The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 527 Part 294 Another Human

Chapter 527 Part 294 Another Human

Vultures are creatures that are quite similar to eagles and vultures, but they are extremely wicked and lethal.

This vulture with intersecting black and red feathers is a magical beast condensed from the blood of thousands of babies in the Yun family. It has been a guardian monster to protect the eagle feather clan for generations. It only listens to the orders of the family. Now this generation is Yaojia. .

The eagle king's feeding is to eat babies, the more he eats, the more powerful he is. If he doesn't summon it, it will be a blood drop the size of a thumb, which has been embedded in Yaojia's bracelet. To summon it, he must have enough demonic power , Yaojia happened to have this ability.

The iron-like claws grabbed Bai Yu fiercely, as if infected with the master's anger and collapse, the Eagle King was very excited. Like the Chongming Bird, it also has three eyes, but the largest round eye on the forehead is a combination of three eyes. It turned up and down, the whites of the eyes were blood red, the eyeballs were jade-shaped, the outer circle was black, and the inside was white, and it was extremely strange and terrifying when it turned.

Its beak can be elongated, and there will be sharp sawtooth around the beak for a long time. The saliva dripping down is acidic, and it will dissolve whatever it touches.

Its figure is extremely huge, and the cave cannot fully expand its figure, so it shakes its body, trying to lift the roof of the cave.

Bai Yu blocked its claws and was pushed away by it. He tried to stabilize his body, but his strength was no match for it, and he was pushed back all the way, leaving a long trail under his feet.

"King Eagle, don't let him die, catch him." Yao Jia ordered.

She will kill him, but not now, because He Ji is not dead yet.

"Yun Chi, bring He Ji over to me." The pride and dignity of her was delayed, her eyes were full of hysterical madness.

"Master, calm down."

Summoning the Vulture King has consumed a lot of her monster power, and he is worried that she will not be able to hold on to such a fierce attack, and the Vulture King still has a trace of demon, once she is too crazy, it is likely to be swallowed by it. Mind, became a sacrifice.

It is absolutely impossible for a monster like the Eagle King to be tamed. It will protect the Eagle Feather family, but it is imprisoned by a spell and has to obey orders. People who have used the Eagle King for many years have not had a good end. Make a psychological struggle, and don't let it control your consciousness.

Hatred, anger, killing intent... will all become its bait, so you must keep calm when using it, and don't let it take advantage of it.

"Calm down? How do you want me to be calm!" Her eyes were reddened madly, as if she could shed bloody tears in an instant.

Her sincerity, her devotion, and her humility have become a big joke.She wanted to obliterate all of this, obliterate this shame, obliterate it at any cost.

"Vulture King, as long as you catch Bai Yu and cripple his demon power, I can give you whatever you want!"

The magic eye on Eagle Feather's forehead turned, and the magic charm was startling, the bird's beak rose, and it made a sound like a baby crying.

"Master, you can't!" Yun Chi shouted, "You don't need Eagle King, Yun Chi can do it for you."

"I want to do it myself!" She laughed, stern and rampant, "Hahaha, I want to repay this humiliation with my own hands!"

The eagle king howled and flapped his wings, and the feathers on his body were like sharp arrows, shooting towards Bai Yu like a rainstorm.

Bai Yu opened the protective barrier, but it didn't take long for the barrier to shatter, and countless feather arrows flew towards him.

"grown ups!"

Hei Wing rushed over, but was grabbed by Eagle King's claws and smashed to the ground.

The blow was extremely ruthless, he had no defenses at all, he fell to the ground covered in blood, and it is estimated that several bones were broken.

"Black Wing!" Bai Yu dragged Black Wing to his side, dodging the feather arrow, but not the second swing of the eagle king's claws, a deep scar was scratched on his chest, and his skin was ripped apart.

He didn't expect Yaojia to hide such a powerful monster, so he underestimated her... But she has a monster, and he also has a monster.

"Bai Yu, you can't, you can't use it twice a day, your heart's repairing speed can't keep up with the Chongming Bird's devouring speed." Xuanyuanjian roared.

In order to protect He Ji, it had to fight with Yun Chi's clone, and the damn ghost knot was released again, making it unable to use its spiritual power, so it could barely protect He Ji.

