The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 531 Part 298 Fighting in the Demon Refining Pot

Chapter 531 Part 298 Fighting in the Demon Refining Pot

Early the next morning after deciding to have a showdown with Li Wang, Yu Mo and Mei Luo returned to Li Wang's mansion. Standing tall, valiant and high-spirited, he crackled and accused him of what he had done.

Li Wang's shock can be imagined, and his face was even darker.

"Stinky fox, what else do you want to say? If you have something, say it now, in front of Mei Luo."

The ally was in front of her, and she was also her husband. What else could he say? After exhausting all the tricks, hiding and concealing, and trying his best, it was still nothing in the end.There is no guilt at all, only anger and jealousy.

The black face suddenly became a little violent.

Yu Mo thought that he wanted to make a move, so he quickly hid behind Mei Luo, "You... what is your expression? Could it be that I was wrong? It was you who took me back because you didn't talk about the alliance. Friends and wives are not allowed. Play, you always understand this truth, right?"

"You're not his wife yet! The wedding hasn't been held, and the empress ceremony hasn't happened yet, so what kind of couple are you?" Yao also pays attention to being married by a medium, especially the royal family. Without a wedding, they are nothing.

After saying this, Mei Luo's face was darker than his, and in a moment of anger, a little bit of evil spirit spewed out, shaking the wall and kicking up dust.

Seeing this, Li Wang simply released the demonic energy, and the purple demonic energy behind him turned into nine huge fox tails, looking at Mei Luo provocatively.

He envied him, envied him from the bottom of his heart.

But it was a bit late. If he had brought her back to the Fox Monster Clan in Lin Hai back then, he firmly believed that she would be his woman.

"Fox, don't be too angry!!"

"So what, my fair lady and gentleman, since you are unmarried, why can't I pursue you. It's just that the means are not very bright."

"What's not so bright, you're clearly despicable!" Yu Mo stomped her feet angrily, "I came to confront you today, just because I don't want this matter to continue. You bow your head and apologize, and I will let the past go. As long as you promise that you will not have any unreasonable thoughts about me in the future, you and Mei Luo will still be allies, and will still help you grab the throne according to the original agreement."

"This king will not apologize." He will not bow his head to the dog demon king, "This king said when we formed an alliance, you and the throne are two different things."

"Why are you so stubborn!" Yu Mo gritted his teeth angrily, "You can't even turn a corner."

"Go behind you silently." Mei Luo embraced her behind her.

Before coming, Yu Mo urged him not to complain to King Li. If she had something to say, as long as King Li was willing to admit his mistake, this matter would be canceled and he would deal with Bai Yu and King Li first. , but still listened to what she said, and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but now it seems that this fight with King Li is unavoidable.He happened to hold his breath, and if he didn't teach the fox a lesson, he would write his name upside down.

"Mei Luo, this is the fox demon clan, it's not good to fight."

"He picked it up first. I have long wanted to settle with him for taking you away. King Li, come on." He raised the hem of his robe and made an attacking gesture.

"As you wish!"

Li Wang yelled, and in an instant, the demonic aura of the two of them soared, the whole room was shaken, and it collapsed into ruins in the blink of an eye.

Yumo was protected by Taotie's enchantment, so she was completely fine and was taken to a safe place.

"Girl, this man's business needs to be settled with fists. Don't worry about it. Both the dog boy and the fox boy are strong monsters, and they are evenly matched! But you will only know who is stronger after you have beaten him." Ning Bao sealed the shame of having entered the magic box, it absolutely hoped that Mei Luo could win, and if he couldn't win... it would secretly help.

"Don't try your best, this is the fox monster clan. The fight is too loud, and Mei Luo might be even more dangerous. Go and stop the two of them."

"It's late, we're starting a fight. You, don't worry, I will watch over the dog boy and won't hurt him. What about you, find a place, have a cup of tea, and watch a show."

"Look at you big-headed ghost!" Yumo clenched his fist and knocked on its forehead, "What if it alarmed the fox monster clan!?"

