The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 529 Part 296 will be indefinite

Chapter 529 Part 296

"Yanhuang, locate the fox monster clan, and all the surrounding terrain will be displayed."


During the flight, she gave orders to the mecha.

Soon everything she needed appeared on the virtual screen.

She is used to flying fast at high altitudes. In her era, even if she lacked arms or legs, she had to go to military school. Although there was no distinction between countries, the government army that advocated equality for everyone and resource sharing and the survival of the fittest, senior talents were matched. The aristocratic army with resources has been fighting all year round, and the mecha she wears is the most commonly used military equipment in her era.

By the way, she belongs to the government army, because her husband is the supreme leader of the government army.

Her mecha is called Yanhuang, which is the most suitable fire-attribute mecha for her. This kind of mecha belongs to artificial intelligence and will grow up with the chosen master on its own. I have never thought about going to the battlefield or playing any military games, but it is not easy to pretend to be a waste wood, and it can fool the human eye but not the machine.

This Yanhuang, known as the emperor of mechs, has never chosen anyone as its master, and no one can control it. It was once considered a defective product, and it has already collected dust in the arsenal. If you get entangled with her, you won't let her go.

But it is also because of it that she can exert her strongest ability in the mountain and sea world.

"I found a living creature on the surface of the sea..."

"Living? What?"


"What the hell?"

Yanhuang didn't know how to explain by voice, so she gave the information directly, a long list of Bixi's information, and even a piece of Bixi's anatomical diagram.

Don't ask why there is, Yejia's database really doesn't lack anything, only unexpected things, nothing can't be found.

"Fierce beast...island...?"

"Supplement, there is a life reaction on it, repeat, there is a life reaction."


"There are demons, ferocious beasts, spirit beasts, artifacts, and humans!"

"Human!? Are you sure?"


"Great, let's go!" It really didn't take much effort.

Sure enough, high-tech is bullshit, much more useful than monsters. If she had known this, she would not have gone to find some birdmen three months ago.

On Penglai Island, there is no cloud in the sky, and the sea and sky are the same color. Yumo went to the lake on the island after treating the needle feather's wound.

"Leoliu, it's time to eat!"

The surface of the lake was calm and calm, but after the sound landed, a big blue dragon sprang out.

It is said to be a dragon, but it is not exactly like a dragon, because it has a pair of fins on its back, and it has no dragon claws. different.

This is the little chi kiss that killed his mother when he was hit by Bi Xi.

Before coming to the island, it was just born, only as big as a dolphin, but the animals in the mountain and sea world developed rapidly. In a short period of time, it has grown to be very huge, about [-] meters long. The lake dug by Taotie, It’s not too big for it, it’s okay for sleeping, but it’s tight for playing.

Yumo would occasionally put it into the sea, and it would come back by itself when it was happy, or ask the demon pot to create an illusion to make it enjoyable.

"Leoliu, come, eat meatballs." She held up a ball the size of a basketball and held it high.

When Lelou was happy, the fins flapped and she opened her mouth to swallow the meatballs.

"Eat slowly, be careful of choking!" She stood on tiptoe and stroked its deliberately lowered head, feeling cold like jade.

After Leou finished eating, she rubbed Yumo's face and let out a cry.

On the other side, Mei Luo is trying to get rid of her two sons, the scars are healed and she forgets the pain, the puppies who have been severely spanked by Yu Mo have not grown at all, they still regard their father as an enemy, but the battle is small Some, it also turned into its original form, and bit the old man.

During this period, Meiluo has many forms of dogs. One is that Yu Mo likes it, and the other is to show his son what a real dog monster is. Naturally, he is as majestic as him, with fluttering white hair and a majestic appearance.

It's a pity, the pup is still young, and his aesthetics are still under construction. He always thinks that his dog looks the best.

The three dogs are like lions playing on the grassland, rolling, biting, and swinging.

What a sunny day, and what a picture of 'father and son love'.