Of course, Bai Yu knew how serious the side effects would be if he used it again, but if he didn't use the Chongming Bird, he couldn't resist the Eagle King.

the second time……

He clutched his chest, the determination in his eyes had already put life and death beyond his control.

A demon, even if his heart is damaged and lacks a piece, he can still live, but if all of them are eaten, his physical condition will plummet, so generally speaking, one use is the limit, and he must wait until the heart recovers by itself. Use it a second time.

But in the current situation, he can only fight, He Ji must be rescued... He has already arranged manpower, as long as she is rescued, she and Feihuang will be sent away from the Night Falcon Clan.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and recited the formula. When he opened them, his gray eyes turned into demon pupils, and his body began to mutate.

As a ferocious beast, Eagle King sensitively sensed his change, fluttered his wings and retreated.

"Vulture King, what are you doing, why are you backing away?" Yaojia howled, mad as mad as a bone.

The white feather turned into a Chongming bird, which was as big as a vulture king. The two giant birds fought, and the cave couldn't bear it at all. It collapsed and shattered, and the entire ground sank.

Xuanyuanjian wrapped He Ji with an enchantment to form a cocoon, placed her in a safe place, and then concentrated on dealing with Yun Chi's clone.

"Stinky boy, do you really think my Xuanyuan Sword can't do anything about you?"

Naturally, Yun Chi's clone couldn't hear these words, but Xuanyuanjian's changes could be seen.

Incomprehensible words appeared on the blade of the golden sword. This is a spell. The black characters covered the blade, emitting golden light.

Yun Chi's three avatars flashed back, but were soon entangled by Xuanyuanjian's sword energy, and entered a state of scrambling, with swords and swords at an extremely fast speed.

White Feather and Eagle King had already flown into the air, and the two giant birds were so demonic that they could fly sand and move stones even with a flap of their wings.

Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, Yun Chi personally flew into the sky with the other three clones to help the Eagle King, and the remaining four clones still protected Yaojia.The avatar has the same ability as Yun Chi, and once again opened the ghost knot in an attempt to block Bai Yu's attack.

Bai Yu waved his claws, trying to break through the ghostly knot that blocked him, but there were four people in Yun Chi and the avatars, and the power was four times that of the original, and the power of the ghostly knot was also enhanced, so it couldn't be as strong as before. Easily broken.

This clone was indeed a trouble, Bai Yu changed his strategy and attacked Yun Chi's clone with all his might.

As long as one avatar is removed, Yun Chi's lifespan will be reduced, and this reduction is a kind of damage.

Yun Chi saw through his purpose, and said with a sinister smile: "Bai Yu, as long as this ghost knot is not broken, you will only be beaten."

Bai Yu didn't talk nonsense with him, he saw the real chapter under his claws, and the third eye on his forehead shone with light.

The bright light was dazzling, and through the knot of ghosts and ghosts, Yun Chi, the clone, and the vulture king were all hit, and there was darkness in front of them.Taking advantage of this, Bai Yu made a counterattack, lucked out with demon power, strengthened his claws, and swung it away fiercely.

The blood-red claws, as sharp as sword energy, split the knot of ghosts and ghosts. The eyes of the two clones at the front were still dark and they couldn't see them. Very deep, from the left shoulder obliquely into the abdomen, you can faintly see the green, green and red abdominal organs.

With such serious injuries, the two broke up and vomited blood.

Yun Chi was the fastest to recover his vision, and when he saw it, he immediately flew over to protect him.

Knowing that he would come to rescue him, Bai Yu scattered some powder over there.

"Bai Yu, you are despicable!" It's poison.

"I'm already good at poison, you're just stupid!"

Yun Chi felt a pain in his chest, like a needle prick, and vomited a mouthful of blood, "I'll kill you!"

"East Emperor!"

Donghuang flew over, released the barrier space, and reflected Yun Chi's attack back.

Yun Chi was hit by his own tricks and fell to the ground, and the clone also flew down to protect the main body first.

Yaojia was furious, and flew to the top of Eagle King's head, and three sword qi attacked Bai Yu.

The Eagle King regained his vision and howled like a croak, as if he was angry. His feathers stood upright, he opened his beak, and sprayed out dark green acid.

Yaojia's sword has a lot of assists, and she swings fiercely. Although each move is not fatal, it can abolish the vital points of Baiyu's demon power.

