The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 539 Part 306 Is It Good To Die

Chapter 539 Part 306 It's better to die

On the other side of the Su Mansion, Su Yaoguang was waiting for Su Wu to come back. He heard from the maid that she followed Su Yu into the palace to meet Tanya. He knew what his daughter was thinking, and if he would go with her, he must be looking for a divine case, but the time has passed It's been a long time, it's time to go back home, but he can't wait for her to come back, he is worried that something happened?

After waiting for another stick of incense, Su Wu still didn't come back, his uneasiness reached the peak, he lifted up his robe and planned to go into the palace to pick up someone, but he met Ruixue just as he went out.

Ruixue was the person he specially sent to the palace to protect Feitong, if nothing happened, she would not return to Su's residence.

"Rui Xue, but what happened to the queen?"

"My lord, it's not the queen, but something happened in the Jin residence?"

"Say it clearly." He frowned and asked.

Ruixue recounted the incident of the dead entering the palace late at night.

Su Yaoguang couldn't figure out what Jin Zhong meant by doing this, but he sensed sensitively that something must happen in the palace.

"Go back to the queen's protection first, remember, you must protect her safety."

"Yes!" Ruixue clasped her fists to accept the order, and flew away with a whoosh.

Su Yaoguang went back to the house and took out his token of military power. He is a first-class nobleman and a military general. Although the Su family's army is small, it is the most capable army of the fox monster clan. When the former king was alive, the Su family's military exploits Countless, not only won the gold medal for avoiding death, but also set up the Firefox Army under the behest of the former king. This Firefox Army has always been the army of the Su family. Because of this, although Bai Beiming hated him, he couldn't move him.

If he guessed correctly, the Jin family would send so many dead men to hide in the palace, there must be something planned, he can't let them do anything, he must find a way to suppress it, he handed the token to the deputy general Xiaoying, Xiaoying is the Su family His family gave birth to children, and he was extremely loyal.

"Xiaoying, take the token and transfer all Firefox Lords out of the barracks, and divide them into two groups. One group will go to the palace, and the other group will lurk near the barracks of King Jing. Remember not to let anyone find out. Let the spies investigate carefully. Has something happened to the king's camp?"

"Subordinates understand!" Xiaoying took the token respectfully.

"The group of people going to the palace will be led by you. If the dead soldiers of Jin's mansion don't move, you don't want to move either. Let Tuofeng go to Tanyana to see if the eldest lady is there?"

Tuofeng is his other lieutenant general, like Xiaoying, he is his right-hand man.

Both of them are seven-tailed fox demons, and their combat effectiveness is not ordinary.

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely protect the safety of the eldest lady."

"That's great, I won't say much. I'll go to the palace first." He needed to know the current situation of Feitong clearly.

After arranging everything, Xiaoying set off, and Su Yaoguang was bumped into by Ah Zi when he arrived at the door.

"You girl, how many times have I said that you have to look ahead when you walk." The bump hit his chest, and being hit by such a little girl was nothing to him, a strong monster, but he didn't like her impatience. "Didn't you follow the lady into the palace, why did you come back and the lady didn't come back?

"My lord, it's not good..." Ah Zi looked very anxious, and even forgot to salute.

Su Yaoguang thought something happened to Su Wu, and shouted, "Did something happen to Miss?"

"It's not the lady, it's the queen!"

"Fei Tong?" Su Yaoguang was stunned for a moment, then grabbed Ah Zi's shoulder suddenly, "Quickly tell me, what's wrong with the Queen?"

AhZi was in pain from being pinched, and she endured the pain and said, "The queen was assassinated and was seriously injured. All the wizards said that there was no way to save her. My lord, do you still remember?"

"Remember, the youngest son of the Lu family. What does it have to do with him?"

"My lord general once read the book "The Way of the Wizard" in Wanhuayuan, and wrote down some things I didn't understand on the ground. Maybe something happened and I left for a while. Miss happened to go to Wanhuayuan that day. When it came to the problem on the ground, I solved the problem on the spot when I was interested, and it happened that the general minister came back and saw it, and knew that the young lady is a wizard..."

"Nonsense, it's all nonsense. Wu'er told me about this long ago. I'm asking why your queen assassinated you, and what does it have to do with the generals?"

"My lord, don't worry, just listen to what Ah Zi said. The general knew that he was powerless to save the queen, so he told the lady out. As soon as the king heard about it, he sent someone to Tan Ya's side concubine to find the lady. The lady knew that the queen was seriously injured. Hurry up to save her, let me come back and get her Seven-Colored Treasure Pavilion."

The Seven-colored Treasure Pavilion is a rare medicine refined by Su Wu. It has seven colors, each targeting different pathologies. The younger brother who rescued Mozhu used it once last time.

This medicine will never be used if it is not a serious injury or illness.

Su Yaoguang was very aware of this matter, so he knew that Feitong was seriously injured.

"I ask you, how did the queen get hurt? Did the assassin catch it?"