"This is easy!" Taotie released the demon refining pot, "Ahu, suck the two boys into your pot and beat them, don't vent your demon spirit."


The demon refining pot moved its hands to suck Mei Luo and Li Wang into the pot, and they were also willing, otherwise they would have to compete with demon power and spiritual power.

This method was indeed good, but Yu Mo was still worried, and followed into the demon refining pot, letting Taotie watch out.

There are other people in the demon refining pot, Bixi, Zhulong, Maoqiu, Leou, Duoji are all staying in it.

When Li Wang and Mei Luo came in to fight, they all came out with chairs to watch the show with excited faces. After Yu Mo came in, she quickly moved a chair for her. Everyone was on Bixi, watching across the sea. The sea is in the pot of refining demons. Although Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff are not very close to Mei Luo, blood is thicker than water after all, so they break away from Ji Fu and Jin Ji and want to help.

"Don't go!" Yu Mo stopped the two of them.

Dragon Mastiff and Long Po drooped their heads, looking very unhappy.

Jinji and Jifu are members of the dog demon tribe, and Mei Luo is their king. They can't stand by and watch, they are really anxious and want to help, but Li Wang's demon power is too strong, and they can't get close.

In the distance, both Li Wang and Mei Luo had turned into their original forms, biting and rushing, stirring up the entire cloud layer like a huge wave.

"Moment, what's the matter?"

Shudu suddenly appeared, and when Yumo came back, he went to the bamboo house to see Zhenyu, and he was relieved to know that she was fine, and when he was about to get out of the demon refining pot, he was startled by the demonic and murderous aura of King Li and Meiluo.

"Don't ask, let alone shoot." If he went, it would be a three-party melee, and it would definitely be more chaotic.

Shu is stupid to step up and intervene, and it is best for Li Wang and Mei Luo to lose both sides.

"Oh, I won't interfere, don't worry, but you...are you hot, why are you sweating?" He took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"I'm not hot, I'm anxious."

"What's the rush? Isn't it just a fight? Come on, let's go and sit there." He took her hand and took the opportunity to show courteousness.

This is eating tofu, but Yu Mo is not thinking about it at the moment.

She didn't think about it, Mei Luo and Li Wang in the distance didn't let Shudu go, this kid clearly wanted to make a profit.

The two shot at the same time, turning the demonic energy into sword energy, and shot towards Shudu.

Shu Du nimbly turned over to dodge, the sword energy pierced two holes in the ground, but perfectly avoided Yu Mo, Shu Du bulged out his veins, and waved his fist at them, "Do you have eyes? You can shoot like this!" crooked?"

"It was you who shot!"

Mei Luo and Li Wang spoke in unison.

Shu Du was furious, and rushed over with a demonic aura.

The three parties fought in a melee, and the world was shaken instantly.

Zhulong glanced at the anxious Yumo, "Girl, look at how popular you are."

"Who wants this kind of welcome!"

I thought she didn't have much luck in the human world, but in the world of mountains and seas, there are peach blossoms one after another, but she is alone, one is enough, and the extra ones are all rotten peach blossoms.

Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff watched very enthusiastically, and clapped their hands when they saw something exciting, and they were even more eager to try, but being held down by Yu Mo, the two puppies did not dare to act rashly.

The world in the pot of the Demon Refining Pot is very big, even if there are hundreds more people fighting, it will be no problem, but the three of them are evenly matched, and there is no way to tell the winner. Fighting in the air with all their strength.

One hour passed, two hours passed...

Yu Mo only had Mei Luo in his heart, and when he saw that he was dying, his heart ached and he yelled under the three of them.

The three of them saw it, but the man's dignity cannot be humiliated, no one will tell the winner, and they will never stop fighting, but she is below, afraid that it will affect her, the three of them consciously fly away.

"Stop hitting!" Yumo shouted after the three of them.

"Stay farther away..." Mei Luo urged her.

"Mei Luo, it's useless to fight any longer, just let it out, it's important."