Suddenly, Mei Luo sensed a strange and powerful force flying towards them, and stepped on her son with one paw, restraining them from moving.

The speed of that power is very fast, it will arrive in an instant, and the direction is...

"Silence!" He was startled, and flew towards the lake.

The two puppies didn't feel it until a little later, and flew over after Mei Luo.

At the same time, in the bamboo house, the Shennong Cauldron for refining medicine, the Demon Refining Pot for dozing off, and Duoji who took care of the needle feathers all noticed this power. The same was true for Taotie and Zhulong. The perception of fierce beasts has always been very keen.

"A Zhu, go to the girl!"

Today, Yumo didn't wear the necklace that hangs the artifact, so the demon refining pot was in the bamboo house, and it couldn't appear beside Yu Mo immediately, so Zhulong had to take the demon refining pot away.

On the dressing table, the Kunlun mirror sparkled and flew up instantly.

"Little Shitou, the little master is in danger!"

Duoji also sensed the power, and when he heard the voice of Kunlun Mirror, he said in surprise: "Brother, you finally spoke!"

"Don't talk nonsense, go!"

Duoji hurriedly followed the pace of Zhulong holding the Kunlun mirror.

The Shennong Ding is refining medicine, and there is no way to help him if he goes there, but he is very familiar with this force, and he is even more surprised, because it is impossible, and the lineage of the Shennong family cannot appear in the mountain and sea world.

Bi Xi, who was also a ferocious beast, didn't feel anything, because he was sleepy, and was dozing off. It wasn't woken up until people approached, but the barrier was broken, and it didn't stop it at all.

"Who is it!" it roared.

The roar of the main body was quite powerful. Yu Mo, who was feeding in the lake, was shocked to the eardrums, and his ears buzzed.

"Bi Xi, what are you yelling, are you sleepy?" She yelled back.

Leoulou is still in its infancy, although it is a spirit beast, its perception is obviously not high, but the fur ball in the Baize Holy Land in the distance has already rushed over quickly.

Yumo raised her eyes and saw a group of animals and artifacts rushing towards her in all directions, the dust was flying, some were in the air, some were running on the ground, she was startled,
What's going on here?
Suddenly, a shadow floated over her head, she thought it was a cloud, but when she looked up, she was actually a woman, dressed in...

military uniform?

She has seen military uniforms from many countries, but she has never seen this kind of uniforms. They are very handsome, very much like the military uniforms in anime.

But... No, how could there be such clothes in Shanhaijie, and this woman wore a... Her brain twitched, and her first reaction was... Oops, oh my god, it must be heatstroke, and I saw cosplay up!
He quickly patted his face, sobered up, and looked up again. The woman was approaching, and he seemed very happy to see her. The raised black hair let her see her appearance clearly, she was a stunning beauty.

"You are……?"

The visitor also spoke, "Are you Lan Yumo?"

She nodded reflexively.

"Great! Hand over the Shennong Cauldron!"

"Huh!?" Yu Mo was dumbfounded.

At this time, Mei Luo has rushed over, protecting her in her arms, a group of fierce beasts, spirit beasts, and artifacts lined up in front of her one by one, like a wall, the formation is huge, and the picture is very handsome!

Yumo said that she felt very cool.

"Yanhuang, I seem to have seen something extraordinary."

"That's right, in front of you, starting from the left, are the demon refining pot (artifact), Taotie (a fierce beast), Zhulong (a fierce beast), Bai Ze (spiritual beast), Nuwashi (a divine weapon), holding It is the Kunlun mirror (artifact), two dogs, no, two puppies, and... the big dog, the big dog... holding the human being."

After finishing speaking, the virtual screen lists the detailed information of these things, but when it comes to the is directly displayed, it may be Samoyed...two, the other one...unknown species, but it is analyzed that there are dragon horns, and three are played Question mark, classification - variant varieties.

"Needless to say, I saw it!" She landed in a safe place, cupped her hands to her mouth, and coughed. It was difficult to fight in such a big battle. It's better to be polite before fighting, "This... everyone Friends in the mountain and sea world, I am a human being, just like this Miss Lan Yumo!"

