The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 542 Part 309 Interrogation of Concubine Tan Ya

Chapter 542 Part 309 Interrogation of Concubine Tan Ya
Fei Tong's eye disease, Su Wu's poisoning, King Qu's fake birthmark, all these things made Bai Beiming angry.

Although the authenticity has not been confirmed yet, but a group of people point to Tan Ya when something happened, are they all colluding?He didn't believe it was such a coincidence.

"Qingshu, bring Tanya here."

Qingshu took the order and took a few guards to Tanya's bedroom.

Tan Ya has already received the news that Su Wu was poisoned and passed out, and she is wondering why the poison just happened at this time, obviously it has been a day and a night.

King Jing felt that this was just adding fuel to the fire. Before the matter of the dead man was cleared away, another incident happened.

"Mother concubine, how can this be?" He was anxious, he was afraid that the matter would involve him, "This is what mother concubine instructed Su Yu to do, I don't know."

Su Yu kept kneeling on the ground until her knees were blue and no one asked her to get up, and she didn't dare to get up herself. When she heard King Qin push the matter to Tan Ya, she knew exactly what kind of person Tan Ya was, and she was sure. She will push this matter onto herself, she doesn't want to be a scapegoat, if her own father finds out about this matter, she will either die or be disabled.

In case Su Wu wakes up and tells Bai Beiming what happened here, then she can only take care of herself first and protect herself.

Just as he was thinking, Qingshu came with someone.

"Side Concubine, Your Majesty invites you to the Queen's bedroom."

Tanya trembled, "For...for what?"

"You'll know when the empress is gone!" Qing Shu waved his hand, and several guards rushed over.

"Bold, this is my bedroom, what is your identity, how dare you be rude to me."

"Your Majesty, this is the king's order. If you don't go, Qing Shu will have to let someone carry you there." He winked.

The guard stepped forward to drag Tanya away.

King Qu shouted, "Qingshu, do you think I don't exist?"

"Qingshu dare not, but the king's order is the king's order. If your highness is worried about your empress, you can go with her."

How could King Qin dare to go with him? Wouldn't he be throwing himself into a trap if he went? His eyes fell on Su Yu, and he immediately shouted, "Catch her!"

Su Yu jumped up in shock, "Your Highness!"

Qingshu felt that he came to lead people, and before he said anything, they started fighting. They were so stupid that they kept doing nothing, and asked the guards to arrest Su Yu as well.

"Let go of me, I didn't do anything!"

"Shut up!" Tanya said angrily.

Su Yu kept silent, but the panic in her eyes did not disappear.

Tan Ya showed the imposing manner of a side concubine, "Since it is the king's order, I will follow, but I am disheveled now, so I am not suitable to see you. Wait a moment, I will comb my hair and change my clothes."

Qing Shu was not afraid that she would run away, so he nodded his head and waited in the bedroom.

Tanya called Lvxiu and entered the inner hall together.

Luxiu asked anxiously, "Your Majesty, what should I do? Did Su Wu know about your poisoning?"

"I didn't do the poison. What am I afraid of, unless she has evidence, but does she have it?"

"But Concubine Su... the servant is afraid that her mouth will not be reliable."

Tan Ya's eyes flickered with viciousness, "You're right, this girl is timid, don't be scared." She reached out to open a small drawer of the dressing cabinet, took out the ring inside and put it on her finger, "But don't be afraid , the dead cannot speak."

Luxiu looked at the ring and knew it, "I'll comb your empress's hair."

"Well, comb the bun that the king likes."

"The servant understands."

King Xi was pacing back and forth in the main hall. He had tried his best to formulate words to Qing Shu, wanting to know what happened to the queen, but Qing Shu was a master who didn't like oil and salt. No amount of formulaic words was useless. His mouth seemed to be branded. I can't even pry it open.

Su Yu knelt for a day and a night, her legs were no longer her own, she couldn't even stand up, if it wasn't for the guards supporting her, she would definitely fall to the ground.

