The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 538 Part 305 Entering the Palace to Rescue the Queen

Chapter 538 Part 305 Entering the Palace to Rescue the Queen

Li Luo's words hit Li Wang's heart, how could he still lie on the bed safely.

"Auntie, the queen mother..."

Li Luo burst into tears, "Your Highness, let's go to the palace, the queen is afraid... I am afraid..."

Ning Yi asked anxiously, "Didn't all the wizards go?"

"Yes, everyone has gone, but no one is sure that they can save the queen. The knife was pierced extremely deeply, hurting the heart, and there is no way to recover. Even Miss Su Wu said...the queen will not survive tonight."

"How did Miss Su Wu go? She's not a wizard."

Before Su Wu saved King Li, Feng Xianyang felt it was very strange, she didn't have the talent of a wizard, how could she know how to unravel Gu, but at the moment everyone's attention was on Queen Crimson Tong who was about to die from serious injuries, there was no Time to think about Su Wu's matter.

Especially Li Wang glanced at Yu Mo who was weeping.

What Li Luo said was exactly the same as the plots of the TV dramas she had watched, which brought tears to her eyes, and Mei Luo was coaxing her to the side.

Li Wang opened the quilt and rushed over, holding her hand tightly, "Momo... Momo..." Others can't save his mother, but she can.

He was too weak to speak when he was excited, but Yu Mo understood what he meant.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, be careful. You want me to go into the palace to save your mother, right? No problem, I can go now." After finishing speaking, she was going to go back to the room to find Shennongding .

"Momo!" Mei Luo blocked her way, with a very unsightly expression, "You can't go, if your identity is known by the Fox Monster Clan, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

Although the two did not hold a wedding to announce the entire mountain and sea world, her status as the queen of the dog monster clan has long been a certainty, and she must be extremely cautious in every move.No one knows what the situation in the palace is like now, what if the king is worried that Bai Beiming will settle accounts after the fall, and what if he really rebels?She went to the palace to throw herself into a trap.

"I know. But it's important to save people. Don't worry, I will take Taotie with me. If anything happens, Taotie will definitely protect me. If not, there will be Ah Zhu." Two fierce beasts escorted him, who could Can hurt her.

Feng Xianyang said, "Yu Yaowang, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If the dog demon king is worried about Miss Lan's safety, Ning Yi and I will go with him. I guarantee with my head that no one will be hurt. Miss Lan has one hair."

"Look, look, General Feng said so. He is the head of the Fengfu family and has military power. You should believe what he said. I entered the palace this time to save people. If I save people The Queen is the benefactor of the Fox Monster Clan. If people from the Fox Monster Clan like this still hurt me, do you still want to hang out in the Mountain and Sea Realm? Mei Luo, I know you are nervous about me, but the situation is urgent now. Saving people is like putting out a fire. Don’t Hesitated. It’s too late, and the queen might not be able to save her.”

"No one is more important than you." Mei Luo grabbed her hand and didn't let go.

"King of dog demon!"

King Li spoke, and knelt down on the ground with a plop, startling everyone.

Li Luo rushed over to ask him to get up, "Your Highness, you have such a noble status, how can you kneel to others. If you want to kneel, it's my aunt." She knelt down heavily in front of Mei Luo, and then kowtowed heavily.

Ning Yi also quickly knelt down and reached out to tug on the corner of Feng Xianyang's clothes.

Feng Xianyang knelt down after him.

With so many people kneeling on the ground, Yu Mo became anxious, and reached out to help Li Luo, who was kowtowing desperately, "Stop kowtowing, aunt, your head is about to break. It's bleeding."

"Girl, although I don't know why Your Highness thinks you can save the queen, but if the girl is really able to save the queen, Li Luo will repay your kindness no matter how hard she is. Girl, please save the queen's life. Li Luo is here to give You kowtow."

"Get up. I will save you without kowtowing."

Li Luoxu knew that the problem was not with her, but with Mei Luo, so she climbed up to Mei Luo's feet and kowtowed three times.

Dong dong dong... the sound made Mei Luo frown.

King Li didn't get up either, still kneeling, "King Dog Demon, as long as you can save your mother, you can die as long as you want."

These words were cruel enough, because he kidnapped Yu Mo before, and almost made the couple never see each other. Although they had a fight and it was canceled, the hatred of taking his wife will not disappear so easily.Now that he is begging for his own life, he is telling him that if he still cares about that matter, he can kill him to relieve his hatred.

"Your Highness!"

Ning Yi and Feng Xianyang's complexion changed drastically, this can't be said nonsense.

"You don't need to say much. As long as it can save the queen mother's life, it doesn't matter if the king dies!" This is what a son should do.

Shu Du didn't intervene, but he remembered one thing and wanted to remind them.

"If you want to enter the palace silently to save people, what excuses are you going to use to prevaricate the Fox Demon King? She has a special status, so naturally you can't say it blatantly, but you can't hide it. If you go silently, the fact that the stinky dog ​​is here will be exposed Now, if the king of Qin catches this, it’s not that he arranged for Li Wang to the fox demon king. The white one can also be called black.”

