Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 102 Chapter 1 will definitely live

Chapter 102 Will definitely come back alive
"Your bill has been paid off, but your little shadow hasn't settled yet!" Su Rao said suddenly, no emotion could be seen on her expressionless face.

A cold voice sounded like spring water in the carriage, "Ms. Ben's hemostatic powder is not a cheap product that can be bought casually on the roadside. As his master, I think you have an obligation to help him pay for it. Some money!"

Di Yan was stunned, his mind went blank, and after a brief absence, his heart was filled with unbelievable joy.

Does she mean...

"A storage ring, um, it's worth the medicine money, just right."

Su Rao didn't know what she was talking about at this moment. She only knew that if she didn't say anything now, then in the future...she would definitely regret it!

Diyan's Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was dry: "I..."

Su Rao's raised eyebrows were raised high, and she stretched out her white hands, with a disgusted expression on her face, "Bring it! That hemostatic powder is my lady's exclusive secret recipe, it's just a storage ring, hum! This deal is really a big loss!"

In the system space, the demon spirit looked contemptuously: Master host, do you dare to be more arrogant!

Diyan's mood at this time is probably that he went from hell to heaven in an instant, like riding a roller coaster.

Bang bang bang!
The heart was beating violently, as if it would jump out of the throat in the next second.

Su Rao looked at Di Yan with a sluggish face, there was nothing more evil and domineering on such a handsome face, in her eyes there was only one word to describe him at this time "fool".

But, for some reason... Looking at him like this, the corners of Su Rao's mouth involuntarily curved slightly.

His appearance seems to be... very cute.

Diyan's palm holding the ring spread unconsciously. Su Rao reached out and took the exquisitely carved storage ring from his palm. His slightly cool fingertips brushed gently across his palm, like a feather brushing by. The coolness hit his heart directly from the palm of his hand!

The joy that hit suddenly filled Di Yan's entire chest in an instant.

"Ah Rao." The deep voice was slightly hoarse.

Su Rao froze for a moment, and realized after a second that he was calling herself.

He didn't call her "Her Majesty the Queen" in a teasing way, but solemnly and piously, uttered her name word by word with incomparable clarity.

Di Yan looked at her with dark and unfathomable eyes, "I will definitely come back!"

These words are both a promise and an order to himself.

The man's eyes were burning, like billowing magma that was about to erupt.

Su Rao involuntarily looked away, instead of looking directly at him, she looked down at the storage ring in her hand, and suddenly felt that it had turned into a hot potato.

May I ask, is it still too late to go back now that you regret it?

"Dear Your Majesty, once the store is sold, it will not be returned." Di Yan seemed to see through her thoughts, and suddenly said, a sly smile flashed in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth raised high, revealing his happy mood at the moment.

For the past few days, the shadow that had been hanging over his heart seemed to dissipate in an instant.

Di Yan looked at Su Rao who had an annoyed expression, his dark eyes were full of tenderness.

Such a lovely Her Majesty, how could he be willing to give up to others!Therefore, he will definitely come back, and he will definitely return to his dear Majesty the Queen alive.

Even if, next, he has to make some decisions that he doesn't want to make!
In the depths of the pitch-black eyes, a cold killing intent flashed across.

(End of this chapter)

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