The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 547 Part 314 Respect Only Lasts

Chapter 547 Part 314 Respect Only Lasts

Hearing Yu Mo's exclamation, Mei Luo in the main hall thought something happened, raised her legs and ran towards the inner courtyard, and saw Yu Mo running fast in the middle of the walk.

"Slow down, watch out for steps and thresholds. Didn't I tell you not to run so fast."

At this time, Yu Mo couldn't control so much, she threw herself into his arms, raised her head and said anxiously: "Mei Luo, it's not good, Bai Yu is going to Wanmo Island."

She is not afraid of other people going to Ten Thousand Demon Island, but Bai Yu is not, which means that he probably knows that there is a Pangu ax hidden on Ten Thousand Demon Island.

"How do you know he's going to Ten Thousand Demon Island?"

Mei Luo hasn't mentioned the matter of Wanmo Island to King Li yet. One is that he has just become king and is busy with government affairs, so he must settle the internal affairs before talking about helping.The second is that King Qu was killed for his rebellion, and the people's hearts are unstable. I am afraid that he, a great king, will not be able to do without the fox monster clan in a short time.The matter also slowed down.

"Master Su said it!"

"Su Yaoguang?" Su Yaoguang died in Bai Yu's hands, did he know something?
"Yes, I was chatting with Su Wu just now, and wanted to ask her if she knew about Ten Thousand Demon Island, and she said that before his father died, he mentioned that Bai Yu must not be allowed to go to Ten Thousand Demon Island."

Su Wu came over with the support of Ah Zi, "King the dog demon, this matter was indeed brought up by my father before his death. I don't know why Miss Lan is so nervous after hearing this?"

Su Yaoguang died after he finished talking about this matter, both Su Wu and King Li heard it, but at that time the situation was more sad than anything else, so there is time to study it.Afterwards, everyone was busy with Su Yaoguang's funeral, and Su Wu had to keep his filial piety. Bai Beiming's sudden abdication also disrupted everyone's position, so this matter was completely put aside. If Yu Mo hadn't mentioned it, Su Wu might Can't remember yet.

"What's so special about this Myriad Demon Island?" She still doesn't understand why her father brought up this matter.

Yu Mo didn't hide it, "Yes, it's too special. There is a Pangu ax on it!"

Su Wu was surprised, "You mean Bai Yu is going to get the Pan Gu axe?"

"Sure. There are countless powerful monsters inhabiting the Ten Thousand Demon Island. It is an extremely dangerous place. If there is no Pangu axe, how would Baiyu go? Meiluo, we must not let Baiyu take the lead."

"I know. Don't be in a hurry. You can't be in a hurry. Calm down." She was sweating.

"How can I not be in a hurry? The Pangu ax is the key to my home." It's fine if I can't find it, and she will get it anyway if she finds it.

"I heard that the Pangu ax can only be used by humans. Baiyu is a monster, so even if he finds it, he can't use it. What is he going to use?" Su Wu still has some knowledge about the divine weapon, and she knows that the Pangu ax is the only thing that monsters can't use. The artifact is completely unusable.

"Su Wu, you don't know how bad and cunning Bai Yu is. Whether he can use it is not a question for him at all. Since he will take it, he must have a plan."

Mei Luo agrees with this point, the fact that Yu Mo's soul was sucked away is a lesson from the past.When he got the Pangu axe, he would definitely attack Yumo, but what he didn't understand did he know where the Pangu ax was?

He thought of a person, the human who suddenly appeared on Penglai Island last time—Ye Yaoluo.

They also learned about the whereabouts of the Pan Gu Ax from Ye Yaoluo's mouth, but at the time, seeing her behavior was not in harmony with Bai Yu, even very annoying, it seemed that she would tell Bai Yu about it.Could it be that he slipped his tongue?

"Mei Luo, do you think Bai Yu has already gone?" Yu Mo now can't wait to fly to Wanmo Island.

"Momo, don't worry, as we said before... Wanmo Island is not an ordinary place, and if you go up without complete preparations, you will die. Bai Yu's thoughts are so meticulous, it is impossible to go up rashly."

