The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 530 Part 297 The Trip to the Demonic Island

Chapter 530 Part 297 The Trip to the Demonic Island

Yu Mo sat on the edge of the bed holding the token of the Ye family, his mind was still burning with Ye Yaoluo's words.

100 years later... what was depicted in that movie in 2012 will happen, and only 60 million of the world's 6 billion people are left... She covered her face with her hands, it was too scary and unreal, but this one is called Ye Yaoluo There is no need to lie to her, the clothes on her body can prove it very well. Then again, what is the origin of this Ye family, and why she has never heard of it when she was in the human world.

She decided to put away the token first, whether it was true or not, she would tell the Lan family about it.

"Silently... eat!"

There were two puppies lying on Mei Luo's shoulders. After Ye Yaoluo returned, Yu Mo was in a daze state, ignoring anyone who called her, shaking her head from time to time and winking her eyebrows, and stayed there for two hours.

"Come right away." She handed the token to the demon refining pot. If you want to hide things, it must be the safest to hide in the demon refining pot.

Taotie said: "Girl, do you really believe what that woman said?"

"Don't you all say that she is a god? How can a god lie to people? Speaking of which, this matter has nothing to do with the mountains and seas. The catastrophe wiped out the human beings in the Xuanyuan realm, not you. Of course you think it doesn't matter, but I have a heart." I mentioned it. Although 100 years is far away, I will not live until then, but my Lan family is prosperous, and there will definitely be descendants alive in 100 years. As an ancestor, I have to give my descendants Wake up. Also..." She glanced at Mei Luo, two puppies were biting his hair, but he was calm and let them bully him, she walked over, pulled the dragon mastiff off, and said fiercely, "Buy me again Dad, Mom is angry."

The two puppies are not idle all the time, and the father and son are definitely enemies in the previous life.

Dragon Mastiff let out a groan of grievance.

"Why are you wronged? Your father is wronged. He is bullied by you two all day long. Do you know how to respect the old and love the young? Then spank your ass."

Hearing the spanking, the two puppies immediately rolled their tails into their hips.

"Dragon Mastiff, have you grown up again, why are you so heavy?"

She struggled to hug, one was already like this, and the other two were really weak. During the few days in Penglai Island, the weight of the two puppies increased, especially the dragon mastiff, the longer it grows, the bigger it is. One of the largest dog breeds in the world is the Saint Banner.

The Dragon Soul was pulled off from the shoulder by Mei Luo, and held under the armpit, she asked, "Is it heavy? Let me hug it!"

"No, one is enough." She continued the topic just now, "Mei Luo, Wanmo Island, do you know?"

Of course Mei Luo knew where it was, but her face was a bit ugly when she spoke, "Do you still remember that I told you that my queen mother saved Dada."

"Well, remember, it is because of this grace of life that the cat monster clan and the dog monster clan will be on good terms."

"That's right. My mother's queen is Dada who was rescued on the Demon Island."

"Hey? What a coincidence? So... Isn't Dada very familiar with Wanmo Island!" She was a little delighted.

Mei Luo's face became more serious, "Momo, Wanmo Island is the island of monsters, and there are tens of thousands of monsters inhabiting it, and they are all extremely ferocious and terrifying monsters. If it weren't for the island being blocked by an enchantment , so that these monsters cannot leave the island, I am afraid that the surrounding monsters will be swallowed up by the monsters."

Although there are three classes of monsters, there are weak ones, and there are also strong ones, but they can't stand such a huge number. A dozen of them may be able to match, but hundreds, or even thousands of them, how to deal with them?
After all calculations, everyone never thought that the Pangu ax would fall in such a dangerous place.

Yumo felt like she was on a break...

With the Pangu ax in this kind of place, how do I go up and get it?I don't know where it landed on Wanmo Island?It takes a lot of searching.As for the resonance of the artifact... Hehe, forget it, she has long since given up hope if she ever succeeded.

That being the case, it must be searched manually.


Even though she was discouraged, she did not give up and looked at Taotie tentatively, "How many of them can you deal with?"

