The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 541 Part 308 Stepping to death

Chapter 541 Part 308 Stepping to death
There is also a reason why Bai Beiming suspects that King Li is not his son.

Because King Li is not like him, not at all.And because King Li has purple eyes, even though he himself has purple eyes, so does Su Yaoguang.When I have doubts in my heart, my purple eyes can't remember half of it, I just think it's because of Su Yaoguang.

The fact is that in terms of color, Li Wang's purple eyes are indeed closer to Su Yaoguang.

Pure purple, like the clearest purple crystal, but his own purple eyes were a bit black and not so transparent.

Back then, when the child was born, as soon as he saw the pair of purple eyes that resembled and didn't resemble his own, his doubts spread, and then Fei Tong was extremely indifferent to him. cold face.

He thought that he married her back then because of an order, and she could not disobey him, but could only commit herself to him, but when she and Su Yaoguang had a child, her regret of not being able to be with Su Yaoguang was fulfilled, and he was abandoned in the future. Out of the heart.

After that, she didn't get close to King Li. At first he was puzzled, isn't this the boy she loves the most? Wouldn't the husband be even more angry, and sooner or later he would kill Li Wang, and she deliberately didn't get close to him to protect Li Wang.

The reason was so good that he could find no rebuttal.

The seeds of jealousy were planted. In the following years, he would naturally love King Li even more. He is his own flesh and blood. He was very kind to let King Li occupy the status of prince. Where? There is a husband who is bigger than him.

But today...

He raised his head to look at Su Yaoguang, and asked with trembling lips, "You really didn't..."

Su Yaoguang kicked him again, "You are still asking, don't you know Feitong's temperament? If she doesn't love you, will she marry you? If she doesn't love you, she will be willing to live here without freedom Live in the palace? If you didn't love you, when you married Tan Ya as your side concubine, she would be so angry that she would smash your Yunxiao Palace? Bai Beiming, you pretended to be a man!"

He should have said these words a long time ago, but his doubts had already taken root. When he wanted to say it, Bai Beiming would no longer believe it, but today is different, Fei Tong is at stake, if he doesn't say it, he really won't have the chance to say it again.

Bai Beiming forgot to resist, and was trampled under his feet.

"Your Majesty..." The guards rushed over to block them, "General Su, you are committing the following crimes, why not..."

With a bang, Xiaoying's demonic aura sent the speaking captain flying away.

"My lord, we are here to block you, you can do whatever you want!"

What a casual sentence... I simply don't take Bai Beiming seriously.

"What else do you have to say? If you really doubt it, why don't you take a look at the birthmark on King Li's body. It is exactly like you. When you are excited or angry, a purple foxtail flower will appear on your back."

Bai Beiming had never taken a good look at Li Wang, how could he know that he had a birthmark, but this birthmark exists in the royal line of the Fox Monster Clan, and only one will be passed down in each generation.

But it's not right...

"Xin'er, he..." When King Xie was born, he clearly saw the birthmark.

"Then I have to ask your good side concubine..." Su Yaoguang said contemptuously, "You can talk about such a despicable and despicable woman, but you can only say that you are blind. What kind of birthmark, it’s a fake, I found a waterproof paint and painted it on. It’s from Jin Zhong’s hand.”

Bai Beiming was obviously shocked by this sudden fact and his mind went blank. He didn't know whether he should trust Su Yaoguang or not.

"Why? Don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, Li Wang is inside, you can go and see. But he is weak now and can't get excited." The birthmark is not visible when the mood is calm, only emotional or emotional. Only when you are excited. "Oh, by the way, King Li can't come out, so you can go and see King Jing. Although the paint is waterproof, it will fade if you add vinegar to the water."

When the captain of the guards heard this, his eyes darkened, and he took a step back quietly, apparently to report the news.

"Where to go!" Xiaoying's big feet blocked his way.

"General Xiaoying, I'm in a hurry..."

"Are you anxious? Urinating in the grass. They're all men, what are you afraid of?"

"You...don't bully people too much!" His face was flushed with anger.

"It's you who bullied him!" Xiaoying picked up his collar and threw it to the guards of the Firefox Army behind him, "Take care of him, don't let him run away!"

