The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 556 Part 323 To Xuanyuan Realm

Chapter 556 Part 323 Returning to Xuanyuan Realm

When a monster falls into the Xuanyuan Realm, it will not cause much impact, even if the monster's human form is not perfect, the human beings in the 21st century will only think that he is in cosplay at first, and the real impact is from the monster's attack It started with humans, because demons have the most primitive instincts of animals, especially when they are in a place that is strange and strange to them, their instincts will explode.The primary method of demons is to eradicate things that are identified as aliens. This is an instinct of self-protection.

After the Xuanyuan Realm was connected to the Mountain and Sea Realm, a few monsters who were sucked into the Xuanyuan Realm by the void came to this novel place before they could figure out the situation. People were watching them, and they became sensitive and anxious. When the click sound of the mobile phone taking pictures suddenly sounded, their sensitive nerves made them attack.

Monsters are much stronger than humans, and even a slight grasp will cause an irreversible situation.

The language is understandable, but it is of no use. When the attack sees blood, the order is messed up.

"Ah, murdered!"

"Call the police, they killed people!"

Screams sounded, the crowd scattered in a swarm, and the demon became a heinous murderer.

The police car roared up, and the policeman drew his gun to stop him from drinking, but the demon didn't know what a gun was, nor did he understand what they meant by 'hands up', so he acted on instinct.

The gunshot rang out, and a monster stared blankly at the bloody hole in its chest. After he fell, humans and monsters became mortal enemies.A monster quickly snatched the gun from the policeman's hand. Because he couldn't use it, he crushed it with his hands. The amazing strength shocked the onlookers. The felled monster happened to be his companion. Suddenly, the not-so-perfect human figure changed, first it was huge, and then it was the original shape. He rushed into the crowd ferociously, and those who had no time to escape became his prey.

Under his sharp claws was pressing a frantically struggling person, the sharp teeth were already stained with blood, and the form of the demon turned into a beast.

"Monster, monster!"

The scattered crowd became the object of his pursuit. When he found that human beings were weaker than himself, the aggression of the jungle began.

He looked up to the sky and screamed, calling his companions to the void that sucked him here.

In the world of mountains and seas, the monsters who were waiting to hear the shouts were ready to move, and jumped into the hollow. The monsters who were accidentally sucked into the world of Xuanyuan at first were only weak monsters with imperfect human shapes, and they could not effectively control their instincts. They are more like beasts, with lower IQs. Besides killing and hurting people, they just look for food everywhere.When the strong monsters enter the Xuanyuan Realm, the situation changes. Most of the strong monsters have ethnic groups. Compared with the mountain and sea realm where resources are scarce and the weak eat the strong, the Xuanyuan Realm is like a treasure land. When more monsters enter the Xuanyuan Realm, will they occupy The land is king, which is to search for food and grass, and even many strong monsters think that weak humans are the most suitable targets for enslavement.

More and more demons entered the Xuanyuan Realm through the hole, the police could no longer suppress the invasion of the demons, and rose to the national level of defense, the anti-terrorism special police were dispatched quickly, followed by the armed police and the army. Wars are raging everywhere in the world, and TV, media, and websites have all hung up horrifying headlines—Alien Creature Invasion!

Many UFO fanatics don't bother to add more bricks and tiles at this time. The alien creatures have become alien creatures. The news of the war with aliens spreads overwhelmingly, and the panic of the people has reached its peak.

In order to evacuate the people, the air raid siren, which is usually only used for drills, was sounded, and the piercing buzz resounded throughout all areas of S City. The government sent the People's Liberation Army to evacuate the people, and moved them to nearby subway stations and air-raid shelters.

Among the evacuated people, the members of the Lan family became the key protection targets. They were all doctors. When a disaster happened, everyone would realize the importance of doctors.