Tanya changed her clothes, combed her hair and came out. She put on rouge and powder on her face, her face was radiant, and she stroked Yun's temples, "Okay, let's go, don't keep the king waiting."

"Mother Concubine!" King Wen walked to her side, "Mother Concubine, you..."

"Don't be afraid, Qin'er, the concubine can handle it, but you..." She secretly stuffed a ball of paper into his hand, and whispered, "Waiting for the opportunity!"

King Qin held the paper ball tightly, "I respectfully send my mother and concubine off."

Qing Shu got impatient waiting, but Tan Ya's side concubine status was there, he made a gesture of invitation, "Niang Niang, please go."

"Wait, I still have something to get, just wait a moment. Luxiu, go and bring that newly made teacup. It's for the queen."

Luxiu nodded, and went to the cupboard where the tea bowls were placed. It was the cupboard that Su Wu had found to hide the mysterious case. From this angle, she couldn't see what she was doing. She quickly opened the cupboard and took something, and then took it casually A new teacup was packed and put into a box, and handed to Tanya together.

After Tan Ya and Su Yu left, King Qin opened the ball of paper in his palm.

It said: Luxiu will report if there is any discrepancy.opposite!

He was startled, but agreed that this was the best way, and quickly put the ball of paper into a candle and burned it.Otherwise, he needs someone to do it.But the dead soldiers in the palace are dead and caught, it's useless, there are outside the palace, but he can't get out now, but he is not unprepared.

A dark and ruthless look rose in his purple eyes... Bai Yu is a person with many treasures.

Yu Mo was still fast asleep, Mei Luo was afraid that if she slept like this, her back would be sore when she woke up, so she carefully changed her position, facing the main hall, looking like she was watching a show.

The general minister's antidote was made, because it was a bit rough, but it worked, Su Wu woke up soon, she stroked her forehead, "What's wrong with me?"

"Miss, you are poisoned."

"Poison?" She looked surprised, "What poison?"

"Drug addict."

She looked confused, "Who will poison me, besides, I have been here all day and night to save the queen."

"Didn't you go to Tanya's side concubine?"

"Bold, stop talking nonsense." She straightened her face, "How can you talk nonsense without evidence?"

Ah Zi yelled, "What evidence is needed for this, the king has been coveting you for a long time. Didn't you almost use the second lady's charm technique last time?"

This conversation was naturally made by Su Yu and Ah Zi before she fainted. The two master and servant really had a tacit understanding and acted really well.

When Bai Beiming heard that it was still the last time, the anger in his stomach turned into evil spirit and burned all over his body.

He knew who Su Yu was.In addition to being Su Yaoguang's daughter, she is also Tanya's niece, so they are connected.A daughter's family charms her sister, why?For men.

Su concubine likes King Qin, anyone with eyes can't fail to see.

Su Yaoguang is also good at acting, he roared angrily, "Nie Zhan, Nie Zha, even my own sister will be killed." He was about to raise his knife to kill people, but was stopped by Feng Xianyang.

"Lord Su, this is just a guess. There is no evidence. Don't be angry. Wait until Tan Ya's side concubine arrives to ask. You see, Miss Su was frightened by you when she just woke up."

Su Wu was really startled, and she burst into tears after a while, "Daddy, my sister wouldn't do such a thing, so don't talk nonsense."

A group of people were acting, and the acting was so beautiful that Mei Luo couldn't take his eyes off it.

There are quite a lot of capable people in this fox monster clan, so you must be more careful in the future, it is best not to be an enemy.

Li Wang naturally continued to maintain his patient state, sitting on a chair and coughing a few times, with Li Luo beside him taking care of him, he couldn't fall down for the time being.

Ning Yi and Feng Xianyang glanced at each other, there was excitement in their eyes, the excitement of punishing rape and eradicating evil.