Yu Mo was hugged tightly by Mei Luo, and poked his head out with all his strength, "Are you human!?"

"Yes, like you, from Earth!"

"You are really human!" Yu Mo believed her identity, the word "Earth" is unknown to the monsters in the world of mountains and seas, "You also came in by accident?"

"No, I did it on purpose. It's a long story. I came here to ask for herbs. I know from Bai Yu that you have Shennong..."

As soon as they heard the word Bai Yu, the atmosphere changed, including Yu Mo, who immediately retracted into Mei Luo's embrace, "You are a bad person!"

Those who are with Bai Yu are definitely not good people, even human beings are the same, and she mentioned Shennong Ding.

"How can you tell that I am a bad person? I just came here to ask for herbal medicine, and I have no other intentions."

Yumo didn't believe it, the fierce beasts and spirit beasts protecting her all bared their teeth.

"I really don't have any intentions. I came to Shanhaijie just to find a double soul congealing herb. My husband needs this herb to heal his body. It is a very important medicine and indispensable. I spent three Months, no, the correct way to say is that I came to the Mountain Sea Realm three months ago, and because of some kind of relationship, I went to the Night Falcon clan, but I was put under house arrest by that bastard Bai Yu in the Eastern Emperor Bell for three whole months. It’s been a month, and now I’ve finally come out. From his mouth, I know that the Shuangpo Soul Concentrating Grass has long been extinct, but Shennong Ding is a herbal medicine storehouse, and there may be a stock of this herb. I only need one plant, and I will leave when I get it. Never Do you any harm." Her tone was sincere, and she added, "Miss Lan, please, my husband really needs this herb. We are both human beings in the world of mountains and seas, so we can be regarded as acquaintances from other places, right?"

Yu Mo didn't know whether to believe it or not, and looked up at Mei Luo, "What do you think?"

"It's true that she doesn't have monster power, but... there is a kind of power that is different from monster power, like..."

"God!" It was Mao Qiu who spoke.

Yu Mo was confused, "God?"

"God, and she is the most honorable Phoenix Goddess among the ancient gods, and..." Apart from the god's breath, Mao Qiu also smelled another breath, and felt that it was somewhat similar to the breath of Shennong Ding.

"You are a descendant of Emperor Yan of the Shennong clan..." The Shennong Cauldron, which was supposed to be refining medicine, flew over.

"Yanhuang, this is the Shennong cauldron!"


"Great!" She rushed over.

The Shennong Ding flew to Yu Mo's side, but she was blocked by the wall of the beast.

Yumo glanced at the message just now, "Maoqiu said you are a god, you said you are a human being, and Brother Ding said you are a descendant of Shennong!" She felt very confused and couldn't help but anxiously said, "Who are you? Who is it?"

"You don't need to understand these. It's useless to understand. I just want grass. Do you have that Shennong Cauldron, Shuangpo Soul Condensing Grass? One plant, I only need one plant. You also said just now that I am Shennong's Emperor Yan Descendants, you count as belonging to my family, right?"

"Brother Ding, can she hear you?"

"She is a god, she should be able to hear the words of the divine weapon." Fuqiu explained.

"Hey? What a god!" Yu Mo looked incredible.

"Miss Lan, it really doesn't matter whether I am a god, a human being, or a descendant of Shennong. I just want grass. Do you understand, grass!" Her patience is limited.

Taotie said: "She can pass through the barrier of Bixi without hindrance, which proves that she has the power of a god."

Fierce beasts are not afraid of the sky or the earth, they are afraid of the ancient gods, because it is these gods who sealed them.

"Don't talk, let me stroke..." But she couldn't figure it out, she just felt confused, and looked at Mei Luo again, "Me Luo, she really doesn't look like a bad person."

"Bad guy, how can you see it."

