The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 528 Part 295 The Strongest Assist

Chapter 528 Part 295 The Strongest Assist
Not easy to deal with?

who said it?
Anyone who knows her knows that as long as she is not irritated, she has almost no temper. In the eyes of relatives and friends, she is a person who is slow, talkative, sweet-toothed, and can take a nap anytime and anywhere .

Because in Xuanyuan Realm, in the human world, her status is very noble, unimaginably noble, and she was born to stand at such a high apex, so she doesn't need to be angry with those humble people.

Even if some blind woman wants to covet her husband, and insults and ridicules her without knowing her identity, she will not be angry, at most, she will just open a pair of dead fish eyes and let them finish the sentence , if it takes a long time, she will take a nap standing up.

When the person finished speaking, she woke up, picked her ears, said, "Oh!", and then walked away.

Basically, anyone who encounters her meek and recalcitrant appearance will make himself so angry.

But now, at this moment... She was very angry, very angry, like a witch.

Being imprisoned in a broken clock for three months, still because of being drugged, she has never experienced this kind of humiliation, and even the best temper has been polished.

"Bai Yu, come out for me!"

She was stagnant in the air, she didn't know where it was when she came out, she only saw a group of people fighting, and two big ugly birds, these had nothing to do with her, she just wanted to kill Bai Yu now.

He lied to her, put her under house arrest, and wasted her time. These crimes were enough for her to tear him into pieces, grind him into powder, and knead him into dog food balls to feed her sky.

Seeing her being rampant and seeing her resenting Bai Yu, Yun Chi had an idea in his mind.

"Hey, woman, the white feather you're looking for is here!" He pointed to Chongming Bird.

"Ah!?" She looked at Bai Yu, blinked, and didn't recognize it at all, "Are you Bai Yu?"

Bai Yu was angry, and her wings swung her demonic aura and smashed towards Yun Chi.

Yun Chi was poisoned, and he was trying his best to detoxify, but he couldn't avoid it, and was sent flying and hit the cave.

Yaojia said angrily, "Who are you, a woman in a strange dress?"

Her appearance disrupted everyone's position, she ignored Yao Jia, and flew to Chongming Bird, which was Bai Yu, relying on the mecha on her arm.

"Are you really Bai Yu!?"

Bai Yu didn't know how to answer, if she answered 'yes', she might kill him right away, her appearance was an accident, but this accident was not entirely bad.

"Yes!" he admitted.

"You bastard!" She roared, full of murderous aura, and immediately attacked with her left hand.

"You don't want the Soul Concentrating Grass anymore?" His body was no longer able to bear the strength of the Chongming Bird, it was at the limit, and it was difficult for him to even stand up.Right now, Hei Yi is seriously injured, and Xuanyuan Sword cannot exert its power due to the knot of ghosts and ghosts. Although he still has the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Kongtong Seal, these two artifacts do not have strong attack power. The Eastern Emperor Bell can only reflect the enemy's attack power. Attacking, Kongtong Yin's soul capture technique can't be used casually, because it is likely to hurt one's own people. If you continue to fight, you will lose sooner or later, but if you have a strong helper, you can reverse the situation.

On the left hand surrounded by golden fire, a phoenix appeared again. It was just an outline, but it was extremely beautiful. It was only a millimeter away from piercing Chongmingniao's big round eyes, but it stopped suddenly because of his words.

"Did you find it?" The Twin Soul Concentrating Soul Grass is the purpose of her coming to the Mountain and Sea Realm. As long as she can get it, she can let go of the blame for anything.

"That's right! Help me if you want!"

"Bring the grass first!" This man has no credibility at all.

"I'm not a fool, I gave you grass, what should you do if you leave?"

"I'm not you! My Ye Family has always kept its promises."

"Empty words are useless!" Bai Yu couldn't hold it anymore, and slowly transformed into a human form. After the human form, his body was full of wounds, and his flesh and blood were all scars left by using the power of the Chongming Bird. There was no place that was intact, and he gasped. He said, "You see, I'm covered in wounds, if you don't help me, I will die here, and you will never get the Shuangpo Soul Concentrating Grass in your life."

She frowned, "You blackmail me?"

