The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 555 Part 322 The World Is in Chaos

Chapter 555 Part 322 The World Is in Chaos

With the help of Shenghuang, Yu Mo got close to Xuepen Dakou. It has no eyes, no nose, just a mouth with sharp and uneven teeth. Because it eats too much flesh and blood, it exudes an unpleasant smell of blood. Every step it approaches , she vomited once.

"Little master, be careful!" Kunlun said.

It, Fuxiqin, and Duoji all followed her into the vortex.At this time, the fire ball formation lacked three artifacts, the flames in the three spaces were extinguished, and the balance of the formation was broken. The Demon Refining Pot, Shennong Cauldron, and Haotian Tower were trying to escape.Kongtongyin and Donghuangzhong obeyed Xuanyuanjian's order, but they tried their best to stop it. The war between the artifacts was silent, and it all depended on the competition of spiritual power.

Bai Yu in the Artifact Hall used a formation called Tianzhu to break the enchantment that bound him. Although the enchantment was removed, his wounds were wounded and his demon power was almost exhausted. Birds appeared on the skin exposed outside his clothes. feathers.The demon power is scattered, and he can no longer maintain the human form very well. Once he transforms into the original form, he will not be far from death. He immediately swallows the homemade pill and stimulates the demon power again. This is the way to transform the demon power with life and spiritual power , The damage is huge, it is unknown how long he can last, and it is also unknown whether he can survive when the effect of the medicine wears off.

"Xuanyuan, how dare you lie to me!" His eyes turned blood red, his monster energy turned into a sword, and he rushed up.

Blue Wing and Gray Wing had been seriously injured by Mei Luo, lying on the ground dying, if they hadn't fallen into the temple, they would have been sucked into the vortex long ago, and became a feast for the blood.

"My lord..." Qingyi clutched her chest and wanted to get up to help, but her leg was broken and she couldn't stand up.

Gray Wing's injury was even worse, Mei Luo's palm almost shattered his heart.

Bai Yu came to Xuanyuan Sword and waved the huge sword in his hand.

At this time, the more enemies there are, the more unfavorable it is for Xuanyuan Sword. In order to open the bloody mouth in the vortex, it attached half of its spiritual power to it. I thought it would go smoothly. Who would have expected the power of the god Yumo belongs to? will suddenly wake up.

It must not let this girl ruin its plan.The sword body shakes, and it takes back part of the spiritual power in the vortex. The vortex has formed, and the bloody mouth has swallowed a lot of demon power. Now even without its spiritual power support, it will not disappear. Originally, after a while, the road to Xuanyuan Sword's path will be opened, and now it will be slower to recover part of the spiritual power, but it is better than being defeated by this group of low-level monsters.

It soared upwards, using its unique skills to dance wildly, sword energy mixed with flames, and slashed towards Shudu, Liwang, and Baiyu.

Shu Du and Li Wang cooperated tacitly, and Yu Mo's Feng Zhan Dao had gained the upper hand. Bai Yu suddenly came in, and because they couldn't figure out his purpose, they retreated temporarily.

"What does this bastard want to do? Internal strife?" He thought Bai Yu was here to help Xuanyuanjian, but he fought Xuanyuanjian.

"Wait and see what happens, beware of fraud." Li Wang reminded.

The two stopped, but Feng Zhan didn't know how to use a sword. It was Yu Mo's incarnation. Yu Mo held a deep hostility towards Xuanyuan Sword. Feng Zhan Dao inherited this will and chased Xuanyuan Sword endlessly.

Bai Yu was worried that Xuanyuan Realm would be defeated by Feng Zhandao and might be subdued by Yu Mo, so he decided not to give Feng Zhandao a chance.

The pill he made can increase the demon power several times. Although he lost a hand at this time, it did not hinder his attack.

Feng Zhandao didn't take him as an enemy, only Xuanyuanjian as an enemy, which gave him a chance to use it to deal with Xuanyuanjian.

King Li understood his purpose and attacked decisively. No matter if it was Xuanyuan Sword or Baiyu, he and Shu would take them all.