Taotie said: "You will find out when you have to go. Although monsters are inferior to our beasts, there are many beasts comparable in ability. If they are ordinary monsters, I can easily deal with hundreds of them, but if Many of them are rare species. Then... I am afraid it will be a waste of time." It is not the prestige of destroying beasts, but considering that only humans can use the Pangu axe, which means that Yumo must go to the island. Only it, or the dog boy, can run away if it can't be beaten, and there is absolutely no problem in saving its life, but when she goes, the beast's claws have no eyes, and if she is trapped, it may not be able to protect her well, and humans have always been the favorite of Warcraft I like the food better than the demon.

"Warcraft are so scary? I have seen a few of them, why do you think they are not as powerful as you?"

"That's because although the ones you saw were high-level, they were all tamed. Rutuntian is an extremely rare monster, but it was also a monster that my ancestors captured and spent a lot of time cultivating and taming before they could become guardians of the clan." When it comes to guardian monsters, it is said that most of them were caught on the island of ten thousand demons, or the powerful monsters managed to break free from the barrier and escaped and were caught by the demon clan, and then tamed. Silently, one or two, It’s really not difficult to deal with even a dozen of them, but no one has ever counted how many monsters there are on Wanmo Island. My queen mother used to need a blind medicine on Wanmo Island in order to save the tribe, so she broke into it alone. After fighting for seven days and seven nights, the medicinal herb was finally found, but it was also covered in wounds, and it took a long time to heal."

This was something before he was born, and it was also the most frequently mentioned thing when the dog monsters praised Queen Qiluo's merits.

"So there is no way to go!" After finally getting the news of Pangu Axe, it was all in vain, and the loss in her heart can be imagined.

Mei Luo knew how she was feeling, but he couldn't let her take risks. If there was no absolutely safe way, he would definitely not let her go to Wanmo Island.

Taotie said again: "Girl, if we have enough people, maybe we can fight together."

"What do you mean?"

"My lord, Zhulong, Bai Ze, and Leulou are all counted as combat power. The dog boy, wolf boy, wolf girl, and... the fox boy and the fierce generals around him are also counted as first-class combat power. The vanguard is Yes, but the back-up is still a bit short, if we can have a standing strength equivalent to ours and form a back-up team, assisted by Duoji and Shennong Ding, maybe we can barely try."

After listening to Yumo, she explained... that is, gather together a group of strong players to play the dungeon, the tank that pulls hatred must be powerful, the long-range damage output must be powerful, and the nanny is even more powerful... seems unrealistic for so many people to go to the island.

First of all, the Fox Monster Clan is in troubled times, Li Wang must be inseparable, and the injury of Zhen Yu is still not healed, so there is definitely no hope for these two generals.

As for the backup's too hard to find if it's about as strong as Meiluo, Dada and Awu, Jinji and Jifu, I don't know if they can be counted, even if they can, all the strong generals in the dog realm will be on the stage, in case Once the entire army is wiped out on the island, will the dog monster tribe still hang out in the mountain and sea world?Having already lost one Cangwu, the Dog Monster Clan can no longer lose troops or generals.

This suggestion is obviously not feasible.

Two furry dog ​​paws rested on Yu Mo's hands, and when he looked down, it was Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff. The four dog eyes were shining, as if they were saying... We, your son and us.

She was sweating, and quickly hugged her son tightly, knowing that they are powerful, but how could she let her son do such a dangerous thing as a mother? It's not their turn to do it.

"Cough cough cough..."

Just as Yumo was gloomy, Kunlun Mirror finally reacted.

"Little master, I have a better way."

A strange voice suddenly appeared in her head, and she was startled, "Who!?"

"Sister, it's the elder brother. The elder brother finally spoke." Duoji ran in from the door. The artifact can talk through the air. He was decocting medicine, and immediately ran up when he heard the Kunlun Mirror speak.

"Kunlun Mirror?"

"Yes, little master, it is the old man."