"Damn you, damn you, damn you!" She didn't dodge at all regardless of the skin and clothes cut by Bai Yu's claws.

Eagle King is very fond of her inner anger collapse, the crazier she is, the more she can blacken and control her heart.

Bai Yu's chest was in severe pain, it was the soul of Chongming Bird that began to devour his hard work, mouthful after mouthful, the more time it took, the larger the area of ​​his heart was eaten, he was so painful that he was sweating coldly, completely Relying on strong support, but his physical strength began to decline, and slowly began to be unable to bear the strength of Chong Mingniao. If he supported strongly, his skin and bones would be torn to pieces.

"Hmm..." He knelt down on one knee, and half-closed his eyes to examine the battle situation in front of him.

In the distance, Xuanyuan Sword had gained the upper hand, one of Yun Chi's avatars was dead, two of them were injured here, and Yun Chi was poisoned, as long as he could suppress the Eagle King and kill Yaojia, he would win.

Hold on a little longer...

He gritted his teeth and stood up straight, swung his giant claws, and the eyes on his forehead emitted light waves.

Unexpectedly, Yaojia had another trick, "Bai Yu, who do you think is that?"

Bai Yu's gaze fell somewhere on the ground, and it was the kidnapped Scarlet Ibis, He Ji's younger brother.

He was horrified, he didn't expect that she would grab the scarlet ibis and stop the claws that were swung out.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would send someone to catch the red ibis, right? He is He Ji's younger brother, and she loves him very much, so you must be too?" She sent people to He Ji's mansion to arrest him after releasing the Eagle Queen.

She guessed that the scarlet ibis was the common weakness of He Ji and Bai Yu.

Scarlet Ibis has disabled legs and no resistance, so it is too easy to catch him.

Bai Yu secretly resented that he only cared about protecting Fei Huang and forgot to protect Scarlet Ibis.

"Let him go!"

"Don't think about it!"

She would rather be broken than whole.

"Now you have two choices, either obediently and let him go, or..." She raised her hand, released a demonic aura, turned her sword and flew towards the scarlet ibis, "I'll kill him!"

Scarlet Ibis was knocked out, unconscious, the sword energy pierced his shoulder, he woke up from the pain, and wailed loudly, he was still young, and he was protected by He Ji day by day, so he was inevitably fragile, Unable to bear the pain, and not knowing what happened, she cried bitterly, "Sister, sister, where are you!?"

Bai Yu turned into Chongming Bird at this moment, he couldn't recognize it, seeing two huge and terrifying big birds, already frightened half of his life, crying even louder.

"elder sister!"

He Ji heard his voice and opened her eyes with difficulty, "Scarlet ibis..."

She was covered in wounds and had no strength left, but she had sworn to her dead relatives that she would protect the scarlet ibis well in this life. With perseverance, she stood up. Seeing that the scarlet ibis was injured, she breathed difficulty.

The scarlet ibis has been suffering from ailments since the disaster, and cannot bear any damage at all.

"Scarlet ibis..." She was trembling just standing, and fell when she couldn't stand still, but even if she crawled, she crawled over, "Scarlet ibis, don't be afraid, sister is here..."

She is surrounded by Xuanyuan Sword's enchantment, others can't hurt her, but it doesn't hinder her action, it's just that she is too weak and crawls very slowly.

"Sister!" Scarlet Ibis saw her covered in blood, and stopped crying in fright, "Sister, what's wrong with you!?"

Bai Yu was worried that something would happen to He Ji, so she flew over.

Yao Jia and Eagle King blocked his way.

"Go away!" He was so anxious that he had to use the power of the Chongming Bird again, followed by the sound of skin cracking and blood splattering.

The body has reached its limit, if it is not released, it may cause irreversible damage.

"Ayu..." Even though he was Chongmingniao, He Ji had never seen him before and still recognized him.

"He'er, protect yourself, I will save Scarlet Ibis!"

Yaojia couldn't see the love between the two, so the sword energy gathered in her hand, turned into dozens of feathered arrows, and shot at the scarlet ibis.

If he is hit, he will surely die.


He Ji roared, she has the enchantment of Xuanyuan Realm on her body, as long as the enchantment is given to Scarlet Ibis, he will be safe... She used the remaining demon power to transfer the enchantment on her body, and exposed herself to the arrow feathers.