"Yes, General!"

Mei Luo leaned against the wall and watched and listened all the time, suddenly felt that this General Su was very interesting, he made it clear that he was stepping on the king.

Well done!
Bai Beiming was shocked to hear that King Qu's birthmark was fake, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Su Yaoguang continued, "Prince Li is so ill, you have never looked at him from the beginning to the end, you are really a good father."

"Is he sick?" He really didn't pay attention to Li Wang, since the day Li Wang was born, he thought he was his shame.

Su Yaoguang twitched his eyebrows, if possible, he really wanted to slap him.

"Aren't you going to confirm it yourself? Then there are maids, you ask them, how did King Li come in?"

Ning Yi pushed those maids out, "Quickly answer the king's question?"

The maids knelt down in unison, "My Majesty, Your Highness was carried in on a stretcher."

"He was carried in? He has some kind of illness, and he wants to be carried in." He didn't remember that Li Wang's body was so weak.

Su Yaoguang's face was as dark as ink, extremely gloomy, "That's not a disease, it's Gu poison!"


Su Yaoguang snorted, and didn't continue the matter. Just now, he had stepped on the foot of the king severely. If he stepped on it again, it would be too deliberate. It would be too late to say something and hide it. When it is confirmed that the birthmark is fake, Tanya's credit will be gone, and by then all dirty water can be splashed.

Mei Luo deeply felt that Mr. Su was a scheming person, and he had a good grasp of the rhythm of stepping on people, hiding some and leaking some, but it would make people more interested.

"Why didn't you say it? What kind of Gu, and how did it come about?" Bai Beiming hurriedly stood up from the ground.

"Fei Tong's life and death are uncertain, I don't have time to mess with you. What's the matter, we'll talk about it when she wakes up." Su Yaoguang put away his demonic aura, and winked at Xiaoying.

Xiaoying nodded knowingly, and said to the guards behind him, "Separate a group of people to closely monitor Tan Ya's side concubine's bedroom, and record carefully who entered and who came out."

"Understood, General."

The Firefox army has always been well-trained, and immediately dispersed a group of troops and flew to Tanya's bedroom.

Bai Beiming and Su Yaoguang stopped fighting, and Feng Xianyang heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Su Yaoguang would be so angry that he would kill the king irrationally. Although Su Yaoguang was not a nine-tailed fox, he had rich experience in the battlefield and knew many Skills, he is a very difficult veteran, and someone like Bai Beiming who has been pampered for many years will never be his opponent.

"Master Su!" Feng Xianyang bowed to him politely.

"Oh, Xianyang, what's the matter?"

Xiaoying handed over the water bag, Su Yaoguang was drinking water, after a fight he was so thirsty that he drank a few more sips.

"My lord has a good strategy, I want to ask my lord what to do next?"

It can be seen that Su Yaoguang has planned and taken action.

"No need to do anything. Wait until Feitong wakes up."

Whether she lives or dies, in fact, Bai Beiming's heart holds a very heavy weight. She can be well, it's best, if she dies, Tan Ya will die even worse.

Not in a hurry.

Yu Mo was still in the dormitory to rescue Fei Tong, but because of Ning Yi's protection, the movement inside did not leak out at all, and the people outside didn't know what was going on inside, so they could only wait patiently.

It was dawn, and it was dark again. After waiting for a day and a night, the sky finally paid off, and the door opened.

Li Luo came out from inside weeping with joy, knelt on the ground and said, "My lord, the queen has been rescued, the queen has been rescued."

Bai Beiming waited all night, no drop of water entered, his face was a little pale, but he was in good spirits, and he was even more excited when he heard it, "Really?"

Liluo wiped away her tears, "Yes!"

"What about the child?"

"It's also saved, mother and child are safe!"

Such a mother and child are safe, which makes everyone outside jump for joy.

Mei Luo had nothing to be excited about, he just wanted to know if Yu Mo was doing well, he must be exhausted from working inside all day and night, when he walked to the inner hall, Su Wu saw him and hurriedly hissed.

He stopped, and caught sight of Yu Mo who was lying on the chair and sleeping soundly.

