Chapter 121 The Elder of Ziyun Sect

Fan Xiafang's complexion suddenly became ugly, and her eyes coldly glanced at the silent servant girls in the yard.

"Keep your mouth shut, if a word of what happened today is leaked, you should know what the consequences will be!"

Everyone trembled slightly, "Yes!"

After warning the servants, Fan Xiafang walked into the room quickly, and immediately frowned after seeing the situation in the room clearly.

The ground was full of broken porcelain, Su Yueshan smashed everything that could be smashed, and there were clear five finger marks on the faces of the two maidservants serving her.

"Shanshan! What are you doing?!" Fan Xiafang shouted.

Su Yueshan turned around, her face was full of grievances, "Mother! Look at that bitch! She, she..."

"Isn't it just breakfast? What's the big deal!" Fan Xiafang interrupted her, her eyes were full of hatred.

Su Yueshan became more and more wronged, "Mother, why are you..."


A loud slap interrupted Su Yueshan's next words.

This slap was so hard that Su Yueshan was stunned, her face was turned sideways, and she didn't react for a long time.

"Su Yueshan! How did my mother teach you!" Fan Xiafang pointed at her and scolded, with an angry look on her face, "Just a mere breakfast will make you lose your footing!
Do you know that you now bear the name of a future princess on your head, and now countless pairs of eyes are staring at the Marquis of Wu'an, eager to catch your fault!It's good for you, obediently pass the handle to others! "

Su Yueshan calmed down, covered her face and felt very wronged in her heart: "But, mother, that bastard is really too much! First she threatened us, but now she directly bullies me! If this continues, won't she ride to the end? Let's go up!"

Fan Xiafang's eyes flashed with a vicious and vicious light, she turned her head and cast a cold glance at Siqi and Sihua, the two servant girls, shook her sleeves, and shouted: "You two, step back!"

Siqi and Sihua covered their faces with tears in their eyes, and saluted: "Yes."

The two stepped back and closed the door.

"Mom!" Su Yueshan covered her hot face, her beautiful eyes widened.

"Shanshan, your brother has sent a message, and he will return home next month. Su Rao, that little bastard, let her be proud for a few days first." Fan Xiafang said quietly.

"But!" Su Yueshan bit her lower lip, "Su Rao must have done my wrist! What if she threatens me with this again? Mother, my daughter doesn't want to die."

Speaking of this, Su Yueshan's eyes filled with tears.

"What are you afraid of!" Fan Xiafang's voice turned cold, "There is something that Mother has never told you. This time, your brother is not the only one who went back to the Marquis Mansion with your brother. Your brother's master is very likely to Come to the Hou Mansion as a guest!"

"What?!" Su Yueshan raised her voice suddenly, her eyes widened in surprise, "Brother's master? Isn't that... the elder of Ziyun Sect?!"

"Shanshan!" Fan Xiafang glared at her lightly, then nodded her head, "Look at how impatient you are, that's why mother didn't tell you. Your brother also said it in his letter, but it's just possible. How can we guess the thoughts of His Excellency Ziyunzong Elder.

Shanshan, you should also control your mouth on this matter, and don't reveal a word outside!If Elder He didn't come in the end, wouldn't it be a joke for others to see the Hou Mansion. "

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(End of this chapter)

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