The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 533 Part 300 Needle Feather Woke Up

Chapter 533 Part 300 Needle Feather Woke Up

After returning home, Su Yu went to find Su Wu. It was agreed before. If she went to Tanya, she would report to her. Her cold infection was all faked, just because she was afraid that Su Wu would ask her if she had nothing to do. Went to Tanya's place for a stroll, but pretended to be sick for a few days, but still couldn't escape Tanya's call.

"Sister, I'm back." She stood in Su Wu's boudoir. The maids didn't bring her a chair, so she didn't dare to do it.

"It's good to be back, how is it, Tan Ya's side concubine, can you tell me what to do?"

These words are really a bit thorny. When Su Yu was caught with the poison of charm last time, Tanya would definitely ask if the matter was done. She didn't know what Su Yu said, but in fact she didn't. Poisoning, since he missed it, there must be a second move.

"I've been very ill these past few days, so I said that I haven't done anything yet, and my aunt loves me, so I didn't ask..." Facing Su Wu, she always felt a little nervous.

"Oh, is that so? She's easy to talk to." Su Wu put down her teacup, and said to Ah Zi, "Did you hear that, Second Miss is very ill, what are you doing in a daze, take a chair for her to sit on."

Ah Zi personally dragged a chair over, "Second Miss, sit down."

How could Su Yu dare to do it, she still stood, "Thank you for your concern, sister, I'd better stand." She didn't want to lose anything, and in her capacity, it was reasonable to talk to Su Wu even on her knees.

"Let you sit down. I still have something to ask you. It's long. If you fall ill, I will be guilty." She signaled the maid to serve tea.

Concubine Su nodded, sat down, and the maid's Cha also brought it up, "Second Miss, have some tea."

"Well, thank you sister!"

"You're welcome." That's the end of the polite words, and it's time to get to the point, "You've been gone for an hour and a half, but you don't always ask if you are in good health, and pay attention to self-cultivation, right? Tell me, what did you say? What, don't miss a single word." Su Wu's eyes were sharp across the teacup.

Su Yu trembled, "Back to my sister, what I'm talking about is His Royal Highness. His aunt has only one son, His Royal Highness, so she loves her very much. After returning from the border patrol, King Jin is very tired and has to be busy with rectification. Military affairs, just like me, have contracted some wind and cold..."

Su Wu raised her eyebrows. She didn't want to hear such innocuous things, so she took the initiative to attack.

"King Jin has been very close to the Jin Mansion recently, what did you hear from the side concubine Tanya?"

"This..." Su Yu felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, and wanted to say a few words casually, but she didn't expect her to ask so directly.

"What? You've been there for so long, and you haven't found any news." She patted the table, her face darkening.

Concubine Su was so frightened that she hurriedly stood up, "Sister, don't be angry, how can a person of my status know about such things. Although my aunt loves me, she can't compare to His Royal Highness, it is a major matter in the military, how can I get along with you?" I said. It's about grandpa... No, no, Mr. Jin somehow mobilized the troops of several houses."

She knew that it was impossible to hide it from Su Wu, so she could only tell the truth and falsehood that Su Wu was concerned about the movements of the king, so she revealed some information, but she didn't say anything about it.

Su Wu had already had news about Jin's mansion's movements, so she didn't need Su Yu to inform her at all. She just wanted to test how much information she could get in Tanyana. Then, she pursed her lips and smiled.

Talking nonsense to the devil, talking to people when seeing people, this way of dealing with things, Su Yu learned it well.

It is said that the king is upset first, and the movement of the Jin family is said later, is he trying to excuse the king? Naturally, he cannot socialize when he is upset.But Jin's house is her grandfather's house after all, so it's ruthless for her granddaughter to push her grandfather's family to the front.

It seems that there is nothing to ask...

She changed her mind and asked again: "I heard that Tan Ya's side concubine set up an altar for burning incense in the bedroom today, have you seen it?"

