The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 548 Part 315 The Adventure of Ten Thousand Demon Island

Chapter 548 Part 315 The Adventure of Ten Thousand Demon Island

Wanmo Island sounds quite intrusive, but excluding all kinds of powerful monsters that live on it, it is a very beautiful island. It is located at the edge of the mountain and sea boundary. Affected by the geographical environment, it floats in the air and keeps spinning , perhaps because of some kind of magnetic field relationship, the island has four seasons in one day, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring is warm, summer is hot, autumn is cool, winter is extremely cold, 12 hours, three hours in each season, random play, one spring, then winter, the order of each day will be different.

When Yu Mo heard it, it was unbelievable that there is such a strange island.According to Mei Luo, try to choose to go to the island in spring, this is out of protection for Yu Mo, even though she drank Bai Ze's blood, she is not afraid of the cold and heat, but he is still worried that she will not be able to bear it.

At this moment, a group of them had arrived near Wanmo Island, and the Bailai people chose a hidden place to station. Shudu sent a few dark guards from the wolf monster clan to investigate around, wondering if Bai Yu had arrived. When they set off from the fox monster clan, Having received the news of Bai Yu's departure, in order to ensure that he can catch up with him, even ahead of him, he hurried on with all his might.

Along the way, the group of monsters were fine, but Yumo suffered a lot. She, a human being, couldn't be like these monsters, who could not sleep for three days and still be full of energy.

"Momo, if you're sleepy, sleep in my arms for a while?"

Mei Luo is now in the form of a dog, which can make his perception extremely sensitive. The same King Li of Shudu and a group of soldiers are all in the form of animals, but Yu Mo is an individual. Looking away, She was like a keeper at a small animal center surrounded by canines.

There are fifty foxes, of different colors, blue, black, red, and gray.Li Wang is a white fox, so it is particularly eye-catching.

The wolf monsters in Shudu naturally look like wolves, but in Yu Mo's eyes, there is no difference between them and the dog monsters. When they are mixed together, it is impossible to tell which ones are wolves and which ones are dogs, and they are about the same size. Big.

She shook her head, "I took Brother Ding's refreshing pill, and I'm not very sleepy. Is Dada back yet?"

Dada is a cat demon, and he is definitely the easiest to find among a group of canine animals. After Mei Luo arrived, he sent him out, and took a dozen dog demon tribe members to the island to investigate.

"I haven't come back yet. If I don't come back, there is good news. Maybe Bai Yu hasn't arrived yet!" Mei Luo handed her a water bottle with her paw, "Thirsty? Drink water?"

"En!" She took a sip and said, "Don't hang around me all the time, I have Taotie to protect me, so nothing will happen."

"No, I'm not at ease if you're not under my nose." He wished he could tie her to the belt of his trousers.

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, knowing that he was concerned about it, he completely forgot that she was protected by so many artifacts and beasts, even if Bai Yu came, it would be difficult to touch her.

"King!" It was Awu's voice.

Mei Luo turned her head, "Dada is back?"

"No, but I found footprints to the east."

I heard that the heads of Shu Du and Li Wang came together.

Although they can control the size of the animal form, no matter how small they are, they will be larger than ordinary animals. Now that they are in the dangerous place of Wanmo Island, it is absolutely impossible to make themselves small, which will not be conducive to fighting state, so the size is maintained at a certain limit.

As soon as the two heads came together, the head as big as a Tyrannosaurus rex completely blocked Yu Mo's sight.

"Can you guys be smaller?" She felt a lot of pressure, the white canine teeth looked scary, and when the wind blew, their hair flew around.

"It can't be any smaller, otherwise it will be very troublesome to control the demon power." Shu Du said.

Yu Mo's nose was scratched by the hair, and he couldn't help but sneezed, and then another, three times in a row.At this time, the season on Wanmo Island is snowy winter, and the wind blowing over is very cold, Mei Luo, Shu Du, and King Li thought she was cold, so they hurriedly surrounded her.

Three canids, bigger than normal lions and tigers, surrounded her together, making her even more petite.