"It's not a threat, it's a plea. It's my fault to put you under house arrest. If you want to kill me because of this, I have nothing to say. But my wife is in their hands, and my brother-in-law, they are my most important People, I only beg you to get them out."

"Ayu!" He Ji prostrated herself on the ground, if he didn't leave, she wouldn't leave either, "Save the red ibis, just save him!"

Xuanyuanjian took advantage of Yun Chi's avatar to be distracted by the strange woman who suddenly appeared, and protected He Ji again, but the red ibis was still in the opponent's hands.

"You mean that phoenix is ​​your wife?" She pointed to He Ji.


"That eagle is your brother-in-law! Are they siblings?"

Bai Yu nodded, not understanding why she asked such a question suddenly.

She tilted her head, feeling unbelievable, and stroked her chin, "My biological siblings, why is one a phoenix and an eagle? You monsters are really strange."

Bai Yu: "..."

When she first came to Shanhaijie, she had a lot of questions, and asking him every day gave him a headache, and this problem still hasn't changed.

The demons of the Night Falcon clan don't necessarily have the phoenix beget the phoenix, and the eagle beget the eagle. It all depends on what kind of breed Yuan Dan is when his mother's body is condensed.Eagles, vultures, and eagles are second. In short, they are all birds, so they can't be wrong.

She seemed to be able to know the true form of the demon only by looking at it with her eyes, like when looking at the demon, what she saw was not the human form, but the animal form of the demon.

Xuanyuanjian explained that she is a god, so what she sees with her eyes will be completely different from theirs.

"How?" It can't be delayed any longer, Yaojia is the queen of the Night Falcon family after all, and she still has the authority to respond to everyone, if she adds the Fierce Eagle Banner's personal team, it will be difficult to leave.

"If you don't tell me that I will save that Phoenix, it is my family." She is also a descendant of Phoenix, but because of some family reasons, she lives in Xuanyuan Realm, Bai Yu is also a Phoenix, so when she comes to Mountain Sea Realm, she will She landed near the Night Falcon family, maybe she is also considered a 'bird', and she is more or less related to them.

"As for your brother-in-law... well, by the way, but I saved it, but you can't give me the Soul Concentrating Grass, I will kill them!" The shadow was cast on her face, extremely intimidating .

"I won't lie to you again."

She tapped her fist, "Deal!"

After all, she pressed the mech button on her right arm to enter combat mode.

This mecha is not an ordinary thing at first glance, it can't be something from the mountain and sea world, and it can't be something from Yumo's era, it's the future... a very distant future.

In fact, Bai Yu didn't know who her identity was, but one thing was clear, she was very strong!

Compared with the strong monster, it is even worse.

The power of the demigod and the mecha complement each other, the force value is fully activated, and the killing is strong.

The mecha spread out a virtual screen on her right arm, covering her left eye. Dense data and symbols appeared on the screen, as well as the crosshairs used for gun shooting.

The cross-center ruler can instantly locate and cover all enemies.

"Scatter!" she ordered.

As soon as the words fell, the rain of tiny lasers was divided into three colors to attack the target in the quasi-mind. She had set the attack strength of the lasers before coming, and it was difficult for the demon to block it.

The guards on the ground were all hit and fell down one after another. They didn't know how they were hit. Yao Jia, Yun Chi, the clone, and the Eagle King did dodge it, but the ones attacking them were orange lasers that would chase after them. run with them.

"What the hell is this!?" Yaojia was flying and circling in the air, but the laser was always chasing after her.

"I said that you animals don't understand, oh, right, I forgot to remind you, if you don't hit the target, it won't disappear." She raised the mecha on her arm, changed the mode again, and attacked quickly , attacked the person holding the scarlet ibis, and rescued him.

She was so fast, like a bolt of lightning.

After saving Scarlet Ibis, she went to save He Ji.

Yaojia unleashed her demonic power and attacked her while evading the laser light, and the Eagle King also attacked her from above at lightning speed.

She was under attack from both sides, but she didn't feel nervous at all. She raised her eyebrows, clenched her left hand, ignited the golden-orange phoenix on her left hand, and punched Eagle King directly.


This was an extremely powerful punch, which made Eagle King's mouth crooked, and his saliva spewed out.