"Hey?" She didn't understand why Su Wu would care about this.

"Why are you so surprised, I just want to send some spices for incense."

The altar is no different from the altar used to worship Buddha.

Su Yu wasn't sure if what she said was true, but since she asked, it would be a little ignorant if she didn't answer, and it would easily anger her.

"I have seen it, but it seems to be an old item that has not been used for a long time. When I was chatting today, when I asked about it, my aunt said that it was going to be thrown away!"

Throw it away?

What a joke!
This altar is the thing that casts spells and poisons. If she throws it away, how can she torture King Li? But since Su Yu saw it, it means that Tan Ya has done some magic tricks recently, and luckily King Li has taken it to restrain the Gu. The poisonous decoction, just don't know how many times it can last.

This even more means that Tan Ya and King Qu are really going to do something.

"Oh, is that so, it seems that there is no need to send spices. Forget it, you can go back and rest. Although the wind and cold are small, you must take good care of them, otherwise the root cause of the disease will be bad.

"Thank you sister for your concern."

"Ah Zi, send Second Miss back, be careful about this."

Ah Zi bowed down, "Yes, Miss."

After sending Su Yu away, Su Wu thought carefully and felt that she had to tell her father about Tanya as soon as possible. She had a premonition that something big was about to happen in the clan.

After hearing this, Su Yaoguang agreed with him. When he went to the palace for a few days, he obviously felt an atmosphere of disobedience. He was afraid that all the nobles would stand on the side he wanted to stand on, but he was the only one who remained neutral.

"Wu'er, go see the queen tomorrow and remind her to make preparations."

"Daughter understands. But father should know that the queen's temper is a bit edgy, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, she has endured so many years of pain, and even her frizzy temper has smoothed out. She knows the overall situation is the most important thing, and she will never follow her temper. For Li Wang, she, a mother, can sacrifice everything. "

Su Wu nodded, "Okay, I'll go tomorrow morning." After finishing speaking, she asked again, "Daddy, are you going to see King Li?"

Su Yaoguang patted her hand, "You have been smart since you were a child, and you can't hide anything from you. Daddy really thinks that the time has come, and it's time to meet King Li."

She frowned, "Does Daddy want to tell him about making me his queen?"

"What? You don't want to?"

She shook her head, "If I want to marry someone, I will naturally find the best one. It's just that if Dad goes to talk to him now, I'm afraid it will anger him."

The matter of Yumo had just subsided, and Li Wang must still be on the edge of his horns. Talking about it at this time would add fuel to the fire, and it was not a good time.

"Huh?" Su Yaoguang didn't know about this matter, he just thought she was unwilling, "Wu'er, Daddy wants to give you the best."

"Daughter knows. But daughter is more aware of the importance of timing. Daddy, I will tell him about this matter in person. Daddy would better talk to him about dealing with King Jing. After all, King Li prefers to hear these things."

"You want to talk to him in person?" Su Yaoguang was a little surprised. His daughter was so indifferent that she would volunteer to talk about her own marriage. Could it be... He was happy, guessing that she was in love with Li Wang, "Okay , it’s good if you can take the initiative. The women of our fox demon clan are definitely not the kind of coy women. After dealing with the king, the two of you will be the king and queen. It’s good to have more children then, daddy Have fun with grandchildren."

It's time for him to retire, and it would be a joy to educate his grandson after he retires.

Li Wangfu.

Yumo went to the demon refining pot and landed on Penglai Island. The dragon soul and dragon mastiff on the island knew she was coming, and wagged their tails around her joyfully.

"Is this dog's appearance irreversible?" She read to the two puppies.

Naturally, Dragon Mastiff and Dragon Soul can be transformed back, but it is because she has an insight into the appearance of dogs that she prefers. Being a dog can attract her more attention, and the most important thing is that the buttocks are covered with hair, so it doesn't hurt to beat them.