"Momo, are you cold? Come to me quickly, my fur is warm." The fur of wolves in Shudu is extremely fluffy, short fur like huskies, but the fur is very thin, the thinner it is, the warmer it is .

King Li flicked his nine big tails, each of which could be used as a quilt, "However, this king is warmer."

The fur of a fox is an artifact to keep out the cold no matter what era it is, and the breed of a big white fox is unique, perhaps even warmer than mink fur.

Shu Du raised his paw and patted King Li's face, "Boy, you already have a wife."

"It seems like you don't have one..." Needle Feather also came this time, but in the demon refining pot.

"Who says I have it, don't talk nonsense." He and Needle Feather haven't reached that point yet.

"Oh, is it?" The fox's eyes are sly at any time, shining, mocking and teasing.

When Shudu was annoyed, the two started fighting.

Yu Mo sighed, and moved towards Mei Luo resolutely, "Stop making trouble, I like dog fur the most."

Mei Luo, who was about to snarl, closed her mouth, wagged her dog's tail, and rubbed her face affectionately against Yu Mo's, her golden eyes provocatively looked at Shu Du and King Li who were fighting.

One wolf and one fox were bored, so they stopped immediately.

So what if it's hairy, people don't like it.

Yu Mo was not cold, but she hadn't slept for three days, and no amount of refreshing pills could wake her up. She fell asleep when she was sitting still. Before the investigators came back, she leaned on Mei Luo to sleep Dozed off.


Dada is back. He is a cat demon, or a three-color tabby cat. He inherited the attributes of a cat when he jumped over, and he couldn't hear the footsteps at all.

"How, did you find any trace of Bai Yu?"

Dada nodded, "He's already on the island."

"From the east?" Awu said before that there are footprints in the east.

"Yes. When I went there, I found the southeast corner."

Shu Du asked, "How many of them are there?"

"The wind and snow are heavy, and I can't see very clearly. It is estimated that there are about thirty of them."

Li Wang was surprised, "Only thirty? Is he brave, or does he really think he is invincible?"

There are so many monsters living on Wanmo Island that it is difficult to measure them with numbers. There are weak ones, but there are also strong ones. I am afraid that there is no time to rest all the way. How can a mere 30 people survive on the island safely.

Mei Luo instructed Dada, "Go to the island and follow him to see where he is going. By the way, pay attention to your own safety."


After Dada left, Yu Mo was woken up. When he heard that Bai Yu had arrived, he anxiously urged, "Mei Luo, let's go to the island quickly. We must not let him get the Pangu Axe."

"Don't worry, the island is so big, how can it be so easy to find the Pan Gu axe?"

Ye Yaoluo only said that the Pangu Ax was on the island, but didn't say where it was.

This island is not so big, I don't know the exact location, and I can't find it in a few days.


Mei Luo continued: "I have an idea, I don't know if you agree or not?"

Shu Du said, "If you have any ideas, just say it, we are on the same boat now."

"Okay, then I'll tell you!" Mei Luo looked at the two of them, "Since Bai Yu is on the island, I don't think we need to be in a hurry. Let's see his movements first. Even if he really found it before us, He is only 30 people, so how can we, a hundred or so people, not be able to snatch him?"

Pangu Axe would not choose Yao as its master, even if Bai Yu got it, it would be useless, they could just sit back and wait until he found it.

Li Wang said: "What you said is also reasonable, but don't forget, he has the Donghuang Bell, as long as he uses the Donghuang Bell, he can disappear from the island immediately, and if we want to snatch it, it may be too late. "

"I have considered this, but if we search aimlessly, it will only waste energy."

Shu Du said: "We are wasting our energy, so Bai Yu shouldn't be wasting it."

"That's all I have to say."

Li Wang understood the meaning of Mei Luo's words, "You mean, Bai Yu may know where the Pan Gu Ax is on the island?"

