Chapter 105
Fan Xiafang looked at Su Rao with a dark gaze, "Mother knows! She didn't learn well at such a young age, and ran out to hang out with wild men. She really is a little bastard who was born by a mother but not taught by her mother! Just like your foxy girl!" A ray of jealousy flashed across.

It is a fact that Su Rao disappeared for nine whole days and did not return all night!that's enough!As for why, it doesn't matter at all!

There was a vicious smile on the corner of Fan Xiafang's mouth, if Su Rao dared to quibble, she would find a way to make the fake become real!

Hang out with wild men?

Su Rao narrowed her phoenix eyes dangerously.

【I bother! 】

In the system space, Yaoyaoling almost exploded with anger.

【Host!This shameless mother and daughter want to put shit on your head again! 】

"I know." Su Rao replied coldly.

Although the overall ethos of Xuantian Continent is much more open than that of ancient China, it is still very conservative compared to modern society. If a girl who has not left the court is accused of such an unbearable crime, it will basically ruin her reputation and lead to death!
Her sharp gaze shot behind Fan Xiafang's mother and daughter, a timid figure, Cui Liu.

Su Rao sneered, she had already guessed that the person who put the poison under her pillow was Cui Liu, in the huge Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, besides the family of three, who else could not wait to put herself to death, so Cui Liu was instructed behind the scenes It is self-evident who the person is.

Come to think of it, Cui Liu had already reported to Fan Xiafang and the others that she had been away for so many days.

Su Rao quickly looked away, this kind of brat was not worth her time.

"Are you sure you want to charge Miss Ben with such a crime." Su Rao sneered, clasped her arms, and spoke in an unhurried tone.

She is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

reputation?What the hell is that?Can I eat it?

In the 21st century, because of her brutal behavior and many other reasons, her reputation has not been very good.Those who like her will call her "Her Majesty the mighty and domineering queen" in private, and those who don't like her... Well, she remembers that they secretly said that she is "a vicious, murderous demon".

Therefore, Su Rao really doesn't care about reputation at all.

Life is alive, as long as you live happily, what do others think...fuck her shit!
Of course, the premise is not to be heard by her.

Otherwise...she would be more than happy to tell them how the flowers turned red.

"Mother?" Su Yueshan looked at Fan Xiafang with some hesitation. After all, if Su Rao was charged with such a crime, her reputation would definitely be affected.

Fan Xiafang squeezed her hand, raised her chin, and said condescendingly: "Shanshan, the imperial decree to consort the princess has been issued, and the fact that you will be the future princess is a certainty. This small matter will not affect you much And, don't forget, your brother will be back soon."

When Su Yueshan heard the last sentence, she immediately straightened her back as if she had found her backbone, and her gaze towards Su Rao became extremely arrogant again.

"Su Rao, if you don't want to be kicked out of Marquis Wu'an's mansion, you'd better kneel down and beg me now! Kowtow three more times! Maybe this lady is in a good mood, so I will spare your life!"

Su Yueshan recalled the scene of being whipped last time, and looked at Su Rao with more ruthless eyes.However, when she thought of Su Rao's tragic situation after being kicked out of the Hou's mansion, there was a hint of joy in her sinister and vicious eyes.

 So here comes the question, does anyone know why the flowers are so red?

(End of this chapter)

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