Chapter 104

Su Rao had already washed off the disguise on her face, changed back into women's clothes, and walked towards Wu'anhou's mansion with leisurely steps.

It was still early, and most of the shops on both sides of the street had not yet opened to welcome customers. Occasionally, I encountered a few hawkers who got up early and set up stalls by the roadside.

There is an elegantly decorated teahouse beside the road. Many people in the capital have the habit of drinking morning tea, so this teahouse opens early to welcome guests.

A window on the second floor was half-closed, and in the private room, Zuo Yao was wearing a purple robe, his chest was still half-open, revealing a piece of snow-white, sitting there lazily, sipping the tea in his cup.The bohemian feeling on his body was completely restrained, his manner was elegant, and his demeanor was no less than that of Prince Zuo Jue.

Suddenly, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and caught a flash of a familiar figure on the street outside the window, and he sat up straight.

When Su Rao fought Zuo Yao for the first time, he used the unassuming appearance of the original owner. Therefore, Zuo Yao recognized the passing person as her at a glance.

Zuo Yao put down the teacup in his hand, a gleam of interest flashed in his eyes, "Little beauty, I finally found you."

On the street, Su Rao didn't stop walking. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced towards a certain direction behind her, and quickly retracted her expression as usual.


Su Rao climbed over the wall and jumped into the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion with ease, walking towards the direction of the courtyard.

Before they reached the gate of the courtyard, they saw the gate wide open from a distance, and there was a lot of noise in the courtyard.

Su Rao frowned and quickened her pace.

In the dilapidated small courtyard, Fan Xiafang arrogantly directed the servants to throw out all the things in the room.

The vitriolic face was full of complacency, and the voice was shrill: "Throw out all the little bastard's things to Mrs. Ben! Burn them all!"

Beside her stood Su Yueshan, who was dressed in a white dress and looked like a fairy, but unfortunately, her delicate and lovely face carried the same arrogance and complacency as her mother's, which was really unlikable get up.

"What are you doing!"

Suddenly, a sinister voice came from behind the two of them.

Su Rao walked into the yard with a gloomy face, and at a glance, she saw that the yard was full of worn-out furniture thrown out of her room, as well as some clothes left by the original owner.

The icy eyes swept over everyone, and the servants who were throwing things out felt a chill rushing towards their faces, and their whole bodies trembled, and they all stopped their movements in unison.

"Who allowed you to stop!"

A sharp and piercing voice suddenly sounded, Fan Xiafang pointed at them and cursed angrily, "Keep throwing it to Mrs. Ben! Whoever dares to stop, I'll take his skin off!"

The servants of the Hou Mansion trembled in fright.

As servants, they could not be more aware of Fan Xiafang's vicious methods.

No matter how frightening Second Miss was, she was just a useless person who couldn't cultivate, and she didn't even have any elders behind her to back her up.In contrast, of course they chose to side with Fan Xiafang and the others.

Everyone thought this way, and continued to throw things out.

"Hey, isn't this our Second Young Lady? You still know how to come back." After scolding the servants, Fan Xiafang turned her head and looked at Su Rao with disdain.

On the side, Su Yueshan said in a strange way: "A girl who has not left the pavilion has not returned for nine days and nights. If I were you, I would have just found a pillar and smashed to death on it! Mother, you can't be merciful this time! If this matter is If outsiders know about it, they will laugh at our Hou Mansion! We must teach her a lesson today!"

 I'm going to start abusing scum again!Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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