During the scuffle, the Ten Thousand Demon Island was tilted and another group rushed out. It was the Night Falcon army led by Yao Jia. They came following Bai Yu. Only then did they go all out.

Hate because of love is unreasonable. The anger of being deceived and the hatred of being trampled on her self-esteem made Yaojia hysterical and irrational, and she forgot that she was a queen, and the safety of the group was left behind by her , she only wanted to tear Bai Yu into pieces.

She loves so much and hates so much, if she can't kill Bai Yu herself, she won't be able to sit on the throne of Yuyue Falcon Clan.

This shame needs to be erased with his blood donation.

With her ability, she couldn't go to the island, and she could go up because of the mutation of Wanmo Island. Even so, she still lost a lot of people, more than 2 people. On the way here, she encountered a monster and sacrificed 3000% of her life. Less than [-] people came here.

After the 3000 people who survived the catastrophe arrived, they were swept by the whirlpool again, and nearly half of them were blown into the air, becoming a feast for the blood.

With the help of Yun Chi, Yao Jia barely stabilized her body. The injury she suffered in Huamei Mountain was still not healed. If Yun Chi hadn't been there, she, the queen, might have died on the way.

"Master, it's dangerous here, let's find a place to avoid it?"

Yaojia couldn't listen to a word, and pushed him away forcefully, "If you want to avoid it, you avoid it yourself, I will kill Bai Yu, I will kill him with my own hands."

Knowing that she was coming, Bai Yu didn't pay attention to her at all, her casual glance made Yao Jia even more hateful, and under the force of the wind pressure, she couldn't fly up.

"Damn it, if only the Eagle King was here." She gritted her teeth in extreme annoyance.

The Vulture King was wounded after the battle at Huamei Mountain. She originally planned to wait for it to recover and kill Bai Yu by surprise. Who would have thought that the strange woman who suddenly appeared would appear again and knock the injured Vulture King unconscious in full view. I don't know what tricks she used. No one in the Night Falcon clan was her opponent. She could only watch helplessly as she dragged the Eagle King away in an extremely arrogant manner. When she sent someone to catch up, the woman disappeared into a space , leaving only the vulture king's feathers on the ground, and then she stretched out her hand again, and sprinkled a pile of red paper on it, saying that it was money for the vulture king.

What to buy, that's obviously strong, a pile of red papers want to buy the Eagle King, what can't be tolerated, she wants to rush into the space but can't get in no matter what, then the space disappears, and she and the Eagle King have disappeared.

Without the help of the Vulture King, she lost both hands. Knowing that Bai Yu came to Ten Thousand Devils Island to gain the power of the Balrog, she gathered all the troops of the Night Falcon Clan and followed them. Strength, he will be the first to attack the Night Falcon family, she can't let this happen.

"Yun Chi, send me up!"

Yun Chi was also seriously injured in the battle at Huamei Mountain, but in order to protect Yaojia, he had no intention of recovering from his injuries. At this time, Shangdao had tried his best. He was loyal to Yaojia, knowing that persuasion was useless, so he could only protect her responsibly. , to face Bai Yu, the current Yaojia will never be an opponent.

"Master, let this subordinate kill him for you, don't dirty your hands." He flew into the air and joined the melee between King Li of Shudu and Xuanyuanjian.

Xuanyuanjian was overjoyed when he saw the members of the Night Falcon clan.Yao Jia would know that Bai Yu came here, so it was naturally the news that he tried to spread the news. If he wanted to open the passage to Xuanyuan Realm, the more sacrifices the better.

The vortex, which lacked part of its spiritual power, swelled several times due to absorbing the demonic power of the Night Falcon army.

In the vortex, Yu Mo, who was already close to the big mouth, didn't have time to confirm whether the hem of the clothes stuck between the teeth was Mei Luo's. A large number of flesh and blood corpses flew into the big mouth. It kept chewing and devouring, and the teeth became bigger and bigger.

"Not good, it has absorbed a lot of demon power, I'm afraid it will be out of control, little master, let's go, it's too dangerous here." Kunlun Mirror urged.

"No, I won't go back until I find Mei Luo."

"Little master, your safety is very important."

"Since you call me little master, you won't obey my orders, and I won't go back if I say no." She couldn't let Mei Luo stay here alone.