King Li fabricated the evidence of King Li's rebellion. Zuo was nothing more than the king of the dog and wolf clan conspiring in his mansion, but now he stumbled. I am afraid that the fox demon king is not very good at believing what he said, but Yumo went If the identity is revealed, that is to tell the Fox Demon King that the Dog Demon King is really squatting in the Li Palace.

The king of a clan is in a different race, and he doesn't say hello. It's really unreasonable to live in a prince's mansion. No matter how friendly the relationship is, this is not in compliance with the rules.

These words made a group of people realize the seriousness of the problem.

But Yumo had an idea.

"What's so difficult about this? Didn't my aunt say it before? The queen has eye disease, which is still very serious. In the season of heavy humidity, her eyes can hardly be seen. We can say it is more serious at that time. Blind." She looked at King Li, and continued: "Where is King Li, he is a filial son, let's say he found out about this and sought out famous wizards everywhere, and knowing that I am a living Bodhisattva, he went to ask Mei Luo, begged It took a long time to get him to agree." She talked eloquently, and she added, "Although Mei Luo agreed, but don't worry that I will go to the Fox Monster Clan alone, because I love me, I'm afraid Something happened to me..." At this point, she blushed shyly, and said, "Mei Luo was worried that the fox demon clan would have evil thoughts after knowing my identity, so he came with me just to be safe. I had to go to the palace to see the queen a long time ago, but you suddenly fell ill, Li Wang, and you were so sick. Of course I have to save you when you are sick, and the time is just wasted like this."

Although she made it up, she felt that the reason was too perfect, so she couldn't help giving herself a thumbs up, and excitedly said to everyone, "What do you think? Isn't it very reasonable?"

More than reasonable, once this reason came out, Li Wang went to the dog monster clan to seek alliance, and the problem of not returning to the fox monster clan for a long time was also solved.

" are really..." Mei Luo proudly picked her up and circled her.

As long as this reason is used, the matter of her and himself coming to the fox demon clan can be well explained, and the fox demon king will not think too much about it.

"Put me down and get dizzy." She was really dizzy, because he was a demon, and he was spinning around too fast.

"What about me?" Shu Du pointed to himself, "You two are deeply in love with each other, so what does it matter if I come?"

Yu Mo said: "You and Mei Luo are cousins ​​with deep feelings. I felt that it was not safe for him to come to the Fox Monster Clan alone, so I followed along. By the way, I will see what the Fox Monster Clan is like. You are a idle king, not a virtuous one. The virtuous person who is in charge is idle and idle, doesn’t everyone in the world of mountains and seas know that, this reason is not enough.”

Shu Du looked disgusted, "What kind of relationship is so good... I'm still king..."

"What else? I think it's pretty good. If you don't like it, think about it yourself."

He can think of a ghost.

"Okay, I reluctantly accept it. But our wolf monster clan and dog monster clan have always been at odds, and the monster clan in the mountain and sea world know it too."

"You're stupid, you little brawlers, you haven't hurt anyone for hundreds of years. If the fox demon king really asks, you say that the people in the clan are not convinced that Queen Qiluo married the former dog demon king. The only thing is to make a fuss. In fact, the relationship is very good, if there is a war, it will definitely help the dog monster clan to fight."

"Yes, that's a good statement. In this way, our king will also be afraid. Knowing that offending the dog monster clan is equivalent to the wolf monster clan." Feng Xianyang gave Yu Mo a thumbs up, "Oh, this is really unstoppable sea water Quantity, people should not be judged by their appearance, girl, you are so smart."

"Go away, like I was stupid before." She threw a teacup over.

Feng Xianyang took it easily, afraid that she would get angry and rush to make amends, "No, no, it's because I have blind eyes and mistook pearls for fish eyes, damn it, really damn it."

Shu Du said again, "No, no..."

"What's wrong?" Yu Mo felt that he was just looking for trouble.

"I'm not right. What is the identity of the Queen of the Fox Monster Clan? It's not logical not to ask people in the clan to treat eye diseases, but to ask for cures from other clans."

Ning Yi was bandaging Li Luo's forehead, and immediately said, "The Queen's eye disease has been hidden from the public. Firstly, I don't want His Highness to worry. Secondly... I have also found a wizard, but the wizard in the clan who is good at treating eye diseases is named Ruan. Qing, he is the confidant of the treacherous concubine Tanya. I have asked several times, but he has always declined."

"Hateful!" Yu Mo slapped the table, gritted his teeth, "As a wizard, how can you not save people, so what's the use of studying medicine?"

Li Wang was still kneeling on the ground, because Mei Luo hadn't personally agreed, as long as he disagreed, he probably wouldn't get up. Hearing Li Luo say that his mother asked for medical treatment, but someone refused, the anger in his heart was terrible. One can imagine.

"Auntie, have you ever asked someone else?"

"I beg you, but you don't know, Your Highness. Apart from asking the queen not to get close to you, this vicious woman wants the queen to try her best to ignore the king. In order to take care of you, the queen can only agree. Every time the king comes In the bedroom, she was cold-faced, and the king would not come after a long time. People who don't know naturally think that the queen has lost favor. Although she is a queen, she is no different from being thrown into the cold palace. She begged many wizards, and anyone who can come He is a little wizard, and his skills are very shallow. This eye disease has been dragging on."

