Chapter 124 Domineering Queen
"Fuchun Pavilion, return the goods!"

I don't know who yelled that first, but soon everyone's slogans became unified.

"Fuchun Pavilion, return the goods!"

"Fuchun Pavilion, return the goods!"


"It's so noisy!" Su Rao shot cold eyes at the crowd, "When did I say it was about Rouge!" A bunch of idiots!
There was a few seconds of silence around.

At this time, someone in the crowd asked loudly: "Boy, we all saw with our own eyes that after that little girl put on Fuchun Pavilion's rouge, red spots immediately appeared! Don't forget, you put the rouge on with your own hands." Yes! Could it be that you want to deny it because you have a good relationship with Liu Qi?!"

"Yes! We all saw it with our own eyes! Fuchun Pavilion must give us an explanation today!" The crowd immediately became commotion again.

Fuchun Pavilion is the most famous shop selling rouge and gouache in the capital. Many women present or women at home have bought things in Fuchun Pavilion.

Someone even proposed to send Liu Qi to the government.

Su Rao secretly rolled her eyes, she really is a "foolish people", she doesn't even think about what she says or does.

If it is really the problem of Fuchun Pavilion Rouge, then why is it that only the little maid responded, and the others didn't?
As long as you think about it for a while, you can easily understand that the problem is not Fuchun Pavilion's Rouge, but that little maid!
Seeing the crowd getting more and more angry, with those eyes that wished to tear Liu Qi apart, a triumphant smile flashed across the corner of Shen Lingling's mouth.

The angry crowd surrounded Liu Qi, approaching step by step, to see when she was about to lose control——


A silver whip swept across everyone's feet, and a clear imprint suddenly appeared on the ground.

Su Rao stood in front of Liu Qi with a whip, her expression was cold, "Stand back! Can't understand people's words, right?! Then I will repeat it again, there is no problem with Fuchun Pavilion's rouge!"

Looking at the slender figure in front of her, Liu Qi was slightly dazed.

Everyone was shocked at first, and then became even more angry.

However, before their attack sounded again, Su Rao glanced at everyone coldly.

Everyone suddenly felt a chill on the back of their necks, and a burst of cold air rushed from the soles of their feet to their backs, and a wave of cold air enveloped their entire body.

There was someone in the crowd who was not afraid of death, and a man asked bravely, "But, what we saw was that Fuchun Pavilion's rouge made that little girl turn red. But you said it wasn't the Fuchun Pavilion's rouge problem. How do we believe it? Anyway, I don't care, my daughter-in-law just bought something at Fuchun Pavilion the day before yesterday, and now someone has a problem, Fuchun Pavilion has to give us an explanation!"

After the man said that, he felt more and more that he was on the side of justice, how could he be cowardly!So he straightened his back and looked directly at Su Rao.

However, the trembling legs still betrayed him.

Su Rao sneered, "How to prove it? It's very simple, come here, I can prove it to you right now!"

She hooked her fingers towards the man.

The man's scalp was numb, and he always felt that there was no need to prove it, it was clearly the god of death waving to him!
But as a man, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, the man feels that he can't be cowarded by himself!
So, he lifted his foot and walked over, his legs were weak.

Su Rao sneered a few times, the man who laughed straight away felt his scalp explode, and wanted to run away.

She opened the rouge box again, reached out and dug out a large lump of rouge, and looked at the man provocatively: "A rough man, are you afraid of disfiguring your face?"

(End of this chapter)

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