After spending some time, she finally reached the gap between her teeth and pulled the hem of the clothes stuck in the gap. The hem of the clothes was stuck tightly, but she couldn't pull it out even with all her strength. Not discouraged, he pulled and called, "Mei Luo, are you in there? If you are, answer me."

No one responded, she was very frustrated, but pulled the hem of the clothes even harder, even if Mei Luo was really dead, she would take his body back.

The sound of Xuepen chewing was getting closer and closer, the sound of bones being chewed, Yumo's throat tightened when he heard the sound, and he didn't dare to look.

Suddenly, Dakou stopped moving, and the demon that was delivered to his door stopped eating.

"Why did you stop talking?" Yu Mo felt something was wrong.

"Little master, leave quickly, it opened its mouth."

The bloody mouth suddenly opened wide, and the jagged teeth separated up and down one by one, and were no longer tightly connected. Yu Mo finally saw Mei Luo in the gap between the teeth.

His figure is complete, and he should have found a way to avoid chewing.

She was overjoyed, and when she found the space, she jumped in.

Mei Luo was covered in blood between her teeth, and she was unconscious.

"Mei Luo...Mei Luo..." She turned Mei Luo's body over and felt the pulse...the pulse was vivid.

She burst into tears...he is still alive!

She couldn't help but knelt down to thank God, and then hugged him tightly.

"Mei Luo, I'll get you out right now. Be patient..." She tried her best to drag Mei Luo out, but her strength was too weak to drag her out.

"Sister, I'll help you!" Duoji rushed in volunteered.

Just as the two of them were about to pull Mei Luo together, Kunlun Jing yelled, "Little master, come out quickly..."

Yumo heard the sound and saw that the bloody mouth began to shut up. The sharp teeth were on her forehead. Once closed, she would probably be crushed into meatloaf, and Duoji... To be rescued, she had to give up saving Meiluo , but she wouldn't do that, she pushed Dorje out with force with both hands, and she and Mei Luo retracted into the opposite mouths.

With a bang, the teeth closed, like a closed giant stone door, isolating Dorje, Kunlun Mirror, and Fuxiqin.

"Sister!" Duoji beat his blood-stained teeth.

Yu Mo couldn't hear anything inside. After the teeth were closed, the space in the teeth changed, and it was silent, as if in another empty world.

Outside, Duoji continued to beat, Kunlun mirror and Fuxiqin were also trembling with anxiety.

Kunlun mirror said: "Fuxi, can you control this monster?"

"It's not an entity, it's something formed by the illusion of demon power. Without thoughts, I can't control it."

Outside the vortex, the melee with Xuanyuanjian continued, but it became a three-way melee. Yun Chi wanted to kill Bai Yu, and Bai Yu wanted to subdue Xuanyuan Sword. If they ignore it, the scuffle becomes a containment battle, and no one can get any benefits.

Jin Ji, Ji Fu, and Zhen Yu had lost a lot of monster power in the battle with Xuanyuan Sword just now, and now they can only watch the battle, and their actions are just dragging their feet.

Yao Jia was protected by Yun Chi's avatar, and she was not allowed to join the melee. She could only be a spectator.

The bloody mouth was several times larger, and it swelled into a giant cloud. Xuanyuanjian knew that the time had come, and he could complete it so quickly, thanks to the people brought by Yaojia.

"Moyun, open the road to Xuanyuan Realm and connect the two worlds together!"

The bloody mouth in the vortex let out the howl of countless monsters gathering together, shaking the entire Wanmo Island to collapse and the ground cracked.

Shu Du saw that it was not good, so he immediately retreated with King Li, and decided to protect his own people first.

"Quick, climb up the hillside!" Li Wang commanded.

Shu Du flew to Zhen Yu's side, and even protected Jin Ji and Ji Fu.

Yun Chi also returned to Yaojia's side.

Only Bai Yu and Xuanyuan Sword were left in the air, facing each other without moving a bit.

"Why did you lie to me!" Bai Yu was extremely resentful.

