The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 549 Part 316 Sand Grass Crisis

Chapter 549 Part 316 Sand Grass Crisis

Leoulou cannot do without water, so the Demon Pot must be deployed accordingly, creating a scene of the sea to exert its power.

Leulou and Zhulong have practiced on Penglai Island several times, and the cooperation is very tacit at the moment.

After the cat fighting, a few smaller magical beasts appeared. They looked like snakes and tigers, with snake scales on one side and half tiger fur. Long and Loulou almost caught fire, but fortunately Taotie was a bystander and commanded them to kill four or five unknown tiger snake monsters.

But the fighting cat is very powerful. He was obviously hit by a sword, and the blood flowed, but the killing power was fierce, and he was in a state of berserk.

"Why can't I be beaten to death!" Shu Du was anxious.

Li Wang felt that something was wrong, the three of them teamed up, let alone monsters, even ferocious beasts could always kill one, and immediately floated to check, and found something stuck on the back of the fighting cat, "Damn it, this white feather hurts it. Not enough, and manipulated it.”

"What do you mean?" Shu Dufei slapped Shang Dou Mao's face with his palm, knocking it down.

"It's a talisman paper for manipulating. It's mixed with demon power. You hit it first, and I'll take it off."

The talisman used for manipulating is also considered a magical weapon, but it is a forbidden technique. If the talisman is to be effective, one life must be sacrificed. Mixing the sacrificed person's Yuandan into the talisman has improved its effectiveness, and one piece is a life. , There are four stickers on the back of this fighting cat, which is controlled by four lives, which makes it violent and endless.

Bai Yu must have known they were coming, so he wanted to use this method to deal with them.

After Li Wang flew close, he took off the talisman paper, and the talisman paper was automatically burned to ashes as soon as he took it off.

"We have to be careful, Bai Yu doesn't lead many people, but he has many tricks, it's hard to guard against."

"He can manipulate, so we can't." Yu Mo gasped, and released Fuxiqin directly.

Fuxiqin was borrowed from Dragon Palace, but it knows who Yu Mo's true self is. No matter who its current master is, it will obey her orders. Helping her in front of the Kunlun mirror is very polite to it, and the names are very respectful.

"Master Qin, it's time for you to go out."

Master Qin...

Fu Xiqin trembled, "Little master, you can't call me that..."

"Ah?" The scene was very chaotic, Yu Mo wanted to 'increase blood', but his brain was not enough, so he didn't hear clearly.

"Fuxi, forget it, let's do it quickly." Kunlun Mirror found that a fox was injured, and immediately reversed the time of his wound, and then Yumo used the power of Nuwa Stone to recover.

"Got it, big brother!"

Fuxi flew into the air, the sound of the zither was flowing, and Dou Mao, who was baring its teeth and claws before, became quiet when it heard the sound of the zither, squatting on the ground, raising its front paws to wash its face, just like a domestic cat.

"Let's go quickly!"

Mei Luo signaled everyone to go around it.

After walking for a while, he encountered another three-headed python, and Yu Mo screamed in shock.

Snakes are something that human beings have in their hearts to resist. Even a veterinarian must have psychological construction for such cold-blooded animals, let alone such a huge one.

Three heads, different colors, red, yellow, green, all spit out letters, the most terrifying is not only these, but the little snakes under it, the number is too many to count, and they are all triangular heads, what does it mean?
The description is poisonous!

A group of people have to beware of snakes on the ground and fight with three-headed big snakes. If it weren't for the large number of people, the group would definitely be wiped out.

Yumo swears that except this time she has to come to this place, even if she is killed, she will not come here.

After killing one, another came, still with his family and his family. Although the Bailai people did not lose any soldiers, their physical strength began to decline, so Shennong Ding had to come out and pop out the pills to supplement physical strength for everyone to eat.

Along the way, there were endless fights, and many dead white-feathered men and horses were also found along the way. Calculated when he came, there were only thirty or so people, and now half of them are dead, but he has not slowed down at all, and he is already one step ahead of them. Crossed another cave.

Mei Luo and the others arrived at the third cave, took a short rest, and reorganized their troops.

The monsters in the area of ​​the second cave entrance are already quite powerful, but what the situation of the monsters in the third cave entrance is beyond imagination.

After a break, the group moved on.

After exiting the cave, there was no movement, but Mei Luo didn’t dare to relax her vigilance. There was a fork in the road ahead. It was impossible to judge whether to go left or right, so I had to choose randomly. After discussing with Li Wangshu, All three chose the left.

Just as he was about to leave, the Xuewu sword sprang out of the demon refining pot.

"Girl, you can't go left!"

Yu Mo hurriedly shouted, "Mei Luo, wait a minute, Xue Wu said you can't go left!"

Mei Luo turned her head in surprise, Xue Wu seldom talked to Yu Mo since his mother left, even if Yu Mo begged it, it refused to speak, how could it speak now.

"If you don't go to the left, should you go to the right?" He changed the direction.