Yumo didn't think it was weird to call the little master, because she is indeed the master of the Kunlun mirror now, but the small characters of the little master sounded uncomfortable to her, but Duoji told her that the Kunlun mirror was reincarnated as Kunlun mirror before. Yao, Kun Yao is old and looks like an old man, so it is not too much to add a small character to address her, so she ignores it.

"Are you finally willing to speak?"

"I'm sorry, little master, old... old... woo woo woo..." Before he could finish speaking, water drops oozed from the surface of the Kunlun mirror.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"I'm happy, I didn't expect the little master..." Its little master came back again.

"You don't have to cry if you're happy!"

"Yes, yes, you shouldn't cry, you should be happy." He suppressed his tears and continued, "The old man's ability is to reverse time. If he goes to the island of ten thousand demons and conflicts with monsters, the old man can set up an enchantment. As long as our troops are injured , even the old man can reverse the time on him, including physical strength, if so, maybe he can fight for a while, but..."

"It's just that once your enchantment disappears, the injured person will still be injured. It's just that in battle, a hundred injuries will not invade, as long as there is God's help. But after the battle, the injuries will accumulate. You may not feel it during the battle, but once the enchantment is gone , if there are too many minor injuries, it will turn into a serious injury, and maybe you will die."

"That's right, but this method can greatly enhance our combat power." During the war, no one will be injured, and their physical strength will not decrease. It is possible to fight one against a hundred.

"No. Although I want to find the Pangu axe, it will cost too much to exchange the lives of many people."

"Little master, you must not act with the benevolence of a woman." Kunlun Jing was the regent, and knew that in order to achieve the goal of anything, there must always be sacrifices. The Pangu ax is also what Bai Yu wants, no matter what. Can't let him get it.

"It's not a woman's benevolence, it's because she has seen the pros and cons clearly. The Pangu ax is on the island of ten thousand demons. Fundamentally speaking, it is very safe. We can't get it, and neither can Bai Yu." The combat power around her is quite strong. On the other hand, Bai Yu is more powerful than Xuanyuan Sword.

"Little master, your kindness is really the same as before, it hasn't changed at all..."

"Huh? You knew me before?" She didn't remember knowing him.

The Kunlun Mirror thought of the past and missed it very much. Colorful waves appeared on the mirror. She was the reincarnation of Nuwa's youngest daughter. It didn't intend to tell, and she probably wouldn't believe it, but it didn't forget one thing.

Back then, Empress Nuwa's youngest daughter divided her soul into three parts, one part was given to Dragon Palace, one part was given to Huarui, Kun Yao's mother, and the last part was in Yu Mo's own body.

If all three souls return, according to her current health level, the part of the ability belonging to the god may be awakened. It just so happens that the soul of the stamen is in its mirror, and it just needs to find an opportunity to return it to her.

As for the Dragon Palace... Yulongchi lost the Nine Dragon Soul, and the last soul is stored in the Nine Dragon Soul, as long as you find a way to find this soul, the question is where is the Nine Dragon Soul?
This is also the reason why Kunlun Mirror has not communicated with her after knowing her identity, because it is trying to find Nine Dragon Soul.

"Little master, if you feel that the old man's method is inappropriate, then the old man has another suggestion."


"Fuxiqin. My little master can ask the Queen of the Dragon Palace to borrow it. It is the old man's second younger brother. It has the ability to manipulate the soul, whether it is a human, a demon, or a monster. As long as the willpower is not too strong, or weaker, it can manipulate them, and can turn these manipulated monsters into our troops. However... if some are very strong, it may not be possible, but at least for Our combat strength is helpful. In addition... the old man, Duoji, and Fuxi can use the Void Formation. If they are unable to fight or are in danger, the three of us can use these ferocious and invincible monsters Inhale into the void formation."

Dorji nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, brother is right, we still have the Void Formation."

Yu Mo is not very clear about what the Void Formation is, but if he can guess what it is, it is probably a barrier like the Eastern Emperor Bell.

This idea sounded good, so she quickly discussed it with Mei Luo.

After hearing this, Mei Luo agreed, but the troops still lacked a combat power.

