Chapter 103 Keeping Her Safe
The carriage entered the capital of Dongxu Kingdom and stopped in a remote alley two streets away from Wu'anhou's Mansion.

"It's here." Di Yan's thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered such a sentence softly, his tone full of melancholy and regret.If possible, he really hoped that this journey would never end.

Su Rao didn't say a word, when she got up to get out of the car, she felt a force grabbing the corner of her clothes.

Turning around, I saw Diyan's handsome face full of grievances, with sad eyes, "Dear Your Majesty, are you going to leave like this?"

The corner of Su Rao's mouth twitched, is this guy an abandoned woman? !

Su Rao found that since she accepted the storage ring, Di Yan became more and more thick-skinned in front of her.You can't go away even if you scold, hit... Nima!Now she is no match for the recovered Diyan!

"What else do you want?" There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in her tone.

At the beginning, there should be no repayment!In Su Rao's heart, there was a "regret"!
There was a sly smile in the depths of Di Yan's black eyes, but the aggrieved expression remained on his face. "I'm going to be away for so long, isn't Her Majesty going to say some parting words?"

"One, Lu, Shun, Feng!" Su Rao paused every word. If people who don't know see her expression now, they may think that she is speaking harshly.

Di Yan's thin lips curled up slightly, and he blinked his eyes, his eyes were full of anticipation, "What else?"

Su Rao has an urge to slap someone, and this guy has to make an inch of it!
"Let go, hand!" Her already cold voice became even colder, like a thousand years of ice.

Seeing that Su Rao was really angry, Di Yan let go of her clothes and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Su Rao snorted coldly, opened the car door, jumped out of the carriage, saw the shadow waiting respectfully at the side, and flew over with a cold look.

The shadow who was lying down and shot was at a loss: what did I do wrong? !
In the carriage, a man's deep and melodious voice like a cello came out leisurely, "I will miss you, my Majesty the Queen."

Su Rao's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and she walked away without saying anything.

After Su Rao walked away and his figure disappeared at the entrance of the alley, Di Yan looked away, half lying on the cushion, and said lightly, "Shadow."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Outside the carriage, Shadow replied respectfully.

"During the time when the king is away, you will follow the princess to protect her safety. However, she must not discover your existence, do you understand?"

Hearing the words, Shadow was stunned for a few seconds, and then reacted suddenly.princess?Hey hey hey, it's not what he thought it was!
"Shadow?" Before waiting for an answer, Di Yan's tone was slightly displeased.Although his opponents are good, he will not pamper them because of this. On the contrary, Di Yan has always had high demands on them.

Yingying woke up suddenly, knelt on the ground in a hurry, buried his head deeply, "This subordinate has lost his composure, please punish him, Your Highness!"

Di Yan's eyes fell on him, his eyes were meaningful, and his tone was warning, "Yang Ying, you are the oldest among the many dark guards, you should know the temper of this king. The one I don't like the most , It’s just someone making their own claims, you understand?”

Cold sweat slid down Shadow's forehead, "Subordinate, understand!"

With satisfied eyes, Di Yan nodded slightly.He knew that Ying Ying had a lot of dissatisfaction with Su Rao, so in order to avoid not being diligent enough during the time when Ying Ying was sent to protect Su Rao, he issued a warning.

"Shadow, remember! The princess is equal to the king!"

"The subordinates must do their utmost to protect the safety of the princess!"


(End of this chapter)

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