She touched her son's dog's head, stroked their thick hair, and said, "You two stay in the demon refining pot obediently, don't make a fuss about going out, it's dangerous outside, mom and dad have important things to do, share Don't worry about protecting you. This is the safest place. Understand? Don't worry, mom will come in to see you every day."

Recently, the atmosphere of the Fox Monster Clan is weird, even if she stays at Li Wang Mansion, she can still feel a sense of tension, especially when Mei Luo comes back late every day, A Wu and Dada are often seen, and Feng Xianyang is a must-have every night. Come on, she's sure there's going to be a war soon.

As a mother, the safety of her son is the first priority. Although they are very powerful, she does not want her son who is still a milk baby to go to the battlefield.

Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff looked very disappointed, their tails were wagging weakly.

"Aren't you happy? There's nothing you can do about it, it's all for your safety. You're not even a year old yet, how can you fight and kill. Children should do children's things... eat, drink and have fun, understand Don't understand? Be good, mommy will give you a kiss."

She smacked heavily on her son's forehead.

Bixi's Yuanshen flew down, "Girl, don't worry, I will take care of these two boys."

"Well, I know you will do your best. Alright, I'll go and see Needle Feather."

Needle Feather has not yet woken up, but the wound caused by Xuanyuan Sword has slowly healed. Thanks to the Kunlun Mirror, the time has been reversed so that Duoji is temporarily full of spiritual power and has made a lot of good medicine.

Duoji was taking care of Zhenyu in the bamboo building, and when he saw her coming, he said happily, "Sister is here?"

"Well, how is it? Is there any sign of waking up?"

He shook his head, "I slept very deeply. According to my sister's method, I didn't stop the drip."

"Then continue, the wound is almost healed, maybe the demon power has weakened a lot, and she is gathering. If I estimate correctly, she will definitely wake up in the next few days. Remember, if she wakes up, don't tell her too much about the fox demon If she knows too much about the family affairs, she will definitely go to help Shudu without hesitation. The body has just recovered, but it can't stand the toss, the vitality is already seriously injured, and if it is injured again, it will become a medicine pot in the future. "

Duoji wrote it down, nodded and said, "I see."

"Jinji and Jifu now have to help Meiluo deal with the king, so you can take care of me here alone, you can do it? If Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff are too naughty, you can tell me."

"It's okay, it's okay." Duoji likes to get along with the two puppies very much.

"Don't hold on. The Kunlun Mirror's backward time is only temporary. After the time limit, your spiritual power will still decrease. I'm worried that you will fall ill from exhaustion."

"Sister, I'm Nvwashi, so I won't get sick." At most, it's just that I'm tired and sleepy.

"I never regarded you as an artifact, but as a younger brother. In my eyes, I am a person of flesh and blood."

He raised his smiling face, his cheeks were flushed, "I know, my sister is the person who cares about me most in this world."

"It's good that you know. If you're tired, go to sleep. I left the Kunlun mirror to let it watch you. Well, without further ado, I'm going out. If you need anything, let Bixi find me. "


If there is nothing outside the Demon Refining Pot, Yu Mo will enter the Demon Refining Pot to accompany her son. Mei Luo is busy negotiating with Li Wang Shudu to deal with Bai Yu and Zhu Wang, so she has no time to accompany her all the time. She deeply feels that she cannot help her. , simply let Maoqiu follow Meiluo, it knows a lot of things, it will definitely help.

Mei Luo is full of praise for Fuqiu, comparing it to a military division.

Two days later, Yu Mo brought a lot of snacks into the demon refining pot, and as soon as she entered, she heard Duoji yelling and waving to her in the bamboo building.

"Sister, Sister Zhenyu is awake!!" He just wanted to inform Bixi when she came.

Yu Mo was overjoyed, threw the snacks to his son, and jumped into the bamboo building.