"Your Majesty has already sent people to arrest them. When I left the palace, I heard that the assassins didn't catch them, but they caught hundreds of dead men. By the way, they were dead men from the Jin Mansion."

With Su Yaoguang's resourcefulness, he would not think that the assassin was from the Jin family, let alone sent by the king of Jin, because there is no need for this, and I am afraid that the dead man was accidentally found out by taking advantage of the assassin. of.

He didn't understand what Jin Zhong and King Qin were thinking, being caught like this was like throwing a stone at his own foot.

"My lord, I can't talk to you any more. I have to send the medicine to the young lady quickly."

"Go quickly, don't delay!"

Ah Zi ran to Su Wu's boudoir in three steps and two steps.

Su Yaoguang was worried about Feitong's safety, so he immediately released his demon power and flew into the air, heading towards the palace.

In Tan Ya's bedroom, there is a gloomy cloud at this moment.

The king couldn't help complaining, "Mother, concubine, look at these things you have done, how could you let grandfather's dead man enter the palace overnight."

"It's for you too. I was thinking what if that bitch Feitong called the guards and kept her to go to the king to intercede. You know your father, he is an infatuated, as long as that bitch Shed a few tears in front of him, and he will listen to everything, then how can you catch Li Wang."

She knew that she was in a hurry, but she also wanted to take precautions. Who knows what kind of assassin she might encounter, not only alarmed Bai Beiming, but also caused a commotion all over.

At this time, King Jin couldn't listen to her explanation at all, and pointed to his face, "Look, did you see it, this was slapped by my father, two slaps, and now I have no evidence in my hand used."

"Not necessarily! The evidence you have has nose and eyes. It was made by an expert hired by your grandfather. Even King Li couldn't tell whether the words on it were written by him. You take it to see your father and king, and put Li on it. Tell him about the king's rebellion. Just say that you sent those dead soldiers to protect him for fear that King Li would assassinate him."

King Li swept down the teacup on the table, "Aren't you brainless as a father? He doesn't believe me now. If he really said that, he must ask me why I didn't tell him before I sent someone. Now that I know King Li's rebellion, why? It took so long to say it."

"Silly son, doesn't it take time to find evidence?"

"Concubine Mu, you don't understand my father. As long as he doubts you, he won't believe you anymore. It's useless to say anything. My grandfather and I have been planning this matter for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be ruined by you. "

Tanya trembled, "Xin'er,'s really for your own good. Your grandfather also knew about the fact that I wanted to send the dead soldiers, and he agreed."

If it wasn't for Jin Zhong's consent, so many dead soldiers would not be able to enter the palace.

"Grandfather is also confused, he would believe your words. I don't even think about it. Is it so easy for the queen to call the soldiers? The token needs to be passed on. The time in the middle is enough for us to contain her. What else do we need to prevent it from happening? .” He clenched his fist and thumped the desk.

He is full of anger and resentment now, if she hadn't been meddlesome, tonight's plan would have been successful, how could he end up being beaten, now it's all right, half of the dead are dead, and the other half is still in custody, the spies said All the dead men caught had their poisoned teeth pulled out, and it was impossible for them to commit suicide. If the story of him was revealed through torture, he would be dead.

"Xin'er, don't worry, this is only temporary, your royal father only has that bitch in his heart now, when it's over..."

"Mother and concubine, don't you understand? If the queen dies, the father will kill me immediately."

His father is an infatuated kind, she knows, doesn't he know, for that woman, his father will do anything.After so many years, he can see that the disagreement between the queen and the father is due to his mother and concubine's good show. With the help of his grandfather, and Fei Tong is a proud woman, otherwise his mother and concubine would have been born ten years earlier. Eight layers of hell.

"Mother Concubine, I told you more than once, don't take that woman too seriously. As long as your son becomes king, are you afraid that you won't be able to cure her? At that time, you just want to make her a human pig, and no one will Say something. But now it’s all right, you have ruined your son’s decades of hard work.”

She was said to be smart before, but in the end she did such a stupid thing. It was more than success than failure.

"No, no. Son, don't you still have Bai Yu?"

"White Feather and the Queen of the Night Falcon Clan fell out. He can't take care of himself anymore. The only people he can send are a few hundred people. What's the use? It's useful. In the current situation, do you want me to plot against you?"

Rebellion also depends on the timing, location, and harmony of people. Now he has nothing and is under house arrest here.

Hearing that, Tanya slumped down on the couch.

Luxiu hurried up to cheer her up, and said to Wang Wang, "Your Highness, don't provoke your mother, she is not in good health."

"Lie down if you are not well, don't worry about so many things." He was already mad, so the words he said were naturally unpleasant.

Tanya would not blame her son for being inconsiderate, but would only feel that she had harmed her son, and cried bitterly, "Mother really didn't know this would happen, mother... mother is sorry for you."

"What's the use of being sorry at this time. It's better to think about how to justify yourself. Now dozens of dead soldiers have fallen into the hands of the Guards. They are all ruthless people. There are many ways to force people to tell the truth. There are people here who can't stand it anymore, and none of you, me, and grandfather can escape." He took a heavy picture of the case table.