"I know I can't be in a hurry, but I'm worried that he will get there first."

Mei Luo's expression was a bit serious, logically speaking, Bai Yu's current combat power and manpower were far inferior to them, and they dared not go to Wanmo Island casually, where did he get the confidence to rely on Xuanyuan Sword?Or Donghuang Bell and Kongtong Seal?

Compared to this, he was more puzzled why Su Yaoguang specifically told this matter before his death. He was not familiar with Yumo, so even if he knew that Bai Yu was going to get the Pangu axe, it should be Su Wu's reaction. The demon can no longer use the Pangu axe. It's useless to find it, but he specifically asked Bai Yu not to let Bai Yu go to Wanmo Island.

He was worried that Bai Yu's visit to Ten Thousand Demon Island might not be just for the Pangu Axe.

"Mo Mo, you wait here, I'll go find King Li."

Li Wang's battle power is a must if you want to go to Wanmo Island.

"Okay, go quickly, go quickly."

Under the stars, there is a dilapidated house. Although there are lights, it is extremely dim.

Outside the house, Qingyi and Huiyi paced back and forth, they bumped into each other without looking at the road for a while, when they looked up, their expressions were not very good-looking.

"Do you think your lord's hand is really hopeless?" Qing Yi couldn't hide her heartache.

"It's already broken, so why don't you take it back? Su Yaoguang is a ruthless character. So many people beat him up, and he can still find the right time to cut off the left arm of the adult. It's all my fault. I wish I had paid more attention at that time." Already." Gray Wing blamed himself very much.

After King Qu's defeat, he and Qing Yi kept Bai Yu's words in mind and withdrew immediately.Bai Yu also didn't continue to fight with Su Yaoguang. He didn't expect Su Yaoguang to be a difficult master, and he secretly pursued him. Hui Yi talked quickly and asked him to eavesdrop on their going to Wanmo Island.

The relationship between Wanmo Island and his party is very important, and Bai Yu has no choice but to kill him.

Su Yaoguang is very experienced in marching and fighting, he is a veteran of the battlefield, they simply took him down because of their large number of people, but even if Jiang was struggling, he also found the right opportunity to try to kill Bai Yu together.

After Bai Yu tore his face with Yao Jia, his injury has not healed, and his combat strength has weakened a lot. After fighting with Su Yaoguang, he severely injured Su Yaoguang with Xuanyuan Sword, but he didn't get any benefit, and his left hand was chopped off After coming down, Su Yaoguang fled back to the Fox Monster Clan holding his breath.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Who would have expected him to catch up. It's important to protect your lord right now."

Hui Wing worried, "My lord has not healed from a serious injury, and now I have another hand broken, do you want to persuade my lord not to go to Wanmo Island for the time being?"

"Ten days from now will be the day of the Nine Stars Lianzhu. Your lord said that if you miss this day, you will have to wait for 2000 years. He doesn't have the time to wait."

" can't just listen to Xuanyuanjian. It's not helping the lord, it's clearly hurting him."

"Do you think I don't want to persuade your lord? My lord must listen! Your lord is determined to go for Miss He Ji and His Highness Feihuang. It's useless to say anything. What you and I can do is to protect your lord with all our heart, especially Now that Black Wing is gone, we can only rely on the two of us."

Gray Wing clenched his fists, "Okay, my lord gave me my life, I will do whatever my lord wants me to do. Anyone who wants to die a lord has to step on my dead body first."

"Our brothers work together, there will be no problems."

In the dilapidated house, Bai Yu was dizzy due to excessive bleeding due to the loss of an arm, but even so he would not fall down. He is a wizard, and the wound has been treated very well. After two days of rest, he should be fine.

If the harpy loses its hands, it means it has no wings and can no longer fly, but the original shape of Baiyu is a phoenix, which is the only harpy that still soars in the sky without its hands, at most it is After losing an arm in the human form, it will be inconvenient to move. He will not feel upset about it. He only hopes that Xuanyuanjian can keep his promise. the power of.