"You can't go to the right either!" Yu Mo shouted urgently.

"What the hell is there? There are two roads in total. If you don't go left or right, then where do you go?" Shu Du walked over and stared at Xue Wujian, wishing he could stare it out of a hole.

Men can't touch the Xuewu sword, Shu knows this very well, otherwise he would have pulled it out and thrown it to the ground.

After hearing Xue Wu's words, Yu Mo said, "Go to the middle."

"In the middle?" Shu Du glanced at the fork in the road, and there was no way in the middle, "This broken sword must be playing tricks on us!"

As soon as the word Pojian came out, Xuewu moved his sword, and shot an ice arrow directly at Shudu's head.

After Shu Du escaped, he said angrily, "What the hell are you doing!"

"Be quiet, it hasn't finished talking yet." Yu Mo patted Shu Du's angry face away with a palm.

At this time, Mei Luo remembered something, "My mother's queen once came to Wanmo Island... She came with Xue Wu."

"That's right, it's this one... Xue Wu said that Queen Qi Luo went the wrong way here, and there are nests of highly poisonous blood lizards on both sides. Once she enters, dozens of blood lizards will treat her as food, and she must never leave. "

When Queen Qiluo came to Wanmo Island to look for herbs, she walked through this fork in the road. She walked to the left first, but was almost killed by a group of blood lizards. Sealed the blood lizard's lair and escaped. Because she was in a hurry, she didn't look at the road, didn't turn back and went to the side. It turned out that she came out of the fork road on the right. She knew that the left and right were connected, and the destination was Blood lizard's lair, so never leave.

"Moment, but there is no way in the middle?"

"There is a road, go from above!" Yumo pointed to the middle of the fork in the road, "Behind that stone is the road, but it is blocked."

Li Wang stepped forward, pushed aside the stones, and really saw a path.

"There really is! It's a trail."

Shu knew that he had wronged Xue Wu, but it was not appropriate to apologize to a sword, so he said to Yu Mo, "Tell it, thanks!"

He couldn't hear Xue Wu's voice, but Xue Wu could hear his voice, and said dismissively, "Tell him, whoever wants him to thank, let him roll as far as he can."

How could Yu Mo dare to convey this, "Xue Wu heard it, so you're welcome."

Xue Wu yelled, "Who told you to say that, tell him quickly, I will spank his ass when I find the Pan Gu axe!!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, don't bother with Shudu after he has thanked him. Xue Wu, thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, we would have gone the wrong way, are you The number one hero.”

Not only was the road wronged, but it is estimated that the group may be destroyed.


Everyone walked into the central alley, which was very narrow, and Yumo had to bend down when she walked in. Seeing that the alley was dirty, she was afraid that Xue Wu would be dirty, so she wanted to put it into the demon refining pot.

Xue Wu refused, she insisted on carrying it in her hand.

Just mention it, anyway, it is a magical weapon, and it can be used in case of anything.

After walking through the path, the front suddenly opened up, and it was a plain. It was autumn at the moment, and there was an endless grass in front of it.

King Li ordered everyone to disperse, and after passing the third cave, who knows what kind of monster will come out in the next second.

"There is no way, I can only go into the grass." Mei Luo couldn't find another way.

Shu Du said: "This grass is as tall as a person, if you enter it, you will be blinded. If there are monsters coming out, we will be too passive."

"Fly!" Li Wang took the lead in flying, but fell down halfway through the flight.

This kind of mistake is not like the mistake that his nine-tailed fox would make.

"What's going on?" Mei Luo asked in surprise.

"I don't know... I can't fly." Li Wang tried again, but his body seemed to be tied with lead weights. No matter how he flew, he was only more than one meter high, and he couldn't even get over the grass.

It may not be obvious that they are demons, but Yu Mo feels it.

"It's the gravity. The gravity here is at least several times higher than the place where I just walked."

The earth has gravity, that is, the influence of gravity. People can walk on the ground without floating into the air. The increase of gravity several times means that everyone's weight will increase several times at this time, just like a magnet. was pinned to the ground.

Mei Luo and the others are demons, and they won't feel much impact if the gravity is higher, but Yu Mo is different, she is a human being, she can't stand at this moment, and fell to the ground all at once.

"Momo? How is it? Is it uncomfortable?" Mei Luo's face was scorched.

"It's okay, I just feel like a stone is pressed on my back, just take a rest." As long as you get used to gravity, there won't be any major problems. I'm afraid that the gravity will increase as you go forward. The physical body can't support it, and it may be crushed into a meatloaf by gravity at any time.

"Li Wang, we must get out of here as soon as possible." Mei Luo hugged Yu Mo. In the past, he could not feel Yu Mo's weight, and felt that she was as light as a feather, but now he seemed to be carrying several bags of rice, moving Also slow.

If they encounter Warcraft at this time, it will be quite unfavorable to them.

This gravity monster is used to it, but they are not used to it yet, their physical strength and agility will not be as good as these monsters.