"It's unreasonable!" Li Wang stood up from the ground angrily, because he stood in a hurry and felt weak, his eyes were full of stars, if Feng Xian didn't help him quickly, he would definitely fall down.

"Don't you know about these things?"

"The king is a proud man. How do you ask him to let go of his body to see the queen when he puts a hot face on a cold ass. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about anything. It's just because of the queen's temper. If she doesn't come, she won't ask for it, and the people in the palace are not allowed to talk about it."

Both Feitong and Bai Beiming are extremely proud people, they would rather suffer in secret than tell everyone.

This is a dead knot, except for the two of them to untie it, no one else can untie it.

"Your Highness, it's not too late, let's go to the palace and save the queen." Li Luo's forehead was still bleeding, and he slapped Mei Luo again, "King Dog Demon, I beg you."

Mei Luo actually agreed a long time ago, "You don't need to knock when you get up, if you keep knocking, Momo will be mad at me for the rest of your life."

Yu Mo gave him an elbow, "That's right."

"What's right? Although the danger you may encounter after your identity is exposed is solved, I still don't feel relieved. If you want to go, I have to follow."

"Why are you following? You can't help if you follow."

"If you can't help, you have to go." He can't help people to save people, but he can kill enemies.

Yumo knew that he would not change his mind, but he was also worried that if he went so blatantly, the influence would be bad.

"I can save people when I go, but you can only stick around. Will the Fox Demon King dislike you?"

"What's so unpleasant, you are my wife. Just use the reason you just said. I love you, and I will protect you even if I die. Isn't this reason enough?"

Yu Mo blushed upon hearing these blatant words, "Be serious, there are so many people."

"What's there to be shy about? You made up the reason yourself. No, it's the truth." He held her in his arms, "I'll go wherever you go, you can't drive me away."

"Okay, okay, okay, go as long as you want, I won't stop you." Yu Mo looked at Li Luo, "Please ask aunt to lead the way."

"Thank you for saving my life, girl."

"You're welcome, since I'm a wizard, this is what I should do."

Ning Yi wanted to help Li Wang to lie on the bed, he is too weak now, it is difficult for him to walk, but Li Wang was unwilling and insisted on following him into the palace.

"Your Highness, you can't go!"

"No, the king must go, the queen mother is seriously injured, and the king has to wait on the side."

His mother was not a heartless person, not...

He wants to personally guard the mother when she wakes up...

Yu Mo felt that King Li was a rare filial son despite his flaws, and said, "You can go, but listen to me and let someone carry you."


"Yes, it's carried on a stretcher. Don't feel ugly, it's for your own sake." As a doctor, she must reduce the risks that the patient may encounter. When the queen's injury is cured, but he is seriously ill, wouldn't it be useless.

The mother and son have suffered so much, and there must be a happy ending.

Feng Xianyang felt that it was feasible, and said: "Okay, just listen to the girl. Carry the stretcher in. In fact, this is also good. His Highness is sick like this. Even if the king has a chance to frame him, the king probably won't believe it." He turned And looking at Li Luo, "Furthermore, about the eye disease that my aunt mentioned, it's best to find an opportunity to mention it to the king."


"Auntie, this is a rare opportunity. We must take advantage of this opportunity to step on Tan Ya and King Jing hard, and we must not let their mother and son have another chance to look up and breathe."

There is no evidence for the Gu poison, and it may not be effective if it is said, but the eye disease is different. There are so many wizards, it can be diagnosed.

Yu Mo flicked her fingers, "This is simple. When I go to treat the wound, I will mention it by the way. When the time comes, Auntie, you will cry on your knees, and you can say how wronged you are."

Li Luo nodded heavily, "You might as well tell Master Feng and the girl that I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"About the matter of voodoo poison, is there a way for a wizard to diagnose it?" Mei Luo felt that the matter of voodoo poison could be treated in the same way as eye disease.

This Yumo had the right to speak, and said: "Mei Luo, I can't make a diagnosis. You forgot, before Li Wang suddenly fell down, I also took the pulse, but there were no signs. It was detected by spiritual power detection."

Hearing her mention of the Shennong Ding, Mei Luo felt uneasy again, "Momo, will you use the Shennong Ding to save the queen?"

"To be on the safe side, I'll take it with me."

"Then when treating the queen, it's best to keep all the idlers away."

"Are you afraid that the Fox Demon King and the others will covet them?"

Mei Luo nodded, "Saving people is a kindness, but divine artifacts are treasures left over from ancient times, and any monster can dream of them. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If the fox demon king has evil thoughts, it will be troublesome."

"Well, I see."

Feng Xianyang really wanted to say that he looked down on the integrity of their fox monster clan, but saying this at this time might arouse Mei Luo's disgust. If he didn't allow Yu Mo to save people, he would be in trouble, so he had to swallow his rebuttal.

After Yumo brought all the things, a group of people carried King Li to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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