Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 120 Bitch!I'm going to kill you!

Chapter 120 Bitch!I'm going to kill you!

However, Yaoyaoling did not hide one or two things from her. She just raised her eyebrows and didn't ask any questions.Anyway, they are soul-bound, and when she dies, Yao Yaoling will also die with her.

Even if there was really something to hide from her, Yao Yaoling, a timid guy who was afraid of death, would not dare to make fun of his own life.

Leaving the system space, it was already late at night outside.

"Gululu~~~~" There was a voice of protest from my stomach.

Cui Liu was executed, and now there is no one to bring her food.

Su Rao lamented "the world is hot and cold", and took out a cage of steaming steamed buns and several plates of delicious dishes from the system space.

Last time, she basically didn't touch the ten signature dishes of Tianxianglou sent by Di Yan.It has been placed in the system space for so long, but it is the same as just out of the pot when it is taken out.

As expected of Tianxianglou, which is famous all over the capital, its craftsmanship is even better than that of the cooks in Houfu.

Su Rao ate with gusto, and decided to buy another few hundred signature dishes after a while.

Rich and willful.

After dinner, Su Rao fell on her new big bed and had a good sleep.

In the next few days, Su Rao was immersed in refining medicine and practicing.

It wasn't until all the materials for the [-] parts of the spirit pill were refined that he suddenly came back to his senses.

Counting the days, she actually didn't step out of the room for five whole days.

After five days, her practice of "Chaos Jue" has been on the right track, and her cultivation base has also stabilized at the peak of the Nine-Star Spirit Servant, and she is only one step away from being promoted to a spiritual master.

Su Rao has undergone marrow washing, her meridians have been expanded by more than three times, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is several times that of ordinary people. Therefore, even though the "Chaos Art" has slowed down her cultivation speed, Su Rao's cultivation speed is still far faster than ordinary people. If it weren't for the suppression of the "Chaos Art", I'm afraid she would have been promoted to a spiritual master by now.

Su Rao looked at the jade porcelain vase in front of her, which contained hundreds of spirit pills, which were the results of her refining medicine in the past few days.

She stroked her chin and thought, "I'm already very proficient in the refining process of Huiling Pill. It's time to learn how to refine new pills."

[Master host, do you want to open the pharmacist training system? 】

"Not in a hurry." Su Rao shook her head and stretched her waist, "I'm going to go out to brush my face and get some air. If I stay in the room for so many days, I don't eat or drink, and I don't want to go out to show my face I'm afraid those little bitches will become suspicious. Although Cui Liu was executed, it's hard to guarantee that those little bitches didn't secretly send eyeliners to watch me."

With that said, she left the system space.

After Su Rao freshened up, she ran to the kitchen of the Hou's mansion to brush up on her sense of presence, and took (robbed) Su Yueshan's freshly made breakfast by the way.

Although the food at Tianxianglou is delicious, you will still get tired of eating the same taste all the time.

Su Rao went back to her room and finished her breakfast happily.

For some reason, she always felt that today's breakfast was extra delicious, probably because it was snatched from someone else.


At this time, Su Yueshan, who was so hungry, was in the room angrily smashing things, beating and scolding the servants.

When Fan Xiafang got the news, she rushed over immediately.

As soon as he walked into the yard, he heard Su Yueshan's voice cursing Su Rao sharply.

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Su Rao, you bastard! I'm going to kill you! Ahhh—!"

Immediately after—


The crisp sound of porcelain falling to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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