Chapter 101 Even if, it's only for a second.

Sensing his gaze, Su Rao looked up and saw Di Yan like this.

She was slightly stunned, and a strange feeling suddenly crossed the tip of her heart.

She doesn't like such Diyan very much.

When such thoughts came to her mind, Su Rao was stunned, and then she frowned.

She faintly felt that something was getting out of her control little by little.

Su Rao felt very irritable, she liked the feeling of being in control of everything around her, that's why she wanted to kill Di Yan wholeheartedly.

She hates any uncertain factor, whether it is a person or a thing, that is out of her control.

The only Diyan in front of her is the best among them, she should find a way to kill him immediately!

Of course—

When such an idea popped up, Su Rao instinctively wanted to deny it for some reason.It seemed like somewhere deep down, it didn't want her to do that.

Su Rao was very irritable and restless, but... she didn't hate her.

"I'm leaving for a long time." Di Yan said suddenly, his voice calm.

Su Rao's body shook, and instantly suppressed all the emotions in her lowered eyes, slowly raised her long and narrow phoenix eyes, and said coldly, "Oh."

A bitter smile curled up on the corner of Di Yan's mouth, and said, "Dear Your Majesty, can't you show even a hint of reluctance?"

Su Rao was startled, and added: "Go all the way."

Di Yan was choked by her cold response and was speechless for a while.

"Is it related to Seizing Soul Palace?" Su Rao suddenly asked, when she said this, she froze for a while, when did she care about others?

She frowned secretly, thinking that she must have been dazed just now!

Di Yan was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect her to press on.There were mixed feelings in his heart. If Su Rao had said these words in the past, he would be overjoyed now, but now...

His mouth was full of bitterness, "No. After leaving for so long, some things need to go back and deal with, it may... It will take a long time."

Su Rao lowered her eyes, her long and curly eyelashes trembling slightly, looking at the tea leaves standing upright in the cup, "Well, I see."

Suddenly, a slender hand was placed under her eyes, and a delicately carved ring lay quietly in the palm.

Su Rao glanced out of the corner of her eye, and immediately knew that this was a storage ring, but a top-grade spiritual weapon storage ring!
She raised her head, looked at Di Yan puzzled, and asked him with her eyes.

The corners of Di Yan's lips twitched slightly, and said: "The reward for detoxification is here, you only need to drop your blood to recognize the master. This storage ring should be regarded as a bonus."

No one knows, for this storage ring, he spent so much time collecting materials, how many days and nights he spent, how much effort he exhausted, and finally refined it bit by bit by himself.

At this time, he said lightly, "Take it as a bonus", and wanted to give it away.

He is really selfish.

Even now, he still hopes that there is something that represents him by her side.

In this case, at some point in the future, when she sees it, she should think of herself.

Even if it's only for a second.

Su Rao didn't speak, just quietly stared into the man's deep eyes, as if she wanted to see through his soul.

After a while, she withdrew her gaze and said, "Take it back, there's no need. You saved me once, and I saved you once. We're even."

Di Yan's heart sank little by little, the corners of his raised mouth were full of bitterness, and his open palms were slowly retracted.

In the end, it was rejected!

Really, very unwilling.

But... What can he do now?What are you qualified to do?
(End of this chapter)

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