I heard that someone put on a straight face, shook his index finger at Meiluo, and said, "Dog, you are wrong to say that. Dogs are good friends of should help humans."


Mei Luo's face was full of black really was a human being.

In fact, without Yumo's consent, Shennong Ding is already looking for herbs, "Shuangpo Soul Condensing Grass, I do have it, if you want it, I can give it to you right away! Girl, I can't resist this person, she is my first master Descendants of Shennong."

"you sure?"


Yumo thought for a while and asked, "Aren't you and Bai Yu on the same team?"

"I don't have anything to do with him for half a dime. I just want grass, and I will go back when I get it."

"Go back?" Yu Mo finally found the key point and asked, "Can you come and go to the Mountain Sea Realm and Xuanyuan Realm at will?"

"Oh, it's more troublesome if you come here, and it's easier to go back, and it's not like coming and going at will, mainly because of my bloodline."

"Then...then..." Yu Mo broke away from Mei Luo's embrace, "Can I go back with you?"

"Silence!" Mei Luo was startled, although she knew that she couldn't let go of Xuanyuan Realm, but she couldn't go back since the Pangu Ax was not found, but now that such a number one person came, his heart was lifted.

"Yes! But...excuse me, what year are you from?"

"In 20XX..." She didn't want to abandon Meiluo, but she had been in the world of mountains and seas for so long, and she really missed her relatives. She couldn't find the Pangu axe, and she couldn't go back. This thought has been pressed in her heart, but now there is someone who can... If you come and go at will, your thoughts will explode, and you can come back after you go back, right?
She shook her head, "No, I can only go back to my time, which is 1000 years after your time."

Yu Mo opened her mouth in shock, no wonder, her clothes and the things on her arms are so 'anime', it turns out they are people from the future.

"I didn't lie to you. I really came from 1000 years later. It is correct to say that my era is the year 910 of the New Era! My era is actually not much different from the era you lived in. The only difference is that there are no countries on earth anymore There is only one world."


"Also, official language: Chinese, official currency: RMB!"

"Ah!" Yu Mo's eyes widened in surprise, "We Chinese finally dominate the world?"

She laughed dryly: "It can be said that...but it can't be said completely..." There is a reason why she didn't say this, the era of the 21st century... Calculate... about 100 years later...

Can't say it, so as not to scare people.

Yumo was proud of the rise of the Chinese people, "It was really hit by the Yankees, we Chinese really dominate the world, hahaha, it's a pity that after 1000, I would have died long ago." Although she was a little disappointed that she couldn't go back, but It will not be difficult for others, "If you want grass, I will give it to you. It is a celebration of us Chinese dominating the world. Hahaha!"

The Chinese people are proud!
Shennong Ding has been waiting for this sentence, otherwise it will not be reliable.

"Thank you!" She packed up the medicine and was about to leave. According to the time, she still had time to go back to celebrate her dear husband's birthday. "Although I don't know why you fell into the mountain and sea world, I can tell you some information. When I came, I was in the easternmost...that..."

Yanhuang reminded, "Myriad Demon Mountain."

"Yes, Wanmo Mountain, I have found the breath of Pan Gu's axe, and I just passed by occasionally. This thing is of no use to me. I think you need it, so it's a gift in return."

Everyone was shocked by the news, and everyone was stunned.

"You're welcome, it's reciprocal!" She got the Shuangpo Soul Condensing Grass, and she was in a good mood, "Oh, don't be too anxious, a month in the mountain and sea world is equivalent to a day in the human world, so you don't have to worry about your relatives waiting You are anxiously waiting, unless you have really been here for a long time!"

This is another very surprising news.

"and also……"

There is still...

"I thought about it, since I can meet you, there must be some cause and effect. You take this, this is the token of my Ye family. Remember that at 21 o'clock in the morning on X, X, 2XX, The world will be destroyed due to huge earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and ocean-wide tsunamis. The total population will drop from 60 billion to 6 million, and the casualties will be extremely heavy. You can tell your children and grandchildren to hold this piece of land before the disaster happens. Token to this place." She tossed a map with a big red X on it.