With a loud bang, Tanya's heart trembled even more. Worry, self-blame, and guilt aggravated the backlash that drove the Gu mother, and she spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

Luxiu yelled in shock, but King Qin watched coldly.

At this moment, in his heart, it might be better for this concubine mother to die, and everything can be pushed on her.

After thinking about it, his eyes showed a fierce look, this is indeed a good way to get out.

Outside the Lianhuo Palace, Yu Mo and his group had already arrived. Liluo entered and communicated. He thought that Bai Beiming would come out in person, but he didn't expect it to be Su Wu.

Su Wu was surprised, "Miss Lan, why are you here?"

"Help people!" Yu Mo raised the medicine box in his hand.

"Thank you, Miss Lan, for your righteousness, but the queen's injury is useless." The wizards have never worked together like this, but if they can't be saved, they can't be saved.

"You can't save it, that's your business, and your medical skills are limited. Since you can't help it, why don't you let me try. I'm a magician invited by King Li."

God sorcerer is the name called by the dog demon clan. People from other races don't know it at all, but King Li knows it.

"Miss Su, please bring Momo in, she is different from ordinary wizards, she will definitely be able to save the queen mother."

"Your Highness, why are you here? Your body..." Su Wu didn't notice him before, and only after hearing him speak did she notice that he was lying on a stretcher with a pale face, which was carried in by someone.

"Miss Su doesn't need to worry about the king's body. The king is here to save his mother. Please let Miss Su let Momo in."

Su Wu knew that Yu Mo was also a wizard when he had the poison attack. Although she was surprised that she could suppress the poison, she was a human being after all. She thought it was a blind cat that met a dead mouse, so it couldn't be counted.

"Su Wu, instead of wasting time here, let me in. The time to save people should not be delayed. There is a saying in Xuanyuan Realm, which is called 36 hours of gold, but it is 18 hours of gold. This is a saying after the earthquake. It is to save people who were crushed under the rubble, and the survival rate is the highest within [-] hours. If you find people beyond this hour, you will not be able to save them. Of course, the queen was not injured by the earthquake, but met an assassin, but you understand the meaning. .It means saving people quickly.”

Seeing that she was full of confidence and what she said made sense, Su Wu said, "Okay, follow me in."

"Silence!" Mei Luo took her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to have a look. The queen is a woman, and she must be disheveled if she's injured. It's not suitable for you to go in if you're not a wizard."

"I know, I just want to tell you that in case of danger, don't think about anything and call me loudly."

"Understood." She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face, "Wait for me to have a cup of tea, I will ask Su Wu to let you know if it can be saved."

Li Wang is the queen's son, and others cannot enter, but he is sure to be able to enter.

Feng Xianyang handed the stretcher to the four maids and asked them to carry it slowly. Ning Yi was a woman, so she followed in.

In the dormitory, everyone knelt on the ground, and in front of the bed, more than a dozen wizards knelt on the ground, with their heads on the ground.

"My lord, His Royal Highness Li invited a wizard, saying that he can save the queen."

After Bai Beiming knew that Feitong was hopeless, he seemed to have aged several hundred years, unable to hear anything, and kept kneeling by the bed, holding her hand.

Su Wu looked at Yu Mo, "Your Majesty is probably too sad, you can't hear me anymore, come with me."

Yumo hurriedly followed.

On the bed, Feitong's chest was covered with blood, which couldn't be stopped. It kept gurgling out, and a big hole could be clearly seen.

This queen is too cruel to save her son.How hard is it to poke that deep.

Mother's love is really great.

Yumo wanted to check the pulse to see the situation, but Bai Beiming blocked it, like a wooden man, and didn't respond to the slap.

"Fox Demon King, do you still want to save your wife? Get out of the way if you want to." Yu Mo felt that his appearance was like that of a family member of a patient he met in the hospital.

"Bold!!" Qing Shu shouted, "How can you be disrespectful to the king."

"I'm not disrespectful, I'm eager to save people, and I will definitely be able to save lives."

But Bai Beiming was in a daze, and he was the king, so anyone who dared to let him go would feel embarrassed.

At this time, Su Yaoguang came, and flew over to slap him away.

Bai Beiming woke up, seeing him, he was furious, "Su Yaoguang, what are you doing?"

"Save Crimson Tong!"

"Shut up, how can you call Fei Tong's name?" This is the queen's boudoir name, and Su Yaoguang is a courtier, how could it be possible to call the queen's boudoir name directly, it is disrespectful.

"Why can't it be called. Feitong and I were childhood sweethearts. We even talked about getting married at one point."

Bai Beiming hated him for mentioning this matter the most, and said angrily, "You are bold, I really thought I wouldn't dare to touch you."

"Your Majesty is the most honorable member of the Fox Monster Clan. You can't kill anyone you want, but really can't move. Go away, don't delay this girl's rescue."

"Girl?" Bai Beiming spotted Yu Mo.

Yu Mo had already gone up to feel the pulse, and knew that there was still hope after the first diagnosis.

(End of this chapter)

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