerity, what does she want him to do?
What she can't get, no one else can get it.

"It's hard for you to hide it so deeply..." Bai Yu smiled self-deprecatingly.

He thought that all the tricks were exhausted, but he never thought that the most terrifying enemy would be her.

"Hiding like this, who am I for? Tell me, do you love me at all? And the child... don't you want Luanxiang?"


Bai Yu tugged at the corners of his mouth, his originally calm and indifferent eyes were cold and cold, without any emotion in his eyes, "You may be smart, but you're not smart at all."

"What do you mean?"

She didn't understand this sentence, but she knew what was hidden here.

Opened by Yun Chi's avatar, she killed her and faced him close at hand. He was still so handsome. I still remember the first time I met him when I was young, it was at Sheng Yu's birthday banquet. He Ji was beaten with a whip, and her whole body was dirty, but her eyes were as bright as stars. She never knew that eyes could be so beautiful. Since then, she has been paying attention to him, but he was sent to Sheng Yu's mansion It's rare for her to see him once, even if he enters the palace, she can't find a chance to talk to him, maybe it's rumors that he is the illegitimate son of his father, he is always bullied by the nobles' children, and he is getting worse and worse. Indifferent, but he knew that this indifference was just a protective look.Because she had seen him smile so brightly when he looked at the flowers blooming in the garden.

But looking back now... that was just her imagination, she forgot that Crane Princess also came to the palace that day and danced in the garden...

In fact, she never understood this man, she didn't know what kind of man she fell in love with, and even, like a big joke, she sent him to the door eagerly, giving everything for him, hiding the light, but He doesn't care at all.

What does it mean to go without being smart?

What does it mean! ?

She didn't understand, but she felt faintly cold.

"You really think I'm going to have a baby with you?"

The face has been torn, there is no need to hide some things, he really doesn't want to see her face again, today he will get rid of her.

Yao Jia trembled, Bai Yu's gentleness, thoughtfulness, and modesty in the past flashed before her eyes, and then all of them turned into phantoms. Under the handsome appearance, she could only see ferocity and cruelty.

"Do you still remember a man named Spotted Pheasant?"

Of course she remembered that this person was Yan Qin's friend... She shouldn't have remembered this kind of person, but this man named Banyan looked very similar to Bai Yu. The most resembling is the figure, and the two are almost indistinguishable from the back view.

After thinking about it, she trembled in horror.

It is said that the spotted pheasant has been missing for a long time...

Bai Yu stared at her indifferently and mockingly, "I only love He'er in this life, and I will never touch any woman except her, so you should understand..."

Yaojia was shocked by these words and trembled all over, only feeling the bloody taste in her mouth, she panicked, "No, it's impossible!"

She doesn't believe it!

"I know you won't believe it, but you should know that I am the best at poison. Maybe not as powerful as the Yun Family's Soul Eater, but it is enough to confuse you."

In this case, in this situation, he shouldn't have said it, and if he said it, it would be tantamount to angering Yaojia, and maybe forcing her to die together, causing both sides to suffer. , when he was pretending to be stupid, domineering, and self-willed in the past, he remembered one thing - Sheng Yu was assassinated, He Ji was trapped in another courtyard, he was imprisoned by Yao Jia and missed rescue.

She is not stupid, domineering, and not self-willed at all. She who knows the most about scheming, how could she not know about Sheng Yu being framed and He Ji being attacked? It's easy to guess what kind of thoughts.

She knew it all, she did it on purpose.

If it wasn't for him, he would have saved He Ji and their first child.

Bai Yu's voice was like floating water breaking ice coldly on the surface, "I will pay you back as much as you hurt He Ji, it's fair!"

He had never touched her before. The person who touched her was someone else, and the child belonged to someone else.

Yaojia's heart broke, it was sharper than any sword, but one sentence hurt not only her heart, but also her whole soul, and even ruined her pride.

Her face turned pale, and her jade-like face began to twist slightly, her finger bones bent, and the nails in her clenched fist stabbed her palm fiercely.


The person who crushed her heart was right in front of her eyes... the man in front of her.

Her gaze contained infinite pain, but it slowly became ferocious, and a deep sneer came out of her throat, which gradually amplified.

"Master?" Yun Chi was by his side, so he heard these words naturally. The blame was that he had been practicing during that time and failed to protect her. Otherwise, how could this kind of thing happen.

"Bai Yu...I did everything for you, but this is the result. Hahahaha, Bai Yu, you are so vicious! You are so despicable! I want you to die, and He Ji, I want to tear her flesh and blood apart. Let her die in front of you!"

She held her heart so carefully, and brought it to him with the most sincere emotions, but he didn't hesitate to trample on it cruelly!It not only hurt her heart, trampled on her body, but also delayed her dignity and soul.

What has she become! ?

A sea of ​​hatred flooded in, and she could hardly bear the hatred, and she became crazy, completely releasing her demonic power.

Her hair was flying high, her spirit was overflowing, and a strange blood-colored totem appeared on her face.

"Vulture King!"

A huge demon bird descended from the sky, it was the guardian demon bird of the Eagle Feather family, no different from a ferocious beast.

(End of this chapter)

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