"This is the business!" Nothing is more serious than stealing a wife.

"I'm afraid you'll get hurt!" I'm not afraid of anything else, but what if Shudu and King Li join forces?
The more nervous she was about Mei Luo, the more Shudu and King Li enjoyed it, and they really attacked Mei Luo together.

There is a saying that Xiu Enai dies quickly.

Yumo shouted anxiously, "Shudu, Meiluo is your cousin..."

Shu Du raised his hands and waved, "I only have one sister, and no cousin."

"Two for one, rascal!"

Zhulong dragged Yu Mo back, "Girl, stop talking, the more you talk, the more energetic the wolf boy and the fox boy will be."

What did the three of them fight for? It was because of her. Whoever she favored was unlucky.

Yu Mo quickly shut up, but worried that Mei Luo would not be able to beat Li Wang and Shudu, so he said to Zhulong, "Go up and help Mei Luo fight."

"Me?" Zhulong quickly shook his head, "It's not fair for me to go up.

"Two of them fight one, is this fair?"

"If the dog boy has the ability, he can join forces with the wolf boy..." Zhulong insisted not to go into the muddy water

Yumo glanced at Maoqiu and Lelou, and the two spirit beasts immediately turned their eyes away, looking at a certain place and whistling...

At the critical moment...they all stood by and watched without loyalty.

A few beasts don't show loyalty, and there are many people who are loyal. Jin Ji and Jifu couldn't stand it anymore, and flew to help Mei Luo, but they were blown away by Shudu and Li Wang's evil spirits, and their abilities were insufficient. The heart is strong but not enough.

Suddenly, Jin Ji let out a scream, and saw two balls of monster energy flying into the air.

"Your Highness!" Ji Fu also saw it.

It is Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff.

Blood is thicker than water... It's only natural for the son to help the father.

Three against two!
Yu Mo was startled but couldn't stop, the father and son had already hugged each other.

In a blink of an eye, the five canines in the air were fighting like a storm, and the speed was ridiculously fast. Yu Mo's eyeballs couldn't keep up, and he could only see five different colors of evil spirits flying in the sky.

Which was which, she couldn't tell at all.

Zhulong kindly explained, "Girl, the golden one is the dog boy, the golden-orange one next to it is the dragon mastiff, the black one with gold is the dragon soul. The purple one is the fox boy...the blue one is the wolf boy."

Yumo had an epiphany, depending on the situation, now the father and son team has the upper hand.

"Mei Luo, come on!" If you can't stop it, you can only cheer.

In Yumo's eyes, those demonic auras are like air masses. When they collide and rub together, there will occasionally be sparks and lightning. The tacit understanding between Dragon Mastiff and Dragon Soul is very good. Maybe it's because they fought a lot with Mei Luo on Penglai Island , is very clear about Meiluo's routines, and the assists are excellent.

Mao Qiu couldn't help praising, "The two boys will definitely have a bright future."

Yu Mo thinks it is better not to have such a bright future, because it is easy to cause trouble if you fight fiercely, and she hopes that her sons will be quieter, but with the blood of a demon, Wen Jing reckons it is impossible.

The gang fight in the air continued, but the speed began to slow down. Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, Zhulong actually sneaked Jin Ji and Jifu into the kitchen and asked them to gather food.

Duoji couldn't come because he had to take care of Zhenyu, so he could only open the window to watch. Seeing that Meiluo and his son were about to win, he raised his hands excitedly and cheered.

The five canids were all hung up, hanging precariously in the air, still refusing to let anyone else in. Maintaining the animal form consumed too much power, and finally they all changed back to human form. It's time to get dressed.

Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff are nothing to look at, they are still milk dolls, but the other three are very interesting.

Seeing Yumo, she almost went blind.

"Get dressed!" she roared.

At this time, whoever wears clothes will be vulnerable and easily attacked, so the three of them will not wear clothes if they are killed, and it’s okay to be naked. They are all men, but Yu Mo thinks it is too intrusive.