Needle Feather was already awake, leaning on the pillow and looking at her. Because of the serious injury, she was haggard and thinner a lot, her oval face turned into an awl face, and her eyes were extraordinarily large. She smiled weakly, "It was you who saved her." me?"

"It's not me, who else could be? Duoji is also credited for taking care of you every day. It's all right now, you're finally awake." Yu Mo walked over to feel her pulse, "How, do you feel any discomfort?"

"I feel aggrieved."

"Hey, aggrieved? Is it tightness in the chest?"

"Aggrieved, because I owe you a favor this time." With Shu Du's relationship, she really didn't want Yu Mo to be the one who saved her.

Yumo clicked his lips, and said with a sigh, "Be careful, what's the matter with me, I still owe you a lot, it's evened, don't worry about your kindness, I am a wizard, and it is normal to cure diseases and save people. Come on, You need to lie down first, your body needs to be recuperated, and you can't worry about it."

"Where's the capital of Shu?" When she opened her eyes, she was looking forward to seeing him.

"Together with Mei Luo and King Li." Yu Mo helped her to lie down.

"When did the three of them get along so well?" She was extremely surprised, these three people were typical of being at odds with one another.

"Of course it's for men's affairs. Don't worry about it. The most important thing for you now is to get more nutrition and sleep more. I managed to save you and waste a lot of medicinal materials and spiritual power of Shennongding. You can't let these It’s all in vain.”

After covering the quilt, Zhenyu asked, "Are we in the roe deer clan now?"

"I left early. This is the Fox Monster Clan... In order to heal your wounds, Shudu tried his best to find me. This is a long story. Anyway, as long as you know that although he is not by your side now, he is still thinking of me." Yours. I will see you every day. Maybe I was delayed by something today. But don’t worry, I will definitely come tonight.”

Hearing this, Zhenyu felt a little happy, "He really comes to see me every day?"

"You're a puppy!" Speaking of puppies, Yu Mo thought of his son, and called Longpo and Dragon Mastiff, "Baby, meet Auntie Feather soon."

Needle Feather was startled, "This is...?"

"My son!" Yu Mo hugged the Dragon Soul, grabbed his dog's paw and waved, "This is the youngest son, the Dragon Soul, this..." She pointed to the Dragon Mastiff as she desperately climbed onto her lap, "This is the Dragon Mastiff ,Eldest son."

"It seems that I have been lying down for a long time. Your two sons are so old."

"Isn't it? I also think it's growing fast, but you didn't lie down for too long, you just lay down for a month."

It was not easy for her to get her life back.

" is the roe deer monster clan doing now? Have you formed an alliance with us?" She has been in a coma since she was injured, and she doesn't remember many things.

"Naturally, you are the one who has contributed the most. If it weren't for you, the matter would not have been resolved so quickly. The credit is so great!!" Yumo looked at Duoji, "Go get some porridge, make it thinner, she can't eat it yet Solid food."

"I'm going right now!"

Needle Feather asked some more about when she was in a coma, Yu Mo said very simply, she didn't tell her about the upcoming battle of the Fox Monster Clan, she got tired after talking for a while, and fell asleep after drinking the porridge.

At night, Shudu came, and when I heard that Zhenyu woke up, I was very happy, but unfortunately, Zhenyu slept very deeply, and didn't know that he was coming. As long as she is well, Shudu's worries will be over, and I asked Duoji to take good care of her , Before dawn, the demon refining pot was released again.

Needle feather wakes up the next day and finds out that she is very disappointed, and insists on not allowing herself to sleep again and waiting for him to come.But Shu didn't come that day, and Yumo was worried that something happened outside, so he used the excuse of looking for someone to get out of the demon refining pot.

The demon refining pot was placed in the yard where she and Mei Luo were staying, and when she came out, she heard a maid screaming outside.

"His Royal Highness Li Wang has been poisoned, come quickly..."

Yu Mo was startled, and ran out quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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