Chapter 123 Rouge really has a problem?
Shen Lingling frowned and followed the sound, wanting to see who was so bold as to dare to confront her face to face!
But she saw a handsome young man in the crowd, and she recognized at a glance that it was the young man she met in the restaurant in Chixia Town.

Shen Lingling gritted her teeth. The experience of being kicked downstairs in the restaurant in Chixia Town can be described as a lifelong shame for her.And the boy in front of him is one of the culprits!

"It's you!" Suddenly, a voice full of joy came.

Liu Qi walked over quickly and walked up to the boy, "We meet again."

Su Rao raised her eyebrows, "Every time I see you, you seem to be in trouble."

When Liu Qi heard this, she shrugged her shoulders in embarrassment, pretending to be relaxed and said: "No way, it's a bad time, and villains are entangled."

"Who do you say is a villain?!" Shen Lingling asked angrily from behind.

Liu Qi turned around and replied coldly, "Whoever answers the call is the one who scolds!"

"You!" Shen Lingling was angry.

Behind him, Su Rao couldn't help raising her eyebrows, this Liu Qi had a bit of an appetite for her.

Shen Lingling quickly realized and raised her chin, "Liu Qi, you must give me an explanation for what happened today! Otherwise, I will send someone to demolish Fuchun Pavilion!"

Liu Qi frowned, if today's matter cannot be resolved perfectly, it will definitely affect Fuchun Pavilion's reputation.

"Explanation? It's ridiculous." Su Rao suddenly sneered coldly, and walked in front of the maid.

The little girl's eyes touched Su Rao's dark and cold pupils, and she couldn't help shrinking her neck, feeling a burst of cold air on her back.

These eyes are as indifferent as ice, and as lonely as a wasteland. Looking into it with one glance, it is as if you are in an endless desert.

Su Rao pinched the little girl's chin, leaned closer, and carefully looked at the red dots on her face.

"Hey! You rascal, what are you doing to my maid!" Shen Lingling suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart, and hurriedly reprimanded her.

Su Rao is currently dressed as a teenager, and her movements of pinching the little maid are somewhat ambiguous, she really looks like she is playing hooligans.

Su Rao quickly let go of her hand, turned to Liu Qi and said, "Go get another box of rouge."

Liu Qi was confused, but she still turned around and went to Fuchun Pavilion, took out a box of unopened rouge, and handed it to Su Rao.

Without saying a word, Su Rao directly opened the lid of the rouge box, dug out a small lump from inside, grabbed the little girl's hand involuntarily, and daubed it on the back of her hand.

"Hey! What are you doing to my maid?!" Seeing this, Shen Lingling's face changed slightly, and she immediately wanted to stop her.

Su Rao turned slightly to block her.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Guilty!"

Shen Lingling's face froze, she stiffened her neck, and said sternly: "Who is guilty! The one who should feel guilty is not me, but...Look!"

She changed the subject suddenly, pointed at the little girl's rouge-smeared hand and shouted: "Look! It's a red dot! There is indeed something wrong with the Fuchun Pavilion! Liu Qi, I see what else you can argue with! "

Liu Qi also saw the little red dots popping up on the back of the little girl's hand, she was stunned, her mind went blank.

How could it be...the rouge she made couldn't possibly be faulty!

The surrounding crowd immediately exploded.

"Oh my god! There is really something wrong with the things in Fuchun Pavilion!"

"What should I do? I just bought a box of lip balm in Fuchun Pavilion yesterday. Will I also have red spots all over my body like that little maid!"

(End of this chapter)

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