"Miss Lan is too tired and has fallen asleep."

Mei Luo walked over and hugged her into her arms. Her body was covered with blood, still wet and sticky. Afraid that she would catch a cold in such a sleep, she hurriedly took off her clothes and covered her, wrapping her tightly.

Yu Mo seemed to know it was him, woke up, half-opened his eyes, "Mei Luo, I'm sleepy."

"Sleep if you are tired."

"I can't take care of the rest, you have to do the rest yourself. I told Su Wu that although the operation was successful, the subsequent maintenance is very important. I'm afraid Su Wu can't do it alone. You tell the Fox Demon King , that guy called General Chen looks pretty good, let him help too. But it’s free if you take me as a teacher, I don’t accept apprentices..." She let out a breath, and slowly closed her eyes, "I'm going to sleep , don't bother me..."

Mei Luo dropped a kiss on her eyelid and held her in his arms.

King Li knelt beside the bed, tightly holding Feitong's hand, Feitong was still in a coma, his face was very pale, but his breathing was much stronger than when he came.

Several artifacts were returned to the demon refining pot, and so was the fur ball, so what happened just now, Su Wu knew, Li Wang knew, Li Luo knew, and no one else knew.

Bai Beiming stepped into the inner hall with big strides, and was about to take a good look at Feitong, but when King Li was there, his steps stopped.

This son, he had never really looked at it carefully, but seeing it today, he felt a little sad.

How could a person be so emaciated like this?

How did the people in Li Palace take care of him?

He coughed.

King Li turned his head to the side, saw that it was him, and hurriedly saluted, "Father King..."

"Get up, don't kneel, take... take a chair and sit!"

Li Luo has already brought the chair over, "It's still useful if the king speaks. The slaves have said it a few times just now, but His Highness is not willing."

How dare Li Wang sit down, because Bai Beiming is still standing.

"Father, you should sit on the chair."

"You can just sit down, there's so much nonsense." He stepped forward and pushed him onto the chair.

Li Wang was a little flattered, his father had never talked to him so much, let alone treated him so kindly, his eyes were a little hot, "Thank you, father!"

"What happened to your body?" Su Yaoguang refused to say, so he could only ask directly.

Li Wang darkened his eyes, "Father, don't worry, my son is already much better."

Bai Beiming didn't ask, he was a little anxious, but it was useless, Li Wang didn't intend to tell Tanya's evil deeds from his own mouth.

Su Wu went to Su Yaoguang's side, seeing that he was not injured, she was relieved, "Daddy is really messing around, what if the king is really angry?"

The gold medal for avoiding death was given by the previous king, and it can indeed protect the Su family, but once the emperor and the courtiers, who is the king has the final say.

"It's Daddy's fault for worrying my daughter. Let Daddy see you, are you tired?"

"Not tired!" Yu Mo was the only one who was busy, and she knelt on the ground in surprise.

"Did you get bullied when you went to Danyana?"

"I'm Daddy's daughter, who dares to bully me? It's God's grace that I didn't bully anyone. But I almost fell victim to it."

Su Yaoguang's face turned angry, "Did she attack you?"

"Well, addicted to poison. Dad, don't worry, the poison has been cured."

"Tan Ya is so courageous!"

"It's not Tanya, but it has something to do with her. She should have instructed Su Yu to do it."

"This wicked girl!" Su Yaoguang gritted his teeth, "I shouldn't have stayed in the first place."

"Father, she is your daughter after all, she is your flesh and blood, if you can spare her life, let her die." Killing her own daughter was too hostile, and she was afraid that her father would have retribution.

"You don't need to intercede for her. She doesn't learn the good ones, but only learns the bad ones. It's not a family, but she doesn't enter a family. Follow her mother, and Tanya. Keeping such a wicked person will kill me sooner or later. The Su family!" In the past, he could turn a blind eye to it, but this time he must not let it go lightly, helping others deal with his sister, is there any affection? This time it is my sister, next time I am afraid it will be him dear father.

Su Wu stretched out her hand to caress his chest and said, "Daddy, don't be angry, isn't your daughter all right?"