Although Grandpa Lan is an octogenarian, he is still strong and strong. He is walking fast with a medical kit on his shoulders, and is rushing to save others. Father Lan is walking with him. I have seen demons before, so I saw a few demon queens photographed by reporters risking their lives on the news, and concluded that they must be creatures from the mountains and seas, not aliens.

But is there a difference between the mountain sea world and the alien planet? It seems that there is no difference. They are all different worlds.

Grandpa Lan thought for a long time, and finally rejected his son's proposal.

"I can't say it. We might be imprisoned if we say it. This kind of eventful time is the most sensitive. If people know that we have had contact with the demon, we are not afraid of other things. I am afraid that we will not be able to explain clearly. Maybe we will be regarded as spies on the demon side. This kind of thing has happened a lot in history, so I can't say it, absolutely can't say it. Besides, Momo is still in the mountain and sea world, and I don't know if the poison has been cured. If I am not cured and I am caught by the army, what should I do? A demon came out of the house? Do you think our house can still be cleaned up?"

Grandpa Lan's scruples are not without reason. The Lan family has practiced medicine for generations, and their medical skills are getting stronger from generation to generation. People in the industry say that the Lan family is the master of medicine, which is true.But I can't resist the big tree attracting the wind. Many people are jealous behind their backs. Some people even think that the Lan family's medical skills are not normal, and they exaggerate it as crooked.In this bright and bright 21st world, where science is flourishing, everyone knows that feudal superstitions are untrustworthy, but people's words are scary, and it's really tricky to be caught, and I don't know what it will be rendered as.No matter how feudal and superstitious it is, it can't stop people with a heart from fanning the flames.

Therefore, Grandpa Lan thought that one thing more is worse than one thing less. Saving people is the most important thing. Let the government troops worry about the rest. They just need to save people.

"Okay, I'll listen to Dad. Then... you go to save people first, and I'll go find my second brother. I don't know if he has come out of the medical center."

When the demons invaded the human world, the second uncle of the Lan family was holding a medical seminar. The place where the meeting was held was the hardest-hit area where demons slaughtered humans. The communication equipment is still unblocked, but he has called several times and no one answered. I am really worried. Did some accident happen.

"You go, I can handle it alone."

"Okay, Dad, I'll go first. If there's anything to do, let's call on the phone."

Grandpa Lan nodded and followed the army into the ambulance.

Mountains and seas.

In the bloody mouth, Yu Mo and Mei Luo are together, Mei Luo has not woken up, but her vital signs are normal.Yu Mo searched for a way out, but the space here was ridiculously large. She searched for a long time, but she couldn't even touch a wall. She and Mei Luo were sealed inside.

If they couldn't get out, she and Mei Luo would be without water or food. They could live for seven days without food, and they couldn't even survive three days without water. In the end, she could only take strong measures.

Twinkle, twinkle, little stars all over the sky...

Shenghuang was still in her hand, and with a weapon in her hand, she could make a hole no matter what.

The wind knives appeared with the unpleasant music, and attacked everywhere in the space, but there was no movement, and everything was in vain. She could only keep making wind knives, hoping to have some use, but this space is illusory, and the wind knives fly Xiang Yuan disappeared without a trace and never came back.

She tried several times, but it was still in vain. Instead, she played the sheng reed, which made her lungs almost explode, and her cheeks were so swollen that she lost consciousness.She returned to Mei Luo's side, and she was really scared by herself, so she tried to wake him up, but he didn't respond at all.She is not a timid person, thinking that as long as she is with him, death is nothing to be afraid of.It's just that she can't hear any sound in this silent space, the invisible pressured her, and her vision became darker and darker. There was a layer of fog surging above, and she always felt that something strange would come out, and her whole body was tense. up.

After an unknown amount of time, she became sleepy, and even though she told herself she couldn't sleep, she still fell asleep.

After falling into a dream, she encountered something similar to a soul going out of her body.

This is the first time! ?
It was so unpredictable every time, she was no longer surprised.

