Chapter 122 Fuchun Pavilion

Su Yueshan covered her mouth, her eyes rolled, "Daughter understands."

Fan Xiafang nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Of course, your brother also said in the letter that this matter is likely to be true. Shanshan, with your brother's master, no matter what bitch Su Rao is with you What kind of hands and feet have been moved on the body, do you think there will be something that the elders of Ziyunzong can't solve?"

Hearing this, Su Yueshan didn't care about the pain on her face, and there was a smug expression on her face, "I understand, mother. Let that little bastard be arrogant for a few days first, hehe, when brother comes back, let's see what I do." Clean her up!"

Immediately, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Mother, didn't you say that brother is only an inner disciple now, why does Elder He value brother so much?"

Fan Xiafang frowned, "Mother doesn't know the exact reason. It must be that your brother is very talented, so he caught Elder He's eyes. Otherwise, how could he have brought your brother back to the sect without saying a word? disciple."

Speaking of this, Fan Xiafang's eyes glowed with pride. The greatest pride in her life is that she gave birth to a pair of up-and-coming children!The daughter is the future princess, and the son is a disciple valued by the sect!
A stunning figure flashed in her mind.

Fan Xiafang sneered, Hu Meizi, no matter how beautiful you are, your daughter is destined to be trampled under the feet of my sons and daughters!

After breakfast, Su Rao didn't rush into the system space to continue training and refining medicine. Instead, she changed into a man's attire and changed her appearance into a boy again, as if she was going out.

Su Rao leaped over the wall and jumped out of the Hou Mansion, walking towards Baicao Hall.

Jingcheng East Avenue is still full of people coming and going, very lively.

Just after turning a corner, when Su Rao passed a rouge shop, she saw people surrounded by people and noisy surroundings, as if something happened.

Su Rao didn't like to join in the fun, so she went straight away, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a few familiar figures, so she stopped involuntarily.

"Everyone, come and see, my maid used Fuchun Pavilion's rouge, and as a result, what her face looks like now!" Shen Lingling said with her hands on her hips, pointing to the face of a little maid beside her.

Everyone cast their gazes over, and saw that the little maid's face was covered with red dots, which looked scary.Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the little girl's eyes were flushed, and she raised her hand to cover her unrecognizable face.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding crowd immediately burst into flames, talking and pointing at Fuchun Pavilion.

In front of Fuchun Pavilion, Liu Qi blushed with anger, and retorted angrily: "This is absolutely impossible! I have sold rouge for so many years, and there has never been such a thing! Shen Lingling, don't talk nonsense here !"

"What a Fuchun Pavilion where the shop is bullying customers. This morning, my maid felt itchy on her face just after applying the rouge, and not long after that, her face turned into the ghostly look it is now! It's not your rouge. Question, what else can there be!" Shen Lingling retorted coldly.

Liu Qi was very angry.

The rouge sold by Fuchun Pavilion is all made by herself, and she knows very well that there will be no problems at all.

Shen Lingling was clearly trying to frame her!

"Hehe! Nonsense." Suddenly, a cold and sarcastic voice came from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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