The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 532 Part 299 is about to fight

Chapter 532 Part 299

After chatting with Su Wu for a few words, Yu Mo personally sent her out of Li Wang's mansion. When she returned to the other courtyard where she was staying, she met Li Wang by accident.

With him, Yu Mo had nothing to say, and walked past him.

Li Wang suddenly held her shoulder and prevented her from leaving.

"Is it really not possible?" He said bitterly.

She waved her hands on her shoulders, moved some distance away from him, looked at him and said, "No! I can't be with you at all. It was the same in the past, it is now, and it will be the same in the future. You are a smart person, you should know about feelings and you can't Reluctantly. You are a royal family. If you don’t want any woman, why bother. Is it interesting to rob someone else’s woman?”

"The matter of love can't be broken just by saying it."

"That has to be broken. I only have one heart, which is already filled with Meiluo, and there is no room for another person." She decided to explain the matter to him today, "What do you like about me? I am just one Ordinary people. In terms of beauty, I think I look pretty good, but in comparison, I can’t compare to Su Wu, and I’m worse than Ning Yi. In terms of temper, I’m impulsive and irritable, and my mind is easily confused .You will be the fox demon king in the future. What you need is a queen who can help you. I am not qualified at all."

"Beauty and temperament are not the key. I have you in my heart." He was born in the royal family, so he naturally knew that he could have any kind of woman he wanted, but the one he liked was only her since he could remember. He spoke eagerly and couldn't help Get closer to her.

Yu Mo shouted, "Don't come over!"

He stopped in embarrassment, and his face was distorted a bit.

"It's only temporary, and it's best if you don't get it. Although I've known you for a long time, there are very few opportunities to really get along. You don't know me at all, and you don't know what I want most. what?"

"Why doesn't this king know, you want the Pangu axe, you want to go home, this king knows all of this. But what he can give you, this king can give you as well."

"It's not a question of whether to give or not, it's a question of whether I'm willing to accept it or not. Even if you kill Meiluo in the future and get me, I won't be happy, let alone willingly. Do you want me like this? Your mother is like this..."

She had a general idea about the Fox Demon King and Queen, all thanks to the information from Dada and Awucha.

Li Wang trembled, his purple eyes froze.

His mother...

This is indeed a very good reason.

Yumo continued, "My person and heart will only belong to Mei Luo. I love him, love him so much, I love him so much that I can sacrifice everything. Even if I can't go back in this life and never see my parents, I won't Regret. But if it were you, I wouldn’t. I will try my best to find the Pangu Axe, and I will try my best to escape from you. This is the difference. Whether you listen to it or not, it’s impossible. Give up, don't think about me anymore. Because there is no one in ten thousand possibility for me to fall in love with you. Saying this, you may be very angry, but that's it. If you ask Meiluo what is better than you I can't tell. In terms of status, appearance and talent, you must be on par. He is excellent, and you are also excellent, which can be regarded as evenly matched. But in Xuanyuan Realm, he may not be as good as you. Your fur is very valuable , but his hair... hey, no one wants it."

Fox fur is considered fur, expensive, but dog fur... is cheap.

"But even so, Meiluo is my treasure, but you are not."

Li Wang smiled wryly, "Why do you make such a metaphor, it will only hurt my heart."

"Tell the truth, so that you don't get into the wrong place again. Having said that, I have nothing to say. The key is for you to figure it out yourself. Like Shudu, you have made a serious mistake, that is, you only think about others and ignore I'm not the one who's right for you. You'll understand what I'm saying if you can look away."

Su Wu is the right person for him.

"That's all for now. Don't follow me, or let Mei Luo see it and make trouble again. I don't want to see you fight again." She turned around and left gracefully.

Seeing her going back, King Li wanted to chase, but couldn't move his feet, she said it so clearly, what's the use of chasing after her.

Her heart could never be his.

Taking her away and imprisoning her will not create a beautiful relationship, but a bad relationship.

Why... When he was in Lin Hai, he didn't realize that his heart was throbbing for her.

Why is it late...

He slammed his fist on the stone pillar, and the cracked lines merged with his heartbreaking voice.

Late is late...

There are no ifs, only results.

When she walked out of the garden, Yu Mo looked back and was relieved to see that King Li hadn't chased after her. She was really afraid that he would continue to make a fuss, and was about to walk to the yard where she was staying, when suddenly the top of her head was dark, and she bumped into a wall. Wall of flesh.

"Ouch!" She rubbed her nose and looked at the person passing by, "Mei Luo, what are you doing here?"

"Wait for you!" Mei Luo folded her arms around her chest, her expression was not very good-looking.

"Have you discussed with Awudada?" She didn't realize it, and walked to the yard.

Mei Luo dragged her back.

"What are you doing? How decent is it to hug and hug, this is someone else's territory."