The mountains and rivers are right below her. She flew in the air like the previous few times, going through the clouds to unknown places, and soon found that the situation this time was different from the previous ones. She used to wander around the mountains and seas. Mountains and rivers are not in the world of mountains and seas, but in the world of humans.

The mountain below... She has seen it and been there.

It's Huangshan!
But it was a little different from the Huangshan Mountain she had seen.

Since ancient times, Huangshan has become a sea of ​​clouds and is the hometown of clouds and mists. It is famous for its magnificent "sea of ​​clouds". The beauty of the sea of ​​clouds has been well-known in ancient and modern times. The more you fly, the more your line of sight is blocked.

She couldn't stop flying, and there seemed to be a force pulling her forward.

Suddenly, the mangroves covered the clouds, and pieces of red leaves floated on the sea of ​​clouds, like clouds in the setting sun. After passing through the clouds, the Shuangjian Peak of Huangshan Mountain appeared. When the water flows out and pours down, the sea of ​​clouds becomes a spectacular waterfall, flying down three thousand feet.

She couldn't stop the speed of her flight, and fell straight down following the sea of ​​clouds, falling from a high altitude, as if she had lost gravity, her heart swaying in her chest was extremely uncomfortable, all the way she fell, her heart swayed all the way, her breathing was messed up.

The fall seemed to never come to an end, her screaming voice became hoarse, but it still did not stop.

Suddenly, she saw a huge hole in the ground, surrounded by purple black air. The hole was very similar to the Milky Way in the universe.

"Is this going to hell?"

She was getting colder and colder, and her skin was covered with goose bumps. She screamed, but it was of no avail. In the end, she could only close her eyes and beg for this exciting fall to end quickly, otherwise her heart would burst.

With a bang, she landed on the ground. When she opened her eyes, the scene in front of her eyes was different again. Her eyes were full of desolation, and no green plants could be seen. The wind blew the sand, and the sand was billowing. Cracks, large cracks.

Where is this again! ?
She looked around frantically, but couldn't see a single person or animal.At this time, she could not fly, and could only walk on her feet, walking along the cracked ground.

"Is anyone there? Is there anyone?" Her call was blown away by the wind, rustling in the wilderness.

In the distance, there is a door among the strange rocks, standing upright between the sky and the earth, she saw it and ran straight to it.It was only when I got closer that I realized that the door was ridiculously huge. Standing in front of the door, I was like an ant in front of a human house, and I couldn't see the highest point even if I looked up.There was a huge lock hanging on the door, almost covered with moss and vines, very old.

Is this place in Huangshan?Why has she never seen it?She was sure the place had never been on a tourist list.Such a place, if it is really a scenic spot, is so spectacular, I am afraid it will be crowded with people.

The lock locked the door tightly, with rusted chains wrapped around it, and she wondered if there was something hidden in the door?Otherwise, why use such a huge lock to lock the door.Even if the door is not locked, ordinary people cannot open it.And if there is a lock, there must be a key. How big should the key be?She glanced at the big lock again, and suddenly found that the lock had no keyhole.

How to open a lock without a keyhole?
Driven by curiosity, she climbed up the strange rock next to her step by step. Anyway, her soul is out of her body now, just like flying with A Mi's soul last time. If others can't see her, she won't either. What kind of injury was it? It was an illusory existence.

When approaching the big lock, there were no more stones to jump on under her feet. She couldn't walk over, then she took a few steps back, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet to run forward, jumped over with all her strength, and narrowly grabbed the chain on the edge of the lock .

The chain is very strong, and each link is like a path. Her physical strength can be regarded as being raised by Shennong Ding, and she didn't breathe at all after finishing such an exhausting task.She climbed onto the lock on hands and feet, trying to see if the lock was hung upside down, and if the keyhole was on the opposite side of the door.

The result was the same, except for the slippery seaweed and thick vines, there was no possibility of opening the lock at all.

What is going on here?