The time for a cup of tea passed, and Tanya came here with her hips twisted and her waist twisted, graceful and graceful. Seeing Bai Beiming bowed down gracefully, "Hello, Your Majesty. I don't know why you are looking for a concubine? Oh, that's right." , I heard that the queen was assassinated, how are you doing now?"

She is also good at acting, the concern and anxiety on her face can't be seen as fake, if it was before, Bai Beiming would have fixed her way, but now he can't, clapping his big hands to the table, "Kneel down! "

"Your Majesty?" Tan Ya was startled, pitiful like a little white rabbit.

"Your Majesty!"

She knelt down, but her eyes were red, "My lord, why are you so angry, but the queen..."

"Crimson Tong is fine, you don't need to worry about it. You might as well care about yourself."

"What did the concubine do?" The innocence on her face was true, but no one present would believe it.

"Let me ask you... Did you inject Su Wu's poison?"

She was startled, and fell to the ground, "Your Majesty, you can't wrong my concubine. Is there any reason for this concubine to poison Miss Su. She is Master Su's daughter, she has a noble status."

"For Xing'er! Don't think that I don't know, Xing'er likes her, and you want her to marry Xing'er all day long."

"She has a beautiful appearance, a good background, and she is Lord Su's daughter-in-law. Not to mention me, many nobles want her to be their daughter-in-law, and I'm not the only one. Even the queen wants her too?"

Bai Beiming choked on these words.

Speaking of Fei Tong also wanting Su Wu to be his daughter-in-law, at first he thought she was just acting, trying to confuse the fact that King Li is not his son, but now he doesn't think so.Fei Tong must like Su Wu very much, otherwise she would not have thought of asking her to be his daughter-in-law.

If King Li was really his own son, he owed their mother and son so much, and this daughter-in-law could not be given to King Jing.

Su Yaoguang knew that his heart had been deviated, but he was a soft-hearted person after all, especially when facing Tan Ya.This woman is really a vixen.

This word has never been a good word for the women of the fox demon clan. Even though they are foxes, they really hate it when others use this word to say about themselves.Therefore, if a woman is said to be a vixen in the fox demon clan, it is really bad, and others will say that.

"Tanya side concubine, my daughter went to your bedroom a day ago, but is it true?"

"Yeah, I got a gadget recently. I thought Miss Su would like it, so I asked Miss Su to find her. Firstly, I wanted to give her a reward, and secondly, I wanted to talk to her. Is there anything wrong?" She doesn't believe that they have evidence, they are just trying to fool her now, she will not be fooled.

"Oh, what kind of gadget is it?" Su Yaoguang can be said to be scheming, and he is sure that this is just an excuse, and there will definitely be no such thing.

Sure enough, Tanyaka was here, but calmly.

"It's from my daughter's house, why? Master Su is interested?"

"I just want to take a look and estimate the value, so that I can return the gift in the future. The side concubine thinks so much of the little girl, and I always have to show something." He said it tightly.

"No, it's just a gadget. It's just a pair of...earrings!" There are many accessories in her palace, so just find one and get it out.

"is it?"


"Ma'am, are you sure?"


"But..." Su Yaoguang turned his eyes and turned to the outside of the dormitory. Su Yu was kneeling at the door, "That's not what my youngest daughter said, she said it was a bracelet..."

While asking Tanya, he also sent people to ask Su Yu, and told her that Tanya's side concubine told her what kind of gadget it was, and she had better tell her honestly, otherwise she and Tanya would be over.

"One is talking about bracelets, and the other is talking about earrings. Ma'am, you are such a master."

Tan Ya trembled, pretending to be calm and said, "Yes, there is also a bracelet, it's a set, I forgot to mention it just now."


"Yes!" She was extremely angry.

"Ma'am, actually..." Su Yaoguang smiled, "My little daughter doesn't even know what you want to give? She didn't say a word. But you..."

Tan Ya looked at Su Yu, who looked at her in confusion. "You..." She caught Su Yaoguang's words.