"Are you comparing the size?"

It's really shocking and endless...

than size...

which size?

Ha ha……

The three men habitually look at their crotch...

Yu Mo yelled anxiously, blushing, "What are you looking at, put on clothes!"

This time the three of them are obedient, and they still think it's better to dress well. What if she sees that there are really big and small?It doesn't matter if it's too big, it's more embarrassing if it's small.

The three of them are fully dressed, the dragon soul and the dragon mastiff still don't know how to store the enchantment, and are still naked. Yumo is worried that he will catch a cold, so he kicks Zhulong's ass, asking it to fly up and bring the two dolls down .

The baby came down, and although she was defeated, there was nothing serious, but the three big men fought again, almost all their demon power was gone, and they could only fight hand-to-hand.

The color is hung on the color, and the color is so hung that I can't bear to look directly at it.

At dawn, the three of them couldn't move anymore, they didn't even have the strength to maintain the stagnation in the air, and they fell wobbly like a kite. It would be no joke if they fell.

Yumo yelled wildly, "Zhulong goes to pick up Meiluo, Maoqiu Shudu, Leoulou you go to pick up Liwang!"

The three beasts obeyed the order and flew up.

After receiving it, the three of them lay side by side on the ground. If it wasn't for the different clothes and hair color, they wouldn't be able to recognize who was who just by looking at their faces.

"Duoji, come and heal the wound!" Yumo shouted to the bamboo building.

"Come on, come on!" Duoji hurried over.

Naturally, Yu Mo was most concerned about Mei Luo, and complained, "It's really worrying, you see your face is swollen into a bun."

"I am Baozi, they are steamed buns!"

Mantoulang retorted, "Not as serious as you!"

"Stupid wolf!"

"Smelly dog!"

Li Wang hehe...

"Stupid fox!" This time, Shu Du and Mei Luo said in unison.

It seems that the hand-to-hand combat is over, and the verbal battle has begun.

Yu Mo couldn't bear it anymore, he clenched his fists and beat the heads of the three of them until each of them had a big bag on their heads...

"To shut up!"

In this demon refining pot chaos competition, the three were tied, and there was no winner.

After coming out of the demon refining pot, Taotie looked at the miserable condition of the three of them, laughed and fell to the ground, rolling.

After fighting, quarreling, and scolding, the matter of kidnapping Yu Mo was canceled. If anyone mentions it again, it will be very disreputable, so the three of them still united the front and discussed the plan to deal with the king.

Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff were more unlucky, and were severely beaten by their mother.It is right to help Lao Tzu, but it is wrong to fight in groups.

Su Wu received the news when Yu Mo came back. She thought King Li would come to blame her, but no one came for a long time, so she asked Ah Zi to inquire. The palace of Prince Li was heavily guarded and the door was closed tightly. , did not find out any news, Su Wu felt a knot in her heart, and finally decided to come in person.

Naturally, King Li didn't have a good face when he saw her, but when he was healing, Yu Mo warned him, and he didn't take his anger out on Su Wu, waved his sleeves and left directly.

Su Wu was bored, so she had to change the way to meet Yu Mo.

Yu Mo was rubbing ointment on Mei Luo, seeing that it was her, he put his bad mood into his belly, and beckoned her to sit down.

Su Wu didn't know what to say to Mei Luo's 'colorful' face, but thinking of Li Wang's face was similar, she immediately understood and laughed out loud.

"Don't laugh, you are so big, and you still play fights, don't you say you are angry."

Mei Luo opened her mouth to complain, but thinking that Yu Mo was still angry, she opened and closed her mouth again.

"It's a good thing that a fight can solve the matter."

"You still praise me, this kind of unhealthy trend cannot grow." She slapped Mei Luo on the face.

Mei Luo gasped in pain, "Be silent, use less force."

"Now that I know it hurts, why go early, it's too late!!"

After applying the ointment, Yumo drove him out, but he didn't dare to stay any longer, and went to find Awu and Dada.

(End of this chapter)

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