"Because you are incompetent!" Xuanyuanjian pointed the blade at him, "If it weren't for your incompetence, why would I have to expend so much effort to use this method, but it can be regarded as my wish, and I have to thank you. I can't do it without you to these."

The power to activate the Balrog, Bai Yu is indispensable.

"You treat me as a sacrifice?"

"Otherwise? You are ambitious, resentful, and obsessed with love. You are the most suitable person to open the fire formation. You are like the Balrog back then. You are willing to do anything for the one you love, and you don't have to care about anything." What I want is your character. You are the most suitable sacrifice. Without you, the power of the Balrog cannot be mobilized. Speaking of which, I am not lying to you. The power of the Balrog has indeed recovered, but it cannot You can’t borrow it. Don’t you want to subvert the mountain and sea world? I am subverting it now, but it is slightly different from your original intention.”

"Small difference? You obviously want to destroy the mountain and sea world." With such a huge change, the mountain and sea world may also bring disaster.

" also a kind of rebirth. Why bother."

"I don't allow anyone to hurt Heji and Feihuang." Once a disaster occurs in the mountain and sea world, how will their mother and child be safe.

"Oh, are you worried about them? Well... I'll sell your favor..." Xuanyuanjian looked at the Donghuang Bell in the fire formation, "Donghuang, bring Bai Yu's wife and children."

"Don't!" Bai Yu howled, it was so dangerous here, how could they be allowed to come.

"Isn't it good to die together, hahahaha!"

Bai Yu swung the sword away, the sword energy was violent, and it collided with Xuanyuan Sword.

Following Xuanyuanjian's order, Donghuang Bell opened up the space, and he could vaguely see Heji and Feihuang.

Yaojia was delighted when she saw it, she couldn't find Heji every time, she didn't expect to meet here, she left Chiyun's protection and rushed into the space of Donghuang Bell.

On the other side of the space, He Ji thought it was Bai Yu who had returned, and was about to go forward to greet her, when Red Ibis saw sharply that the person walking was not Bai Yu, but Yao Jia.

"Sister, you can't go there!" He blocked He Ji.

When Yaojia heard the sound, she immediately grabbed someone, but she caught the red ibis, and when she was about to let go of He Ji, the space of the Donghuang Bell suddenly began to close.

"Master, come out quickly, once the space is closed, you will be trapped inside and cannot find a way out."

The Shennong Cauldron, the Demon Refining Pot, and the Haotian Tower blocked the spiritual power of the Donghuang Bell because they thought that the Donghuang Bell was going to recruit more enemies, so they joined forces to suppress it.

Yun Chi pulled Yao Jia out of the space. After the space is closed, those who cannot get out will be lost in the eternal psychedelic time and space. It is very dangerous. out.

The appearance of the red ibis disrupted Bai Yu's position, and he became Yao Jia's hostage. Although it was not Yao Jia's original intention, using the red ibis to blackmail Bai Yu is the same.

"Bai Yu, if you don't want him to die, kneel before me."

"Brother Baiyu!" Scarlet Ibis had crippled legs, it was impossible to resist, Yaojia stepped on her feet.

Red Ibis is He Ji's younger brother, and also Bai Yu's younger brother. Although he is not related by blood, he has watched him grow up, so he can't just let him die.

Yaojia knew that the red ibis was Bai Yu's weakness, as long as he was in her hands, Bai Yu would not dare to act rashly.

"Yun Chi, keep an eye on him."


At this moment, the earth shook, and half of the Wanmo Island collapsed.In the air, the bloody mouth finally opened the way to Xuanyuan Realm.

The two worlds are connected.

After the connection, the connected world resonated, and the Fengtian Seal of the Four Seas temporarily lost its effect of suppressing the demon, and the vortex in the air became two, attracting each other, and a space road was formed.

The world is in chaos due to this phenomenon, and demons are usually very cautious, and they will never approach the passage rashly. At least they will never pass through the passage without knowing what the situation in Xuanyuan Realm is. Attracted by the space, a few monsters who were close to wait and see out of curiosity were sucked into the passage and went to Xuanyuan Realm.

Regardless of whether it is human or demon, everything is in chaos.

The world is in chaos!

 This week will definitely end...don't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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