Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 119 Practicing "Chaos Art"

Chapter 119 Practicing "Chaos Art"

When Su Rao heard the words "total points are zero", Su Rao's little heart couldn't help throbbing.

At this moment, a white light suddenly fell in front of Su Rao's eyes.

The light dissipated quickly, and a jade slip suddenly appeared, suspended in midair.

On the jade slip, there are three big characters of "Chaos Jue" engraved impressively.

Su Rao reached out to catch it, her brows raised slightly.

The exercises and sword techniques on Xuantian Continent are all recorded on the jade slips carved from this kind of spiritual jade. Those who learn the exercises only need to scan them with mental power, and the contents will be verbatim Printed into the mind, convenient and time-saving.

Su Rao placed the jade slip on her forehead, closed her eyes slowly, and penetrated into the jade slip with her spiritual power.

In just a few seconds, Su Rao opened her eyes, her phoenix pupils were thoughtful.

Immediately, she sat down cross-legged and entered the cultivation state.

"Chaos Art" only has the first level, but its content is very obscure and difficult to understand. Even Su Rao, who claims to be a genius with a high IQ, finds it difficult to understand.

She went through the exercise several times in her mind, and then tried to mobilize the spiritual power in her body, and began to operate the first stage of "Chaos Art".

Not far away, Yaoyaoling watched the host momentarily, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

In fact, in addition to "Chaos Jue", there are two god-level exercises suitable for the cultivation of the body of chaos in the system mall.But... the lord has ordered that the host must learn this "Chaos Art".

Yaoyaoling really couldn't understand that lord's thoughts. Although the "Chaos Jue" was the most powerful after it was completed, its speed of cultivation in the early stage was far lower than other god-level skills. Moreover, the "Chaos Jue" was also one of many skills. One of the most difficult skills to practice.

That adult, what exactly do you want to do?
On this side, Yaoyao Ling fell into contemplation, and on the other side, Su Rao's cultivation gradually entered the right track.

From the moment he started to operate the "Chaos Art", Su Rao felt the power of the legendary god-level exercises, and at the same time, he also found that "Chaos Art" is different from other exercises. speed.

Therefore, after practicing "Chaos Jue", her cultivation level did not "swish" as she thought before, but some hidden dangers left by Su Rao's rapid advancement were gradually repaired.

Su Rao was not disappointed because of this, but felt that this "Chaos Art" won her heart.

She knows that cultivation is like repairing a house. Only the stronger the foundation, the higher the house can be built.

What's more, after successfully practicing the "Chaos Art", the power can be called terrifying. Originally, because of her chaotic body, her spiritual power reserve was far superior to that of ordinary people. Now that she has practiced the "Chaos Art", her strength is incomparable.Su Rao believes that in the future, let alone one person single out two or three people of the same level, even ten people will not be a problem!
Two hours later, Su Rao withdrew from the cultivation state, slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"One thousand points, it's worth it." A faint smile floated on Su Rao's face, her eyes were satisfied.

She straightened up from the ground and looked at the Yaoyaoling not far away. For some reason, she seemed to feel the little ball of light trembling, with a guilty conscience.

The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and when she took a closer look, it seemed to be her illusion again.

An indifferent voice sounded: "Yao Yaoling."

【In the! 】

Well, it's not her illusion, this guy is definitely hiding something from her.

 good night!
(End of this chapter)

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