"Your Majesty, are you getting angry from embarrassment? Don't you need it? How can you look like a side concubine with your appearance? Why don't you ask the king to taste it." Su Yaoguang threw the question to Bai Beiming.

Bai Beiming stared at her, if he really wanted to give something away, why hide it, it's clear that he has a ghost in his heart.

"My lord, don't listen to Su Yaoguang's words, you forgot about him and the queen..."

"Shut up!" Bai Beiming knew that she was going to talk about Feitong and Su Yaoguang again.

"Concubine Su, come here!" He thought it was impossible for Tanya to tell the truth, and it didn't matter if she didn't tell the truth, someone would.

Su Concubine was not frightened, but when she heard Bai Beiming calling her name, her whole body trembled and she couldn't even stand up. It was Qing Shu and a few guards who dragged her over.

"My lord... I... I..." She didn't dare to lift her head.

Knowing that the matter was about to be exposed, Tan Ya rushed over, protecting Su Yu and said, "My lord, don't blame this child, she didn't do it on purpose, she just wanted to help Qin'er."

When Su Yu heard this, her eyes widened. She really wanted to put the blame on herself, "No, no, Your Majesty..."

"My dear, you can't talk nonsense, didn't you see your aunt begging for mercy?" Tan Ya secretly squeezed her hand.

Concubine Su suddenly felt a tingling pain in her fingers, very light, so she didn't take it seriously, pushed her away and said, "What auntie, you want to make things..." Before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed, and she froze there, and then The expression was very painful, pinching her throat, she was speechless, unable to say a word, she stretched out her finger and pointed at Tanya, her eyes were bloodshot.

Tanya bent her mouth and sneered, and it was fleeting, she rushed over and cried, "Silly boy, didn't I tell you, I will intercede for you. The king will show mercy. You took poison when you came out, I see you ate something , You still said it was just dim sum. Honey, don’t blind Aunt.”

She sang and sang very well, with tears in her eyes, but Su Yu shook her head desperately.

"Come on, save her, save her."

Su Wu hurried over, but it was already too late, this is highly poisonous, if blood seals her throat, as long as she touches it, she will definitely die.

Su Yu struggled and twisted her body a few times, but after a while, the seven orifices were bleeding.


"My dear, silly boy, why did you commit suicide? How do you want me and your mother to explain this?"

It happened so suddenly that even though it was prevented, it was still not prevented.

Su Yu died, a terrible death.

In Tan Ya's bedroom, King Qin used the formula Bai Yu gave him to call out the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The Eastern Emperor Bell has the ability to open space, as long as it has been to a place, no matter how far it is, it can instantly open the space to reach.

Bai Yu's injury is still not healed, but knowing that King Qin read the trick, he quickly appeared through the Eastern Emperor Bell.

King Qin said: "Bai Yu, the situation is critical now, quickly take me out of here and go to my barracks."

As soon as Bai Yu heard what he said, he knew that he was going against the law, and he didn't think it was a good time to do it now.

"Have you ever thought about it, things haven't gotten this bad yet."

"Isn't it too bad? I've been under house arrest, and I can't go out even if I want to. My mother was also taken away." He waited and waited until Lvxiu came back to send a message. Something must have happened to the queen, "Now don't Act before it's too late."

He doesn't want to be a bandit, he just wants to be the king and the most powerful person in the fox monster clan.

"You're too impatient, you can't eat hot tofu." Qing Yi would report to him every day the movements of the fox monster clan, so he knew the situation here clearly.

"If you don't help me, no one will help you deal with the Queen of the Night Falcon Clan. Either you take me away now, or our alliance will be cancelled, and we will never communicate with each other."

Bai Yu and Yao Jia have already torn skins, if they want to fight back, they don't have enough troops, so they can only rely on the king.

"Okay, but don't regret it!"

King Jing didn't know that it wasn't that Lvxiu didn't come back, but that the Firefox army had already surrounded Tanya's bedroom. She couldn't get in, and she was captured long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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