Xu Shi was so engrossed in her thoughts that she forgot that there was moss under her feet. She slipped and fell from the lock. Below was the invincible abyss. She couldn't control the speed of her descent and screamed.

"Silence, wake up!"

She opened her eyes tremblingly, and what she saw was no longer the giant lock and the door, but Mei Luo's tense face, the terror of falling instantly dissipated, leaving only the joy of waking up.

"Mei Luo!" She threw herself into his arms, "You're awake, you're finally awake. Do you know how worried I am about you?"

"I should have said that." When he woke up, he found her sleeping next to him, and he couldn't wake her up no matter how much he shouted.

He only remembered that after throwing Yumo to Zhulong, he was sucked into the vortex by the wind, and was swept into the monster's bloody mouth like other monsters. In order to protect himself, he released all the monster power and narrowly avoided the sharp The fangs, perhaps because the demon power was released excessively, he became very weak, and passed out after chewing for the second time.

"Where is this place? Why are you here?" He should be right in his bloody mouth.

"In the bloody mouth..."

He was startled, and then said angrily, "Where's Zhulong? What about Shudu?" He clearly wanted them to protect Yumo.

"They're all outside. I wanted to save you, so I followed in. They...they didn't follow."

Mei Luo didn't believe this implicit statement at all, and said with a stern face, "What are you doing so stupid!?" Throwing her to Zhulong was to protect her, but she foolishly sent it to the door by herself. Now two people are better are all trapped.

His tone sounded very bad, and Yu Mo felt aggrieved, "Why are you so fierce! I don't want you to die either. We agreed to live and die together, but you are acting brave by yourself, what is it?" She said more and more The more aggrieved, the more aggrieved shed tears, "I have tried so hard to save you, I didn't ask you to kill me."

Mei Luo hated her crying the most, but she was angry that she took such a risk to save him, so she said angrily, "Don't cry!"

I heard that Yumo cried even more fiercely, tears falling like rain.

"Momo..." He was extremely helpless, and took a soft breath, "I'm not mean to you, but nervous about you."

"Who wants you to be nervous? Am I fine? I'm better than you! You've even passed out. If I hadn't come in time, you would have been swallowed by blood." She wiped her tears, looking pitiful.

Seeing those tears in Mei Luo's eyes was really uncomfortable, so she coaxed, "Don't cry." He stretched out his hand to wipe away her tears.

She grabbed his sleeve and blew her nose, "I saved you because I love you. If I knew it would be impossible, I don't care if you die or not. If I die, I will take my son and remarry..."

"Who can you marry?" He knew she was speaking out of anger.

She stared angrily, "There are plenty of people!"

"Okay, okay, you can say whatever you want, don't cry. There is no water or food here, what should you do if you cry so thirsty?"

"I want you to take care of it!" She was still wronged.

"My fault, it's all my fault. Stop crying!" He felt distressed.

After the words fell, he hugged Yu Mo in his arms, and finally stopped her crying. The space was suddenly distorted, and the two of them were shocked.

The crooked space squeezed the two of them, and quickly turned into a vortex. The two rolled in along the lines of the vortex, and fell straight into the depths.

The two fell in a straight line from the sky, Mei Luo wanted to fly, but he couldn't use his demon power. When he was about to reach the ground, he quickly turned over, hugged Yu Mo in his arms, and let his back fall on the ground.

Grandpa Lan was rescuing patients in the ambulance when there was a sudden bang on the roof of the ambulance and he was startled.

"What's going on!?" He got out of the car, looked at the roof, and was dumbfounded, "Momo!?"

Yu Mo, who was protected by Mei Luo in his arms, raised his head, at first he thought he had misread, and blinked several times.

"Momo, it's grandpa, you don't know me anymore!"

Really grandpa!
She looked around... There were tall buildings everywhere, and in the distance was the TV tower that was so familiar.

She actually returned to Xuanyuan Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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