Li Wang raised his hand, "Everyone enters the grass, move forward at speed!"

The grass is very high, and every step I take, I have to pick and pull the grass, so the speed is slow, but everyone is very vigilant, and there is no sign of a monster ambush for the time being, but the absence does not mean that there is really no, and the few walking behind suddenly The wolf and the fox wanted to be dragged away by something and disappeared in an instant.

No one noticed at first, and by the time they noticed, seven or eight had disappeared.

Shu was the first to be discovered.

"How many people are missing?" Half of them are members of the wolf monster clan.

At this time, everyone noticed and looked at each other, but couldn't tell why. "

"King, he was still there just now!" said a black wolf.

"Where's that person?" Shu Du searched for a long time but couldn't find anyone.

When the words fell, there was movement in the bushes, as if something was approaching, and it looked like a giant python moving forward in the bushes from a height.

Taotie heard it sharply, "No, hurry up and spread out!!"

Everyone was shocked, some scattered, some didn't, and those who didn't seemed to be dragged by something in an instant, and fell into the hole that appeared under the grass.

"It's a sandworm!!" Someone saw it clearly and immediately exclaimed.

Mei Luo roared: "Everyone fly up."

The fox, wolf, and dog immediately flew up, but despite the force of gravity, they only managed to fly more than one meter high.

The thing in the grass may not be able to find its prey. After wriggling, its head popped out. It was indeed a sandworm, similar to an earthworm, with no eyes, no nose, only a mouth. It opened and closed like an anus. It was very disgusting and kept flowing out. Concentrated acid.

"Oh my god! Isn't this an ancient creature?" Yu Mo yelled.

She read it in the encyclopedia, saying that there is a kind of huge worm in the desert, that is, the sand worm. It looks like this. They like to attack secretly, hide in the sand and move forward. There are also rumors that the main cause of quicksand is that they cause Yes, this kind of creature is mostly recorded in archaeology, and it does not exist in this world at all, and it is a very long-awaited species.

"King, there are scorpions ahead...!" a big black dog from the dog monster clan howled.

A bright red scorpion tail appeared not far away. It was very huge, and the color was even more strangely red. The spikes on it were black, which was very obvious.

"It's the sand scorpion!!" Mei Luo guarded Yu Mo and stopped her progress.

Yu Mo was confused, "Isn't this thing a species in the desert? But we are obviously in the grass."

King Li went down to the grass and took a closer look, "The desert is under our feet, but it is covered by the growing grass. To be exact... because of the strange climate on this island, the desert grows enough to cover the desert grass."

Not only is there sand for cover, but also grass. This group of monsters who originally lived in the desert have a better habitat, and the passing things become food delivered to their door.

When Shu Du heard this, he immediately arranged manpower, lined up and attacked, and said to Xue Wu, "Why didn't you remind me!?"

Xue Wu howled, "This is different from the last time I came here! How do I know!!"

It is really not known.

Because the island rotates and is divided into three areas, each area rotates in a different direction, both clockwise and counterclockwise, so the landform changes every time the area turns around, they came at the wrong time, Just rotate to the best attack area for sand scorpions and sand worms.

"Let's fight, don't let them do it first."

The geographical location is already bad, if you don't do anything, you can only sit and wait.

A fight resumes...

At this time, Bai Yu, who had crossed the grass area, had already lost his troops of more than [-] people, only five people remained, and Qing Yi and Hui Yi were still alive.

"My lord, if we go any further, our entire army might be wiped out!!" Hui Wing was not afraid of death, but worried about Bai Yu's safety.

"Don't be afraid, the temple of the Balrog is ahead. There will be an enchantment there, and the monsters dare not go in."

Qingyi looked forward, and indeed saw a temple-like building, but it was too far away to see clearly.

Although several people were covered with scars, they had no time to rest, because several huge monsters sprang out from behind.

Bai Yu raised Xuanyuan Sword to kill the past, and effectively used the abilities of Donghuang Bell and Kongtong Yin, but even so, two people died. After killing the monster, only Qingyi, Huiyi and himself remained. up.

"Let's go quickly. Once it gets dark, we won't be able to cross the Salamander River ahead." With a shout, he magnified the Xuanyuan Sword, carried himself and Gray Wing Green Wing on board, and flew across the front with the Imperial Sword. Warcraft group.

Mei Luo and the others at the other end tried their best to kill the sand scorpion, and the sand worm also killed two of them, but there were still seven of them. They hid in the bottom of the sand and prepared to ambush, and they couldn't tell where they would come out.

If you don't know, then run, as long as you leave this area, the sandworms will not be able to attack.

Affected by gravity, everyone ran very slowly, unable to match the speed of the sandworm. At least a dozen people were dragged into the sand by the sandworm. Tow away when not pulled in.

All the way back in time, fighting all the way, it took an hour for everyone to pass through the land of sandworms, counting people... eight people were missing.

(End of this chapter)

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