Li Wang is a nine-tailed fox. With his help, the safety factor of Ten Thousand Demon Island will increase by three points.

In this way, it is imminent to help Li Wang ascend to the position of Fox Demon King. As long as he becomes the Fox Demon King, he owes Mei Luo a favor, and he will pay back with tens of thousands of demon islands. I believe he will not refuse.

The problem is... how will he settle for kidnapping Yumo?
Mei Luo doesn't want to let it go, but compared with Yu Mo's wish, he doesn't care about forbearance. There is a saying in human beings that "ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge". Ten years is too short for a demon. For a demon, revenge is 500. The year is not too late.

The most urgent task is to return to the fox monster clan and help King Li kill King Jing.

In the evening, Yumo took out the token again, and stroked it in the palm of his hand.

Mei Luo embraced her from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder, "You've been looking at this token for a long time, what's so interesting about it?"

"I touched it for a long time and couldn't figure out what kind of material it was made of. It looked like metal and jade. It was cool to the touch, but it became very moist after a long time. It was very strange, and the color was also beautiful. Eat. At that time, I asked Brother Ding, and Brother Ding did not know much about this Ye family. He only said that the Shennong family, also known as Emperor Yan, had a prosperous ethnic group, but because of many powerful enemies, it gradually became difficult to fight, and the ethnic group began to wither. Ashamed, I went to Mount Sumeru. Oh, it was the mountain where Taotie was sealed. At that time, there was no Taotie on the mountain. On Mount Sumeru, Shennong rescued the Phoenix Goddess, and the Phoenix Goddess told him that as long as he married her, all The offspring born will inherit the power of her god. As long as the Ye family can abide by the rules she set, the ethnic group can prosper forever. Brother Ding can't tell exactly what it is, it's just a mystery. This Ye family is the source Here. I heard it both bloody and unbelievable. You know, I have never heard of this Ye family in the human world. But Brother Ding said that the world does not know that the Ye family is one of the rules set by Phoenix , I want them to keep a low profile, the lower the profile the better." She played with the token and continued, "It's been almost two years since I came to the Mountain Sea Realm, and I thought it had been two years in the Human Realm, who knows the time in the Human Realm? It’s different from Shanhaijie, where one month is equal to one day, which means that after two years, my parents’ place is only [-] days, not even a month.”

"Isn't that great?" Regarding the issue of time, he hadn't thought about it, because for a demon, time is too much, and being missing for 100 years is nothing at all.

"It's very good at Mom and Dad's place, but think about it, I'm already a mother, and when I go back with the baby, Dad's teeth may fall out in shock." She played enough with the token and stuffed it into the alcove. In the demon pot, the two lay down together, she leaned on his chest, "Mei Luo, do you blame me for always wanting to go back?"

"That's your world. There's nothing wrong with you wanting to go back. Your willingness to be with me is the best thing in this world."

"Actually, I haven't been able to find the Pangu ax for so long. I thought I would never be able to go back in this life, but now the good news comes from heaven. I am both happy and distressed. I am glad that you know that I can go back with it, but I am distressed. The place where it is is so dangerous. Mei Luo, I have thought about it. If it is really that dangerous, we should not go there. It is only fate. As long as I can live with you and my child safely, I will not It's just a pity. It's just that there will be a catastrophe in the human world in 100 years. I heard that I really can't let the descendants of the Lan family be in danger in the future, do you understand?"

What she worries most is that he will have lumps in his heart.

"Mo Mo, I'm not such a stingy man. Your family is also my family. The descendants of your Lan family are also my relatives. Don't worry, I will accompany you to the palace when the matter of King Li is resolved. Wanmo Island is looking for the Pangu Ax."

"Really?" She looked up, her eyes shining with gratitude when she looked at him.

"You are my wife. As a wife, how can a husband not satisfy your wishes. It's late, go to sleep. We will return to the Fox Demon Clan tomorrow. Are you ready for a showdown with King Li?"

She raised her small fist, "Of course, I've already thought up a bunch of words to scold him, and I promise to leave him speechless."

(End of this chapter)

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