She knew that she couldn't escape, but as long as the scarlet ibis was safe and the white feather was safe, she would die without regret.

"Ayu, take good care of Feihuang..."

Gently close your eyes, raise your head, and wait for death.

"He'er!" Bai Yu roared, but he was too far away, Xuanyuan Sword was the same, and Donghuang Bell was helping Bai Yu reverse the eagle king's attack, the distance became an obstacle to save people.

When He Ji was about to be tied into a lotus pod, the Donghuang Bell moved and trembled, as if something was trying to push it out, followed by a roar.

"Bai Yu, you bastard, how long are you going to imprison me? Do you really think this broken clock can hold me? Let me tell you, this suzerain is the direct descendant of Fenghuang Luoyu... You bastard, wait for me to come out , I must kill you, or my surname is Ye!"

"Bai Yu, she is too powerful, I can't control her anymore." Dong Huang Zhong howled, and was kicked out of a hole in an instant.

A woman stood at the entrance of the cave. She kicked out a bigger hole where the Eastern Emperor Bell had been broken. Her black hair fluttered in strands, and a rouge-colored totem of a phoenix tail was burning like a flame on her forehead. Her skin is as delicate and white as snow porcelain, her eyes are like stars, staring at everything she can see, because there is a shadow, she has no facial features, but she has seen the momentum, like a queen, ruling the world.

She bent down and stepped out of the hole, wearing a wine-red military uniform, with a mecha arm on her right hand, because the place where she was standing was always in shadow, her expression could not be seen clearly, but the anger emanating from her was terrifying .

She seemed to be looking for Bai Yu, but when she saw two big birds, she was startled at first, but she didn't see a trace of fear.

"Where is Bai Yu?" she asked.

No one responded, they were all stunned by her appearance.

"Cut... Trouble!" She spat.

Then, seeing He Ji who was being attacked, she froze for a moment, squinted her eyes, and saw that the original shape of He Ji was a phoenix.

"Phoenix..." She tapped her forehead, "Forget it, forget it, let's save it first!"

She clicked her lips and waved the mecha arm in her right hand. She didn't know what it was made of, and immediately spread a pair of wings and flew her over. The speed was very fast, and she was in front of He Ji in an instant. Raise your left hand.

The fingers of the left hand condensed the golden-red light and turned into the outline of a phoenix, spreading its wings to block all the feathered arrows.

He Ji didn't expect that someone would save her, and it was a strangely dressed woman.

After solving the matter here, she clicked her tongue again and flew into the air with the mecha.

"Bai Yu, come out!" She yelled loudly.

"Xuanyuan, find a way to trap her!" Bai Yu knew that trouble was coming.

"Sleepy? How sleepy? She is a human, a god, and a descendant of Luo Yu, the ancient phoenix goddess. She came to the world of mountains and seas to find the Shuangpo Soul Concentrating Grass to cure her husband. You said you would help her find it, but you designed Locked her in the space of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the Eastern Emperor Bell can trap her for three months, it is entirely due to the drug you gave her, now she is awake, she has the blood of the gods, and it is impossible for all the artifacts to hurt her Otherwise, she will be disrespectful and will be punished by heaven."

Most of the artifacts were created by the ancient gods. The ancient Phoenix Goddess Luo Yu was a very noble god, and the artifacts would never dare to be inferior.

"But she's human too!"

"Yes, she is a human being, but in the world of mountains and seas, she is a god."

In Xuanyuan Realm, which is the world of human beings, the power of gods will be like a demon, weakened by the seal of the four seas, and cannot be used. The most is to make people with god blood live longer, have greater strength, faster speed, and better coordination. Strong, and the force value has reached a very terrifying level, but in the mountain and sea world without this confinement, the ability belonging to a half-god will be fully awakened.

Because he is a human being, he can use the Pan Gu axe, so Bai Yu tried every means to keep her. In case Yu Mo couldn't use it for him, he still had this backup.

This is a secret that only Xuanyuanjian and him know.

But this back-up woke up...

Bai Yu thumped in her heart...

She is really difficult to deal with!

 Extra personnel appear... Guess who she is?


  Will be back soon, but will play a key role.

(End of this chapter)

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