"I have something to ask you." He tightened his hands and hugged her waist tightly.

"Oh, tell me!"

"What does dog hair mean..." he asked with raised eyebrows.

He heard all the conversation between her and Li Wang, not intentionally eavesdropping, but she was not there when he went back, he came out to look for her, and happened to hear her talking with Li Wang, he wanted to show up, but what she said Every word warmed his heart, but he didn't like the last sentence.

What dog fur is not as good as fox fur...

Yu Mo: "..."

How should she answer this, because it is the truth.

Dog hair is sold by catty and no one wants it. It’s great to make knee pads for motorcycle riders to block the wind, and it will stink after a long time.As we all know, dog hair will stink if left for a long time. There is absolutely no fox fur, mink hair, or wolf hair. If it is made into clothes, it will have a fragrance of fur no matter how long it is left.

Of course, she is against fur, no trade no harm.

What is warm?
It's just the vanity of human beings. With so many fabrics and means of keeping warm, why bother to wear fur like primitive people.

"Silence, speak!"

Yu Mo pulled back his thoughts from the fur, saw him with a straight face, and smiled lightly, "You also care about this?"

"Of course!" He felt that he was better than Li Wang in everything.


He stared, baring his teeth.

"Okay, it's all small things. In my heart, you are the best and the best. Don't worry about it, go back. Can I give you a massage?" She took his arm.

"Don't change the subject."

She stared, "You want me to be fierce, don't you?" As long as he can have a straight face, she can too.

Mei Luo instantly languished, "I'm not convinced!"

"What's so unconvinced! Careful! Let's go. If you don't want to go, I'll go back by myself. I don't bother to talk to you."


"Go away!" she yelled.


Dogs are creatures that never get angry with their beloved masters. Even if they do, they will forget about it after a few seconds, and they will still wag their tails to please.

Loyal dog...

Dog leg...

Shu Du was sitting on the roof of Prince Li's Mansion, wanting to howl up to the wolf, but unfortunately the wound on the corner of his mouth hurt a little, and it hurt even more when he screamed, so he was not guilty of this.

Awu found him, "Wolf demon king, the king invites you to Tingxuan."

Tingxuan was specially opened up by King Li to discuss matters with them.

"Understood!" He looked at the moon with a painful expression, and asked again, "Will you go silently?"

"The queen has rested!"

"It's boring..." Shu Du scratched his head, feeling depressed.

Awu left after speaking. He was only in charge of inviting people, not in resolving his emotions.

Shu Du flew to Tingxuan, and Mei Luo and Li Wang had arrived. Because their faces were painted, they couldn't see the expression, but the two pairs of eyes revealed some emotions, and they were very unpleasant to see each other, but they were not pleasing to the eye. We also have to talk about things, because the king has already acted and mobilized all the troops around him. Although it was done in secret, Dada and Awucha knew very well that they belonged to the snobbish families of the Jin family. There have been changes, and they should all be prepared.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about?" Duo Erlang in Shu Du found a chair and sat down, raising his legs, "Why isn't there even tea?"

"If you want to drink it yourself, no one here will greet you." Li Wang squinted at him.

Shu Du used his monster power to suck the teapot from far away, poured a cup of tea, drank it and said, "I have sent a message to the clan, and reinforcements from the wolf monster clan will arrive outside the fox monster clan soon. "

He is in charge of backup, and he alone is not enough, and he must use people from the wolf monster clan.

"about how long?"

"Three days."

Li Wang said, "That's enough. The hidden guards of the Ning Mansion have found out that Bai Yu's people have arrived, and they are in the Jin Mansion."


"Blue Wing and Gray Wing."

Mei Luo stroked her chin, "It's these two again..."

It was these two people, together with Heiyi who rescued Fengchen in the Dog Realm and injured Elder Qingshan, if it wasn't for Duoji's rebirth formation, Qingshan would have to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

"Apart from these two, is there anyone else?" Shu didn't even think that Bai Yu's reinforcements were only two people.

Li Wang said: "Of course not, there is still a group of people hiding near Yan Volcano, because it is the token given by King Yan, so that they can go unimpeded inside and outside the Fox Monster Clan." Ning Yifeng Xianyang and his wife had thoroughly investigated the situation inside and outside the Fox Monster Clan, and had passed all the information to him.

"Since everyone is here, why don't you make a move?" Shu didn't understand, it was clear that a big fight was going to happen, and the one who made the move first would have the upper hand.

"This king's father seems to be stupid, but in fact he is shrewd. If the king's movement is too big, he will become suspicious and speculate on his thoughts. The king should be worried that his father thinks that he is going to deal with him, so he dare not It's too ostentatious, and I don't dare to make a move first. If something goes wrong, the royal guards of the Fox Monster Clan will be dispatched in an instant."

"The royal guards are very powerful?" Shu Du played with the teacup.