Its saliva was very acidic, and when it touched her skin, a puff of green smoke was ignited. She bared her teeth, and the silhouetted phoenix appeared in her left hand, resisting the acid. She shook her hand and continued to save people. .

"Who the hell are you?" Yao Jia became even more hysterical because of Cheng Yaojin's sudden appearance.

"Crossing the road!" She replied calmly, and quickly dodged to save He Ji.

"Men, hurry up!" She grabbed He Ji.


He Ji is very inexplicable, she doesn't remember her relatives.

Seeing that she had rescued He Ji, Yaojia was unwilling and rushed over regardless, "I want you to die!"

She completely forgot that there was still a laser chasing after her, and if she didn't dodge, it would pass through her body.

"Master!" Yun Chifei stepped forward, blocking the laser light behind her.


Three laser beams pierced Yun Chi's body without mercy.

Yaojia was horrified, "Yun chi..."

"Master... let's go!" Yun Chi spat out blood and pushed her away.

The laser that dealt with Yaojia pierced Yun Chi's body, but Yun Chi's own part was still unresolved. After he fell, the part chasing him naturally attacked, and all of them pierced into his body. The body instantly pricked him into a lotus pod.

"Yun Chi!" Yaojia cried out sadly.

"Master, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!"

Eagle King had been knocked down to the ground, and was trying to get up with difficulty, when the laser chasing it swooped over and stabbed at it, it fell to the ground again, its face was crooked, it can be seen that it was seriously injured, that is Got up... Yun Chi looked at the woman who rescued He Ji.

What kind of power is it that can knock down the Eagle King with a single punch?

"He's saved, grass!" A white jade-like hand spread out in front of Bai Yu.

Seeing that Scarlet Ibis and He Ji were safe, Bai Yu relaxed and fell back.

"Hey! Why are you dizzy!" She held his shoulders and shook, "Wake up, stop pretending!"

Bai Yu really fainted, completely unconscious.

"Benefactor, he's really fainted." He Ji protected Bai Yu, and pulled him into her arms, "Benefactor, this place is dangerous, can you..."

"You bastards are too deceitful!" She stomped her feet angrily.

At this time, Yaojia attacked again, her face was full of ferociousness, and the sword energy in her hand was at its maximum. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Sword resisted, but the knot of ghosts and ghosts would not be untied because of Yun Chi's serious injury and coma, so it only blocked part of it. , the remaining part of the sword energy scratched the clothes of He Ji and others, especially the woman who was in a state of Qi knot.

Her back was facing Yaojia, so the clothes on her back were torn, and a corner was opened.

The snowy back is like jade, but it is dotted with golden light, with tangerine in the gold, showing a beautiful phoenix, spreading its wings independently, enclosing her back as if alive, and will soar into the air in an instant.

As the phoenix became clearer and clearer, the phoenix's eyes opened up like a flash of light, aloof and disdainful, overlooking everything.

It's not like a tattoo, because there's no such thing as a tattoo.

Of course it is not a tattoo. This totem is the Nirvana of the Phoenix, which has the divine power of the Phoenix Goddess Feather Falling, and is passed down from generation to generation.

Just because she possessed the divine power of the Phoenix Goddess Luo Yu, when Yaojia tried to attack again, the divine power automatically reacted, releasing an orange light and flying her away.

Gods and demons, from the very beginning...the demons will definitely lose.

Someone patted her head and stomped her feet irritably, she was so angry that she was mad. With her emotions, the phoenix behind her became more and more clear, and it became more and more alive. She had never lost control of her emotions in such a big way.

But she didn't forget the purpose of coming to the mountain and sea world. Bai Yu is the only one who knows the whereabouts of the Shuangpo Concentrating Soul Grass, so she can only save them.

"Men, listen carefully, if your man dares to lie to me with sweet words after waking up, I will definitely kill you all! Do you hear me!"

He Ji nodded, no matter what, she would agree.

Immediately, she used the mecha on her arm to take a group of people away.

As for where to take it, Xuanyuan Sword will lead the way.

There is nothing in the mountains and fields, but there is a thatched hut, which is very hidden, and it will be difficult for people who don't know it to find it.

In front of the thatched hut, at the bonfire, someone was shaking his legs anxiously, pulling the dead grass in his hands.