"My Ye family will definitely protect your descendants to survive this catastrophe and continue to reproduce. If there is a real destiny, maybe your descendants will be people I know in 1000 years. However, with you There will be no deadline, goodbye, Miss Lan!"

"Wait, what's your name?"

"Me?" She turned her head, showing a magnificent smile, "Ye Enchanting!"

After speaking, she flew into the air and disappeared in an instant.

Yu Mo held the token in her hand, it was shaped like a phoenix tail, colorful in color, very beautiful, but she was dumbfounded... not because it was beautiful.


Uh... There is too much information, and her brain is a bit overwhelmed.

New Era 910.

The No.11 area in the world (Because there is no distinction between countries, the earth is divided into 88 areas.", this is an island, the area is equivalent to one-third of Taiwan Island, there are natural storm circles and thunderstorm clouds around the island Protection, no matter what means of transportation, it is impossible to enter this mysterious island through this layer of protection.

Passing through the natural protective outer layer, the island is like spring all year round, and peach blossoms are in full bloom all year round. There is a Baozi Mountain and a Xiaolong Mountain in the center, both named after their shapes.

The highest point of Xiaolong Mountain is Feng Su Court, where the head of the Ye family lived.

A door opened from the depths, and the people waiting outside were overjoyed and rushed up one after another, "The suzerain is back!"

Ye Yaoluo took off Yanhuang and threw it to a young man, "Jiuge, someone sealed the passage to the mountain and sea world, that place is too messy!!"


"Sovereign, suzerain, is the mountain and sea world fun? Have you got the herbs?" Huishan asked curiously. She was one of the twelve zodiac guards of the suzerain of the Ye family, and so was Jiuge.

"It's not very fun...a whole zoo! But I got the herbs! By the way, how is Yechen, did you notice that I went to the Mountain and Sea Realm?"

Huishan took a step back, a drop of sweat appeared on her forehead, "Young master...Young master is so" She raised her hand and ran away like a rabbit. She really deserved her identity, the guardian of the zodiac The rabbit general in the middle said, "Young master is so smart, how can you hide it from him? Sovereign master, you should explain it yourself. Huishan will be afraid of him when he sees..."

"Hey... didn't I want you to keep it a secret?" After talking for five days, it's only a little over three days now... This girl is useless at all.

Let Yechen know about this, she was sweating coldly...

It's can be fixed.

Yechen likes birds the most... Buying him a bird will definitely make him happy, that's what she did before.

But he doesn't have any birds, he should have all kinds of birds.

She rubbed her forehead, thinking hard... suddenly thought of it... flicked her finger, "Yes!"

"Jiu Ge, don't seal it so quickly, let me catch a bird first... There is a bird named Eagle King, it's pretty good! Ugly is a bit ugly, but your uncle's birthday is coming soon, I want to give it to you. A birthday present."

Birds in the world of mountains and seas certainly don't exist in the human world, and they are so big, he must like them. In a place as big as Yejia, it doesn't matter how big the birds are.


Jiu Ge said that my uncle's favorite bird is the's you, suzerain!


But the Eagle King had just been captured, and something happened.

"Yechen, don't be angry, I'm going to get the medicine, don't you think I'm back, don't shake your eyebrows, don't get excited, don't get excited, okay, okay, I know I'm wrong... your body No, you will pass when you get excited, look, look, you are out of breath... Calm down! Take a deep breath! Oops... Come on, call Tianxing quickly."

Tian Xing is the tiger general in the Chinese zodiac and also a famous doctor.

The patriarch of the Ye family, Ye Yaoluo, is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but is afraid of Yuchi Yechen (her husband) shaking his eyebrows.

The story of Ye Yaoluo and Yuchi Yechen... sorry, that's another story.

 If you want to know the story of Ye Yaoluo and Yuchi Yechen, please look forward to "The First Lady: Please marry the President"


(End of this chapter)

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