Mei Luo nodded, "He went to the island so quickly, and he didn't bring many people with him. Of course, there may be really no one to take with him, but Wanmo Island, you and I should be careful, but he behaved So full of confidence, if you are not sure, how can you go to the island immediately, you must know the destination and know that you can get the Pangu ax in the shortest time."

"It makes sense!" Li Wang felt that the possibility was very high, and said to Qing Shu, "You follow Dada and closely monitor Bai Yu's movements."

"The minister leads the order!"

With a whoosh, Qing Shu took several guards and flew in the direction of Dada.

Mei Luo said again, "We will send people to continue to follow him, and keep track of him. As soon as we find the Pan Gu axe, we will grab it immediately. I will pester Bai Yu, and I will never let him use the Eastern Emperor Bell."

"Okay, that's it."

Myriad Demon Island.

Holding the magic weapon in his hand, Bai Yu pinpointed the direction he was heading for, and many monsters sprang out along the way, all of which were instantly killed by his men. It wasn't that his men were too strong, but that these monsters were weak. With the pill that instantly increases the demon power, one person is enough to fight against five people.

After walking for a while, he stopped suddenly and raised his hand to stop the people behind him.

The environment on the island is like a primeval forest, all plants are oversized, even ordinary insects are ridiculously large, and the crickets that crawl over their feet are as big as a foot.

"My lord, why don't you leave?" Gray Wing asked.

"Wait for Qingyi to explore the way back." Bai Yu looked at the cave ahead. There is an enchantment in this cave, which has no effect on monsters, but it has an effect on monsters. All the way here are weak beasts. It is definitely not because of his luck. , but because of the enchantment at the entrance of the cave.

This enchantment is more effective for stronger monsters. He concluded that after passing through the cave, all the monsters that appear will be advanced.

A figure suddenly sprang out from the entrance of the cave, it was Qingyi, he was walking fast, and he was covering his shoulder with one hand, his face was covered with blood.

"My lord!" He took a few deep breaths, and his face was a little panicked, "There is a forest through the entrance of the cave, and the monsters in the forest are so powerful, this subordinate almost...almost..."

"Sure enough! Thank you for your hard work, go down and heal your wounds." He turned to instruct Hui Wing, "Go in and line up the formation, everyone be vigilant."

"My subordinate understands."

Seeing that masters like Qing Yi were injured, the people behind them became timid, but they were all Bai Yu's confidantes, and they would not have escaped without Bai Yu's order.

Now that Bai Yu is missing a hand, his combat power must have declined. After noting the direction shown by the artifact, he put the artifact back into his sleeve pocket, then pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword with one hand, and walked towards the cave with the sword in hand.

Dada, who was following him, also entered the cave after he went in. After passing the cave, there was a forest. Because the trees were tall and the sunlight was weak, his vision was somewhat dark, but the blood-red eyes crawling in the forest could see clearly. clear.

It is a monster, and it is a giant monster.

After a few steps out of the cave, a group of monsters rushed out, baring their fangs and drooling. They all looked different, but they were all extremely terrifying, several levels higher than those outside the cave.

Bai Yu shouted: "Set up the formation!"

Blue Wing and Gray Wing immediately released a silver magic weapon and surrounded Bai Yu's men and horses.

Dada was startled, and recognized it.

This is the death screen, which has the effect of blocking any attack for a short time.

Bai Yu actually still has such a magic weapon, he must hurry back and inform the king.

Unexpectedly, he was attacked by a monster as soon as he turned his head.

This is a place where the weak prey on the strong, and the fate of the weak is to become the food of the strong. Dada released his demon power and fought two monsters.

Qing Shu arrived later, seeing him struggling, he rushed up immediately and helped him, the two of them killed the monster together, but both suffered minor injuries, seeing Bai Yu gone, hurried back to report.

When Mei Luo heard this, she felt that she couldn't wait any longer, because once the distance was widened, it would be difficult to chase back.

"Go to the island!"

As soon as the military order was issued, hundreds of people landed on the island in an instant.

It was probably the first time that the monsters on the island had seen so many people, and they were drooling happily, looking crazy.