"It's too late!" He paused at this point, as if thinking of something, "Daughter, are you sure you're addicted to drugs?"

"Yeah! My daughter can't judge wrong."

"Su concubine was laid in Tanya Palace?"

Su Wu nodded, "What does Daddy ask these questions?"

Su Yaoguang's dark eyes lit up, "Stomp on people!"


"Stamp to death!"

In the sleeping hall, when Bai Beiming was about to ask King Li who had poisoned him, there was a burst of exclamation from outside the hall.

"Miss Su Wu fainted..."

Both Li Wang and Bai Beiming were shocked.

Bai Beiming looked at Li Luo, "Go and see what's wrong?"

Li Luo flew out, and came back after a while, "My lord, Miss Su Wu didn't know what happened, she passed out."

"Aren't you too tired?" A girl who didn't sleep all day and all night would indeed be unable to hold on. "Call the general here and take a look for her."

The general had already arrived, knowing that Yumo had saved Fei Tong, and was pestering Mei Luo to ask for a teacher. Su Yaoguang carried Su Wu into the dormitory, and he happened to be there, so he took the pulse.

"Miss seems to be poisoned."

"Poison? What poison? My daughter is fine, how could she be poisoned?"

"Master Su, don't worry. It's not a serious poison. From the perspective of my humble minister, it's a poison. This poison won't harm the body, but at most it will make people sleepy. I'll make the medicine right away, and the poison will be detoxified immediately."

"It's so good, why did you get poisoned? Didn't you always save Fei Tong in the dormitory?" It was Bai Beiming who spoke.

Speaking of saving lives, he thought of another person... Yu Mo.

Previously, we had to pay close attention to Li Wang and completely forgot about this great benefactor.Because Yumo fell asleep, she didn't linger in front of his eyes. Meiluo found a secluded place to guard her all the time so that she could sleep well, and the two of them suddenly became transparent.

Bai Beiming glanced over, and Mei Luo looked at him squarely, "Fox Demon King, do you think it was my wife who poisoned you?"

Bai Beiming found that this young man was very imposing, unlike ordinary people, so he called him the Fox Demon King, not the king.

"Your Excellency is..."

Li Wang said, "Father, this is the dog demon king, a friend of my son."

"The Demon Dog King?" Bai Beiming was startled.

"Back to the father, that's right. My son has been looking for a wizard who can cure the mother's eye disease for many years. Hearing that the Queen of the Dog Demon King is an extremely powerful wizard, he decided to go to the Dog Demon Clan and spent a lot of time to invite her. Come on. It is my son's fault that I never told my father about this matter."

"Eye disease?" This is another thing Bai Beiming doesn't know about, "What eye disease?"

"Father doesn't know?" King Li performed well even when he was sick.

"What eye disease? Ah? Why don't I know?"

Li Wang bowed his head and remained silent, but Li Luo was agitated and rushed over and knelt down, "Your Majesty, you don't know, the Queen's eyes have been suffering for a long time. The servants have approached Mr. Ruan Qing, but Mr. Ruan Qing has always declined, saying that she is not good at skills. Dare to rule for the queen. The slaves also went to the wizarding academy to invite other wizards, but they all..." Li Luo did not forget Feng Xianyang's entrustment, and the original plan was for Yumo to raise his head. You must catch it, crying, "They all refused to come, saying that they were afraid of offending Tan Ya's side concubine."

A group of wizards knelt on the ground trembling with fright when they heard this.

"The queen has an eye disease, and no one is willing to treat it. She even asked a prince to travel thousands of miles to find a wizard. Good... really good..." Bai Beiming's face turned blue with anger.

"My lord, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me."

At this time, Ah Zi came out from nowhere, crying to the unconscious Su Wu, "Miss, I told you not to go to the bedroom of Tan Ya's side concubine, you still don't listen, you see the trick, right?" , must have been ordered by the king of Qin to do it, to make you unconscious and bully you."

Stepping on one foot after another, it's really stepping on to death.Bai Beiming's face was too angry to look at.

So, whether you are a man or a monster, don't do too many bad things, it's not that you don't report it, but that the time has not come, what should come, will still come.

(End of this chapter)

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