"It's the Warcraft Legion, it's irrational to kill them."

The guardian monster of the fox monster clan is a very spiritual black fox named Jiu. Like the guardian beast of the dog monster clan, Tuntian Dog, they are extremely loyal monsters. There are a lot of small beasts, and the Warcraft Legion is its children. Compared with the general Warcraft Legion, this mother-child Warcraft Legion has excellent unity and cooperation, and its lethality has doubled.

Mei Luo had heard rumors that all the fox demon kings had been protected by this fox monster.

In addition to being powerful in reproduction, Nine is also extremely capable of invisibility. If it does not appear, no one will know where it is.

Do the math, this is a very troublesome creature.

Mei Luo had thought that if a fight really broke out, too much military power should not be wasted on this monster.

"I have discussed with Momo, if it is a monster, it is best to let the same kind deal with it."

"You mean Candle Dragon, or Bixi? Or a fur ball?" Taotie cannot be used casually, because its power must be fully released through Kaishen, and Meiluo will never let Yumo take risks.


"Hey!" Shu Du was surprised, "Is that fish okay? It looks small and quite weak."

"Taotie trains it when he has nothing to do, and Maoqiu has also instilled a lot of combat experience, which can be regarded as combat power. Besides, Zhulong will also be with him, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Li Wang said, "As far as I am concerned, I try not to want you and Jiu to fight. After all, it is my clan's guardian monster, and it is not good for our clan if it is injured or killed."

Without the clan guardian beast, one has to be cultivated, which is a waste of effort and energy.

"Now it's just deployment, it doesn't mean it will come in handy, but the details must be planned well, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Your father may also want King Qin to inherit his throne. If so, you want to seize the throne, I will definitely fight this monster."

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and it is also a knot in Li Wang's heart.

It is an indisputable fact that his father loves King Jing more than himself, but it does not mean that he wants to give up, because he has given up too many times since he was a child.

"Okay, as you said, that's the plan."

Mei Luo glanced at Li Wang, "When do you plan to make a move?"

"I'm waiting for someone..."



King Li was waiting for Tanya, so why wasn't Tanya waiting for him, waiting for his poison to flare up... But after a few days, the poison did not respond. She didn't know the reason, and her heart became anxious. There was no movement, and it was even more urgent.

"Go call Su Yu!"

About poisoning Su Wu, she left it to this niece, if there is no movement, she can only ask her.

Luxiu took the order to go to the Su Mansion and brought Su Concubine here.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but Su Yu has lost a lot of weight. Her whole face is as small as a palm, and the sharp chin can stab someone to death.

"What's wrong with you, sick?"

Concubine Su knelt on the ground and said, "I caught a cold, cough cough..." She coughed a few times.

Tanya raised her hand and blocked it with her sleeve, a trace of disgust appeared on her face, "Your body is really poor, didn't you tell you to take good care of it?"

"Let my aunt worry about it. It's fine. It's a minor illness. Just drink a few patches of medicine." She didn't dare to say that Su Wu threatened her with the medicine and asked her to investigate Tanya's movements.

"Let's not talk about this. Let me ask you, have you taken that medicine?"

Concubine Su was most afraid that she would ask about this matter, so her heart skipped a beat, thinking about how to answer, if she said yes, but she failed, if she said no...she just coughed hard, "cough cough cough, auntie, I ...This body hasn't recovered in the past few days, the fact of being poisoned..."

"Trash! You can't even do small things well." Tanya really looked down on this niece, she was beautiful and had no brains, and she was not in good health, so how could she be her son's concubine.

"Aunt, don't worry, treat me well, cough, cough..." She covered her mouth, coughing too hard to speak.

"Okay, if you are not in good health, let's take care of it. You are not needed anymore." Tanya called Luxiu over, "You send her back, I don't know if it will be contagious."


Concubine Su knew that she had violated her taboo, and said anxiously, "Auntie, give me one more chance, and I will definitely do it."

She had thought about it carefully, Tan Ya, she must not betray, she could only deceive Su Wu, didn't she want to investigate Tan Ya's movements, she just made up some, true and false, she couldn't, Su Wu had the ability to distinguish, and even made up her mind How can I invite you into the urn.

"Auntie, there is something I want to tell you..."


Su Yu covered her mouth and whispered something in her ear.

After Tanya heard this, she said happily, "Okay, this is a good idea. I trick her here, and I don't stop doing it, let Xing'er get her body, and see if she can turn out my palm?" She stroked her hand. Rubbing Su Yu's hair, "You are very thoughtful and generous. Don't worry, Lin'er will never let you down in the future."

"Thank you, aunt." That's what she wanted.

Both women had vicious thoughts in their hearts, and the sparkle in their eyes was like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark.


 If the first lady is fast, the pit will be opened at the end of the month, and if it is slow, it will be in early May.

(End of this chapter)

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