The thatched hut was full of people, and Niang Niang was exhausted and paralyzed just after He Ji, Bai Yu, and Hei Yi finished healing their injuries.

Scarlet Ibis' injury was the lightest, and it was fine after bandaging, but he was overly frightened, and his most beloved sister fell into a coma, and he was crying all the time.

"Why are you crying? You're not dead!"


"But shit, you're a man, can you be stronger?"

Such consolation will only make Scarlet Ibis cry harder, "You are so fierce!"

"You haven't seen me when I was more fierce..." Seeing him crying more, and sitting pitifully on a wheelchair, this wheelchair reminded her of her husband, and she felt a little compassion, " Alright, don't cry, your sister will be fine, Phoenix will die so easily!"

Scarlet Ibis sobbed, "Sister, who are you?"

"It doesn't matter, I just beg your brother-in-law to wake up quickly. After I get what I want, I have to go home immediately, otherwise..." Her angry expression became anxious again.

"Sister, don't worry, Brother Bai Yu is very strong and will wake up soon."

"Hehe..." She laughed dryly, and patted his head, "Your health is very bad, go to sleep, be careful if you don't sleep enough, you won't grow up."

"I'm worried about my sister..."

He Ji is the only family member left of him, and there is no one else.

This place is the place of refuge that Bai Yu prepared before entering Thrushcross Mountain. For safety reasons, Xuanyuan Sword and Donghuang Zhong both deployed barriers to surround this place. It is extremely safe, and all of Bai Yu's cronies have also arrived here.

In the battle of Huamei Mountain, Bai Yu and Yao Jia broke up completely. It is impossible for them to return to the Night Falcon Clan and become traitors. I am afraid that the Night Falcon Clan will hunt them down all the time from now on.

"Girl, Master Bai Yu is awake...calling you over." Niang Niang came over.

"Wake up? That's great!" She got up and ran into the house, before she arrived, her voice had already reached Bai Yu's eardrums, "Bai Yu, grass!"

"It's not with me..." Bai Yu was seriously injured, and there was no blood on his face.

"You lied to me again!" She was angry, and raised her hand to chop him.

"It's not with me, but it doesn't mean I don't know where it is." He coughed, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Wu Niang hurriedly said: "My lord, your body is important, if you have something to say, let's wait until you have cultivated yourself."

Chongming Bird's backlash was extremely severe, most of his heart had been swallowed, and the damage had reached his lungs.

"It's okay, if you don't tell me, she will demolish this place." He is very grateful to her for saving He Ji, or twice, without her, He Ji would definitely die on Huamei Mountain, so he must repay this kindness. , and keeping her is a very dangerous thing.

"Tell me, where is it? I don't have time." The reason why she was able to enter the Mountain Sea Realm is because she has half the blood of the Phoenix Goddess and is not affected by the barrier. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it is for her to go back.

"Shuangpo Soul Concentrating Grass is an ancient divine grass, and today's mountain and sea realms have long been extinct!"

"What!?" She was shocked, so she came here in vain, since he knew that he still put her under house arrest, she clenched her fists and creaked her finger bones.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet. Cough, cough..." He swallowed back the blood that was about to spit out, "There is only one way to get this grass, and that is to find the Shennong cauldron. It is also very related to your Ye family."

"Naturally! My Ye Family is the descendant of Phoenix Goddess Luo Yu and Shennong's Emperor Yan, but this is a divine weapon, just like your sword. It will choose its own master. It is impossible to refine medicine without the master's order."

"That's right, but it doesn't hinder you. You are a descendant of the Shennong family. Even if the Shennong Ding didn't choose you as its master, it would obey your orders." This was one of the reasons why he put her under house arrest at the time, "Shennong Ding's current owner happens to be a human being just like you!"

She was startled again, "You said there is another human being in the world of mountains and seas? Who?"

"Her name is Lan Yumo. You just need to find her. As far as I know, she's in the Fox Monster Clan. Go north from here..."

With a whoosh, a gust of wind blew up in front of the bed, messing up Niang's hair.

After the wind stops, there will be no one left!

She had long since disappeared, and had already flown to look for grass.

 Paralyzed, I really want to write "The First Lady"...

(End of this chapter)

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