"Xuanyuan, are you sure that Dragon Palace will lend Fuxiqin to Lan Yumo?"

On the Ten Thousand Demon Island, the most critical link is the ten artifacts.

"Given the origin of the Dragon Palace and the Dog Demon King, why not borrow it? I have confidence." Xuanyuan Sword was shining at the corner of the bed.

"You are smarter than me."

"It's just mutual benefit. You have your purpose, and I also have my needs. When the matter is completed, Yan Mo's power will possess you. At that time, let alone the mere Night Falcon family, even if you are alone A clan of big monsters who can single-handedly challenge the mountains and seas. Isn’t that what you want? The power to protect your wife and children.”

"You're right, this is the day I've been waiting for." He clenched a black compass in his hand.

This compass is dark, round, slightly larger than a palm, with ten grids on it, and each grid has a pattern. It is... ten artifacts.

Shennong Ding, Haotian Pagoda, Demon Refining Pot, Fuxi Qin, Donghuang Bell, Kongtong Seal, Xuanyuan Sword, Nuwa Stone, and Kunlun Mirror are all golden in color. The pointer of light connected to it pointed in the direction of the Wanmo Island.

Bai Yu knew the whereabouts of the Pangu Ax through it, and when all nine artifacts were found, the whereabouts of the Pangu Ax would be displayed on the artifact policy.If you want to know the whereabouts of the other nine artifacts, you have to use the forbidden technique to push the compass. He has used it three times, once for the Shennong Ding, once for the Donghuang Bell, and once for the Kongtong Seal.

The forbidden technique has a lot of backlash, but in order to achieve the goal, he doesn't care how many times he is backlashed. Doesn't he use too few forbidden techniques?

It's a pity that the most wanted Shennong Ding was snatched by Lan Yumo.But it doesn't matter, when he arrives at Wanmo Island, collects all ten artifacts, and gains power, the ten artifacts will still belong to him.

"Bai Yu, you are seriously injured now, you should rest early, we only have ten days left."

"Don't worry, I will never forget what I promised."

"It's best like this, but I still want to remind you that when you arrive at Wanmo Island, you must keep an eye on the nine beads in the center of the compass. Once they are aligned in a straight line, it is the time for you to activate the magic weapon strategy. morning."

This reminder has been reminding Bai Yu ever since he got the Xuanyuan Sword, and learned about the Divine Artifact Strategy from Xuanyuanjian, how could he forget it.

He closed his eyes and went to recuperate.

Fox monster clan.

Mei Luo found King Li in the palace, told him about Bai Yu and Wanmo Island, and directly asked him for help.

King Li knew that this trip would be very dangerous, and he would directly ask for his own help, because he needed more people to protect Yu Mo.

"You said just now that you suspected that Bai Yu went to Wanmo Island not only for the Pan Gu axe?"

"Do you still remember what Lord Su said at that time?
"At that time, he had exhausted all his energy and could not complete his words. He only said that Bai Yu must not be allowed to go."

"Su Wu also said the same thing. The word "tens of millions..." is very good. Why didn't he say that Bai Yu was going to the Demon Island and remind us to pay attention? But don't let him go? I suspect Mr. Su It may be that he knew something far more serious than Bai Yu's acquisition of the Pan Gu axe."

After Li Wang heard Mei Luo's analysis, he also had some doubts in his heart. Bai Yu's intention to get the Pangu ax was really unbelievable. Firstly, he couldn't use it, and secondly, he arrested Yumo. Isn't he afraid of the rain? Mo Mo manipulated the Pangu ax to chop him with an axe?

Mei Luo said again: "I know that your new king has taken office and there are many matters to be dealt with. It is really inappropriate to ask for your help at this time. But Bai Yu has to get rid of it, not only for Yu Mo, but also for his unreasonable ambition."

"Unify the world of mountains and seas?" He had heard Dada mention this matter before, it was tricked out of Feng Chen by the illusionist Ziying of the dog monster tribe through the technique of fascination.