At the beginning, the outer edge lands were all weak beasts, and they couldn't hurt Mei Luo and the others at all, but after passing through the enchantment hole, the situation changed. The further they went, the more powerful the monsters became.

Yumo released Taotie and Zhulong, both of which are fierce beasts.The monsters instinctively sensed their murderous aura, and didn't dare to get too close, only staring at them with ferocious eyes.

On the way, they saw four or five corpses, all of them belonged to Bai Yu.

The annihilating array has a time limit, and once the time passes, it will disappear, and fighting is inevitable. These corpses are probably the result of the fighting. The corpses were bitten to pieces by monsters, which was extremely tragic, and blood was everywhere.

Seeing this, Yu Mo's face turned pale. She came from a medical family, and she has seen a lot of human corpses, but this kind of tragic situation has only been seen in her life, so she can't help but feel a little sick.

"Momo? Are you okay?" Mei Luo worried that she would not be able to bear it.

She leaned on Mei Luo's front legs and took a breath, suppressing the nausea in her stomach, "It's okay, let's continue walking."

Li Wang opened the way at the front, and when he reached the end, he saw another cave.

This cave is similar to what I saw before, but it is obvious that there is a bloody smell coming from the cave.

Shu Du judged, "It seems that the areas on Wanmo Island are divided into levels."

"One level for each cave...I believe the monsters inside will be more powerful than the ones encountered now. I just don't know how many caves like this exist!" Mei Luo could already feel the danger.

Shu Du smiled and said, "Bai Yu can pass, why can't we pass. We haven't lost any soldiers yet, but he has already lost a few."

"That's right! Let's go!"

This time the cave was much longer than the previous one, and there was an enchantment in the cave. They didn't encounter any monsters, but after walking out of the cave, they heard a roar, and a huge black shadow enveloped them.

"It's a fighting cat!" Dada shouted, "My lord, this is the same breed as my cat monster clan's guardian monster. Be careful with the claws, it's poisonous."

You don't need to look to know it's poisonous, the paw is smoking black smoke.

"Momo, get behind me. Taotie protects her."

A fierce fight broke out, and hundreds of people were organized into ten groups, one group of ten people surrounded Dou Mao.

"Look at the corner of its mouth, there is still a hand hanging." Shu Du flew into the air and saw it at a glance, "This guy just had a good meal."

The people below all know who is eating, it must be Bai Yu's people.

"Mei Luo, be careful." Yu Mo is safe with Tao Tie's protection, but she is very worried about Mei Luo, who takes the lead.

Mei Luo flew over and kicked Dou Mao in the eyes, and it meowed. The sound was not cute at all, like a broken gong, and it was ear-piercing.

Li Wang felt that something was wrong, such a powerful beast, how did Bai Yu pass by immediately, when he was assisting Mei Luo to attack, he saw a sword in the lower abdomen of Dou Mao, the wound should be caused by Xuanyuan Sword.

That sword is really powerful!
Warcraft are also animals, they are very sensitive to strength and weakness, they dare not act rashly when encountering strong enemies, artifacts and fierce beasts are strong enemies, unfortunately, they have a pair of men, horses and beasts, but they have to protect Yumo, artifacts There are also, but they are all auxiliary and have no offensive power.

Warcraft is very smart, can judge the situation, and then attack violently.

"It's already injured, I'm afraid it's in a rage, be careful."

After the words fell, Doumao attacked and swept away a group with one paw.

The group that flew out were the elite soldiers of the dog monster clan. After panicking, they quickly formed a team and attacked again.

The battle with Warcraft started in an instant. This scene is like a [-]-person dungeon in an online game. Li Wang, Shu Du, and Mei Luo are all MTs, responsible for pulling monsters, and the others are high-attack output.

Yumo acted as a nanny, releasing the Kunlun mirror and Dorji plus blood.

This one is alright, but there are several others after the fighting cat that are ready to move.

Zhulong immediately rushed out to fight with the ones in the dark, and the one who cooperated with it was Leou, who was in battle for the first time.

 Something big is about to happen...

(End of this chapter)

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