"Yes, when I first heard it, I just thought it was a joke. Just imagine how he can dominate the entire mountain and sea world with his own strength? Even though he has the most powerful Xuanyuan Sword among the artifacts, he is only left alone. Now he has defected from the night Falcon family, how many shrimp soldiers and crab generals are around, and we will definitely be able to annihilate them together. Even if he can't, he can't deal with the silent beasts alone, but he is still so persistent about the Pangu axe. I'm worried ..."

"Are you worried that Pangu might be hiding secrets that we demons don't even know?"

Mei Luo nodded heavily.

King Li felt that this analysis made sense, but he was a little hesitant to go to the Isle of Ten Thousand Demons together.

As the new king ascends the throne, he has a great responsibility. He has gone far away, and it is unknown how many days he will be able to return. If he leaves for too long, it will be really inappropriate for the clan.If he was still King Li, he would definitely agree without hesitation, but his status is different, and the burden on his shoulders is not what it used to be.

The same is the king, Mei Luo can understand.

"I'm not forcing this, I'll give you time to think about it."

In order to go to Wanmo Island, he would ask Bixi to go back to the Dragon Palace and borrow Fuxiqin. The more combat power around him, the better he can guarantee Yumo's safety.

Li Wang glanced at the memorabilia as high as a hill on the table, still hesitating, so he nodded temporarily, "Okay! When do you plan to leave?"

"Three days later. I have asked Dada to return to the Dog Monster Clan to dispatch people, and it will take three days at the earliest to reach the Fox Monster Clan."

"Then... I'll give you an answer in three days."

The three-day period is coming soon, but Li Wang is so busy with political affairs that he doesn't even have time to sleep, where is the time to think carefully, and when he has free time, it's the day before Mei Luo's departure.

There are thousands of stars, he stands in the garden of the palace and looks up, his thoughts are long, tired, dry, but more still can't let go of the fox monster clan.

"Your Majesty, Miss Su Wu is asking to see you." Qing Shu knelt down and said.

Su Wu?

Li Wang was very surprised, how did she come back so late?

Since Su Yaoguang's funeral, he has been busy with government affairs all day long, and has no time to meet Su Wu. He only knows that she is very satisfied with the gift she sent last time, and that she will accompany the Queen Mother Feitong in the palace every day. The Queen Mother prescribed a prescription for nourishing the fetus, which made the Queen Mother very happy every day.

Seeing his hesitation, Qing Shu asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to see him?"


Qing Shu respectfully brought Su Wu over.

Li Wang found that he had nothing to say to her, so he stood there without saying a word.

It was Su Wu who spoke first.

"Your Majesty, the dog demon king and the queen have a kindness that cannot but be repaid to our fox demon clan. If the king is worried about the safety of the clan, then Su Wu assures you that if there is Su Wu, the fox demon clan will be safe for a day." .”

She stood there, still far away from him, with his familiar indifference on her face, but the sparkle in her eyes was particularly bright, with a magical power that could make people feel at ease.

He suddenly thought what would happen if it was replaced by Yumo?
She will definitely clamor to go with him, what she wants is to live and die together, but Su Wu is different, she understands better what is the responsibility of being a royal family?
At this moment, he really understood Su Yaoguang's words.

The most suitable one is always by my side...

His eyes were bent, his mood became extraordinarily relaxed, and he immediately flew into the air.

"Thank you...Wu'er..."


Su Wu was stunned, this was the first time he called her like this.

"Miss, why did you let the king go? It's not that you don't know that the king has Miss Lan in his heart. You still let him go. The mountains are high and the water is far away for several days. What if the king's mind becomes active again?" Ah Zi stomped her feet anxiously.

Looking at Li Wang's back as he walked farther and farther away, Su Wu looked up at the starry sky and said with a smile: "What the queen needs is never the king's love."


"Respect is good. Respect will last forever."

She will be his wife, but more often than not, she will be his good teacher and helpful friend, the military adviser behind him who will never fail.

Love will fade, only respect will not.

 Beginning to enter the final chapter... so tired, so tired.Guess... what am I going to do! ?


(End of this chapter)

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